how to debug maven enunciate plugin tomcat web service - java

I've inherited a project that contains many java web services. I want to add another one so I've been using one that works as a template. I've added
<namespace id="bsghandle"
uri="" />
into the <namespaces> section of enunciate.xml and
file="bsghandle.wsdl" />
into the <xml> section.
Here is the pom.xml snippet
Maven generates the web.xml entries, including this one:
I created three classes to handle the request, similar to the template.
I send a request to the working service like this
./ soap_serial.xml r.xml
where is
wget "http://localhost:5032/VCWH_QueryService/soap/SettopChannelMapResourceService" --post-file=$1 --header="Content-Type: text/xml" -O $2
This produces a good response, captured in r.xml.
Now when I try the same thing for the new service I wrote
./ soap_rate.xml r2.xml
where is
wget "http://localhost:5032/VCWH_QueryService/soap/BsgHandleResourceService" --post-file=$1 --header="Content-Type: text/xml" -O $2
I get the useless error
2015-11-23 20:26:52 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error
The log files for the project do not contain any more info either.
When I watch the log file for the working service (in, I can see this debugging statement getting hit as the first thing being output to the log
logger.debug("getChannelMapBySerialNumber() called for sn=" + serialNumber
+ " from ip" + request.getRemoteAddr());
But in my similar service the same logger output does not get hit.
How do I debug this?

I used a request in SoapUI. For some reason, that returned a useful error message and I was able to find and fix the problem. Even after fixed, the other method still returned the same useless ERROR 500: Internal Server Error


How to debug Spring Boot with Netbeans via Maven

After fiddling around for way too long till I got proper debuging setup in Netbeans 8.2 with Spring Boot 1.4.3 I figured I write down my findings as Q&A for others.
The problem is that the default configuration for Netbeans fails to properly launch Spring in debug mode and when you search the internet you only find the outdated information in the Spring docs that won't work.
The solution is simple if you know how. Please find the correct setup instructions below.
Tested and works with Netbeans 8.2 and Spring-Boot 1.4.3:
First of all make sure you have the Spring Maven plugin included (this should be already included when making a new Netbeans Spring project):
Also it is a good idea to include the Spring Devtools like this:
Now navigate to your project settings -> Actions -> Debug project and set the following:
Execute goals:
Set properties:
run.jvmArguments=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}
Now run your application via the usual debug button and Spring should properly connect to the JVM debugger.
Spring Boot 2.x
To enable Netbeans debugging for a Spring Boot 2.x project (and more specifically version 2.x of the spring-boot-maven-plugin) the procedure is exactly the same, except the run.jvmArguments property name has changed to -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}
Testing NetBeans 8.2 and Spring Boot 2.0.1, I was not able to make things work following #TwoThe's instructions. First, I encountered an issue where all I saw was "JPDA Listening Start..." in the output window. To resolve that problem, I added Spring Devtools as an optional dependency. Second, even though debugging appeared to be running okay, the "Debugging" window, which normally displays the list of active threads, was empty and breakpoints that I set were not triggered. Third, attempting to stop the debugging session by pressing the red "Finish Debugger Session" button would not stop the Tomcat server.
Instead of changing the execute goals to "spring-boot:run", I found that it was sufficient to use the default "Debug project" action execute goals:
process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
.. and properties:
exec.args=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address} -classpath %classpath ${packageClassName}
(As a sidenote, debugging as a regular Java application is apparently the recommended approach to debugging Spring Boot applications in Eclipse; see How to debug Spring Boot application with Eclipse?)
One helpful tip is that if you want to debug using a certain Spring Boot profile, say "debug", you can prepend " " to the "exec.args" property. See also: Spring boot running a fully executable JAR and specify -D properties
Tested on NetBeans9
Action: Add any name
Set Properties: select Add> button, select Debug Maven Build
And debug as always -> IDE debug button
If you are still having the problem after applying all above mentioned fixes, remove all your breakpoints and try again.
Window -> Debugging -> Breakpoints -> Delete All Breakpoints
Debug Project
Excute Goals : package
Set Properties:netbeans.deploy.debugmode=true netbeans.deploy=true
Excute Goals : spring-boot:run
Set Properties: -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}
and Netbeans Press debug project -- not navigator--> spring-boo-run ... What was the difference?

