My gravity simulation acts more like a gravity slingshot. Once the two bodies pass over each other, they accelerate far more than they decelerate on the other side. It's not balanced. It won't oscillate around an attractor.
How do other gravity simulators get around it? example:, if you create 2 bodies they will just oscillate back and forth, not drifting any further apart than their original distance even though they move through each other as in my example.
That's how it should be. But in my case, as soon as they get close they just shoot away from each other to the edges of the imaginary galaxy never to come back for a gazillion years.
edit: Here is a video of the bug
Here is a minimal test case to run in processing.
float v;
int unit = 1; //1 pixel = 1 meter
float x;
float y;
float alx;
float aly;
float g = 6.67408 * pow(10, -11) * sq(unit); //g constant
float m1 = (1 * pow(10, 15)); // attractor mass
float m2 = 1; //object mass
void setup() {
size (200,200);
a = 0;
v = 0;
x = width/2; // object x
y = 0; // object y
alx = width/2; //attractor x
aly = height/2; //attractor y
void draw() {
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); //object
ellipse(alx, aly, 10, 10); //attractor
void applyAcc() {
a = getAcc();
v += a * (1/frameRate); //add acceleration to velocity
y += v * (1/frameRate); //add velocity to Y
a = 0;
float getAcc() {
float a = 0;
float d = dist(x, y, alx, aly); //distance to attractor
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d); //gforce
a += gravity/m2;
if (y > aly){
a *= -1;}
return a;
Your distance doesn't include width of the object, so the objects effectively occupy the same space at the same time.
The way to "cap gravity" as suggested above is add a normal force when the outer edges touch, if it's a physical simulation.
You should get into the habit of debugging your code. Which line of code is behaving differently from what you expected?
For example, if I were you I would start by printing out the value of gravity every time you calculate it:
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d); //gforce
You'll notice that your gravity value skyrockets as your circles get closer to each other. And this makes sense, because you're dividing by sq(d). Ad d gets smaller, your gravity increases.
You could simply cap your gravity value so it doesn't go off the charts anymore:
float gravity = (g * m1 * m2)/sq(d);
if(gravity > 100){
gravity = 100;
Alternatively you could cap d so it never goes below a certain value, but the result is the same.
In the end you'll find that this is not going to be as easy as you expected. You're going to have to tune the parameters quite a bit so your simulation works how you want.
Working demo here:
I followed the solution posted by the author of the sim that inspired this question here:
-First off, shrinking the timestep is always helpful. My simulation runs, as a baseline, about 40 ‘steps’ per frame, and 30 frames per second.
-To deal with the exact issue you talk about, I think modeling the bodies not as pure point masses - but rather spherical masses with a certain radius will be vital. That prevents the force of gravity from diverging to infinity. So, for instance, if you drop an asteroid into a star in my simulation (with collisions turned off), the force of gravity will increase as the asteroid gets closer, up until it reaches the surface of the star, at which point the force will begin to decrease. And the moment it’s at the center of the star (or nearby), the force will be zero (or nearly zero) - instead of near-infinite.
In my demo, I just completed turned off gravity when two objects are close enough together. Seems to work well enough.
I am currently working on a Processing (as in the language) sketch, which is driven by Turtle logic (see This means that I draw a line from the current coordinate to a supplied coordinate. This supplied coordinate will then become the new current coordinate. I want to approximate a circle and have written a simple piece of code using trigonometrics. The code looks as follow:
void drawCircle(int radius){
// The circle center is radius amount to the left of the current xpos
int steps = 16;
double step = TWO_PI /steps;
for(double theta = step; theta <= TWO_PI; theta += step){
float deltaX = cos((float)theta) - cos((float)(theta - step));
float deltaY = sin((float)theta) - sin((float)(theta - step));
moveXY(deltaX*radius, deltaY*radius);
The program logic is simple. It will use the variable theta to loop through all the radians in a circle. The amount of steps will indicate how large each theta chunk is. It will then calculate the x,y values for the specific point in the circle governed by theta. It will then deduct the x,y values of the previous cycle (hence the theta-step) to get the amount it will have to move from this position to attain the desired x,y position. It will finally supply those delta values to a moveXY function, which draws a line from the current point to the supplied values and makes them the new current position.
