Using multiple criteria to find a WebElement in Selenium - java

I am using Selenium to test a website, does this work if I find and element by more than one criteria? for example :

No it does not. You cannot concatenate/add selectors like that. This is not valid anyway. However, you can write the selectors such a way that will cover all the scenarios and use that with findElements()
By byXpath = By.xpath("//input[(#id='id_Start') and (#class = 'blabla')]")
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(byXpath);
This should return you a list of elements with input tags having class name blabla and having id id_Start

To combine By statements, use ByChained:
new ByChained(
However if the criteria refer to the same element, see #Saifur's answer.

CSS Selectors would be perfect in this scenario.
Your example would
There are lots of information if you search for CSS selectors. Also, when dealing with classes, CSS is easier than XPath because Xpath treats class as a literal string, where as CSS treats it as a space delimited collection

Based #George's repply, the same code for C# :
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
int allElements = _driver.FindElements(new ByChained(


How to remove special characters from a xpath using Selenium?

As you are able to see, I have used one dynamic xpath: //td[text()='Discharge Air']/following-sibling::td/span to go from zone1 until zone3, but when I am using gettext() to fetch only 100 but special character °F is also coming. Hence please suggest how to remove this special character °F, because I want only data 100 from this xpath? As you can see in the image, only 1 span is available, so I can't separate span also.
String s = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[text()='Discharge Air']/following-sibling::td/span")).getText();
s.replace("°F","");//replace the °F with empty string
Instead of String, can i use List because all these xpath are of same type,hence directly i can write and afterwards i can use for loop for getText().
List s=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//td[text()='Discharge Air']/following-sibling::td/span"));
Thanks in advance,
List disch_Air = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//td[text()='Discharge Air']/following-sibling::td/span"));
for(int i=0;i<disch_Air.size();i++) {
System.out.println(disch_Air.get(i).getText().replace("°F", ""));
This is what i want and its working fine thank you so much guys for ur help
Use this:
//first find the elements and save it as you did (with the xpath you posted)
String s = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[text()='Discharge Air']/following-sibling::td/span")).getText();
s.replace("°F","");//replace the °F with empty string
and if you see that there are still spaces on your string you can use this to remove them:

Xpath replacement / Selenium Java

I have managed to perform the click operation with the following :
chromeDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='button button-primary cookie-accept-all']")).click();
I did the investigation and found out that it is not recommended to use xpath and much better to refer to css.
How can i possible do the same i did above with #FindBy(className = )
In that case you can try something like this (not tested):
chromeDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".button .button-primary .cookie-accept-all']")).click();
But please check the documentation that is quite useful

findElement that is generated HTML during runtime

I'm trying to find an element that is generated from the PCA Predict API, found in this link here.
The code I have at the moment is as follows but it throws an timeout exception due to it not finding any elements. Yet the xpath is correct as I have checked it in developer tools.
By PCA ="inputPCAnywhere");
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//div[#class='pcaitem pcafirstitem']")));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='pcaitem pcafirstitem']")).click();
The element is visible on the page, and developer tools only returns one result that that xpath, there is no ID's to find it by.
It looks like that the first item is getting "selected" by default leading to it's class value being equal to the following:
<div class="pcaitem pcafirstitem pcaselected"...>...</div>
All other following results have only pcaitem class, but none have a pcaitem pcafirstitem class value.
In other words, your problem is the strict class match. I would improve the locator to have a partial match on the class attribute. For instance, with a CSS selector:

Selenium Webdriver - Using a stored string in a CSS locator

I am trying to write an automation step which clicks on a link, the locator which I need to use to target the link is matching to the end of the title attribute, the reason being there may be multiple links of the same type, some of which will be named the same, this section of the title I am looking at is the only bit within these links guaranteed to be unique (not my call, this is an existing system in place I am writing tests for). I have no issue finding the locator of the link using this method.
Note: some elements of the code have been amended due to data security restrictions of my employer.
#FindBy(css = "#id .Content form > a[title$='12345678']")
WebElement linkName;
However the reference number at the end of the title that I'm looking for may change, depending on other data inputs, and it will be used in multiple places thorughout my automation suite, so what I am trying to do is store that number as a String at the very start of the suite and have the locator, and any other areas which need it, reference it, which is where my trouble begins. I seem to be unable to get the locator to work referencing the string.. When I try this I keep getting errors, usually syntax errors.
#FindBy(css = "#id .Content form > a[title$='%s']", titleVariable)
WebElement linkName;
I have tried rearranging this multiple times but can't seem to get it into a working format. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I apologise if this seems unclear, As stated above due to the nature of my employers business I can't give too many specifics due to data security restrictions so have had to explain things in a more round about way than I could have.
first of all, u must have to use constant variable here. so use code like below:
final String titleVariable = "ur title";
#FindBy(css = "#id .Content form > a[title$='"+titleVariable+"']")
WebElement linkName;
If you have WebDriver object in this class you can do this:
String titleVariable = "Your Title";
String cssSelector = "#id .Content form > a[title$='" + titleVariable + "']";
WebElement linkName = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(cssSelector));

Jsoup url, get url by link name

I wanna get url by the link name.
so what i want is the first url as the link name is download.
My question is how to get url by link name.
I know a complete solution is to get all elements and use if(a.text().contains(download) ). But I guess there is a simple way.
Well, the best way would be to get all the < a>s, which contain hrefs, and get the hrefs attributes. Just like this:
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("whatever url").get();
Elements a ="a[href]");
String href;
for (Element elem : a) {
href = a.attr("href");
Now.. Which hrefs you wanna get is enterely up to you. But I think you'd have to use the
Oh, and maybe you could try using the getters from the doc variable.
.getElementsByAttributeValue("a[href]", "download");
Use a pseudo-selector. For example,
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements a ="a[href]:contains(download)");
Depending on what exactly you are trying to accomplish, you might want to use containsOwn to avoid searching within child elements, or use matches/matchesOwn if you want to use a regex to get elements that contain ONLY the text "download". That regex would be
See the Selector documentation.

