I have this query code in my application:
public MyParameter loadMyParameterSetByVersion(Long version) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT mp FROM MyParameter mp ");
sb.append("INNER JOIN FETCH mp.priceParametersGood good ");
sb.append("WHERE mp.objId = :version ");
sb.append("ORDER BY good.isBc, good.isGd, good.priceFrom");
QueryBuilder builder = createQueryBuilder(sb.toString());
builder.addParameter("version", version);
List<MyParameter> result = executeQuery(builder.createQuery());
if (result.size() > 0) {
return result.get(0);
} else {
return null;
I did not write this method, I just added the ORDER BY condition, because it's needed right now. My problem is, the results are still not sorted that way. Do I need to rewrite this? If yes, what should I use to make it work?
I tried this query in my Oracle DB and there the results are sorted, so I assume it's something with this Query.
I think a orderby is added for you when no orderBy() is added.
So this essentially QueryBuilder will override your orderby that is in the string by adding yet another order by.
Instead of having a hard coded string as the SQL, you should use the DSL syntax that QueryBuilder offers you.
Using some code I found here you will see that you are using QueryBuilder in the wrong way and the original code should be re-written.
You code should look more the the article.
Statement statement = QueryBuilder.select().all().from( table.tableName() ).where( cName ).and( cBtm ).and( cTop ).orderBy( order );
final Iterator<Row> iter = session.execute( statement ).iterator();
for (Row row : iter ){
I'm currently working on a fetaure that will allow the system to search public services receipts by the combination of 6 parameters which can be null meaning that receipts shouldn't be filtered by this parameter: accountNumber, amountRangeMin, amountRangeMax, dateRangeMin, dateRangeMax, publicServiceId. However making a method for each combination of the parameters is not an option, I'm thinking that there must be a better way, at first my approach was as following:
On my Service I have this method:
public Map<String,Object> findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(Integer accountNumber, BigDecimal amountRangeMin,
BigDecimal amountRangeMax, LocalDate dateRangeMin, LocalDate dateRangeMax, Integer publicServiceId) {
Map<String,Object> publicServiceReceipts = new HashMap<String,Object>();
String accountNumberFilter = !(accountNumber==null) ? accountNumber.toString() : "AccountNumberTableName";
String amountRangeMinFilter = !(amountRangeMin==null) ? amountRangeMin.toString() : "table.AmountColumnName";
String amountRangeMaxFilter = !(amountRangeMax==null) ? amountRangeMax.toString() : "table.AmountColumnName";
String dateRangeMinFilter = !(dateRangeMin==null) ? dateRangeMin.toString() : "Table.ReceiptCreationDateColumn";
String dateRangeMaxFilter = !(dateRangeMax==null) ? dateRangeMax.toString() : "Table.ReceiptCreationDateColumn";
String publicServiceIdFilter = !(publicServiceId==null) ? publicServiceId.toString() : "table.publicServiceIdColumn";
publicServiceReceipts = publicServiceReceiptRepository.findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(accountNumberFilter,
amountRangeMinFilter, amountRangeMaxFilter, dateRangeMinFilter, dateRangeMaxFilter,
return publicServiceReceipts;
And then in my repository I had:
final static String FIND_PUBLIC_SERVICES_BY_ARGS = "Select (Insert whatever logic should go in here to select columns from receipts the where clause is the one that matters)"
+ " WHERE ACT.ACT_AccountNumber=:accountNumberFilter\n"
+ " AND PSE.PSE_Id=:publicServiceIdFilter\n"
+ " AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate BETWEEN :dateRangeMinFilter AND :dateRangeMaxFilter\n"
+ " AND PSR.PSR_Amount BETWEEN :amountRangeMinFilter AND :amountRangeMaxFilter\n"
+ " order by PSR.PSR_CreateDate desc";
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value = FIND_PUBLIC_SERVICES_BY_ARGS)
Map<String, Object> findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(#Param("accountNumberFilter") String accountNumberFilter,
#Param("amountRangeMinFilter") String amountRangeMinFilter,
#Param("amountRangeMaxFilter") String amountRangeMaxFilter,
#Param("dateRangeMinFilter") String dateRangeMinFilter,
#Param("dateRangeMaxFilter") String dateRangeMaxFilter,
#Param("publicServiceIdFilter") String publicServiceIdFilter);
My reasoning was that if a parameter was null meant that whoever consumed the Web Service is not interested in that paramater so if that happens I set that variable as the Column Name so that it wouldn't affect in the WHERE clause and in theory make it simpler, but what I found was that It would send the names as Strings so it wouldn't be recognized as an sql statement which was the flaw in my thinking and as I said there must be another way other than writing each method for each combination, I appreciate any help :).
You should use the Criteria API, which was designed for creating dynamic queries. Named queries aren't really meant to be used in this case.
