SurfacePlotMesh (FXyz) constructor arguments - java

I would like to know if I am correct with understanding the constructor argument as a Function<Point2D, Number> function.
My function which I have used for 1D charts based on the applying the variables after every step on the x axis, but there is as a parametr Point2D which contain 2 variables : x and y, if i am correct the x varriable is step which increase "0.5" for every calculations after apply the function of y.
Then what is the second parametr of generic type, the Number ?
How could I implement other functions, using the SurfacePlotMesh class. Could someone explain me a little bit how it works ? Or link the documenations ( If it exist ) ?

If you have a look at the code for SurfacePlotMesh in the FXyz library, you'll find createPlotMesh(), a method that creates the mesh for the surface, based on two coordinates on a plane grid (x, y), taken from the Point2D coordinates, and a function value (z), given by the function applied on that point.
If you have a look at the default parameters:
private static final Function<Point2D, Number> DEFAULT_FUNCTION =
p -> Math.sin(p.magnitude()) / p.magnitude();
private static final double DEFAULT_X_RANGE = 10; // -5 +5
private static final double DEFAULT_Y_RANGE = 10; // -5 +5
private static final int DEFAULT_X_DIVISIONS = 64;
private static final int DEFAULT_Y_DIVISIONS = 64;
private static final double DEFAULT_FUNCTION_SCALE = 1.0D;
what it means it that there will be a grid of 10x10 units, with 64x64 divisions. In each and every vertex (x,y) of the total 65x65 vertices, we will evaluate the function to get the value z = f(x, y), with a default scale of 1.
I.e., for the top left 2D point at (-5, -5) -> f(-5, -5) = 1.0025, so the 3D point for the mesh will be (-5, -5, 1.0025), and so on.
This picture shows a grid of 10x10 range with 20x20 divisions, and the mesh with a scale of 4 for that function.
You can change the function at any time, like:
p -> p.getX()
p -> p.getX() * p.getY()
p -> Math.cos(p.getX()) * Math.sin(p.getY())
as well as the other parameters (range, divisions, scale).
For the moment there is no documentation, but the code is fully available.
Also there is a sampler to run most of the samples and modify the parameters to easily check the result without recompiling all over again here.
Based on the OP comment, for a function where there is no y dependency, a ribbon type of surface can be created by setting a very low value on y:
private void createSurface(double time) {
surface = new SurfacePlotMesh(
p-> Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.exp(-(Math.pow((p.getX() - time), 2))) *
(Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * (p.getX() - time)))), 2) +
Math.pow(Math.exp(-(Math.pow((p.getX() - time), 2))) *
(Math.sin((2 * Math.PI * (p.getX() - time)))), 2)),
10, 0.1, 64, 2, 2);
where the time parameter will be set to a fixed value or in an animation.


Why does my 1D gravity simulation not act like a pendulum?

My gravity simulation acts more like a gravity slingshot. Once the two bodies pass over each other, they accelerate far more than they decelerate on the other side. It's not balanced. It won't oscillate around an attractor.
How do other gravity simulators get around it? example:, if you create 2 bodies they will just oscillate back and forth, not drifting any further apart than their original distance even though they move through each other as in my example.
That's how it should be. But in my case, as soon as they get close they just shoot away from each other to the edges of the imaginary galaxy never to come back for a gazillion years.
edit: Here is a video of the bug
Here is a minimal test case to run in processing.
float v;
int unit = 1; //1 pixel = 1 meter
float x;
float y;
float alx;
float aly;
float g = 6.67408 * pow(10, -11) * sq(unit); //g constant
float m1 = (1 * pow(10, 15)); // attractor mass
float m2 = 1; //object mass
void setup() {
size (200,200);
a = 0;
v = 0;
x = width/2; // object x
y = 0; // object y
alx = width/2; //attractor x
aly = height/2; //attractor y
void draw() {
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); //object
ellipse(alx, aly, 10, 10); //attractor
void applyAcc() {
a = getAcc();
v += a * (1/frameRate); //add acceleration to velocity
y += v * (1/frameRate); //add velocity to Y
a = 0;
float getAcc() {
float a = 0;
float d = dist(x, y, alx, aly); //distance to attractor
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d); //gforce
a += gravity/m2;
if (y > aly){
a *= -1;}
return a;
Your distance doesn't include width of the object, so the objects effectively occupy the same space at the same time.
The way to "cap gravity" as suggested above is add a normal force when the outer edges touch, if it's a physical simulation.
You should get into the habit of debugging your code. Which line of code is behaving differently from what you expected?
For example, if I were you I would start by printing out the value of gravity every time you calculate it:
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d); //gforce
You'll notice that your gravity value skyrockets as your circles get closer to each other. And this makes sense, because you're dividing by sq(d). Ad d gets smaller, your gravity increases.
You could simply cap your gravity value so it doesn't go off the charts anymore:
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d);
if(gravity > 100){
gravity = 100;
Alternatively you could cap d so it never goes below a certain value, but the result is the same.
In the end you'll find that this is not going to be as easy as you expected. You're going to have to tune the parameters quite a bit so your simulation works how you want.
Working demo here:
I followed the solution posted by the author of the sim that inspired this question here:
-First off, shrinking the timestep is always helpful. My simulation runs, as a baseline, about 40 ‘steps’ per frame, and 30 frames per second.
-To deal with the exact issue you talk about, I think modeling the bodies not as pure point masses - but rather spherical masses with a certain radius will be vital. That prevents the force of gravity from diverging to infinity. So, for instance, if you drop an asteroid into a star in my simulation (with collisions turned off), the force of gravity will increase as the asteroid gets closer, up until it reaches the surface of the star, at which point the force will begin to decrease. And the moment it’s at the center of the star (or nearby), the force will be zero (or nearly zero) - instead of near-infinite.
In my demo, I just completed turned off gravity when two objects are close enough together. Seems to work well enough.

