A web service returns a huge XML and I need to access deeply nested fields of it. For example:
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt()
The problem is that getFoo(), getBar(), getBaz() may all return null.
However, if I check for null in all cases, the code becomes very verbose and hard to read. Moreover, I may miss the checks for some of the fields.
if (wsObject.getFoo() == null) return -1;
if (wsObject.getFoo().getBar() == null) return -1;
// maybe also do something with wsObject.getFoo().getBar()
if (wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() == null) return -1;
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
Is it acceptable to write
try {
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
return -1;
or would that be considered an antipattern?
Catching NullPointerException is a really problematic thing to do since they can happen almost anywhere. It's very easy to get one from a bug, catch it by accident and continue as if everything is normal, thus hiding a real problem. It's so tricky to deal with so it's best to avoid altogether. (For example, think about auto-unboxing of a null Integer.)
I suggest that you use the Optional class instead. This is often the best approach when you want to work with values that are either present or absent.
Using that you could write your code like this:
public Optional<Integer> m(Ws wsObject) {
return Optional.ofNullable(wsObject.getFoo()) // Here you get Optional.empty() if the Foo is null
.map(f -> f.getBar()) // Here you transform the optional or get empty if the Bar is null
.map(b -> b.getBaz())
.map(b -> b.getInt());
// Add this if you want to return null instead of an empty optional if any is null
// .orElse(null);
// Or this if you want to throw an exception instead
// .orElseThrow(SomeApplicationException::new);
Why optional?
Using Optionals instead of null for values that might be absent makes that fact very visible and clear to readers, and the type system will make sure you don't accidentally forget about it.
You also get access to methods for working with such values more conveniently, like map and orElse.
Is absence valid or error?
But also think about if it is a valid result for the intermediate methods to return null or if that is a sign of an error. If it is always an error then it's probably better throw an exception than to return a special value, or for the intermediate methods themselves to throw an exception.
Maybe more optionals?
If on the other hand absent values from the intermediate methods are valid, maybe you can switch to Optionals for them also?
Then you could use them like this:
public Optional<Integer> mo(Ws wsObject) {
return wsObject.getFoo()
.flatMap(f -> f.getBar())
.flatMap(b -> b.getBaz())
.flatMap(b -> b.getInt());
Why not optional?
The only reason I can think of for not using Optional is if this is in a really performance critical part of the code, and if garbage collection overhead turns out to be a problem. This is because a few Optional objects are allocated each time the code is executed, and the VM might not be able to optimize those away. In that case your original if-tests might be better.
I suggest considering Objects.requireNonNull(T obj, String message). You might build chains with a detailed message for each exception, like
wsObject, "wsObject is null")
.getFoo(), "getFoo() is null")
.getBar(), "getBar() is null");
I would suggest you not to use special return-values, like -1. That's not a Java style. Java has designed the mechanism of exceptions to avoid this old-fashioned way which came from the C language.
Throwing NullPointerException is not the best option too. You could provide your own exception (making it checked to guarantee that it will be handled by a user or unchecked to process it in an easier way) or use a specific exception from XML parser you are using.
Assuming the class structure is indeed out of our control, as seems to be the case, I think catching the NPE as suggested in the question is indeed a reasonable solution, unless performance is a major concern. One small improvement might be to wrap the throw/catch logic to avoid clutter:
static <T> T get(Supplier<T> supplier, T defaultValue) {
try {
return supplier.get();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return defaultValue;
Now you can simply do:
return get(() -> wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt(), -1);
As already pointed out by Tom in the comment,
Following statement disobeys the Law of Demeter,
What you want is int and you can get it from Foo. Law of Demeter says, never talk to the strangers. For your case you can hide the actual implementation under the hood of Foo and Bar.
Now, you can create method in Foo to fetch int from Baz. Ultimately, Foo will have Bar and in Bar we can access Int without exposing Baz directly to Foo. So, null checks are probably divided to different classes and only required attributes will be shared among the classes.
My answer goes almost in the same line as #janki, but I would like to modify the code snippet slightly as below:
if (wsObject.getFoo() != null && wsObject.getFoo().getBar() != null && wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() != null)
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
return something or throw exception;
You can add a null check for wsObject as well, if there's any chance of that object being null.
You say that some methods "may return null" but do not say in what circumstances they return null. You say you catch the NullPointerException but you do not say why you catch it. This lack of information suggests you do not have a clear understanding of what exceptions are for and why they are superior to the alternative.
