I'm writting an Android App and connect to Azure Service bus - Topic. I write code to connect to existing namespace like this tutorial
Configuration config = ServiceBusConfiguration.configureWithSASAuthentication(
ServiceBusContract service = ServiceBusService.create(config);
But it throw an exception at ServiceBusContract service = ServiceBusService.create(config);.
It said "java.lang.RuntimeException: Service or property not registered: com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.serviceBus.ServiceBusContract
I looked up some way to fix it but not ok. So i use REST API to connect same this tutorial
It can run and sent message to Azure Service Bus - Topic. Now i want to write a method use to get message from this Topic's Subcription. Use Rest API like that
String url = "https://smarthomethesis.servicebus.windows.net/light_1/Subscriptions/LightSubscription/messages/head?timeout=60";
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
// Add header
String token = generateSasToken(new URI(uri));
get.setHeader("Authorization", token);
System.out.println("Llamando al post");
HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8");
But it can't get message, responseString show
"<Error><Code>400</Code><Detail>The request is not supported for the supplied api-version ''. TrackingId:d7624c10-4fc9-43d6-b092-880947e3b820_G31,TimeStamp:1/10/2016 3:43:44 PM</Detail></Error>"
I don't know why it isn't supported. Can you help me. Thank you
According to your code in Azure Java SDK, the issue was caused by using incorrect namespace, sasKeyName & sasKey. In the reference doc, the namespace HowToSample & SAS key SAS_key_value were created by the author, that be different from yours.
So you need to replace them with the namespace & SAS key value of your service bus created. You can find them on Azure portal or new portal.
For the Service Bus REST API, try to add the api-version in the query string for the Peek-Lock Message API, please note the content from the reference doc https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh780771.aspx.
Version and server overview
Following Azure guidelines, REST APIs now support versioning. By default, passing no version indicates current service behavior. Any changes in existing REST APIs require providing an api-version value as the query string.
Version “2012-03”,“2012-08”,“2013-04”,“2013-07”,“2013-08”,“2013-10”,“2014-01”,“2015-01”
I am working on a project in which I need, not only to authenticate but also to have the real value of the token.
We have a Spring Boot application with oAuth2.0 Spring Security and the problem is that I am not able to find a method that gives me a valid token every time I call it.
At this moment, I have a post method raw coded in Java, but there must be a Spring Security implementation that does something like the following:
The first time that it is called, it asks for the token and stores it.
The following times checks if the token has expired and, just if it has expired, it asks for a new one.
Where could I find it?
There are 2 different Spring Instances in my project: The Authorization server - which is a Cloud Foundry UAA server - and the resource server - which is the one that asks for the token and is coded by me.
The Authorization server uses AuthorizationServerTokenServices in JWT version and when the Resource server gets a token from there, I want it to be kept, not only decoded and used because I need to send it to another server.
Moreover, my application is not a web app, so there is no login page to log in on Facebook and I have to get the token using the Client Credentials Grant Type.
In my case, Single Sign-On is not possible because I have to use it not decoded.
This is my current implementation:
public String obtainAccessToken() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
String userPass64 = new String("User and password");
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials");
httppost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
httppost.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + userPass64);
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TokenMessage tokenMessage = mapper.readValue(responseBody, TokenMessage.class);
return tokenMessage.getAccess_token();
From what I have seen is that there are few different ways that Spring security can handle this.
The default way is to have AuthorizationServerTokenServices interface handle it. And with it you can have different ways of storing the token. For example JDBCTokenStore, InMemoryTokenStore and JwtTokenStore. More about this here : http://projects.spring.io/spring-security-oauth/docs/oauth2.html#managing-tokens
But since I do not know what kind of application you are creating, you could maybe develop a single sign on functionality and let Facebook, for example, handle the authentication Token. Quite good tutorial about that with Spring boot can be found here: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/
Our infra team set up the ca service desk in machine and share the details. I need to make rest call to create the incident from java program. And here i want to use basic authentication by providing the access key. For this I tried to make the end point url to get the access key and after that to create incident as shown below.
String endpoint = "http://host:port/caisd-rest/rest_access";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
String encodedCredentials = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(("username" + ":" + "password").getBytes()));
PostMethod post = new PostMethod(endpoint);
post.addRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
post.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
post.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedCredentials);
try {
System.out.println("Execute Basic Authentication request on " + endpoint);
// Execute request
int result = client.executeMethod(post);
But when I try to execute the above code, getting the 404 error
"The requested resource (/caisd-rest/rest_access) is not available".
