CA service DESK REST api using JAVA - java

Our infra team set up the ca service desk in machine and share the details. I need to make rest call to create the incident from java program. And here i want to use basic authentication by providing the access key. For this I tried to make the end point url to get the access key and after that to create incident as shown below.
String endpoint = "http://host:port/caisd-rest/rest_access";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
String encodedCredentials = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(("username" + ":" + "password").getBytes()));
PostMethod post = new PostMethod(endpoint);
post.addRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
post.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
post.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedCredentials);
try {
System.out.println("Execute Basic Authentication request on " + endpoint);
// Execute request
int result = client.executeMethod(post);
But when I try to execute the above code, getting the 404 error
"The requested resource (/caisd-rest/rest_access) is not available".
Can any one please help me how to find the REST URL for ca service desk whether it is common url for all like /caisd-rest or it is different. Here my infra team just installed the CA service desk. So do we need to do any other steps to provide rest access?

Check in CA Technologies Website, it should be http://<host>:<REST port>/caisd-rest

I had the same issue, problem was that REST wasn't deployed properly, reconfiguring REST Service using this doc: REST API reconfiguration resolved the problem.
I folowed these steps:
Check for existence of NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/CATALINA_BASE_REST/webapps/caisd-rest. If this directory does NOT exist, that's a very good indication that the REST deploy did not work properly.
Check for the errors in NX_ROOT/log/jrest.log file.
Try fix errors and redeploy REST Service using cmd:
pdm_rest_util -undeploy
pdm_rest_util -deploy


How to change endpoint reference address dynamically?

I'm trying to change the endpoint of the SOAP request at runtime. Because, same SOAP client would be used to request from different server (but API remain same). And, I tried following code
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)repService.getPort (serviceInterface);
bp.getRequestContext ().put (BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
"http://" + sHost + "/xxxxyu/somepath?SoapImpl=" + serviceName);
It does change the endpoint property in request context map. But, when I call the method using this service it is still hitting older endpoint. Also, when I wrote below line of code before and after change the endpoint property. I see in both output I'm getting older url not the new endpoint url.
System.out.println ( bp.getEndpointReference ());
I'm totally clueless on what to do and thinking if it is possible ? Let me know, if I missed to add any details.

Spring Security oAuth 2.0 UAA get token value authomatically

I am working on a project in which I need, not only to authenticate but also to have the real value of the token.
We have a Spring Boot application with oAuth2.0 Spring Security and the problem is that I am not able to find a method that gives me a valid token every time I call it.
At this moment, I have a post method raw coded in Java, but there must be a Spring Security implementation that does something like the following:
The first time that it is called, it asks for the token and stores it.
The following times checks if the token has expired and, just if it has expired, it asks for a new one.
Where could I find it?
There are 2 different Spring Instances in my project: The Authorization server - which is a Cloud Foundry UAA server - and the resource server - which is the one that asks for the token and is coded by me.
The Authorization server uses AuthorizationServerTokenServices in JWT version and when the Resource server gets a token from there, I want it to be kept, not only decoded and used because I need to send it to another server.
Moreover, my application is not a web app, so there is no login page to log in on Facebook and I have to get the token using the Client Credentials Grant Type.
In my case, Single Sign-On is not possible because I have to use it not decoded.
This is my current implementation:
public String obtainAccessToken() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
String userPass64 = new String("User and password");
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials");
httppost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
httppost.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + userPass64);
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TokenMessage tokenMessage = mapper.readValue(responseBody, TokenMessage.class);
return tokenMessage.getAccess_token();
From what I have seen is that there are few different ways that Spring security can handle this.
The default way is to have AuthorizationServerTokenServices interface handle it. And with it you can have different ways of storing the token. For example JDBCTokenStore, InMemoryTokenStore and JwtTokenStore. More about this here :
But since I do not know what kind of application you are creating, you could maybe develop a single sign on functionality and let Facebook, for example, handle the authentication Token. Quite good tutorial about that with Spring boot can be found here:

CXF + wsdl2java + authentication

I created the jar from the WSDL for my client using the wsdl2java command. Now, I need to know how I can authenticate my client in order to complete an operation?
I am using CXF 2.7.16. I created my service using the generated class MyApp_Service, I am struggling with this. Isn't there a simple way to tell my client the credentials it should use to gain access to the web service?
I read about the Spring configuration, however I am unable to figure out if it applies to my case and how if yes. I tried to cast the MyApp_Service class to BindingProvider in order to use the method which consist to put the USERNAME and PASSWORD properties in the context with a value. However, MyApp_Service cannot be cast to BindingProvider.
This is my first web service client application ever. So, any help will be welcomed.
Update 2015-05-28: I tried to define the AuthenticationPolicy but is seems not working. Here is the code:
Client client = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance().createClient(wsdlUrl);
ClientImpl clt = (ClientImpl) client;
HTTPConduit cc = (HTTPConduit) clt.getConduit(); secOF = new;
AuthorizationPolicy ap = secOF.createAuthorizationPolicy();
Sniffing with WireShark, the Authorization header is clearly missing in the HTTP request.
What is missing?
Problem solved, here is the solution:
MyApp_Service service = new MyApp_Service(wsdlUrl, new QName(namespace, serviceName));
MyApp port = service.getMyApp();
// Set credentials
Map<String, Object> reqCtxt = (( port).getRequestContext();
reqCtxt.put(, username);
reqCtxt.put(, password);
No more usage of the dynamic client. Only the classes generated with wsdl2java are used.

soap set parameter java

I am implementing a TV listing service and I have decided to use ROVI as my data provider.
They provide me with an API that allows me to exchange data between my application and their servers by means of SOAP requests.
Since I am programming in Java, I used wsimport to generate the classes that would enable me to interact with their server.
service = new ListingsService();
port = service.getListingsServiceSoap();
I have come across a problem which Google doesn't seem to have the answer for.
According to their API, whenever I want to make a call to a SOAP service I have to add my API Key to the end of url.
The problem is, I don't know how to do that. Using the stubs generated by wsimport, I can create a request object as it should be; however the URL is not displayed as per their specification. The url I currently get is: and what is required is: I obtained that by printing the following code:
Trying to run the following code:
GetServicesRS servicesRS = port.getServices(getServicesRQ, auth)
Yields the following error:
Exception in thread "main" The server sent HTTP status code 403: Forbidden
What java method can I use to append this parameter into the SOAP request URL.
Thanks for your help.
I am still struggling with this and haven't been lucky with responses, if anyone could point me in the direction of a framework or something that could facilitate this would be great!
I manage to work around my problem using something called BindingProvider.
I added the following to my code:
service = new ListingsService();
port = service.getListingsServiceSoap();
BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) port;
"" + APIKey);
With the aforementioned code the call to the API is successful:
GetServicesRS servicesRS = port.getServices(getServicesRQ, auth)
Hope it helps someone in the future.

How can I access a 'Web App' built in Google Apps Script from Android?

I can successfully access Google Drive and Spreadsheet functionality from my application.
So I have an authorised instance of
Now I wish to execute a Google Apps Script that is deployed as a 'Web App'. This will also require authentication to run. This script runs in the browser if I hit the endpoint and am authenticated.
Here's some psuedo code :
String url = "";
GenericUrl webAppEndPoint = new GenericUrl(url);
final HttpTransport httpTransport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = httpTransport.createRequestFactory(currentCredential);
// Do POST for service
String requestBody = URLEncoder.encode("{\"name\":\"John Smith\",\"company\":\"Virginia Company\",\"pdf\":\""+getPdfBase64()+"\"}", "UTF-8");
HttpRequest postRequest =requestFactory.buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(url), ByteArrayContent.fromString(null, requestBody));
HttpResponse postResponse = postRequest.execute();
If I run the code I get the following error : HttpResponseException 405 Method Not Allowed
UPDATE : So - originally i was POSTing to the wrong URL ( i'd copied the redirected URL from a browser instead of the script URL )
The POST is now successful ( authentication included ) using the above code, but it still doesn't handle the GET redirect after submission. I can work with this now but it would be good to be able to get a response from the server.
I think that doesn't handle authenticated POST redirects properly.
Your pseudocode isn’t very illuminating; to really see what’s going on you’d need to show the actual HTTP traffic. I should say though that a 302 redirect to a specified redict_uri is a normal part of the OAuth 2 authentication flow.
1) you cant call an apps script with authentication. You need to publish it as anonymous access as a contentService.
2)you are also calling the wrong url. Call the service url not the redirected one that you get in the browser.