Consider a class method that is meant to perform an action, but the method can not guarantee it will perform the action, because of circumstances beyond its control (which is in fact the case for all methods in Java). We call that method and it returns. The code that calls that method needs to know whether it was successful. How can it know? How can it be structured to cope with the two possibilities, of success or failure?
Using exceptions, we can write methods that have success as a post condition. If the method returns, it was successful. If it throws an exception, it had failed. This is a big win for clarity. We can write code that clearly processes the normal, success case, and move all the error handling code into catch clauses. It often transpires that the details of how or why a method was unsuccessful are not important to the caller, so the same catch clause can be used for handling several types of failure. And it often happens that a method does not need to catch exceptions at all, but can just allow them to propagate to its caller. Exceptions due to program bugs are in that latter class; few methods can react appropriately when there is a bug.
So, those methods that return null.
Does a null value indicate a bug in your code? If it does, you should not be catching the exception at all. And your code should not be trying to second guess itself. Just write what is clear and concise on the assumption that it will work. Is a chain of method calls clear and concise? Then just use them.
Does a null value indicate invalid input to your program? If it does, a NullPointerException is not an appropriate exception to throw, because conventionally it is reserved for indicating bugs. You probably want to throw a custom exception derived from IllegalArgumentException (if you want an unchecked exception) or IOException (if you want a checked exception). Is your program required to provide detailed syntax error messages when there is invalid input? If so, checking each method for a null return value then throwing an appropriate diagnostic exception is the only thing you can do. If your program need not provide detailed diagnostics, chaining the method calls together, catching any NullPointerException and then throwing your custom exception is clearest and most concise.
One of the answers claims that the chained method calls violate the Law of Demeter and thus are bad. That claim is mistaken.
When it comes to program design, there are not really any absolute rules about what is good and what is bad. There are only heuristics: rules that are right much (even almost all) of the time. Part of the skill of programming is knowing when it is OK to break those kinds of rules. So a terse assertion that "this is against rule X" is not really an answer at all. Is this one of the situations where the rule should be broken?
The Law of Demeter is really a rule about API or class interface design. When designing classes, it is useful to have a hierarchy of abstractions. You have low level classes that uses the language primitives to directly perform operations and represent objects in an abstraction that is higher level than the language primitives. You have medium level classes that delegate to the low level classes, and implement operations and representations at a higher level than the low level classes. You have high level classes that delegate to the medium level classes, and implement still higher level operations and abstractions. (I've talked about just three levels of abstraction here, but more are possible). This allows your code to express itself in terms of appropriate abstractions at each level, thereby hiding complexity. The rationale for the Law of Demeter is that if you have a chain of method calls, that suggests you have a high level class reaching in through a medium level class to deal directly with low level details, and therefore that your medium level class has not provided a medium-level abstract operation that the high level class needs. But it seems that is not the situation you have here: you did not design the classes in the chain of method calls, they are the result of some auto-generated XML serialization code (right?), and the chain of calls is not descending through an abstraction hierarchy because the des-serialized XML is all at the same level of the abstraction hierarchy (right?)?
As others have said, respecting the Law of Demeter is definitely part of the solution. Another part, wherever possible, is to change those chained methods so they cannot return null. You can avoid returning null by instead returning an empty String, an empty Collection, or some other dummy object that means or does whatever the caller would do with null.
To improve readability, you may want to use multiple variables, like
Foo theFoo;
Bar theBar;
Baz theBaz;
theFoo = wsObject.getFoo();
if ( theFoo == null ) {
// Exit.
theBar = theFoo.getBar();
if ( theBar == null ) {
// Exit.
theBaz = theBar.getBaz();
if ( theBaz == null ) {
// Exit.
return theBaz.getInt();
Don't catch NullPointerException. You don't know where it is coming from (I know it is not probable in your case but maybe something else threw it) and it is slow.
You want to access the specified field and for this every other field has to be not null. This is a perfect valid reason to check every field. I would probably check it in one if and then create a method for readability. As others pointed out already returning -1 is very oldschool but I don't know if you have a reason for it or not (e.g. talking to another system).
public int callService() {
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
return -1;
public boolean isValid(WsObject wsObject) {
if(wsObject.getFoo() != null &&
wsObject.getFoo().getBar() != null &&
wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() != null) {
return true;
return false;
Edit: It is debatable if it's disobeyes the Law Of Demeter since the WsObject is probably only a data structure (check
If you don't want to refactor the code and you can use Java 8, it is possible to use Method references.
