How to find nodes with subset of Labels in Neo4j Embeded - java

I'm using the Java API and I'm looking to find nodes with a subset of Labels. In cypher, I use this query:
Match(n) Where n:label1 OR n:label2 return n
So, Is there any method in api for that?
Thank you

You can actually run a Cypher-query embedded, so why dance ?
try (
Transaction vTx = graphdb.beginTx();
Result vResult = graphdb.execute("your cypher query here");
) {
while (vResult.hasNext()) {
Map<String, Object> vRecord =;
// process vRecord here
Hope this helps.

I think it is efficient if you do this in two steps. Like this:
ResourceIterator<Node> thingAs = graphDB.findNodes( Labels.label1 );
ResourceIterator<Node> thingBs = graphDB.findNodes( Labels.label2 );
Otherwise the identical solution should be like this:
ResourceIterable<Node> nodes = graphDB.getAllNodes();
while( nodes.hasNext() )
Node node =;
if(node.hasLabel(Labels.label1 ) || node.hasLabel(Labels.label2 ))
return true;


QueryBuilder with Join and Order By?

I have this query code in my application:
public MyParameter loadMyParameterSetByVersion(Long version) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT mp FROM MyParameter mp ");
sb.append("INNER JOIN FETCH mp.priceParametersGood good ");
sb.append("WHERE mp.objId = :version ");
sb.append("ORDER BY good.isBc, good.isGd, good.priceFrom");
QueryBuilder builder = createQueryBuilder(sb.toString());
builder.addParameter("version", version);
List<MyParameter> result = executeQuery(builder.createQuery());
if (result.size() > 0) {
return result.get(0);
} else {
return null;
I did not write this method, I just added the ORDER BY condition, because it's needed right now. My problem is, the results are still not sorted that way. Do I need to rewrite this? If yes, what should I use to make it work?
I tried this query in my Oracle DB and there the results are sorted, so I assume it's something with this Query.
I think a orderby is added for you when no orderBy() is added.
So this essentially QueryBuilder will override your orderby that is in the string by adding yet another order by.
Instead of having a hard coded string as the SQL, you should use the DSL syntax that QueryBuilder offers you.
Using some code I found here you will see that you are using QueryBuilder in the wrong way and the original code should be re-written.
You code should look more the the article.
Statement statement = table.tableName() ).where( cName ).and( cBtm ).and( cTop ).orderBy( order );
final Iterator<Row> iter = session.execute( statement ).iterator();
for (Row row : iter ){

get path after querying neo4j java

I'm trying to do a query to fin all possible paths that correspond to the pattern "(Order) - [ORDERS] -> (Product) - [PART_OF] -> (Category)" and would like to get the whole path (i.e. all 3 nodes and 2 relationships as their appropriate classes).
The method i used below only let me have 1 column of data (number of orders: 2155). If I tried it once more (the 2nd for loop), the number of row i'd get is 0(number of products: 0). Is there a way to save all the results as nodes and relationships or do I have to query the command 5 times over?
Please help!
String query = "MATCH (o:Order)-[:ORDERS]->(p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(cate:Category) return o,p,cate";
try( Transaction tx = db.beginTx();
Result result = db.execute(query) ){
Iterator<Node> o_column = result.columnAs( "o" );
int i = 0;
for ( Node node : Iterators.asIterable( o_column ) )
System.out.println("number of orders: " + i);
i = 0;
Iterator<Node> p_column = result.columnAs( "p" );
for ( Node node : Iterators.asIterable( p_column ) )
System.out.println("number of products: " + i);
I've found a way to work around this in the code below, where i'd changes the return value to the node ID using id() then uses GraphDatabaseService.getNodeByID(long):
String query = "MATCH (o:Order)-[:ORDERS]->(p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(cate:Category) return id(o), id(p), id(cate)";
int nodeID = Integer.parseInt(column.getValue().toString());
Node node = db.getNodeById(nodeID);
If you do this :
MATCH path=(o:Order)-[:ORDERS]->(p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(cate:Category) return path
You can process path in your loop and unpack that. Takes a bit of exploring but all the information is in there.
Hope that helps.