With it you can do something like this:
EntityManager em;
List<YourEntity> method(String argument) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<YourEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(YourEntity.class);
Root<YourEntity> root = cq.from(YourEntity.class);
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
if (argument == null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("yourAttribute"), argument);
// rest of your logic goes here
cq.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{}));
return em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
I found a way to fix this, I did it like this (I'm going to show only the native Query since it's the inly thing that i changed):
DECLARE #actNum varchar(50),#crdNum varchar(50),#pseId varchar(50),#dateMin varchar(50),#dateMax varchar(50),#amountMin varchar(50),#amountMax varchar(50)
SET #actNum = :actNum
SET #crdNum = :crdNum
SET #pseId = :pseId
SET #dateMin = :dateMin
SET #dateMax = :dateMax
SET #amountMin = :amountMin
SET #amountMax = :amountMax
--Whatever Select with joins statement
WHERE ACT.ACT_AccountNumber = CASE WHEN #actNum = 'N/A'
THEN ACT.ACT_AccountNumber
ELSE #actNum END
AND CRD_CardNumber = CASE WHEN #crdNum = 'N/A'
THEN CRD_CardNumber
ELSE #crdNum END
AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate >= CASE WHEN #dateMin = 'N/A'
ELSE #dateMin END
AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate <= CASE WHEN #dateMax = 'N/A'
ELSE #dateMax END
ELSE #amountMin END
AND CASE WHEN #amountMax = 'N/A'
ELSE #amountMax END
The backend will send the parameters as either "N/A" (if it shouldn't be used to filter data) or the actual value, this worked fine for me!
I'm having issues properly grouping my query using CriteriaBuilder and Predicates.
I want to create a query that can generate something like:
SELECT * from tableName where columnA = '1234' and (columnB Like '%33%' or columnB Like '%44%')
But what I'm getting (Obviously expected looking at the code) is:
SELECT * from tableName where columnA = '1234' and columnB Like '%33%' or columnB Like '%44%'
Which does not produce the same result as the first query.
Been trying to work around it, but this is my first time working with criteriaBuilder and predicates.
Here's the code:
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Foo> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Foo.class);
Root r = criteriaQuery.from(Foo.class);
Predicate predicate = builder.conjunction();
for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : searchParams.entrySet()){
if((entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnK") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnY") ||
entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnZ") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("columnJ")) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue())){
predicate = builder.and(predicate,
String.format("%%%s%%", entry.getValue().toString())));
else if(entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("theDate") && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue())){
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()));
//here's where the problem is ... I realize I can use IN, but I also didn't get that to work
boolean isFirstDone = false;
for(String oneId: idStringList){
if(!isFirstDone) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
isFirstDone = true;
predicate = builder.or(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
Thank you.
Okay, so I just cracked this after carefully reading this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/9323183/5038073 The solution is not exactly what I needed but it helped... a lot
I created a path and combined it with my predicate.
Here's what changed:
boolean isFirstDone = false;
for(String oneId: idStringList){
if(!isFirstDone) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
isFirstDone = true;
predicate = builder.or(predicate, builder.equal(r.get("acceptorId"), oneId));
Path<Object> path = r.get("acceptorId");
CriteriaBuilder.In<Object> in = builder.in(path);
for (String oneId: idStringList) {
predicate = builder.and(predicate, in);
Pretty simple for all the trouble it took me to solve.
Hope this helps someone else too!
I use spring-data-elasticsearch framework to get query result from elasticsearch server, the java code like this:
public void testQuery() {
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withFields("createDate","updateDate").withQuery(matchAllQuery()).withPageable(new PageRequest(0,Integer.MAX_VALUE)).build();
List<Entity> list = template.queryForList(searchQuery, Entity.class);
for (Entity e : list) {
I get the raw query log in server, like this:
As per the query log, spring-data-elasticsearch will add size limit to the query. "from":0, "size":10, How can I avoid it to add the size limit?
You don't want to do this, you could use the findAll functionality on a repository that returns an Iterable. I think the best way to obtain all items is to use the scan/scroll functionality. Maybe the following code block can put you in the right direction:
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withPageable(new PageRequest(0, NUM_ITEMS_PER_SCROLL))
String scrollId = elasticsearchTemplate.scan(searchQuery, SCROLL_TIME_IN_MILLIS, false);
boolean hasRecords = true;
while (hasRecords) {
Page<CustomerModel> page = elasticsearchTemplate.scroll(scrollId, SCROLL_TIME_IN_MILLIS, CustomerModel.class);
if (page != null) {
// DO something with the records
hasRecords = (page.getContent().size() == NUM_ITEMS_PER_SCROLL);
} else {
hasRecords = false;
I want to create a query that query only rows that have an empty list.