A simple demo first (excuse the static inner classes)
public class JavaApplication14
static class Baz
private final int _int;
public Baz(int value){ _int = value; }
public int getInt(){ return _int; }
static class Bar
private final Baz _baz;
public Bar(Baz baz){ _baz = baz; }
public Baz getBar(){ return _baz; }
static class Foo
private final Bar _bar;
public Foo(Bar bar){ _bar = bar; }
public Bar getBar(){ return _bar; }
static class WSObject
private final Foo _foo;
public WSObject(Foo foo){ _foo = foo; }
public Foo getFoo(){ return _foo; }
interface Getter<T, R>
R get(T value);
static class GetterResult<R>
public R result;
public int lastIndex;
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args)
WSObject wsObject = new WSObject(new Foo(new Bar(new Baz(241))));
WSObject wsObjectNull = new WSObject(new Foo(null));
GetterResult<Integer> intResult
= getterChain(wsObject, WSObject::getFoo, Foo::getBar, Bar::getBar, Baz::getInt);
GetterResult<Integer> intResult2
= getterChain(wsObjectNull, WSObject::getFoo, Foo::getBar, Bar::getBar, Baz::getInt);
// TODO code application logic here
public static <R, V1, V2, V3, V4> GetterResult<R>
getterChain(V1 value, Getter<V1, V2> g1, Getter<V2, V3> g2, Getter<V3, V4> g3, Getter<V4, R> g4)
GetterResult result = new GetterResult<>();
Object tmp = value;
if (tmp == null)
return result;
tmp = g1.get((V1)tmp);
if (tmp == null)
return result;
tmp = g2.get((V2)tmp);
if (tmp == null)
return result;
tmp = g3.get((V3)tmp);
if (tmp == null)
return result;
tmp = g4.get((V4)tmp);
result.result = (R)tmp;
return result;
The interface Getter is just a functional interface, you may use any equivalent.
GetterResult class, accessors stripped out for clarity, hold the result of the getter chain, if any, or the index of the last getter called.
The method getterChain is a simple, boilerplate piece of code, that can be generated automatically (or manually when needed).
I structured the code so that the repeating block is self evident.
This is not a perfect solution as you still need to define one overload of getterChain per number of getters.
I would refactor the code instead, but if can't and you find your self using long getter chains often you may consider building a class with the overloads that take from 2 to, say, 10, getters.
I'd like to add an answer which focus on the meaning of the error. Null exception in itself doesn't provide any meaning full error. So I'd advise to avoid dealing with them directly.
There is a thousands cases where your code can go wrong: cannot connect to database, IO Exception, Network error... If you deal with them one by one (like the null check here), it would be too much of a hassle.
In the code:
Even when you know which field is null, you have no idea about what goes wrong. Maybe Bar is null, but is it expected? Or is it a data error? Think about people who read your code
Like in xenteros's answer, I'd propose using custom unchecked exception. For example, in this situation: Foo can be null (valid data), but Bar and Baz should never be null (invalid data)
The code can be re-written:
void myFunction()
if (wsObject.getFoo() == null)
throw new FooNotExistException();
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
catch (Exception ex)
log.error(ex.Message, ex); // Write log to track whatever exception happening
throw new OperationFailedException("The requested operation failed")
void Main()
// Show error: "Your foo does not exist, please check"
// Show error: "Operation failed, please contact our support"
NullPointerException is a run-time exception, so generally speaking is not recommended to catch it, but to avoid it.
You will have to catch the exception wherever you want to call the method (or it will propagate up the stack). Nevertheless, if in your case you can keep working with that result with value -1 and you are sure that it won't propagate because you are not using any of the "pieces" that may be null, then it seems right to me to catch it
I agree with the later answer from #xenteros, it wil be better to launch your own exception instead returning -1 you can call it InvalidXMLException for instance.
Have been following this post since yesterday.
I have been commenting/voting the comments which says, catching NPE is bad. Here is why I have been doing that.
package com.todelete;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Address address = new Address();
Person person = new Person();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println((endTime - startTime) / 1000F);
long startTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
if (person != null) {
Address address1 = person.getAddress();
if (address1 != null) {
SomeCrap someCrap2 = address1.getSomeCrap();
if (someCrap2 != null) {
long endTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println((endTime1 - startTime1) / 1000F);
public class Person {
private Address address;
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;
package com.todelete;
public class Address {
private SomeCrap someCrap;
public SomeCrap getSomeCrap() {
return someCrap;
public void setSomeCrap(SomeCrap someCrap) {
this.someCrap = someCrap;
package com.todelete;
public class SomeCrap {
private String crap;
public String getCrap() {
return crap;
public void setCrap(String crap) {
this.crap = crap;
I see a clear winner here. Having if checks is way too less expensive than catch an exception. I have seen that Java-8 way of doing. Considering that 70% of the current applications still run on Java-7 I am adding this answer.