Web service (JAX-WS) client in different package

Should look like a stupid question, but I have the following problem.
There's an external web service, WSDL is available. My task is to call it's methods from another enterprise application (running on WebSphere 8.5)
Using Rational Application Developer, I generated Web service client classes into the application's project, specifying the application's package, which DIFFERS from the web service's one. Web service's method returns a POJO, which is a wrapper for ArrayList.Then I make a call to web service, using generated calsses in the following way:
final QName COMMONSERVICE_QNAME = new QName("", "SomeCommonServiceService");
String strUrl = "http://....";
String query = "/universal [#Barcode=\"000111\"]";
URL serviceUrl = new URL(strUrl);
SomeCommonServiceService service=new SomeCommonServiceService(serviceUrl, COMMONSERVICE_QNAME);
SomeCommonService port = service.getSomeCommonServicePort();
IdsList itemsIds = port.getItemsIdsByQuery(query);
And as a result the last line of code, where the method is invoked, causes an error:
[1/17/17 21:55:39:758 MSK] 00000497 SystemErr R CIWEB Error:
[admin(unknown) #] javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: is not known to this
Taking a look into the generated the following mapping can be seen:
#javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "")
If I leave original option (not changing default package) while generating client - the same problem and the same error. But in this case, if I pack generated client into a separate JAR and use it as a shared library for my application on WebSphere server - then all works fine! But that's not acceptable for some reasons.
Could somebody be so pleasant to hepl me solve the problem?
I used to work with Web Services Base on WSDL:
Of course using MAVEN, I use this pluging

UI code goes missing when deploying to Heroku

I have a Spring-MVC app that uses AngularJS for the front-end and Java in the backend. The java code is in src/main/java and the UI code is in src/main/resources/static. I'm building a fat jar using Maven.
Running locally = everything works.
I can also run the jar from the command line and everything works.
When I deploy to Heroku, the app returns a 404 on / ... it seems like it can't find the UI code anywhere.
I have an identical app with a different (less fancy) AngularJS UI, and it deploys to Heroku without any issues. The only real difference is the UI code exists at the parent src/main/resources/static while my custom app uses gulp - and gulp builds the ui code src/main/resources/static/dist. My Maven POM moves that /dist to target/classes/static when I run the package job, and that's working fine... After mvn clean package I can run my app through IntelliJ or at the command line using java -jar target/blah.jar. But when I push it to Heroku I get an application error, and the Heroku log cites a 404 on path="/".
Note my starting point for these projects was the Stormpath examples for spring-boot-web-angular. The stock example deploys fine with same Procfile, so the only difference is the /dist that my custom UI code has - but Maven should be taking care of that.
My Procfile contains:
web: java $JAVA_OPTS -Dserver.port=$PORT -jar target/*.jar
Pom excerpt that copies the UI code to the right spot in target/:
I've been googling for days and reached out to Heroku support, but they said they can't help.
I can't tell if the Maven piece isn't getting picked up when I git push heroku master (after packing locally), or if I'm missing a config option or something in my Procfile.
Would very much appreciate a pointer in the right direction.

GWT CodeServer incremental compilation issue with maven and the new packaging gwt-app and gwt-lib

