I'm trying to write a String to my webpage using Java in Android Studio by reusing some piece of codes of one Java Eclipse project which works well on my PC.
However, the String just cannot be written to the web page using my Android phone.
public void upload(String FTPaddress, String message){
try {
URL url = new URL(FTPaddress); // my server address
URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection();
OutputStream os = (OutputStream) urlc.getOutputStream(); // To upload
OutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// print in log
} catch (IOException e) {
// print in log
Please note that the function is executed, the mobile phone is connected to the internet, thus I am running it on another thread using asyncTask, and there is no exceptions
So can anyone tell me why it worked on my laptop but not for my mobile phone?
I'm trying to send a simple string between Android device and a C# application
on android as client
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
Socket socket = new Socket("",80);
DataOutputStream DOS = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
on the PC as a server using C#
byte[] byteReadStream = null;
IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
TcpListener tcpl = new TcpListener(ipe);
while (true)
TcpClient tcpc = tcpl.AcceptTcpClient();
byteReadStream = new byte[tcpc.Available];
tcpc.GetStream().Read(byteReadStream, 0, tcpc.Available);
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.Default.GetString(byteReadStream) + "\n");
I have tried using specific IP and port it did not work
Bluetooth did not work
I have tried several posted codes on this site, all did not work. So maybe there this something that I am missing.
Please advice me on how to fix the code or a better way to send a string between android and windows app in any instant way.
After looking around some other posts.The problem was that as long as the USB is connected to the device that I'am using for debugging, it always gives host unreachable, remove the USB and then the code works.
I'am not sure if this was the same problem with Bluetooth.
I am given a shortened url and I want to get the expanded form. The below java function is used to achieve this.
public String expand(String shortenedUrl){
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL(shortenedUrl);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// open connection
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = null;
try {
httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
} catch (IOException e) {
// stop following browser redirect
// extract location header containing the actual destination URL
String expandedURL = httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Location");
return expandedURL;
The code works fine in Eclipse but the same doesn't work in android.
String expandedURL = httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Location");
The above line throws java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo. And the error is pointed to the above line. If I remove the above line no error is encountered. Even I am not able to use getResponseCode() function.
int status = 0;
try {
status = httpURLConnection.getResponseCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
This piece of code also has the same problem. works in eclipse but not in android.
Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: The code using above function is,
ExpandUrl expandUrl = new ExpandUrl();
String expandedUrl = expandUrl.expand(shortenedUrl);
Note: The function expand is defined inside the class ExpandUrl.
Well, the code works in Eclipse but not in android. The reason is that you are doing it in Main thread and blocking it. Android wouldn't allow you to do so and throw runtime error.
I have tried to implement your code using AsyncTask in android. It works fine.
Give it a try.
To know more about AsyncTask follow: Android Documentation on AsyncTask
Good Luck!
I'm developing an app to exchange data between an Android phone and a pc. I've chosen xml-rpc as a way to communicate, and as a library i downloaded android-xmlrpc (https://code.google.com/p/android-xmlrpc/).
When I call remote procedures from my phone, I use the XMLRPCClient and it works almost fine.
But then I have to synchronize data from my server to the application, so I need to listen on a given port and wait for a xmlrpc request.
I tried the following code:
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(8888);
XMLRPCServer server = new XMLRPCServer();
while (true) {
Socket client = socket.accept();
MethodCall call = server.readMethodCall(client);
String name = call.getMethodName();
} catch (Exception e) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Server: Error", e); }
return null;
But it seems it never receives any procedure call. I mean, to debug it I'm trying to use my XMLRPCClient as follow:
XMLRPCClient client = new XMLRPCClient("");
Object o = client.call("add",1,3);
Log.v(LOG_TAG, o.toString());
And I always get no response. It's stuck on readMethodCall and never reads that the method I requested is "add"... It's strange it gets stuck there. Can't figure the reason why it is stucked here. Do you have any idea ?
I have a working Java client/server program which is very straightforward and basic. This works fine. However, I am now trying to write an Android client, and I have been unable to connect to the server from my android client. I am using almost identical code for the android networking code as I use for the normal client. My android code is simple, all it does is starts this thread from onCreate:
private int serverPort = 8889;
private String serverIP = "";
private Socket socket = null;
private Thread clientThread = new Thread("ClientThread") {
public void run() {
try {
socket = new Socket();
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(serverIP, serverPort), 1000);
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream( socket.getInputStream());
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
while (true) {
String message = din.readUTF();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
The port is the correct port my server is running on, as is the ip address (which I got from ifconfig since I know you cannot use localhost). When I run my normal pc client with the same port and IP address, the connection goes through. But when I run this code on my android device, the socket timesout when I try to connect.
Does anyone have any suggestions for where I am going wrong?
Double check that you added the permission requirement in the manifest file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
But, possibly more importantly, 192.168.x.x is a local or non-routable network so you need to be on the same network, or one that knows how to reach the address. You say that it doesn't work when you try it on your device -- are you running on local wifi when you run or are you on your mobile network? If you're on mobile, try it from wifi.
I am using following code to load public shared images from google drive to android app, but sometimes I got:
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Read error: ssl=0x1d9ed0: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer
Why google drive is closing connection before I download image? This is happening randomly, but quite often. Does someone collide with such problem?
public static InputStream getStream(String url)
InputStream is = null;
is = new URL(url).openConnection().getInputStream();
} catch (MalformedURLException e)
} catch (IOException e)
return is;
For bitmap loading I use simple code:
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream, null, null);
It could be that you are affected by the following: The URL that you get from the file's metadata is short lived. If you are saving that URL to use later it won't work because it could be that the URL gets invalidated.
To do this you have to fetch the image metadata every time to get the new downloadURL.
We are working on providing non expirable URLs in the future.