Bottom Line For any mission critical applications, handling NPE is costly.
If efficiency is an issue then the 'catch' option should be considered.
If 'catch' cannot be used because it would propagate (as mentioned by 'SCouto') then use local variables to avoid multiple calls to methods getFoo(), getBar() and getBaz().
It's worth considering to create your own Exception. Let's call it MyOperationFailedException. You can throw it instead returning a value. The result will be the same - you'll quit the function, but you won't return hard-coded value -1 which is Java anti-pattern. In Java we use Exceptions.
try {
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
throw new MyOperationFailedException();
According to the discussion in comments let me add something to my previous thoughts. In this code there are two possibilities. One is that you accept null and the other one is, that it is an error.
If it's an error and it occurs, You can debug your code using other structures for debugging purposes when breakpoints aren't enough.
If it's acceptable, you don't care about where this null appeared. If you do, you definitely shouldn't chain those requests.
The method you have is lengthy, but very readable. If I were a new developer coming to your code base I could see what you were doing fairly quickly. Most of the other answers (including catching the exception) don't seem to be making things more readable and some are making it less readable in my opinion.
Given that you likely don't have control over the generated source and assuming you truly just need to access a few deeply nested fields here and there then I would recommend wrapping each deeply nested access with a method.
private int getFooBarBazInt() {
if (wsObject.getFoo() == null) return -1;
if (wsObject.getFoo().getBar() == null) return -1;
if (wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() == null) return -1;
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
If you find yourself writing a lot of these methods or if you find yourself tempted to make these public static methods then I would create a separate object model, nested how you would like, with only the fields you care about, and convert from the web services object model to your object model.
When you are communicating with a remote web service it is very typical to have a "remote domain" and an "application domain" and switch between the two. The remote domain is often limited by the web protocol (for example, you can't send helper methods back and forth in a pure RESTful service and deeply nested object models are common to avoid multiple API calls) and so not ideal for direct use in your client.
For example:
public static class MyFoo {
private int barBazInt;
public MyFoo(Foo foo) {
this.barBazInt = parseBarBazInt();
public int getBarBazInt() {
return barBazInt;
private int parseFooBarBazInt(Foo foo) {
if (foo() == null) return -1;
if (foo().getBar() == null) return -1;
if (foo().getBar().getBaz() == null) return -1;
return foo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
return wsObject.getFooBarBazInt();
by applying the the Law of Demeter,
class WsObject
FooObject foo;
Integer getFooBarBazInt()
if(foo != null) return foo.getBarBazInt();
else return null;
class FooObject
BarObject bar;
Integer getBarBazInt()
if(bar != null) return bar.getBazInt();
else return null;
class BarObject
BazObject baz;
Integer getBazInt()
if(baz != null) return baz.getInt();
else return null;
class BazObject
Integer myInt;
Integer getInt()
return myInt;
Giving answer which seems different from all others.
I recommend you to check for NULL in ifs.
Reason :
We should not leave a single chance for our program to be crashed.
NullPointer is generated by system. The behaviour of System
generated exceptions can not be predicted. You should not leave your
program in the hands of System when you already have a way of handling
it by your own. And put the Exception handling mechanism for the extra safety.!!
For making your code easy to read try this for checking the conditions :
if (wsObject.getFoo() == null || wsObject.getFoo().getBar() == null || wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() == null)
return -1;
return wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz().getInt();
Here you need to store these values wsObject.getFoo(),
wsObject.getFoo().getBar(), wsObject.getFoo().getBar().getBaz() in
some variables. I am not doing it because i don't know the return
types of that functions.
Any suggestions will be appreciated..!!
I wrote a class called Snag which lets you define a path to navigate through a tree of objects. Here is an example of its use:
Snag<Car, String> ENGINE_NAME = Snag.createForAndReturn(Car.class, String.class).toGet("").andReturnNullIfMissing();
Meaning that the instance ENGINE_NAME would effectively call Car?.getEngine()?.getName() on the instance passed to it, and return null if any reference returned null:
final String name = ENGINE_NAME.get(firstCar);
It's not published on Maven but if anyone finds this useful it's here (with no warranty of course!)
It's a bit basic but it seems to do the job. Obviously it's more obsolete with more recent versions of Java and other JVM languages that support safe navigation or Optional.