The program seems to work quite well when using a limited amount of steps. However, when the step count is increased, the circles become more and more like a Fibonacci spiral. My guess is that this is due to imprecision with the float number and the sine and cosine calculations, and that this adds up with each iteration.
Have I interpreted something wrong? I am looking to port this code to Javascript eventually, so I am looking for a solution in the design. Using BigDecimal might not work, especially since it does not contain its own cosine and sine functions. I have included a few images to detail the problem. Any help is much appreciated!
Step count 16:
Step count 32:
Step count 64:
Step count 128:
Float and sine/cosine should be sufficiently precise. The question is: How precise is your position on the plane? If this position is measured in pixels, then each of your floating point values is rounded to integer after each step. The loss of precision then adds up.
At each iteration round the loop, you are calculating the delta without regard of what the current coordinate is. So effectively, you are "dead-reckoning", which is always going to be inaccurate, since errors at each step build up.
Since you know that you want a circle, an alternative approach would be at each iteration, to first determine the actual point on the circle you want to get to, and then calculate the delta to get there - so something like the following (but I must admit I haven't tested it !):
void drawCircle(int radius){
// The circle center is radius amount to the left of the current xpos
int steps = 16;
double step = TWO_PI /steps;
float previousX = 0;
float previousY = radius;
for(double theta = step; theta <= TWO_PI; theta += step){
float thisX = radius * sin((float)theta);
float thisY = radius * cos((float)theta);
moveXY(thisX - previousX, thisY - previousY);
previousX = thisX;
previousY = thisY;
I'm making a 2d game in libgdx and I would like to know what the standard way of moving (translating between two known points) on the screen is.
On a button press, I am trying to animate a diagonal movement of a sprite between two points. I know the x and y coordinates of start and finish point. However I can't figure out the maths that determines where the texture should be in between on each call to render. At the moment my algorithm is sort of like:
textureProperty = new TextureProperty();
firstPtX = textureProperty.currentLocationX
firstPtY = textureProperty.currentLocationY
nextPtX = textureProperty.getNextLocationX()
nextPtX = textureProperty.getNextLocationX()
diffX = nextPtX - firstPtX
diffY = nextPtY - firstPtY
deltaX = diffX/speedFactor // Arbitrary, controlls speed of the translation
deltaX = diffX/speedFactor
renderLocX = textureProperty.renderLocX()
renderLocY = textureProperty.renderLocY()
if(textureProperty.getFirstPoint() != textureProperty.getNextPoint()){
animating = true
if (animating) {
newLocationX = renderLocX + deltaX
newLocationY = renderLocY + deltaY
textureProperty.setRenderPoint(renderLocX, renderLocY)
if (textureProperty.getRenderPoint() == textureProperty.getNextPoint()){
animating = false
batch.draw(texture, textureProperty.renderLocX(), textureProperty.renderLocY())
However, I can foresee a few issues with this code.
1) Since pixels are integers, if I divide that number by something that doesn't go evenly, it will round. 2) as a result of number 1, it will miss the target.
Also when I do test the animation, the objects moving from point1, miss by a long shot, which suggests something may be wrong with my maths.
Here is what I mean graphically:
Desired outcome:
Actual outcome:
Surely this is a standard problem. I welcome any suggestions.
Let's say you have start coordinates X1,Y1 and end coordinates X2,Y2. And let's say you have some variable p which holds percantage of passed path. So if p == 0 that means you are at X1,Y1 and if p == 100 that means you are at X2, Y2 and if 0<p<100 you are somewhere in between. In that case you can calculate current coordinates depending on p like:
X = X1 + ((X2 - X1)*p)/100;
Y = Y1 + ((Y2 - Y1)*p)/100;
So, you are not basing current coords on previous one, but you always calculate depending on start and end point and percentage of passed path.
First of all you need a Vector2 direction, giving the direction between the 2 points.
This Vector should be normalized, so that it's length is 1:
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(x2-x1,y2-y1).nor();
Then in the render method you need to move the object, which means you need to change it's position. You have the speed (given in distance/seconds), a normalized Vector, giving the direction, and the time since the last update.
So the new position can be calculated like this:
position.x += speed * delta * dir.x;
position.y += speed * delta * dir.y;
Now you only need to limit the position to the target position, so that you don't go to far:
boolean stop = false;
if (position.x >= target.x) {
position.x = target.x;
stop = true;
if (position.y >= target.y) {
position.y = target.y;
stop = true;
Now to the pixel-problem:
Do not use pixels! Using pixels will make your game resolution dependent.
