I have managed to perform the click operation with the following :
chromeDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='button button-primary cookie-accept-all']")).click();
I did the investigation and found out that it is not recommended to use xpath and much better to refer to css.
How can i possible do the same i did above with #FindBy(className = )
In that case you can try something like this (not tested):
chromeDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".button .button-primary .cookie-accept-all']")).click();
But please check the documentation that is quite useful https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors
I am using Adobe InDesign CS5 Server Java. For setting the desired preferences, I am using the following code:
Document myDocument = myApp.addDocument(OptArg.noDocumentPreset());
DocumentPreference docPrefs = myDocument.getDocumentPreferences();
I would like to know if it is somehow possible to find out the real document page count in java, without setting setPagesPerDocument? Thank you in advance for any help.
You can simply find out the number of pages like this:
var pageCount = myDocument.pages.length
$.writeln("The document has " + pageCount + " pages.");
Btw. the InDesign scripting is done in JavaScript (or more precisely in ExtendScript which is a JavaScript dialect) which is a very different language than Java.
Edit: Ok, answering your comment, I have no idea what InDesignServerAPI.jar is, but looking at your code it looks like the InDesign ExtendScript language is just sort of wrapped into Java code. So my guess would be, that you can get the page count like this:
int pageCount = myDocument.pages.length;
Just in case. Sorry, I don't know how it works in Java. But in Python on Windows it can be done this way:
from win32com.client import Dispatch
app = Dispatch('InDesign.Application.CS6')
doc = app.Open(r"d:\sample.indd")
pages = doc.pages;
pages_length = len(pages)
I am using Selenium to test a website, does this work if I find and element by more than one criteria? for example :
No it does not. You cannot concatenate/add selectors like that. This is not valid anyway. However, you can write the selectors such a way that will cover all the scenarios and use that with findElements()
By byXpath = By.xpath("//input[(#id='id_Start') and (#class = 'blabla')]")
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(byXpath);
This should return you a list of elements with input tags having class name blabla and having id id_Start
To combine By statements, use ByChained:
new ByChained(
However if the criteria refer to the same element, see #Saifur's answer.
CSS Selectors would be perfect in this scenario.
Your example would
There are lots of information if you search for CSS selectors. Also, when dealing with classes, CSS is easier than XPath because Xpath treats class as a literal string, where as CSS treats it as a space delimited collection
Based #George's repply, the same code for C# :
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
int allElements = _driver.FindElements(new ByChained(
guys! I need to create some sort of meta language which I could embed in XML and then parse with Java. For example:
[if value1>value2 then "Hello, Bob!" else "Hello, Jack"]
[if value1+2>value2 return true]
I need to implement conditional statements,arithmetics.
Any suggestions where should I start looking?
Java has a built-in JavaScript interpreter:
ScriptEngine jsEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript");
jsEngine.put("value1", 8);
jsEngine.put("value2", 9);
String script = "if(value1 + 2 > value2) {'Foo'} else {'Bar'}";
final Object result = jsEngine.eval(script);
System.out.println(result); //yields "Foo" String
Of course you are free to both load the script from anywhere you need and to provide it with any context (value and value2 in this example) you want.
See also Scripting for the Java Platform article.
A user here, Bart Kiers. Wrote a tutorial about creating a simple language in Java with ANTLR.
Java has a scripting API that you could use for this. Lookup the API documentation of the package javax.script.
You could include code in for example JavaScript in the code element, and execute that using the scripting API.
If you really want to develop your own language, start off with the interpreter pattern. If you just want to leverage somebody else's language in your Java code, look to integration ala JSP style embedded languages.
It is almost certain that a homemade language would suck, especially in the long run, so don't roll something on your own.
There are several jsp-like frameworks available, maybe one of those would do the trick:
JSTL/JSP EL (Expression Language) in a non JSP (standalone) context
We have a function strip_tags in PHP which would strip all the tags and also you can exempt certain tags from being stripped out..
My question is whether there is anything similar in Java??
You could try using the JSoup library. That API provides a clean method:
For examples, have a look over here: Sanitize untrusted HTML:
String unsafe =
"<p><a href='http://example.com/' onclick='stealCookies()'>Link</a></p>";
String safe = Jsoup.clean(unsafe, Whitelist.basic());
// now: <p>Link</p>
The OWASP Anit-Samy project does that (and a lot more) https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_AntiSamy_Project
For simpler validation use the ESAPI Validator http://owasp-esapi-java.googlecode.com/svn/trunk_doc/latest/org/owasp/esapi/Validator.html
Use can try JSoup. It's open source and available for download.
I'll point out now, that I'm new to using saxon, and I've tried following the docs and examples in the package, but I'm just not having luck with this problem.
Basically, I'm trying to do some xml processing in java using saxon v8. In order to get something working, I took one of the sample files included in the package and modified to my needs. It works so long as I'm not using namespaces, and that is my question. How can I get around the namespace problem? I don't really care to use it, but it exists in my xml, so I either have to use it or ignore it. Either solution is fine.
Anyway, here is my starter code. It doesn't do anything but take an xpath query try to use it against the hard coded xml doc.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String query = args[0];
File XMLStream=null;
String xmlFileName="doc.xml";
OutputStream destStream=System.out;
XQueryExpression exp=null;
Configuration C=new Configuration();
StaticQueryContext SQC=new StaticQueryContext(C);
DynamicQueryContext DQC=new DynamicQueryContext(C);
QueryProcessor processor = new QueryProcessor(SQC);
Properties props=new Properties();
XMLStream=new File(xmlFileName);
InputSource XMLSource=new InputSource(XMLStream.toURI().toString());
SAXSource SAXs=new SAXSource(XMLSource);
DocumentInfo DI=SQC.buildDocument(SAXs);
SequenceIterator iter = exp.iterator(DQC);
Item i = iter.next();
if(i != null){
else break;
catch (Exception e){
An example XML file is here...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ns1:animal xmlns:ns1="http://my.catservice.org/">
If I run this with a query including the namespace, I get an error. For example:
/ns1:animal/cat/ gives the error: "Prefix ns1 has not been declared".
If I remove the ns1: from the query, it gives me nothing. If I doctor the xml to remove the "ns1:" prepended to "animal" I can run the query /animal/cat/ with success.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Error message correctly points out that your xpath expression does not indicate what namespace prefix "ns1" means (binds to). Just because document to operate on happens to use binding for "ns1" does not mean it is what should be used: this because in XML, it's the namespace URI that matters, and prefixes are just convenient shortcuts to the real thing.
So: how do you define the binding? There are 2 generic ways; either provide a context that can resolve the prefix, or embed actual URI within XPath expression.
Regarding the first approach, this email from Saxon author mentions JAXP method XPath.setNamespaceContext(), similarly, Jaxen XPath processor FAQ has some sample code that could help
That's not very convenient, as you have to implement NamespaceContext, but once you have an implementation you'll be set.
So the notation approach... let's see: Top Ten Tips to Using XPath and XPointer shows this example:
to match element declared with namespace like:
you use XPath name like:
which hopefully is understood by Saxon (or Jaxen).
Finally, I would recommend upgrading to Saxon9 if possible, if you have any trouble using one of above solutions.
If you want to have something working out of the box, you can check out embedding-xquery-in-java. There's github project, which uses Saxon to evaluate some sample XQuery expressions.