netbeans setDefaultCloseOperation - java

I am trying to set the default close operation in NetBeans 8.0.2 (in Ubuntu 14.04 on an older Asus gaming laptop.) My program is very large but uses no JFrame or java.swing components.
I merely need to save some values when the "x" in the lower right corner is clicked (this is one usual way to stop execution of a java program in NetBeans.)
I found suggestions that involved swing & JFrame, but it wasn't clear just where to insert the code:
DefaultApplicationView view = new DefaultApplicationView(this);
javax.swing.JFrame frame = view.getFrame();
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void WindowClosing(WindowEvent e){
I also found a set of instructions that I think I would prefer to use, but the post is old enough that my NetBeans doesn't have the tabs/menu-items referred to:
Set Window to Design Mode by clicking the 'Design' Tab
In the Navigator: Right click the 'JFrame' -> 'Properties'
In the Properties Tab: Set 'defaultCloseOperation' (top of the list) to 'DO_NOTHING'
Select 'Events' Tab
Scroll down to 'windowClosing'
Click on the "..." button on the right of the event to bring up the custom editor
Click 'Add...' and name the handler (i.e. custom function that you want to have execute on click of the 'X', or window close event).
Click 'Ok'
Netbeans now automatically creates the function and takes to you the function body in the source view
Now simply add what you want to do here: eg. dispose(), or system.exit or pintln(), or whatever your heart desires, as long as its JAVA and makes sense to the app.
Then there are a few other possibly relevant posts, but they all explicitly involve JFrame and/or swing. (Am I ignorant of some fact such as "All NetBeans java applications use JFrame", or some such?)
A pared down example of code for what I'm trying to do would be:
public class MyApp{
public static void main(String[] args){
// do some work that changes variables' values
// during this work user clicks the 'x' box to halt execution
// I need then automatically to save the variables' new values
// needs to be called by the OS or GUI when execution is halted by user
public static void saveMyVariables{
// here the usual printStream stuff saves some values to a file
public static void loadMyVariables{
// here the usual Scanner stuff reads some values from a file
(I need help setting the tags for this, so I'm doing as instructed and asking the community.)


Dispose frame In Its Constructor

I want to dispose a frame in its constructor when the condition is true.
this.dispose is not disposing frame. I want that, when my constructor is called, if condition i.e (configurationBean.getCode().equals(macPass)) is true then a new frame have to be called and this frame must have to be closed. Else this frame have to be created.
public ConfigurationFrame() {
String pcMac = getPcMacAddress();
String macPass = getPassword(pcMac);
ConfigurationDao configurationDao = new ConfigurationDaoImpl();
ConfigurationBean configurationBean = configurationDao.checkCode(macPass);
if(configurationBean == null)
else if(configurationBean.getCode().equals(macPass))
new MainLoginFrame().setVisible(true);
Note that your question is a classic "XY Problem" type question where you ask "how do I do X", when the best solution is "Don't do X but instead do Y". In other words you definitely do not want to dispose of a top-level window object such as a JFrame in its constructor as you're trying to do.
I think that what you want to do (a guess) is to
Test the configuration of things
If OK, display the main GUI
If not OK, then display a window that allows the user to re-set the configuration
Key point: then re-test if the configuration is OK,
And if so, then display main GUI
Repeat as necessary.
If so, then I would use a while loop to show the set configuration window and exit the loop if the configuration is OK, but also allow the user to exit the loop if they simply want to quit or can't set the configuration OK. Something like this:
// configurationGood: true if config is good
// justQuit: true if the user has had enough and wants to quit
while (!configurationGood && !justQuit) {
// create configuration dialog here
// calling constructors, and all
// use a **modal** dialog here
// change configurationGood and/or justQuit values in here
if (!justQuit) {
// create and display main application here
Note that
this code is not called within any GUI window constructor, but rather prior to displaying the GUI
The re-set configuration window shouldn't be a JFrame but rather a modal JDialog
This way the program code flow halts while the dialog is displayed and only resumes after the dialog has been dealt with.
This allows the code within the while loop to query the dialog the state of its fields and use this to re-test that the configuration is OK

Java Swing Dialog Window focus

In my application I have a main window and a utility popup dialog that is shown when the user clicks on a menu item. My issue is that if another program (say firefox) is opened over the java application, this obviously hides the java application. This is OK - but when the user then clicks on my java application again, only the main window is shown - the utility popup dialog is still hidden under firefox. I would like to design it such that when the user interacts with the main window in any way the utility popup dialog is also brought to the front.
I've tried adding a MouseInputListener to the main frame to bring the utility dialog to the front but this also transfers focus to it, which I don't want.
private MouseInputAdapter onWindowClick = new MouseInputAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (scheduleDialog != null)
scheduleDialog.toFront(); // the utility dialog
the utility popup dialog is still hidden
When the dialog is created you need to specify the main window as the owner of the dialog.
Then when you click on the icon for the window, the dialog will display as well.
Read the JDialog API for the proper constructor to use.