The list in my model :
public static final Finder<Long, BankDebit> find = new Finder<>(Long.class, BankDebit.class);
#ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public List<Mandate> mandates;
The function that do the query :
public static ExpressionList<BankDebit> findFilter(sepaId, mandat, day ....) {
ExpressionList<BankDebit> exp = find
.eq("sepa.id", sepaId);
if (day > 0) {
dateMax = dateMax.withDayOfMonth(day);
exp.eq("executionDate", dateMax.toDate());
if (!mandat.isEmpty())
exp.eq("mandates.id", 0); // here is the problem
return exp
I want to query only the BankDebit that have an empty list of mandates. I tried to do it with .isNull("mandates"), .isNull("mandates.id"), .lt("mandates.id", 1), .eq("mandates.id", null) and a lot more, nothing ever worked...
I don't understund how I'm supposed to do. Do a rawSql would be very painful (I didnt paste the whole code of the function)
I tried a lot of things and reached many 4th page on google (never a good sign). I just ran out of ideas.
Huh, you were faster actually I wanted to suggest you similar solution, probably lighter as doesn't require object mapping:
List<Integer> idsWithoutMandates = new ArrayList<>();
List<SqlRow> rowList = Ebean.createSqlQuery("SELECT debits.id id " +
"FROM bank_debit AS debits " +
"LEFT JOIN bank_debit_mandate AS jointable ON (debits.id = jointable.bank_debit_id) " +
"WHERE (jointable.mandate_id IS NULL OR jointable.mandate_id = 0)").findList();
for (SqlRow sqlRow : rowList) idsWithoutMandates.add(sqlRow.getInteger("id"));
List<BankDebit> debitsWithoutMandates = BankDebit.find.where().in("id", idsWithoutMandates).findList();
I found out that although .isNull() doesn't work, .isNotNull() did work. So I made a little ugly modification to use the existing ones to find the others...
if (!mandat.isEmpty()) {
List<BankDebit> tmp = find.fetch("mandates").where().eq("sepa.id", sepaId).isNotNull("mandates.id").findList();
List<Long> ids = Lists.newArrayList();
for (BankDebit bd : tmp) {
exp.not(Expr.in("id", ids));
I have 2 input dates: myStartDate,myEndDate and a table TEST_TABLE with columns
I need to check if the range of dates between myStartDate and myEndDate have corresponding records in the TEST_TABLE.
I also need to ensure that I don't retrieve duplicate records.
Here's a sample of the logic I have so far:
int diff = myEndDate - myStartDate; //In this case = 3
List <TestTableData> myList = new List();
//Exceute query & save results into myList using add method
Want to know if there's any way to test the range of dates between myStartDate &myEndDate using a for loop in java code, instead of the approach used above in myQuery.Also, how can I avoid duplicates.
New to Java so any help would be appreciated!
Use a ResultSet to iterate over the output, like the code below.
while (res.next()) {
String col1= res.getString("col1");
String col2 = res.getString("col2");
If you use an Array implementation , it does not allow for duplicate elements and hence there is no need to check for one.
But if you must use a list then , you could use the following code to remove any duplicate elements.
public static void removeDuplicates(List list)
Set set = new HashSet();
List newList = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Object element = iter.next();
if (set.add(element))
I think what you are asking are some generic questions about how to read a database and how to handle dates in java. I will give you some sample code below. But I suggest you look at the java database tutorial http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/index.html and the java.util.Date api doc http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/sql/Date.html for more info.
Here is some sample code that specifically demonstrates how to implement your question:
// get the input dates
// they are hard coded in this example
// but would probably normally be passed in
String startDateStr = "2/3/03";
String endDateStr = "3/1/03";
// unfortunately, there are 2 "Date" classes in this code and you need to differentiate
// java.util.Date is the standard java class for manipulating dates
// java.sql.Date is used to handle dates in the database
// name conflicts like this are rare in Java
SimpleDateFormat dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yy");
java.util.Date myStartDate = dateFmt.parse(startDateStr);
java.util.Date myEndDate = dateFmt.parse(endDateStr);
// conneect to the database
// I am using mysql and its driver class is "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
// if using a different database, you would use its driver instead
// make sure the jar containing the driver is in your classpath (library list)
// you also have to know the url string that connects to your database
Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); // loads the driver
Connection dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb", "(db user)", "(db password)"
// get the database rows from the db table
// my table is named "testtable"
// my columns are named "DateStart" and "DateEnd"
Statement st = dbConn.createStatement();
String sqlStr = "Select * from testtable";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sqlStr);
// loop through the rows until you find a row with the right date range
boolean foundRange = false;
while (rs.next()) {
java.util.Date dbStartDate = rs.getDate("DateStart");
java.util.Date dbEndDate = rs.getDate("DateEnd");
if (myStartDate.before(dbStartDate)) continue;
if (myEndDate.after(dbEndDate)) continue;
foundRange = true;
if (foundRange) {
// code that executes when range is found in db
} else {
// code that executes if range not found in db
Hope this helps you get started.