AEM 6.1: Get all 'parsys' and 'iparsys' components of the page

I have a path to the page (/content/my-site/en/cars, for example) and I need a list of all 'parsys' and 'iparsys' components presented on this page in java code. Are there any ways to do it? Thanks for any help.
I assume you are trying a Sling model or WCMUsePOJO to read inner nodes of a page. Here the techniques:
If you dont know how many parsys nodes are present: This is not an ideal case since page rendering script dictates all included parsys and iparsys. But just incase, you ll run a query for sling:resourceType like this:
Iterator<Resource> parsysResources = resourceResolver.findResources("/jcr:root/content/my-site/en/cars//*[sling:resourceType='foundation/components/parsys']", Query.XPATH);
Iterator<Resource> iparsysResources = resourceResolver.findResources("/jcr:root/content/my-site/en/cars//*[sling:resourceType='foundation/components/iparsys']", Query.XPATH);
Similar query but with Query Builder (Recommended): It is recommended to use query builder API for readability and extensible in future.
List<Resource> parsysIpaysysResources = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> predicateMap = new HashMap<>();
predicateMap.put("path", "/content/my-site/en/cars");
predicateMap.put("1_property", "sling:resourceType");
predicateMap.put("1_property.value", "foundation/components/parsys");
predicateMap.put("2_property", "sling:resourceType");
predicateMap.put("2_property.value", "foundation/components/iparsys");
predicateMap.put("p.limit", "-1");
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = resourceResolver.adaptTo(QueryBuilder.class);
Session session = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class); query = queryBuilder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(predicateMap), session);
SearchResult result = query.getResult();
Iterator<Resource> resources = result.getResources();
while (resources.hasNext()) {
If the parsys nodes are known to be immediate children of page content, listChildren will be cheaper compared to query.
Page pageContent = pageManager.getContainingPage("/content/my-site/en/cars");
Iterator<Resource> children = pageContent.getContentResource().listChildren();
while(children != null && children.hasNext()) {
Resource child =;
if(child.isResourceType("foundation/components/parsys") || child.isResourceType("foundation/components/iparsys")) {
// do something
If the node name of inner parsys is known, JCR API can be leveraged
Page pageContent = pageManager.getContainingPage("/content/my-site/en/cars");
Node pageContentNode = pageContent.adaptTo(Node.class);
try {
NodeIterator nodeIter = pageContentNode.getNodes("parsys*");
// iterate nodes
} catch (RepositoryException e) {

Spring boot Is it possible to group predicates or use 'in' conditionally

I'm having issues properly grouping my query using CriteriaBuilder and Predicates.
I want to create a query that can generate something like:
SELECT * from tableName where columnA = '1234' and (columnB Like '%33%' or columnB Like '%44%')
But what I'm getting (Obviously expected looking at the code) is:
SELECT * from tableName where columnA = '1234' and columnB Like '%33%' or columnB Like '%44%'
Which does not produce the same result as the first query.
Been trying to work around it, but this is my first time working with criteriaBuilder and predicates.
Here's the code:
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Foo> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Foo.class);
Root r = criteriaQuery.from(Foo.class);
Predicate predicate = builder.conjunction();
for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : searchParams.entrySet()){
if((entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnK") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnY") ||
entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnZ") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnJ")) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue())){
predicate = builder.and(predicate,,
String.format("%%%s%%", entry.getValue().toString())));
else if(entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("theDate") && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue())){
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()));
//here's where the problem is ... I realize I can use IN, but I also didn't get that to work
boolean isFirstDone = false;
for(String oneId: idStringList){
if(!isFirstDone) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
isFirstDone = true;
predicate = builder.or(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
Thank you.
Okay, so I just cracked this after carefully reading this answer The solution is not exactly what I needed but it helped... a lot
I created a path and combined it with my predicate.
Here's what changed:
boolean isFirstDone = false;
for(String oneId: idStringList){
if(!isFirstDone) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
isFirstDone = true;
predicate = builder.or(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
Path<Object> path = r.get("acceptorId");
CriteriaBuilder.In<Object> in =;
for (String oneId: idStringList) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, in);
Pretty simple for all the trouble it took me to solve.
Hope this helps someone else too!

Morphia - How to replace LongIdEntity.StoredId in last version?

I just switched to the last version of Morphia (1.0.1). The previous one was com.github.jmkgreen.morphia 1.2.3.
I don't know how to replace LongIdEntity.StoredId. I use it to increment a long id.
edit : Here is how it worked before:
public Key<Snapshot> save(PTSnapshot entity) {
if (entity.getId() == null) {
String collName = ds.getCollection(getClass()).getName();
Query<StoredId> q = ds.find(StoredId.class, "_id", collName);
UpdateOperations<StoredId> uOps = ds.createUpdateOperations(StoredId.class).inc("value");
StoredId newId = ds.findAndModify(q, uOps);
if (newId == null) {
newId = new StoredId(collName);;
StoredId class is just a POJO with 3 fields:
className (to store the type of object the auto-increment will be done on, but you could store something lese, this is just used to retrieve the adequate increment value, because you could have more than one auto-incremented collection !)
value (to store the current value of the auto-increment)
But it is just an helper, you can reproduce the behavior all by yourself.
Basically you just need a collection where you store a simple number, and increment it with findAndModify() each time a new object is inserted.
My thought is that Morphia/Mongo decided to remove this because auto-increments are not recommended with Mongo databases, and ObjectIds are more powerful.
Here is the answer:
if (entity.getId() == null) {
DBCollection ids = getDatastore().getDB().getCollection("ids");
BasicDBObject findQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", getClass().getSimpleName());
DBObject incQuery = new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("value", 1));
DBObject result = ids.findAndModify(findQuery, incQuery);
entity.setId(result == null || !result.containsField("value") ? 1L : (Long) result.get("value"));