Use Libgdx Viewport and Camera instead.
This alows you do calculate everything in you own world unit (for example meters) and Libgdx will convert it for you.
I didn't saw any big errors, tho' i saw some like you are comparing two objects using == and !=, But i suggest u to use a.equals(b) and !a.equals(b) like that. And secondly i found that your renderLock coords are always being set same in textureProperty.setRenderPoint(renderLocX, renderLocY) you are assigning the same back. Maybe you were supposed to use newLocation coords.
BTW Thanks for your code, i was searching Something that i got by you <3
I am currently creating a 2D space game in Java, in which you control a ship in, well, space.
The game does not use any external libraries.
The ship is supposed to move towards the cursor. However, when moving the cursor, the old force does not magically disappear; the ship changes its course, over time, to eventually move in the desired direction.
However, I have run into an issue regarding the movement of the ship.
Basically, what I want to achieve is crudely illustrated by this image:
The image shows how the ship is supposed to move during one game tick.
To explain further:
The Ship's max speed is illustrated by the circle.
The Target Angle is where the cursor currently is.
The Current Angle is the direction that the ship is currently traveling.
The Current Angle should move closer and closer to the Target Angle until it reaches the point where these two angles are the same.
The ship should change direction toward the target angle taking the shortest route possible; it can turn both left and right, not just left or right.
Now I've explained what I want to achieve, now I will instead describe what I so far have achieved and how it works.
Basically, the "ship" is an image sitting in the center of the screen. When you "move" the ship, the ship stays put; what moves is the rest of the play area.
The current "position" of the ship relative to the coordinate system that represents the play area are the integers xPos and yPos.
Now for some sample code that shows how the system works:
int xPos;
int yPos;
public void updateMovement() {
xPos += xSpeed;
yPos += ySpeed;
public void moveForward() {
double yTempSpeed = ySpeed;
double xTempSpeed = xSpeed;
yTempSpeed += 0.01 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
xTempSpeed += 0.01 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
double resultVector = Math.sqrt(xTempSpeed * xTempSpeed + yTempSpeed * yTempSpeed);
if (resultVector < 2) {
ySpeed += 0.01 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
xSpeed += 0.01 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
This code successfully sets the Ship's max speed to the desired value, however, this does not work (the ships' course does not change) in the event where the resulting "vector" is larger than 2, i.e. when the speed is already at it's maximum and the targetAngle is too close to the angle which the ship is currently traveling (+- Pi / 2).
How would I go about changing the current angle based on this implementation?
public void moveForward() {
ySpeed += 0.01 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
xSpeed += 0.01 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
double currentSpeed = Math.sqrt(xTempSpeed * xTempSpeed + yTempSpeed * yTempSpeed);
if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed) {
//the resulting speed is allways <= maxspeed (normed to that)
ySpeed *= maxSpeed/currentSpeed;
xSpeed *= maxSpeed/currentSpeed;
hope this is what you needed... although it is quite unrealistic, that a spacecraft has a maximum Speed, but in terms of "playability" i would do the same.
What about normalizing speed of the ship, not to let it actually exceed your speed limit (=2):
//it's good to put all constants out of a function in one place
//to make it easier if you ever wanted to change it
private final int MAX_SPEED = 2;
private final double ACCEL_FACTOR = 0.01;
public void moveForward() {
ySpeed += ACCEL_FACTOR * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
xSpeed += ACCEL_FACTOR * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(targetAngle));
//normalize ship speed, i.e. preserve ratio of xSpeed/ySpeed
//but make sure that xSpeed^2 + ySpeed^2 <= MAX_SPEED^2
//your code goes here
Read about vector normalization. This way, the changes of ship speed will be applied normally (at this moment speed can be >= MAX_SPEED), but after normalization it will never get greater than MAX_SPEED, so your if instruction is not even needed.