Eclipse PreferencePage "Apply" and "OK" greyed-out

I am a newcomer to Eclipse PreferencePages and am currently creating a new FieldEditorPreferencePage for my project. However, having FileFieldEditors() or DirectoryFieldEditors() greys-out the "Apply" and "OK" buttons in my custom preference page. On the other hand, the other FieldEditors (Boolean- and Combo-) do not disable the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.
Furthermore, changing everything to Xtext's LanguageRootPreferencePage seems to work as well (though I'd prefer not to use it as I want the custom preference page to show up in it's own tab).
For example:
//Simplified example of code
public class XPreferencePage extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage, IWorkbenchPropertyPage {
public XPreferencePage() {
protected void initialize() {
//IPropertyChangeListeners go here
protected void createFieldEditors() {
//"Apply" and "OK" works here
g = new BooleanFieldEditor(SConstants.GENERATOR, "Generate Bindings", getFieldEditorParent());
//"Apply" and "OK" is greyed-out starting here
gp = new FileFieldEditor(SConstants.GENERATOR_PATH, "Generator Path:", false, 0, getFieldEditorParent());
Is there anyway to fix this? I followed the tutorial from Eclipse Article-Field-Editors but it doesn't seem to work for me. Reading online says it can be due to negative IntegerField (which I don't have) or that I'm trying to change the default settings (which I don't have either).
I am using Eclipse Mars 4.5.0.
UPDATE: The code above (partially) worked for FileFieldEditors. However, for some reason I need to click FileFieldEditor field and check and uncheck the checkbox directly above the FileFieldEditor for each FileFieldEditor in the preference page before the "Apply" and "OK" buttons are available again.
Furthermore, I have also implemented a IPropertyChangeListener which deactivates certain fields when certain checkboxes are unchecked which means this "check and uncheck" workaround would not work for me. I have also tried setting the default focus to one of my checkboxes but that didn't work
FileFieldEditor(String name, String labelText, Composite parent) defalult validates the path when the text widget loose the focus that is what you are giving invalid as default value.
For e.g. if you give C:\\User\\XXX then this path should physically exist then and only it will not grey out ok and apply button.
You can also use below constructor by setting your validation stratergy.
FileFieldEditor(String name, String labelText,boolean enforceAbsolute, int validationStrategy, Composite parent)
value of validationStrategy
1 for the editor performs validation only when the text widget
loses focus.
0 for the editor performs validation after every key

Why doesn't Swing formWindowClosed work properly?

I have a SWING form and when I close the application I want to save data to a text file.
This is the code generated by Swing which I cannot modify:
addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
Here is my custom implementation of formWindowClosed. The problem is that the app closes without executing formWindowClosed.
Isn't formWindowClosed the method where I want to put the code that gets executed before the app closes ?
formWindoClosed implementation:
private void formWindowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
If you want to execute code before the process exits, you have to set the default close operation to WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE then in the listener method save your file and then call System.exit(0); when you're done.
Also "Swing" doesn't generate code by itself. Maybe you should write your GUI code for your self, by hand. Then of course you can modify anything.
You have to have the possibility to change exit behavior of your window, so setting it to dispose on close should help. Maybe you should look up where you can change it in your IDE. (Or just open it with a text editor...)
you can use formWindowClosing instead.
To do this through the Netbeans IDE GUI Builder:
Go to Design view and right-click the [JFrame] inside the Navigator window. Go to events and select the event you want to add.
Remember to mark the frame as DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE in the defaultCloseOperation property.

Display only one Shell if the shell if previously open not display another shell

I am developing a rcp application .I am using a Novocode swt balloon window . I need to display one BaloonWindow on button click.but whenever I click on button each time create a new balloon window
My code is below
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
try {
BalloonWindow baloonWindow=new BalloonWindow(HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event).getShell(),SWT.ON_TOP|SWT.TOOL|SWT.CLOSE);
baloonWindow.setLocation(1290, 90);
Composite c = baloonWindow.getContents();
String array[]=new String[2];
c.setLayout(new FillLayout());
TableViewer t=new TableViewer(c,SWT.NONE);
t.setContentProvider(new ArrayContentProvider());
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
anybody can help to show only one balloon window at time.if a balloon window is open then another balloon window should not be allowed to open or there should remain only one balloon window open at any given point of time.
I'm not quite sure I understood you ultimate goal, so here are two possibilities:
First (at most one BalloonWindow at a time)
Create a static boolean field isOpen in your class containing the execute() method. Set this variable to true once you created the BalloonWindow and check this variable each time you enter execute(). If it is false, create a new BalloonWindow, if it is true, return.
Second (close the BalloonWindow)
The BalloonWindow has a method open(). Use this method to open it instead of setVisible(true). If you want to close the BalloonWindow, just call close(). setVisible(false) would have the same visual effect (the window is gone), but it would still be there (only invisible). close really closes the window.