Is there any solution i can break a running method which is supposed to return an int[] or whatever but !without! any return value.
I thought that might work with some exception but i didn't find a propper way. To be more specific i want something which tries to find out if a certain field of an object was set and if yes return it and if no returns a message which tells me that the input wasn't made so far.
something like this:
public int[] returnArray(){
if(array_was_set==true) return the array;
else show message that it wasnt set and quit the method without any return value;
One way of doing that, return null and make the caller decide , if the caller gets a nun-null (or maybe a non-empty) array it will process it in some way and if the caller get an empty or null array it could print a message.
I would recommend against using exceptions as a substitute for return values see this question to know more about when to throw an exception.
There are three options to choose from, depending on your scenario:
Use return value of null (and document it)
Throw an exception with a detailed message. I would use this version only for exceptional cases such as illegal API usage or a logical error situation(bug).
Return a wrapper class, containing both a return value and some other message, when relevant
Edit: Another 2 options:
Use polymorphism - Return type can be Result, and concrete subclasses can be NoResult and DataResult.
Instead of returning null, return a constant value defined as:
static final NO_RESULT = new int[0];
Later you can check the returned value against it (using == condition).
You should be able to do it by raising an exception. Just use the message in the exception's constructor.
However, exceptions are relatively expensive and if this isn't really an error condition you should consider doing something else, such as returning null to indicate there is nothing to return.
Yes better way is use Exception
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new Result().returnArray(false) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
public int[] returnArray(boolean input) throws Exception {
if(input) {
return new int[]{1};
else {
System.out.println("Not match");
throw new Exception();
When you declare in the method signature that it is returning a data type then it must have a return statement which returns that specific type value. Otherwise you will get compile-time error.
The only exception when a method can avoid return statement even though it has return type is when there is an infinite loop or an exception is thrown. Otherwise return statement is compulsory.
Coming to your question, you can easily achieve what you are doing. If you want to terminate at a particular point as per your requirement just say,
return null;
It will work for all the data types except for primitive types in which case you need to do type casting to Wrapper class types appropriately.
public int[] returnArr() {
if(some condition)
return SomeIntArray;
return null;
public int returnInt() {
if(some condition)
return 2;
return (Integer)null;
What are the best practices if you have a class which accepts some parameters but none of them are allowed to be null?
The following is obvious but the exception is a little unspecific:
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(Object one, Object two)
if (one == null || two == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters can't be null");
Here the exceptions let you know which parameter is null, but the constructor is now pretty ugly:
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(Object one, Object two)
if (one == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("one can't be null");
if (two == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("two can't be null");
Here the constructor is neater, but now the constructor code isn't really in the constructor:
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(Object one, Object two)
public void setOne(Object one)
if (one == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("one can't be null");
public void setTwo(Object two)
if (two == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("two can't be null");
Which of these styles is best?
Or is there an alternative which is more widely accepted?
The second or the third.
Because it tells the user of your API what exactly went wrong.
For less verbosity use Validate.notNull(obj, message) from commons-lang. Thus your constructor will look like:
public SomeClass(Object one, Object two) {
Validate.notNull(one, "one can't be null");
Validate.notNull(two, "two can't be null");
Placing the check in the setter is also acceptable, with the same verbosity comment. If your setters also have the role of preserving object consistency, you can choose the third as well.
Java 7 added java.util.Objects.requireNonNull() to the APIs everybody can use. So checking all arguments for null boils down to a short list like:
this.arg1 = Objects.requireNonNull(arg1, "arg1 must not be null");
this.arg2 = Objects.requireNonNull(arg2, "arg2 must not be null");
Side notes:
make sure to not reverse the two arguments - the second one is the message that will be used for the NPE which is thrown if the first argument is null (if you reverse them, well, then your check will never fail)
another best practice: if possible, make all your class members final (so you can be sure: when some object has been created successfully, all its members are not null; and they won't change over time)
You can use one of the many libraries designed to facilitate precondition checks. Many code in Google Guava uses
Simple static methods to be called at the start of your own methods to verify correct arguments and state. This allows constructs such as
if (count <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be positive: " + count);
to be replaced with the more compact
checkArgument(count > 0, "must be positive: %s", count);
It has checkNotNull that is used extensively within Guava. You can then write:
import static;
public SomeClass(Object one, Object two) { = checkNotNull(one);
this.two = checkNotNull(two, "two can't be null!");
Most methods are overloaded to either take no error message, a fixed error message, or a templatized error message with varargs.