Gradient Descent Linear Regression in Java

This a bit of a long shot, but I wonder if someone could look at this. Am I doing Batch Gradient descent for linear regression correctly here?
It gives the expected answers for a single independent and intercept, but not for multiple independent variables.
* (using Colt Matrix library)
* #param alpha Learning Rate
* #param thetas Current Thetas
* #param independent
* #param dependent
* #return new Thetas
public DoubleMatrix1D descent(double alpha,
DoubleMatrix1D thetas,
DoubleMatrix2D independent,
DoubleMatrix1D dependent ) {
Algebra algebra = new Algebra();
// ALPHA*(1/M) in one.
double modifier = alpha / (double)independent.rows();
//I think this can just skip the transpose of theta.
//This is the result of every Xi run through the theta (hypothesis fn)
//So each Xj feature is multiplied by its Theata, to get the results of the hypothesis
DoubleMatrix1D hypothesies = algebra.mult( independent, thetas );
//hypothesis - Y
//Now we have for each Xi, the difference between predictect by the hypothesis and the actual Yi
hypothesies.assign(dependent, Functions.minus);
//Transpose Examples(MxN) to NxM so we can matrix multiply by hypothesis Nx1
DoubleMatrix2D transposed = algebra.transpose(independent);
DoubleMatrix1D deltas = algebra.mult(transposed, hypothesies );
// Scale the deltas by 1/m and learning rate alhpa. (alpha/m)
//Theta = Theta - Deltas
thetas.assign( deltas, Functions.minus );
return( thetas );
There is nothing wrong in your implementation and based on your comment the problem in collinearity which you induce when generating x2. This is problematic in regression estimation.
To test your algorithm, you can generate two independent columns of random numbers. Pick a value of w0, w1 and w2 i.e. coefficients for intercept, x1 and x2 respectively. Calculate the dependent value y.
Then see if your stochastic/batch gradient decent algorithm can recover w0, w1 and w2 values
I think adding
// ALPHA*(1/M) in one.
double modifier = alpha / (double)independent.rows();
Is a bad Idea, since you're mixing gradient function with the gradient descent algorithm, it's much better to have a gradientDescent algorithm inside a public method like following in Java:
import org.la4j.Matrix;
import org.la4j.Vector;
public Vector gradientDescent(Matrix x, Matrix y, int kmax, double alpha)
int k=1;
Vector thetas = Vector.fromArray(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0});
while (k<kmax)
thetas = thetas.subtract(gradient(x, y, thetas).multiply(alpha));
return thetas;