Can any one please help me how to find the REST URL for ca service desk whether it is common url for all like /caisd-rest or it is different. Here my infra team just installed the CA service desk. So do we need to do any other steps to provide rest access?
Check in CA Technologies Website, it should be http://<host>:<REST port>/caisd-rest
I had the same issue, problem was that REST wasn't deployed properly, reconfiguring REST Service using this doc: REST API reconfiguration resolved the problem.
I folowed these steps:
Check for existence of NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/CATALINA_BASE_REST/webapps/caisd-rest. If this directory does NOT exist, that's a very good indication that the REST deploy did not work properly.
Check for the errors in NX_ROOT/log/jrest.log file.
Try fix errors and redeploy REST Service using cmd:
pdm_rest_util -undeploy
pdm_rest_util -deploy
I have a java/j2ee web application consuming SP web services but recently the SP site got migrated to 2013 and deployed in cloud/office 0365 due to which authentication got broken. SP people suggested to change authentication mechanism to SAML token based authentication and use Microsoft Azure AD. So i on boarded my application into Azure and received Client ID, Authority using which i am able to generate security token(used adal4j java api) . Now i need to complete below 2 steps to complete the authentication process in office 0365 to access SP 2013 web services.
Get access token cookies
Get request digest token
But not able to find any java based API for above 2 steps. Refereed below tutorial buts its something related to aps/.net
Please help me in providing sample code base for the same.
Appreciate your support
So you used Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Java?
In which case, have a look at AAD Java samples.
You want the ones that consume a Web API.
Per my experience, I think you can try to directly follow your refered article step by step to use the Apache HttpClient to construct the request.
For example, the code below is using the HttpClient to do the post request with the xml body to get the security token.
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://login.microsoftonline.com/extSTS.srf");
String xmlBody = "...";
InputStreamEntity reqEntity = new InputStreamEntity(
new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlBody.getBytes(), -1, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
httpPost.addHeader("Accept", "application/json; odata=verbose")
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
String respXmlBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
//Parse the respXmlBody and extract the security token
You can try to follow the code above to get the response includes access token via do the post request with the security token body for the url https://yourdomain.sharepoint.com/_forms/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0, and use the code Header[] hs = response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"); to get the Set-Cookie header array as access token.
Then using them to set the two headers Cookie for getting the request digest token, and parse the response body to extract the FormDigestValue as the request digest token.
I'm using the WSRequest class to make requests to an external web-service in my Play web-application.
Here's a small snippet of the code I'm using to make SOAP calls:
WSRequest req = WS.url("http://mydomain.com/soap");
req.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8");
Map<String, Object> args = new HashedMap();
args.put("countryCode", countryCode);
HttpResponse res = req.post();
Document document=null;
document = res.getXml();
}catch(RuntimeException e){
throw e;
I'd like SOAP calls made to this endpoint to show up on the "External Services" page of New Relic. How can I instrument my code in order to accomplish this? I haven't been able to find much information about this in the documentation except for a Ruby example.
At this time, the New Relic Java agent only notices external calls made with the following methods:
The Play WS API is not among those and, at this time, there is no way to for the user to do anything to modify the behavior.
I would recommend contacting New Relic tech support with a feature request to add external call support for Play's WS API.
You can now implement custom network tracking:
I have succeed using openID and OAuth separately, but I can't make them work together.
Am I doing something incorrect:
String userSuppliedString = "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id";
ConsumerManager manager = new ConsumerManager();
String returnToUrl = "http://example.com:8080/app-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT/GAuthorize";
List<DiscoveryInformation> discoveries = manager.discover(userSuppliedString);
DiscoveryInformation discovered = manager.associate(discoveries);
AuthRequest authReq = manager.authenticate(discovered, returnToUrl);
session.put("openID-discoveries", discovered);
FetchRequest fetch = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest();
fetch.addAttribute("oauth", "http://specs.openid.net/extensions/oauth/1.0",true);
fetch.addAttribute("consumer","example.com" ,true);
fetch.addAttribute("scope","http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/" ,true);
destinationUrl = authReq.getDestinationUrl(true);
then destinationUrl is
but in the response from google request_token is missing
In the above code, you have added OAuth extension parameters with the Attribute Exchange extension parameters. But since OAuth and Attribute Exchange are different extensions, therefore you have to create a different extension message for OAuth parameters and then add it to Authentication request message.
But since there is no mechanism to add OAuth parameters to the Authentication message, therefore you'll have to create such a mechanism. You can get information about it in the following link
You can then use the code provided in the following link to hard code this mechanism