On IllegalArgumentException vs NullPointerException
While your original code throws IllegalArgumentException on null arguments, Guava's Preconditions.checkNotNull throws NullPointerException instead.
Here's a quote from Effective Java 2nd Edition: Item 60: Favor the use of standard exceptions:
Arguably, all erroneous method invocations boil down to an illegal argument or an illegal state, but other exceptions are standardly used for certain kinds of illegal argument and states. If a caller passes null in some parameter for which null values are prohibited, convention dictates NullPointerException be thrown rather than IllegalArgumentException.
A NullPointerException isn't reserved for just when you access members of a null reference; it's pretty standard to throw them when an argument is null when that's an illegal value.
System.out.println("some string".split(null));
// throws NullPointerException
I would have a utility method:
public static <T> T checkNull(String message, T object) {
if(object == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(message);
return object;
I would have it return the object so that you can use it in assignments like this:
public Constructor(Object param) {
this.param = checkNull("Param not allowed to be null", param);
EDIT: Regarding the suggestions to use a third party library, the Google Preconditions in particular does the above even better than my code. However, if this is the only reasons to include the library in your project, I'd be hesitant. The method is too simple.
Apart from the answers given above which are all valid and reasonable, I think it's good to point out that maybe checking for null isn't necessary "good practice". (Assuming readers other than the OP might take the question as dogmatic)
From Misko Hevery blog on testability:
To Assert or Not To Assert
An alternative to throwing an unchecked exception would be the usage of assert. Otherwise I´d throw checked exceptions to make the caller aware of the fact, that the constructor will not work with illegal values.
The difference between your first two solutions - do you need a detailed error message, do you need to know which parameter failed or is it enough to know, that the instance couldn't have been created due to illegal arguments?
Note, that the second and third example can't report correctly that both parameters have been null.
BTW - I vote for a variation of (1):
if (one == null || two == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Parameters can't be null: one=%s, two=%s", one, two));
Comparison of Ways to Check Preconditions in Java - Guava vs. Apache Commons vs. Spring Framework vs. Plain Java Asserts
public static void fooSpringFrameworkAssert(String name, int start, int end) {
// Preconditions
Assert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null");
Assert.isTrue(start < end, "Start (" + start + ") must be smaller than end (" + end + ")");
// Do something here ...
public static void fooApacheCommonsValidate(String name, int start, int end) {
// Preconditions
Validate.notNull(name, "Name must not be null");
Validate.isTrue(start < end, "Start (%s) must be smaller than end (%s)", start, end);
// Do something here ...
public static void fooGuavaPreconditions(String name, int start, int end) {
// Preconditions
Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Name must not be null");
Preconditions.checkArgument(start < end, "Start (%s) must be smaller than end (%s)", start, end);
// Do something here ...
public static void fooPlainJavaAsserts(String name, int start, int end) {
// Preconditions
assert null != name : "Name must not be null";
assert start < end : "Start (" + start + ") must be smaller than end (" + end + ")";
// Do something here ...
this is summary of this article:
Annotations for static analysis are also useful, either in-addition-to or in-place-of the run-time checks.
FindBugs, for example, provides an #NonNull annotation.
public SomeClass( #NonNull Object one, #NonNull Object two) {
You can simply have a method which takes all the constructor arguments that you need to validate. This method throws exception with specific message depending on which argument is not valid.
Your constructor calls this method, and if it passes, it initialize values.
I assume that you talk about the built in assert in Java. In my opinion it's not a really good idea to use it. Since it can be turned on/off using command line parameters. Therefore some says it is only acceptable to use in private methods.
My mentors are telling me not to re-invent the wheel! Their advice is to use libraries. They are (probably) well designed and tested. Of course it is your responsibility to make sure you grab a good-quality library.
Others are telling me that Enterprise ppl - in some terms - are wrong and you introduce more dependency - for simple tasks - than required. I can accept that point too... But here is my latest experience:
First I wrote my own private method to check null parameters. It's boring and redundant. I know I should put it into a Utility class. But why should I write it at the first place, when someone has already has done it? I can save time not writing unit test and design an existing stuff. Unless you want to exercise or learn I wouldn't recommend to do so.
I recently started to use google's guava and I find that - along with apache commons - once you start to use them, you won't use just for that one single method. You'll discover and use it more and more. At the end, this'll make your code shorter, more readable, more consistent and more maintainable.
BTW.: Depending on your aims I would go with 2 or 3 using one of the mentioned library above...
