My application uses one form, the navigation consists of replace a main container.
I have a toolbar with sidemenu, logo , back and exit command.
I want to disable the back command in some specific pages.
command.setEnabled(false) does not work, removing and adding commands does not work properly.
Is there any way to disable command after adding it to the toolbar.
If you want the command to be visible and clickable but do nothing, you can use if condition on the code inside the actionPerformed of the back command.
Command back = new Command("back") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if (some coditions is true) {
OR disable it before adding it to your Toolbar and calling f.setBackCommand(back);, if you want it to be visible but not clickable
If you don't want it there, you can either remove it or do the following if removing it will ruin your design and your TitleCommand Uiid doesn't have a background color different from the TitleArea:
Command back = new Command(" ");
back.putClientProperty("TitleCommand", true);
I am trying to set the default close operation in NetBeans 8.0.2 (in Ubuntu 14.04 on an older Asus gaming laptop.) My program is very large but uses no JFrame or java.swing components.
I merely need to save some values when the "x" in the lower right corner is clicked (this is one usual way to stop execution of a java program in NetBeans.)
I found suggestions that involved swing & JFrame, but it wasn't clear just where to insert the code:
DefaultApplicationView view = new DefaultApplicationView(this);
javax.swing.JFrame frame = view.getFrame();
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void WindowClosing(WindowEvent e){
I also found a set of instructions that I think I would prefer to use, but the post is old enough that my NetBeans doesn't have the tabs/menu-items referred to:
Set Window to Design Mode by clicking the 'Design' Tab
In the Navigator: Right click the 'JFrame' -> 'Properties'
In the Properties Tab: Set 'defaultCloseOperation' (top of the list) to 'DO_NOTHING'
Select 'Events' Tab
Scroll down to 'windowClosing'
Click on the "..." button on the right of the event to bring up the custom editor
Click 'Add...' and name the handler (i.e. custom function that you want to have execute on click of the 'X', or window close event).
Click 'Ok'
Netbeans now automatically creates the function and takes to you the function body in the source view
Now simply add what you want to do here: eg. dispose(), or system.exit or pintln(), or whatever your heart desires, as long as its JAVA and makes sense to the app.
Then there are a few other possibly relevant posts, but they all explicitly involve JFrame and/or swing. (Am I ignorant of some fact such as "All NetBeans java applications use JFrame", or some such?)
A pared down example of code for what I'm trying to do would be:
public class MyApp{
public static void main(String[] args){
// do some work that changes variables' values
// during this work user clicks the 'x' box to halt execution
// I need then automatically to save the variables' new values
// needs to be called by the OS or GUI when execution is halted by user
public static void saveMyVariables{
// here the usual printStream stuff saves some values to a file
public static void loadMyVariables{
// here the usual Scanner stuff reads some values from a file
(I need help setting the tags for this, so I'm doing as instructed and asking the community.)
When I'm setting the button to be disabled using this:
then there is this visual effect visible on the second element ->
How can I disable the button, but keep the the look of the first element?
how to get rid of visual effect when disabling buttons
Companies spend millions of dollars to develop a UI can is common and can be used by all users.
How is the user suppose to know that the button is disabled if there is no visual indication?
Anyway, (rant finished) you can manually set the disabled icon:
button.setDisabledIcon( button.getIcon());
If you also happen to have text on the button the text will still be disabled so instead of a disabled icon you can use a custom ButtonModel:
button.setModel( new DefaultButtonModel()
public boolean isArmed()
return false;
public boolean isPressed()
return false;
I have implemented a JFace Wizard with 2 WizardPages.
By default, the first WizardPage has these 4 Buttons:
Back (disabled)
Next (focused)
Finish (disabled)
Now I want to set the default focus on the Cancel Button. How do I do that?
Removing the focus and setting it to some Control of the page's content would also be ok.
I tried setting the focus to a Button in the content layout of the WizardPage, but this only sets me a second focus on the immediateButton. The focus on the Next button is still there, and the Next button reacts to pressing enter, which is what I want to avoid.
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
if (visible) {
How can I access the Dialog buttons and change their focus?
The Next button does not actually have focus, rather it is the Shell Default button.
The logic in WizardDialog makes either Next or Finish the default button and there does not seem to be a way to change this.
You may be able to override this by calling getShell().setDefaultButton(button) in your wizard page.
Update: Testing this you can do it in setVisible but you need to use Display.asyncExec to make the code run at the right time:
final Shell shell = getShell();
shell.getDisplay().asyncExec(() -> shell.setDefaultButton(immediateButton));
above is for Java 8, for Java 7 or earlier:
shell.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
I am building gui in netbeans... Or trying to is more like it. I keep getting an error in my code in the gray area that netbeans adds which evidently is a area that I can not edit.
it currently says this...
answerBox.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] { "Answer Call" }));
answerBox.addPopupMenuListener(new javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener() {
public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent evt) {
public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent evt) {
public void popupMenuCanceled(javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent evt) {
the error is on this line
In order to fix it when it says I need to remove answerBox from the beginning of the line, and I don't recall even adding a popupmenu in the first place so I am trying to figure out how to
hot to edit this line of code to see if it fixes my problem?
how can I delete things like this from the designer mode if they are giving me problems?
It appears that the event method answerBoxPopupMenuWillBecomeInvisible may no longer exist.
You could go into the "Events" tab of the property sheet and remove the associated event.
Failing that, you could open the file in something like NotePad++ and simply remove the entire listener registration code block
I have a jFace wizard, I am using this to create a new project type eclipse plugin. As you can see from image below, I have one treeviewer on left side, and a SWT group on right side. What I want is when ever user selects one of the item from treeviewer, I should be able to create dynamic controls on right side SWT Group. Say user selects Test One, one right side I should be able to create few controls like label, text and few radio buttons on right side, similarly if user selects Test Two I should be able to create dynamic controls on right side.
Currently I tried below code:
tree.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
String tempStr = selection[i].toString();
tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll("TreeItem \\{", "");
String finalStr = tempStr.replaceAll("\\}", "");
if (finalStr.equals("Test One")) {
Button btn = new Button(g2, SWT.NONE); //g2 is right side group
But when I run, I see no changes on right group. Can anyone guide me what I am doing wrong? Any pointers would be very appreciated, since I am new to Eclipse development and SWT.
You probably didn't set a layout on the g2 group. This is the common cause for controls not showing up. You can also try using g2.layout() to ensure that the new controls are correctly laid out after you create them.
Additionally you could look at using a StackLayout so that once you create a set of controls you can just hide them all at once instead of destroying when the selection changes. This is often useful so that if the user comes back to a previous selection, they will find the data they entered in the same state when they switched the selection. Here is an example.