How to debug Spring Boot with Netbeans via Maven - java

After fiddling around for way too long till I got proper debuging setup in Netbeans 8.2 with Spring Boot 1.4.3 I figured I write down my findings as Q&A for others.
The problem is that the default configuration for Netbeans fails to properly launch Spring in debug mode and when you search the internet you only find the outdated information in the Spring docs that won't work.
The solution is simple if you know how. Please find the correct setup instructions below.

Tested and works with Netbeans 8.2 and Spring-Boot 1.4.3:
First of all make sure you have the Spring Maven plugin included (this should be already included when making a new Netbeans Spring project):
Also it is a good idea to include the Spring Devtools like this:
Now navigate to your project settings -> Actions -> Debug project and set the following:
Execute goals:
Set properties:
run.jvmArguments=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}
Now run your application via the usual debug button and Spring should properly connect to the JVM debugger.
Spring Boot 2.x
To enable Netbeans debugging for a Spring Boot 2.x project (and more specifically version 2.x of the spring-boot-maven-plugin) the procedure is exactly the same, except the run.jvmArguments property name has changed to -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}

Testing NetBeans 8.2 and Spring Boot 2.0.1, I was not able to make things work following #TwoThe's instructions. First, I encountered an issue where all I saw was "JPDA Listening Start..." in the output window. To resolve that problem, I added Spring Devtools as an optional dependency. Second, even though debugging appeared to be running okay, the "Debugging" window, which normally displays the list of active threads, was empty and breakpoints that I set were not triggered. Third, attempting to stop the debugging session by pressing the red "Finish Debugger Session" button would not stop the Tomcat server.
Instead of changing the execute goals to "spring-boot:run", I found that it was sufficient to use the default "Debug project" action execute goals:
process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
.. and properties:
exec.args=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address} -classpath %classpath ${packageClassName}
(As a sidenote, debugging as a regular Java application is apparently the recommended approach to debugging Spring Boot applications in Eclipse; see How to debug Spring Boot application with Eclipse?)
One helpful tip is that if you want to debug using a certain Spring Boot profile, say "debug", you can prepend " " to the "exec.args" property. See also: Spring boot running a fully executable JAR and specify -D properties

Tested on NetBeans9
Action: Add any name
Set Properties: select Add> button, select Debug Maven Build
And debug as always -> IDE debug button

If you are still having the problem after applying all above mentioned fixes, remove all your breakpoints and try again.
Window -> Debugging -> Breakpoints -> Delete All Breakpoints

Debug Project
Excute Goals : package
Set Properties:netbeans.deploy.debugmode=true netbeans.deploy=true
Excute Goals : spring-boot:run
Set Properties: -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=${jpda.address}
and Netbeans Press debug project -- not navigator--> spring-boo-run ... What was the difference?


Native Image with Spring Boot 3.0.0 logging trouble

When I start native Image of Spring Boot 3.0.0 spring-boot-starter-web with Docker, it shows strange log messages like this:
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.0.0)
Before I tried dependency spring-boot-starter-webflux in this case the build of the native image failed with error: No instances of ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger are allowed in the image heap
With Spring Initializr I generated a new project:
Java 17
Spring Boot version 3.0.0
Dependencies: spring-boot-starter-web & lombok
Then I build native Image with Maven "mvn -p native spring-boot:build-image".
I had the expectation, that native Images just work with the new Spring release for simple configuration like the one I made here. Am I missing something or has Spring Boot 3.0.0 big issues in supporting native Images?
At the time when I asked this question, Spring Initializr did not offer (plugin-)dependency "GraalVM Native Support" for Spring Boot 3.0.0.
Now this dependency is available. As confirmed at SpringOne event, it has to be used. After adding it the mentioned errors do not appear. The minimal required part in Maven config is this:
You need to make sure you add reachability of metadata goal in your build plugin see github issue

Run/debug configurations for a Google App Engine project in Intellij IDEA?

As per title. Right now my workflow is as follows:
To deploy:
Open terminal from IDEA, go mvn appengine:deploy.
To run in localhost:
Open terminal, go mvn appengine:devserver.
To debug in localhost: thanks to this answer, open terminal, go
mvn appengine:devserver
mvn appengine:devserver_stop
mvn appengine:devserver_start
And then run the remote configuration which is described in that answer.
Can these 3 tasks be simplified by defining three configurations, so to avoid having to open terminal and type commands?
I’d like to have two run configurations to deploy and run in localhost, and one debug configuration to debug locally. Is that possible? How?
Note: I am using the Community Edition of IntelliJ.
For what it’s worth, I have commented in the appropriate lines in pom.xml:
<!-- Comment in the below snippet to bind to all IPs instead of just localhost -->
<!-- address></address>
<port>8080</port -->
<!-- Comment in the below snippet to enable local debugging with a remote debugger
like those included with Eclipse or IntelliJ -->

tell grails maven plugin to use servlet 2.5 instead of 3.0

I might have a stupid and really obvious question:
I basically have a grails 2.3.8 project, build using maven 3.2, with the grails maven plugin 2.4.3
<!-- Whether for Fork a JVM to run Grails commands -->
when I do a
mvn clean install
I keep getting the following exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/AsyncContext
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(
at org.codehaus.groovy.util.LazyReference.getLocked(
my BuildConfig specifies grails to utilize, servlet 2.5
grails.servlet.version = "2.5"
and all my test's are working fine, if I run them from grails directly using:
grails test-app :integration
but fail with the given exception, if I run them from the command line
mvn clean install
my dependency report lists the correct servlet version:
anybody has an idea how to solve this?