You may find the following (Swift) code useful, although you would need to handle the per-frame integration of the ship's linear and angular velocities yourself:
func moveShipTowards(location: CGPoint) {
if let ship = shipNode? {
let distanceVector = CGVector(origin: ship.position, point: location)
let targetAngle = distanceVector.angle
let shipAngle = ship.zRotation
var dø = targetAngle - shipAngle
// convert to shortest arc
if dø > π {
dø -= 2.0 * π
} else if dø < -π {
dø += 2.0 * π
// resulting angular velocity
ship.physicsBody.angularVelocity = 12 * dø.clampedTo(π)
var velocityUnitVector = CGVector(cosf(ship.zRotation), sinf(ship.zRotation))
var magnitude = distanceVector.length.clampedTo(400)
ship.physicsBody.velocity = velocityUnitVector * magnitude
It handles having the ship deccelerate as the target point is approached. Looking at it just now, it doesn't appear to handle acceleration properly though.
I'm creating a racing car game and am having trouble figuring out how to get steering to work. I have a basic race 2D race course that is built in a 3D environment. The program only uses x and y, with z being 0.
My race course consists of a road that is 29 units wide in the x-axis and two long tracks that are 120 units long in the y direction. At 120 units in the y-axis there is a 180 degree turn. You can think of the course as looking similar to a nascar styled race course.
I'm trying to set my car's steering so that it can turn realistically when I reach the 180 degree turns. I'm using two variables that separately control the x / y positions, as well as two variables for the x / y velocities. My code at the moment is as follows:
public void steering(){
double degreesPerFrame = 180 / (2*30); //180 degrees over 30 fps in 2s
velocityX = velocityX * -1 * Math.cos(degreesPerFrame);
velocityY = velocityY * -1 * Math.sin(degreesPerFrame);
double yChange = Math.sin(degreesPerFrame) * velocityY;
double xChange = Math.cos(degreesPerFrame) * velocityX;
x += xChange; //change x position
y += yChange; //change y position
I'm not completely sure how I can get my steering to turn properly. I'm stuck at the moment and not sure what I would need to change in my function to get steering working properly.
I think this would be easier if you don't use angles at all for you calculations. Simply operate with position, velocity, and acceleration vectors.
First, a quick reminder from physics 101. With a small time step dt, current position p, and current velocity vector v, and an acceleration vector a, the new position p' and velocity vector v' are:
v' = v + a * dt
p' = p + v' * dt
The acceleration a depends on the driver input. For example:
When moving ahead at a constant speed, it is 0.
When accelerating, it is limited by engine power and tire grip in longitudinal direction.
When turning, it is limited by tire grip in lateral direction.
When braking, it is limited by tire grip (mostly, the brakes are typically strong enough to not be a limit).
For a relatively simple model, you can assume that grip in longitudinal and lateral direction are the same (which is not entirely true in reality), which limits the total acceleration to a vector within a circle, which is commonly called the friction circle.
That was mainly just background. Back to the more specific case here, which is turning at a steady speed. The result of steering the car can be modeled by a lateral force, and corresponding acceleration. So in this case, we can apply an acceleration vector that is orthogonal to the current velocity vector.
With the components of the velocity vector:
v = (vx, vy)
a vector that points orthogonally to the left (you mentioned NASCAR, so there's only left turns...) of this is:
(-vy, vx)
Since we want to control the amount of lateral acceleration, which is the length of the acceleration vector, we normalize this vector, and multiply it by the maximum acceleration:
a = aMax * normalize(-vy, vx)
If you use real units for your calculations, you can apply a realistic number for the maximum lateral acceleration aMax. Otherwise, just tweak it to give you the desired maneuverability for the car in your artificial units.
That's really all you need. Recapping the steps in code form:
// Realistic value for sports car on street tires when using
// metric units. 10 m/s^2 is slightly over 1 g.
static const float MAX_ACCELERATION = 10.0f;
float deltaTime = ...; // Time since last update.
float accelerationX = -veclocityY;
float accelerationY = velocityX;
float accelerationScale = MAX_ACCELERATION /
sqrt(accelerationX * accelerationX + accelerationY * accelerationY);
accelerationX *= accelerationScale;
acceleration *= accelerationScale;
velocityX += accelerationX * deltaTime;
velocityY += accelerationY * deltaTime;
x += velocityX * deltaTime;
y += velocityY * deltaTime;
I have a 2D convex polygon in 3D space and a function to measure the area of the polygon.
public double area() {
if (vertices.size() >= 3) {
double area = 0;
Vector3 origin = vertices.get(0);
Vector3 prev = vertices.get(1).clone();
for (int i = 2; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
Vector3 current = vertices.get(i).clone();
Vector3 cross = prev.cross(current);
area += cross.magnitude();
prev = current;
area /= 2;
return area;
} else {
return 0;
To test that this method works at all orientations of the polygon I had my program rotate it a little bit each iteration and calculate the area. Like so...