Java: Rotate a Point around an other using Google Maps Coordinates

From Google Earth I got a Box with coordinates for a picture, like following:
Now I want to test weather a point intersect with this LatLonBox.
My base idea to check, whether a point intersect with the LatLonBox was, to rotate the point back by the given angle, and then to test whether the point intersect with a regular (not rotated) rectangle.
I tried to calculate the rotation manually:
public static MyGeoPoint rotatePoint(MyGeoPoint point, MyGeoPoint origion, double degree)
double x = origion.getLatitude() + (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.getLatitude() - origion.getLatitude()) - Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.getLongitude() - origion.getLongitude()));
double y = origion.getLongitude() + (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.getLatitude() - origion.getLatitude()) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.getLongitude() - origion.getLongitude()));
return new MyGeoPoint(x, y);
public boolean intersect(MyGeoPoint geoPoint)
geoPoint = MyGeoPoint.rotatePoint(geoPoint, this.getCenter(), - this.getRotation());
return (geoPoint.getLatitude() < getTopLeftLatitude()
&& geoPoint.getLatitude() > getBottomRightLatitude()
&& geoPoint.getLongitude() > getTopLeftLongitude()
&& geoPoint.getLongitude() < getBottomRightLongitude());
And it seems that the results are wrong.
LatLonBox box = new LatLonBox(53.10685, 8.851858333333333, 53.10637222222223, 8.853144444444444, -26.3448);
MyGeoPoint point1 = new MyGeoPoint(53.106872, 8.852311);
MyGeoPoint point2 = new MyGeoPoint(53.10670378322918, 8.852967186822669);
MyGeoPoint point3 = new MyGeoPoint(53.10652664993972, 8.851994565566875);
MyGeoPoint point4 = new MyGeoPoint(53.10631650700605, 8.85270995172055);
The result is true, false, false, true. But it should be 4x true.
Probably I´, making some kind of error in reasoning.
Maybe because the latitude values are getting bigger upwards. But I don´t knwo how to change the formular.
I need some help ...
I think my basic idea and formular is right. Also I found similar solutions eg. link and couldn´t find any difference.
So I think the only possible error source is, that the axis are not proportional. So the problem is how to take account of this.
I hope someone has got an idea.
The problem was indeed that the axis were not proportional.
The following method takes care of it.
public static MyGeoPoint rotatePoint(MyGeoPoint point, MyGeoPoint origion, double degree)
double x = origion.longitude + (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.longitude - origion.longitude) - Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.latitude - origion.latitude) / Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(origion.latitude)));
double y = origion.latitude + (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.longitude - origion.longitude) * Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(origion.latitude))) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degree)) * (point.latitude - origion.latitude));
return new MyGeoPoint(x, y);
if I understand correctly you want to check if these four points are in rotated rectangle.
I would recommend checking not by corner points because your rectangle is rotated but:
if you have rotated rectangle ABCD then calculate lines |AB|, |BC|,|CD| and |DA|. If you have two points then use y=ax+b (you will calculate a,b by by giving [x,y] of both coordinates that gives you two easy equatations).
Finally function intersect will check
if point <= line |CD|
AND point >= line |AB|
AND point <= line |BC|
AND point >= |DA|
then it is inside rect.
This can be done when your point P[x,y] you put in ax+y+b (a>0 or -ax-y-b). If it is zero it is lying on the line, if it is < than it is under line or "on the left side". Hope I helped..
BTW why are you using -degree value, which you multiply by -1 , is it necessary?
The problem appears to be that the data structure LatLonBox doesn't make any sense as a description for the boundary of a picture. A box in lat-lon coordinates is not a geometric rectangle. (Think about a box near or including the north pole.) You need to re-think your application to deal in a lat/lon coordinate for the center of the picture and then deal with the rotation as an angle with respect to lines of latitude (parallel to the equator). (Even then, a picture with center on the north or south pole will be a degenerate case that must be handled separately.) So a box should properly be something like:
<width>1000</width> <!-- in pixels or meters, but not in degrees! -->
<height>600</height> <!-- same as above -->
Having said all that, suppose you have a true geometric box centered at (x0,y0), width w, height h, rotated angle T about its center. Then you can test a point P(x,y) for membership in the box with the following. You need the transformation that takes the box to the origin and aligns it with the axes. This is Translate(-x0,-y0) then Rotate(-T). This transformation as a matrix is
[cos(-T) -sin(-T) 0][1 0 -x0] [ cos(T) sin(T) -x0*cos(T)-y0*sin(T)]
[sin(-T) cos(-T) 0][0 1 -y0] = [-sin(T) cos(T) x0*sin(T)-y0*cos(T)]
[0 0 1][0 0 1] [ 0 0 1 ]
You want to apply this transformation to the point to be tested and then see if it lies in the desired box:
// Transform the point to be tested.
ct = cos(T);
st = sin(T);
xp = ct * x + st * y - x0 * ct - y0 * st;
yp = -st * x + ct * y + x0 * st - y0 * ct;
// Test for membership in the box.
boolean inside = xp >= -w/2 && xp <= w/2 && yp >= -h/2 && yp <= h/2;
It's late and I haven't checked this arithmetic, but it's close. Say if it doesn't work.