Debugging Annotation processors in eclipse

I am writing a simple annotation processor and trying to debug it using eclipse. I created a new project for annotation processor and configured javax.annotation.processing.Processor under META-INF as needed and it processes annotations fine.
Then, I added some more code and tried debugging, but could never make the execution stop at the breakpoints added in the annotation processor. I am compiling using ant and I am using the following ANT options.
export ANT_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000"
After triggering ant build, i go create a remote debug configuration and the debugger starts fine. Ant build also starts successfully. But the execution never stops at any break point added in the annotation processor.
This is a problem I just ran into, and the eclipse plugin solution seems super cumbersome to me. I found a simpler solution using to invoke the compilation process. Using the code below, you can just Right-Click > Debug As > JUnit Test in eclipse and debug you annotation processor directly from there
public void runAnnoationProcessor() throws Exception {
String source = "my.project/src";
Iterable<JavaFileObject> files = getSourceFiles(source);
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(new PrintWriter(System.out), null, null, null, null, files);
task.setProcessors(Arrays.asList(new MyAnnotationProcessorClass()));;
private Iterable<JavaFileObject> getSourceFiles(String p_path) throws Exception {
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
StandardJavaFileManager files = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
files.setLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, Arrays.asList(new File(p_path)));
Set<Kind> fileKinds = Collections.singleton(Kind.SOURCE);
return files.list(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, "", fileKinds, true);
This question has been posted over 6 years ago, however, I ran into the same problem now and still couldn't find a good answer on the Internet.
I was finally able to work out a good setup that allows me to develop an Annotation Processor, use it in compilation of another project, and debug it as needed.
The setup is like this:
Annotation Processor developed in a project with GAV:
In the annotation-processor POM file I specified the following:
Notice the <compilerArgument>-proc:none</compilerArgument> specification.
In the project where the annotation-processor is used, it is used during the compilation of the project. I.e. the annotation-processor is invoked during the execution of the compiler, javac. I found that in order to debug the annotation-processor execution while running javac directly, I can use the following command line:
javac -J-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=1044 -d target/classes -proc:only -processor infra.annotation.CustomizationAnnotationProcessor -cp ../annotation-processor/target/annotation-processor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar src\main\java\org\digital\annotationtest\
Notice the suspend=y part in the command line of javac. This tells the JVM to suspend execution until the debugger attaches to it.
In this situation, I can start the eclipse debugger by starting a Remote Java Application Debug Configuration. Configure it to use the annotation-processor project, and attach to the process on localhost and port 1044. this allows you to debug the annotation processor code. If you set a breakpoint in the init or process methods, the debugger will break.
In order to enable the same debug experience while compiling using Maven, I setup the POM file as follows:
Add a dependency to the POM where the annotation-processor is used:
In the same project using the annotation-processor define the following:
Notice the use of <fork>true</fork>,
and <compilerArg>${enableDebugAnnotationCompilerArg}</compilerArg>.
Also, notice the profile deinition of debugAnnotation and the definition of
the <enableDebugAnnotationCompilerArg> property.
This allows us to start a debugging session of the annotation-processor
by running mvn -P debugAnnotation package and attaching the eclipse debugger to the compiler
process the same way as described in 4 above.
The easiest way is to create an eclipse plugin and then debug it directly from eclipse.
It sound a lot harder then it is - this: is a 7 minute guide in youtube that can get you started.

appengine-maven-plugin configuration options like jvm flags

Since version 1.7.4. of Google App Engine the official appengine-maven-plugin is released by Google.
It has a task appengine:devserver to start the local development server.
This plugin seems not to have any Maven configuration options.
I wonder how I can
a) provider jvm flags
b) to disable new version check (when working offline)
Note that until now I was using the unofficial net.kindleit maven-gae-plugin like:
I wrote the plugin, so I guess this is my fault. The configuration is well supported for appcfg operations (like update/rollback/etc.), but I need to fix a few things obviously for the development server. I'll get onto that and there should be an update soon.
UPDATE : I've pushed a snapshot build that supports configuration for the devserver target. It's in 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT.
It looks like 1.7.5 of both the SDK and Maven plugin are now available from the normal Maven repository thus it should be sufficient to simply update those dependencies to the 1.7.5 version and omit the declaration of the SNAPSHOT repository. The 1.7.5 maven-appserver-plugin does seem to support jvmFlags like the following:
Thank you to MattStep and the Google team!
Having exactly that issue myself. Checking the actual sources for the plugin, the DevAppServerRunner has zero support for passing extra arguments of any kind to the dev server. It looks like the best way to do it at the moment is to use the unofficial plugin.
source for