I've been toying around with the latest changes in the gwt-maven-plugin. Most notably, the new packagings gwt-app and gwt-lib.
To my understanding, if I have some code that I'd like to reuse between different GWT apps, gwt-lib packages all needed sources and *.gwt.xml files in the jar right next to all classes. It works like a charm.
If I opt for a multi-module maven reactor build, everything is detected on compile time and I'm able to build and deploy successfully without any hassle. If I try to develop however, the shiny GWT 2.7 SuperDevMode is unable to detect changes in the gwt-lib projects, obviously because they are referenced from the jars and not the actual sources directory where they were changed.
To illustrate, I used the modular-requestfactory archetype by Thomas Broyer.
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeCatalog= \
-DarchetypeGroupId=net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=modular-requestfactorcom.testy \
and I entered the following information:
Define value for property 'artifactId': : mvngwt
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package': com.test: :
Define value for property 'module': App: : MvngwtApp
Define value for property 'module-short-name': mvngwtapp: :
Afterwards I created an additional maven module called "mvn-gwt-client-api", which contains a single class that is to be used by the mvn-gwt-client. The end structure looks like this:
The goal is to be able to edit the files in mvngwt-client-api (e. g. the only class currently:, then recompile in SuperDevMode and actually see the changes immediately without restarting the CodeServer.
A working copy of the project can be found here:
PS: I tried to work it out with the build-helper-maven-plugin:
<!-- elnicko: add to support CodeServer hot compile for referenced libraries -->
However it didn't improve the situation.
Any hints/pointers/ideas greatly appreciated.
I am able to use the SuperDevMode incremental compilation by using the aforementioned build-helper-maven-plugin configuration, changing the mvngwt-client-api packaging from "gwt-lib" to "jar", and adding a "maven-source-plugin". That way maven compilation and deployment work the same way, but the CodeServer is made aware of the changes in the source directory of mvngwt-client-api. Nevertheless, the question remains open, how one can use the new "gwt-lib" without losing the CodeServer incremental compilation. The diff may be seen here:
You have to use <type>gwt-lib</type> in your dependency.
Actually, if you run Maven with -X you'll see in the logs:
[DEBUG] Adding sources for com.test:mvngwt-client:gwt-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Ignoring com.test:mvngwt-shared:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT; neither a java-source, gwt-lib or jar:sources.
[DEBUG] Adding sources for com.test:mvngwt-shared:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Ignoring com.test:mvngwt-client-api:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT; neither a java-source, gwt-lib or jar:sources.
[DEBUG] Ignoring; neither a java-source, gwt-lib or jar:sources.
[DEBUG] Ignoring; neither a java-source, gwt-lib or jar:sources.
[DEBUG] Ignoring; neither a java-source, gwt-lib or jar:sources.
Maybe those should be emitted at INFO level rather than DEBUG…
BTW, instead of the build-helper-maven-plugin, you could have just used a <type>java-source</type> or <classifier>sources</classifier> dependency, like it's done for the mvngwt-shared module.

Jersey exception only thrown when depencencies assembled into a single jar

I'm writing a server that embeds Jetty w/ Jersey. When I execute from Eclipse, everything is great. However, if I assemble my server and all dependencies into a single jar using Maven's assembly:single goal, I get an exception:
Sep 26, 2012 5:35:59 PM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: A message body writer for Java class com.acme.server.webservice.
exception.WebServiceFailure, and Java type class com.acme.server.webserv
ice.exception.WebServiceFailure, and MIME media type application/json was not fo
Sep 26, 2012 5:35:59 PM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: The registered message body writers compatible with the MIME media type
*/* ->
17:35:59.372 [qtp184245201-22 - /] ERROR o.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor - onReq
uest() com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException: A mess
age body writer for Java class com.acme.server.webservice.exception.WebS
erviceFailure, and Java type class com.acme.server.webservice.exception.
WebServiceFailure, and MIME media type application/json was not found
at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse.write(ContainerRespons ~[vma-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:na]
at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequ
est( ~[server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependenc
The full trace is here, if it's useful:
Maven throws no errors while creating the jar-with-dependencies.
I'm a novice with Maven and deployment of Java, and I'm really not sure how to proceed with debugging.
Also, while I need to solve this issue I'd also appreciate any suggested work-arounds as I need to produce an executable demo of my server ASAP that a Pointy-Haired Boss (tm) can execute without Eclipse.
Based on Pavel's answer, I dropped the maven-assemly-plugin in favor of maven-shade-plugin. Here's the shade configuration that worked for me:
<!-- use transformer to handle merge of META-INF/services - see -->
implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
<!-- filter to address "Invalid signature file" issue - see>
You are not merging Jersey jars correctly.
Jersey 1.x uses META-INF/services mechanism to discover its components and assembly:single probably just copies everything into single jar, overriding already present files BUT META-INF/services file(s) needs to be CONCATENATED.
Try using jersey-bundle (com.sun.jersey:jersey-bundle:1.14) or fix your assembly settings (or find another plugin to do it better).
Could you post your pom ?
Do you mark some dependencies as provided ?
It's something quite different to build a standalone app and a webapp, as some jars a supposed to be provided by the web container (tomcat or other).
As your container is "embedded" in your app (and not your app in the container) then maybe you don't manage correctly these dependencies.