Minimising cumulative floating point arithmetic error

I have a 2D convex polygon in 3D space and a function to measure the area of the polygon.
public double area() {
if (vertices.size() >= 3) {
double area = 0;
Vector3 origin = vertices.get(0);
Vector3 prev = vertices.get(1).clone();
for (int i = 2; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
Vector3 current = vertices.get(i).clone();
Vector3 cross = prev.cross(current);
area += cross.magnitude();
prev = current;
area /= 2;
return area;
} else {
return 0;
To test that this method works at all orientations of the polygon I had my program rotate it a little bit each iteration and calculate the area. Like so...
Face f = poly.getFaces().get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
Vector3 v = f.getVertex(i);
v.rotate(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
if (blah % 1000 == 0)
System.out.println(blah + ":\t" + f.area());
My method seems correct when testing with a 20x20 square. However the rotate method (a method in the Vector3 class) seems to introduce some error into the position of each vertex in the polygon, which affects the area calculation. Here is the Vector3.rotate() method
public void rotate(double xAngle, double yAngle, double zAngle) {
double oldY = y;
double oldZ = z;
y = oldY * Math.cos(xAngle) - oldZ * Math.sin(xAngle);
z = oldY * Math.sin(xAngle) + oldZ * Math.cos(xAngle);
oldZ = z;
double oldX = x;
z = oldZ * Math.cos(yAngle) - oldX * Math.sin(yAngle);
x = oldZ * Math.sin(yAngle) + oldX * Math.cos(yAngle);
oldX = x;
oldY = y;
x = oldX * Math.cos(zAngle) - oldY * Math.sin(zAngle);
y = oldX * Math.sin(zAngle) + oldY * Math.cos(zAngle);
Here is the output for my program in the format "iteration: area":
0: 400.0
1000: 399.9999999999981
2000: 399.99999999999744
3000: 399.9999999999959
4000: 399.9999999999924
5000: 399.9999999999912
6000: 399.99999999999187
7000: 399.9999999999892
8000: 399.9999999999868
9000: 399.99999999998664
10000: 399.99999999998386
11000: 399.99999999998283
12000: 399.99999999998215
13000: 399.9999999999805
14000: 399.99999999998016
15000: 399.99999999997897
16000: 399.9999999999782
17000: 399.99999999997715
18000: 399.99999999997726
19000: 399.9999999999769
20000: 399.99999999997584
Since this is intended to eventually be for a physics engine I would like to know how I can minimise the cumulative error since the Vector3.rotate() method will be used on a very regular basis.
A couple of odd notes:
The error is proportional to the amount rotated. ie. bigger rotation per iteration -> bigger error per iteration.
There is more error when passing doubles to the rotate function than when passing it floats.
You'll always have some cumulative error with repeated floating point trig operations — that's just how they work. To deal with it, you basically have two options:
Just ignore it. Note that, in your example, after 20,000 iterations(!) the area is still accurate down to 13 decimal places. That's not bad, considering that doubles can only store about 16 decimal places to begin with.
Indeed, plotting your graph, the area of your square seems to be going down more or less linearly:
This makes sense, assuming that the effective determinant of your approximate rotation matrix is about 1 − 3.417825 × 10-18, which is well within normal double precision floating point error range of one. If that's the case, the area of your square would continue a very slow exponential decay towards zero, such that you'd need about two billion (2 × 109) 7.3 × 1014 iterations to get the area down to 399. Assuming 100 iterations per second, that's about seven and a half months 230 thousand years.
Edit: When I first calculated how long it would take for the area to reach 399, it seems I made a mistake and somehow managed to overestimate the decay rate by a factor of about 400,000(!). I've corrected the mistake above.
If you still feel you don't want any cumulative error, the answer is simple: don't iterate floating point rotations. Instead, have your object store its current orientation in a member variable, and use that information to always rotate the object from its original orientation to its current one.
This is simple in 2D, since you just have to store an angle. In 3D, I'd suggest storing either a quaternion or a matrix, and occasionally rescaling it so that its norm / determinant stays approximately one (and, if you're using a matrix to represent the orientation of a rigid body, that it remains approximately orthogonal).
Of course, this approach won't eliminate cumulative error in the orientation of the object, but the rescaling does ensure that the volume, area and/or shape of the object won't be affected.
You say there is cumulative error but I don't believe there is (note how your output desn't always go down) and the rest of the error is just due to rounding and loss of precision in a float.
I did work on a 2d physics engine in university (in java) and found double to be more precise (of course it is see oracles datatype sizes
In short you will never get rid of this behaviour you just have to accept the limitations of precision
Now I look at your .area function there is possibly some cumulative due to
+= cross.magnitude
but I have to say that whole function looks a bit odd. Why does it need to know the previous vertices to calculate the current area?

Cartesian coordinates in Java

I'm trying to draw a function's curve, so I need a method to convert my curve points coordinates to screen coordinates but I can't get it to work.
Here's the method I use to convert:
public Point tradPoint(Point P){
Point Ptd = new Point();
Ptd.x=getWidth()/2 + P.x*getWidth()/20;
Ptd.y=getHeight()/2 - P.y*getHeight()/20;
return Ptd;
but it doesn't work.
I should mention that I'm using a Cartesian coordinate system and a unit=20.
Any suggestions?
Should be
Ptd.x = getWidth() / 2 + P.x * 20;
Ptd.y = getHeight() / 2 - P.y * 20;
where 20 is the unit width.
Also, Ptd should be pTd or even better pointTranslated and P should be p or point. Java identifiers should start with a lowercase letter and be descriptive.