Lets say have this immutable record type:
public class Record
public Record(int x, int y) {
public final int X;
public final int Y;
public static class Validator {
public void ValidateX(int x) { if(x < 0) { throw new UnCheckedException; } }
public void ValidateY(int y) { if(y < 0) { throw new UnCheckedException; } }
Notice it throws an unchecked exception. The reason is because this is a object that is used quite often and it is inconvenient to have to deal with a checked exception.
However, if this object is in a class library where it may be used to validate user inputs (or some other external input). Now it's starting to sound like it should be a CHECKED exception, because the inputs are no longer up the to programmer.
Thoughts everyone? should i make checked or unchecked, or are there better design for this?
my confusion is coming from this scenerio: normally Record would be used like this:
Record r = new Record(1,2);
OtherObj o = new OtherObj(r);
there it's up to the programmer, so unchecked exception is ok.
However when you get parameters for Record from a user you want to validate them right? so you might call
There it might throw a checked exception because inputs are no longer controlled?
Sorry, I normally wouldn't be too concerned with this (personally I think unchecked is fine). but this is actually a problem in a homework and I want to get it right lol.
I starting to think what I need is for ValidateX to throw a checked exception because it is typically what would be used if user input is involved. In that case we could ask the user for input again. However, for the Record constructor, it will throw checked exception because constructing a Record with invalid arguements is an API violation. The new code would look like this:
public class Record
public Record(int x, int y) {
}catch(CheckedException xcpt) { throw new UnCheckedException(xcpt.getMessage()); }
public final int X;
public final int Y;
public static class Validator {
public void ValidateX(int x) throws CheckedException { if(x < 0) { throw new CheckedException; } }
public void ValidateY(int y) throws CheckedException { if(y < 0) { throw new CheckedException; } }
Now the programmer can validate the parameters before passing them to the Record class. If the does not then it's a API violation and an unchecked exception is thrown.
How does this sound?!
Notice it throws an unchecked
exception. The reason is because this
is a object that is used quite often
and it is inconvenient to have to deal
with a checked exception.
No, I think the reason you throw an unchecked exception here is because it involves a violation of contract on the part of the user of that API, and not an exceptional condition during the normal functioning of that method. See the Java SDK's use of NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException, etc., which are RuntimeExceptions because they represent a violation of contract.
Bloch, item 58: Use checked exceptions
for recoverable conditions and runtime
exceptions for programming errors.
If the user of your class is able to avoid the problem by using the API correctly (including not passing in values that are documented to be invalid) then it's a programming error, so throw an InvalidArgumentException.
You should never validate user input with an unchecked exception. Exceptions are normally checked because that way you can not forget to handle the exceptions.
Validating parameters used in an api is a completely different kind. These should be unchecked, because otherwise you'll end up adding try/catch to every function call. Whenever a method is passed an invalid argument, this is surely a programming error. The normal way is to throw an IllegalArgumentException or NullPointerException (or any other that suits your needs).
In api calls leave the checked excpetions for
Validations you promise to the caller of the api
Expected exceptional conditions (requested file doesn't exist, write failed etc)
Besides the above, recoverability is also important for deciding for a checked or unchecked exception. If you can never recover (which is normally the case in a programming error) you can (or should?) take the unchecked exception.
Preferably don't write code that doesn't meet the above guidelines. For you that would mean that you have to write a function that returns a boolean or checked exception when using to validate user input, and an unchecked exception when validating input parameters to your functions. Of course your can and should use the same function to validate the exceptions, just wrap the one that returns a boolean or checked exception:
public boolean validateX(int x)
return x > 0;
private void validateParameter(int x)
if (validateX(x))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("X is invalid");
This is a bit more work, but it will give you the best of both worlds. By making the validate parameter function private you can ensure you don't accidentally use it outside of your class. Of course you can also put the if(validateX(x)) ... part inside your constructor.
Really, it's all about expectations. If you expect that under normal program flow an invalid input may be entered, it should be a checked exception so you can recover gracefully. Unchecked exceptions are for error cases that the programmer can't do anything about and doesn't expect to happen normally.
If this is really meant to be for a validator class, then I would expect it to be unusually flexible on its range of allowable input, simply because it's purpose for existence is to test validity, which it can't do nicely by throwing exceptions.
public interface Validator<T> {
public boolean isValid(T object);
public final class PositiveIntegerValidator implements Validator<Integer> {
public boolean isValid(Integer object) {
return object != null && object > 0;
As a rule of thumb I always handle exceptions at the public interface to my component/layer/api. This allows exceptions to bubble up and be handled at the top level - Last Responsible Moment, whilst ensuring I handle the exception in my code, avoiding leaky exceptions.