Face f = poly.getFaces().get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
Vector3 v = f.getVertex(i);
v.rotate(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
if (blah % 1000 == 0)
System.out.println(blah + ":\t" + f.area());
My method seems correct when testing with a 20x20 square. However the rotate method (a method in the Vector3 class) seems to introduce some error into the position of each vertex in the polygon, which affects the area calculation. Here is the Vector3.rotate() method
public void rotate(double xAngle, double yAngle, double zAngle) {
double oldY = y;
double oldZ = z;
y = oldY * Math.cos(xAngle) - oldZ * Math.sin(xAngle);
z = oldY * Math.sin(xAngle) + oldZ * Math.cos(xAngle);
oldZ = z;
double oldX = x;
z = oldZ * Math.cos(yAngle) - oldX * Math.sin(yAngle);
x = oldZ * Math.sin(yAngle) + oldX * Math.cos(yAngle);
oldX = x;
oldY = y;
x = oldX * Math.cos(zAngle) - oldY * Math.sin(zAngle);
y = oldX * Math.sin(zAngle) + oldY * Math.cos(zAngle);
Here is the output for my program in the format "iteration: area":
0: 400.0
1000: 399.9999999999981
2000: 399.99999999999744
3000: 399.9999999999959
4000: 399.9999999999924
5000: 399.9999999999912
6000: 399.99999999999187
7000: 399.9999999999892
8000: 399.9999999999868
9000: 399.99999999998664
10000: 399.99999999998386
11000: 399.99999999998283
12000: 399.99999999998215
13000: 399.9999999999805
14000: 399.99999999998016
15000: 399.99999999997897
16000: 399.9999999999782
17000: 399.99999999997715
18000: 399.99999999997726
19000: 399.9999999999769
20000: 399.99999999997584
Since this is intended to eventually be for a physics engine I would like to know how I can minimise the cumulative error since the Vector3.rotate() method will be used on a very regular basis.
A couple of odd notes:
The error is proportional to the amount rotated. ie. bigger rotation per iteration -> bigger error per iteration.
There is more error when passing doubles to the rotate function than when passing it floats.
You'll always have some cumulative error with repeated floating point trig operations — that's just how they work. To deal with it, you basically have two options:
Just ignore it. Note that, in your example, after 20,000 iterations(!) the area is still accurate down to 13 decimal places. That's not bad, considering that doubles can only store about 16 decimal places to begin with.
Indeed, plotting your graph, the area of your square seems to be going down more or less linearly:
This makes sense, assuming that the effective determinant of your approximate rotation matrix is about 1 − 3.417825 × 10-18, which is well within normal double precision floating point error range of one. If that's the case, the area of your square would continue a very slow exponential decay towards zero, such that you'd need about two billion (2 × 109) 7.3 × 1014 iterations to get the area down to 399. Assuming 100 iterations per second, that's about seven and a half months 230 thousand years.
Edit: When I first calculated how long it would take for the area to reach 399, it seems I made a mistake and somehow managed to overestimate the decay rate by a factor of about 400,000(!). I've corrected the mistake above.
If you still feel you don't want any cumulative error, the answer is simple: don't iterate floating point rotations. Instead, have your object store its current orientation in a member variable, and use that information to always rotate the object from its original orientation to its current one.
This is simple in 2D, since you just have to store an angle. In 3D, I'd suggest storing either a quaternion or a matrix, and occasionally rescaling it so that its norm / determinant stays approximately one (and, if you're using a matrix to represent the orientation of a rigid body, that it remains approximately orthogonal).
Of course, this approach won't eliminate cumulative error in the orientation of the object, but the rescaling does ensure that the volume, area and/or shape of the object won't be affected.
You say there is cumulative error but I don't believe there is (note how your output desn't always go down) and the rest of the error is just due to rounding and loss of precision in a float.
I did work on a 2d physics engine in university (in java) and found double to be more precise (of course it is see oracles datatype sizes
In short you will never get rid of this behaviour you just have to accept the limitations of precision
Now I look at your .area function there is possibly some cumulative due to
+= cross.magnitude
but I have to say that whole function looks a bit odd. Why does it need to know the previous vertices to calculate the current area?