BTW Some excellent advice regarding database exceptions on this question and general exception handling on this question
I am implementing an interface which defines a method that can throw an exception if the parameters are not valid. What constitutes valid parameters depends on the implementing class. The interface also defines an isValid() method which can be used to check the parameters but returns a boolean rather than throwing an exception. I have found that implementing both methods will cause a lot of duplication. Consider this made up example:
public class Something implements SomeInterface {
// Other class stuff
public void doTheThing(SomeParameter sp) throws SpecificRuntimeException {
if(sp == null) throw new ParameterCannotBeNullException();
if(sp.getNonZeroInt() == 0) throw new ShouldBeNonZeroException();
if(!sp.someOtherCondition()) throw new SomeConditionNotMetException();
public boolean isValid(SomeParameter sp) {
if(sp == null) return false;
if(sp.getNonZeroInt() == 0) return false;
if(!sp.someOtherCondition()) return false;
return true;
The problem is the checks in both methods must be consistent, and are essentially duplicated logic. I've been trying to consolidate the checks so that both methods use the same checks but the behaviour is still retained. Some things I considered:
in doTheThing() have the line if(!isValid(sp) throw new RuntimeException();
separate the exception throwing part into a separate, private method, say checkParameter() and in isValid() do: try { checkParameter(sp); return true; } catch (SpecificRunTimeException e) { return false; }
The problem with 1. is that the specific exception is lost, and I want to provide as detailed an exception as possible. The problem with 2. is using the exception mechanism seems... wrong somehow. This part of the code may be performance sensitive, and I don't want to depend on something that's fundamentally slower than it needs to be (if I have to do it this way and profiling doesn't show a problem, fair enough... but what if is a problem?). Or has the performance hit of using exceptions this way been shown to be negligible?
What is the best way to refactor this code to use the same validity checking logic?
What if your create a isValidParam method that returns a bean like:
class ValidBean {
private boolean isValid;
private Exception exceptionOnInvalid;
public ValidBean(boolean isValid, Exception exceptionOnInvalid) {...}
// accessors
With the method being:
private ValidBean isValidParam(SomeParameter sp) {
if (sp == null) {
return new ValidBean(false, new ParameterCannotBeNullException());
if (sp.getNonZeroInt() == 0) {
return new ValidBean(false, new ShouldBeNonZeroException());
if (!sp.someOtherCondition()) {
return new ValidBean(false, new SomeConditionNotMetException());
return new ValidBean(true, null);
And then you do:
public boolean isValid(SomeParameter sp) {
return isValidParam(sp).isValid();
public void doTheThing(SomeParameter sp) throws SpecificRuntimeException {
ValidBean validbean = isValidParam(sp);
if (! validBean.isValid()) {
throw validBean.getExceptionOnInvalid();
I don't know if it's the best way, but a way is to have an internal method like this:
private boolean isValidInternal(SomeParameter sp, boolean throwIfInvalid)
throws SpecificRuntimeException
Then you call isValidInternal with true from the doTheThing method, and false from the public isValid method.
Edit: And then to implement isValidInternal, you have the logic for testing validity once, but either return false or throw an exception as per the throwIfInvalid flag.
This can be a murky issue; when it comes to exceptions in APIs I've never found a really clear, logical, satisfactory answer to every case.
Do you expect every user of isValid() to be using it to guard a subsequent call to doTheThing()? If so, the client code would be clearer to use the standard try/catch idiom instead, and you may not need an isValid() method at all.
(You'd still have to ponder whether the exception should be checked or unchecked; the line can be a fine one and I won't go into it here.)
And if you don't see isValid() being used this way, then just implement it with a try/catch of your own; I know it feels dirty, but it's better than the alternatives!
Your urge to "say it once and only once" is laudable. Good thinking; it'll be worth the effort.
Maybe you can create an abstract class that implements the interface and provides the default implementation for isValid().
If your object is mutable and has setters, perhaps you could move the check that throws IllegalArgumentException into each one and then call them. You'll have a more fine-grained view of what went wrong that way.
The fact that your code checks the arguments for sanity and returns runtime exceptions is a strong indication that you want to report programming error, i.e. your API is used/called in a way it should not be used/called. Since you could expect that your API is called with valid arguments, I wouldn't expect that your second solution to be problematic.
P.S.: You should not use runtime exception types in a method's throws declaration. But you should state those runtime exceptions in the method's Javadoc #throws documentation.