This is for an offline application. However, I would like the front end to be run in a web browser. What I want is, a simple gui design in HTML/CSS. I want to be able to execute java commands at a button's press. Furthermore, I would like to be able to display and read information from the browser. Is this feasible?
You could use JxBrowser. The knowledge base contains some pretty good example. Unfortunately, it is not free though.
I've tried different ways of creating different interfaces and applets. One of the main things I'm trying to do is to get these gui's to display text and show multiple buttons with different text leading to different outcomes. What I'm asking is, what code is necessary to create an applet or an interface (because I fail at telling the difference between the two) and how should I approach building and structuring that.
I recommend you use netbeans because it has an editor and is the easy way to create Applet.
You have three main choices I can think of, others will for sure think of something else:
Create a web server and actually serve a web site with your interface. You can code the interface yourself and communicate with your java server using ajax, you can let GWT among others do that for you. COnsider also frameworks like Struts
Create an applet which will become an embedded object in a web site. This is quickly falling out of grace, and I'd strongly discourage you from doing it, if only because of the pains of java plugins in the browser
Create an application with an interface by using AWT or Swing (which come with Java) or, and this is my personal opinion, more elegantly with SWT
It's hard to tell what will best help you without knowing more of your requirements, but if you are going web, I'd suggest you check out GWT, and if you are going desktop app, look into SWT. Also, please understand these are all well tested frameworks and my preferences are just that, preferences.
To create an interface in eclipse using java you can use swing.
In eclipse:
Create a new Java Project (File -> New -> Java Project).
Right Click on src folder and click New -> Other -> WindowBuilder -> Swing Designer -> [Application Window]/[JApplet].
Add the components that you want (buttons, textfields...).
Seems to me like your trying to graduate from console programs to GUI programs. A GUI works differently from a console program. A console program you have a bunch of loops and if statements, but a GUI program work completely differently. The main difference is that GUI programs are event driven.
With that being said, you want to choose a GUI framework, like Swing. Then decide if you want your application to be web based or desktop. An applet is more for web. If you want a desktop program, then you want a JFrame which will be the top-level container of your application.
You can learn all the components that are available to you in the standard Swing API here. IMO it seems like you need to start from the beginnging, so I would start from the very being of How to Create GUIs with Swing. You will want to pay close attention to section on Writing Event Listeners
If you do want to create an Applet instead of a desktop program, you can see the Applets, where you'll learn how to develop Applets and how to deploy them. You will still need to learn some basics though from the Swing link I mentioned.
Also, before you start using drag and drop gui builder tools, I would strongly urge you to first learn to hand code. It will work best for you in the long run.
I hope this gets you started in the right direction.
The defacto world standard GUI for all platforms is becoming Html5 and css3.
So the easiest way for you to write an interface is in HTML. You don't need an applet unless you have real specific needs like having a constant connection to the server for a chat or whatever. Anyway most of the applet reasons to exist are now resolved in standard HTML. If you want to learn a new langue, try Dart (
You could use dart to have the more adaptable GUI to standards in the world
I explain why in this blog post
Naturally even if you need to write a stand alone application with native GUI, HTML5 and css3 are still widely employed along with webkit or native code transformers like PhoneGap.
Is it possible to capture the screen or generate a hardcopy in GWT programatically?
using AWT its possible but the AWT can't be used in GWT[only GWT not any other like smartGWT, ext-GWT]?
On client side GWT do nothing more than Javascript. So your question is: Can I take screen shot in JavaScript? The answer is:
If you want only take screen shot inside browser and can bear different you can use html2canvas.
If you want also take screen shot out of browser, you have to use other technology such as ActiveX control (may be Java Applet with AWT).
Check this: Take a screenshot of a webpage with JavaScript?
I don't believe that you will find anything native in GWT to do this. I believe that the best that you could manage would be something like this:
GWT just compiles java into javascript as it as been said by other guys in their answer. So you can look for a solution on the client but you can also do it on the server side.
One way to make it is to use phantomJS (which is a kind of webkit on the server) to rasterize the web page into an image on the server side. Could be really usefull to create features like "Export" etc
Phantom JS scree n capture
I want to automate an external application, but I have several problems:
How can I recognize a button or other field of an external application in Java?
I use the Robot class in Java for making notepad automation where I open notepad, select file menu, and save or exit, etc.
The problem is, it needs X,Y coordinates for the mouse pointer to go to the proper location.
I want to make it more dynamic, i.e. it should recognize the file menu of a running notepad anywhere on the desktop.
How can this be done in Java? Is there any class in Java I can use to do this?
Thanks everyone to give me response, I want to be more specific i want to know how can i make ui automation by using any tool if it is not possible in java or using any api of java.automation tool must be freeware.....i am searching net for that i found AutoIt is like that.But if any one do this type of things please share his/her experiance means is it possible to do that in AutoIt or not possible if not then which tool do that kind of things.
It is easy to integrate Sikuli into a Java-application since it is written in Java. Sikuli uses image recognition to find elements visible on the screen like buttons and such. It is very easy to use and provides an alternative for tasks that are difficult to handle with static positioning, like finding moving windows and such.
Take a look at this:
Hope this helps!
You should have a look at Sikuli. It takes as inputs images of the ui elements to select an area in the targeted app. It's a UI Automation Application
That's a bit difficult to install (at least on Debian/Ubuntu, where I tested it), as you'll need a recent version of OpenCV, a particular version of JXGrabKey but the quality of the program worth the trip. Good Luck
Java doesn't have an API to examine the UI of another application; that would be a very big security risk.
Which is why the Robot class can only record events (key presses, mouse movements and clicks) but not which UI element was involved in most cases.
It would be possible to do more if the external application was written in Java because then, you could analyze the objects in memory but for obvious reasons, this isn't possible for C++ or .NET applications.
I have a windows application which has a complex GUI that I would like to hide from users. In order to do this, I would like to create a wrapper with an extremely simple interface that overlays this application and automates a number of actions when a user clicks a single button on the wrapper. (I hope "wrapper" is the proper term.) Is it possible to use Java to block input to the underlying application so that users cannot inadvertently mess up the automation? How would I go about this? Also, how can I automate key presses and clicks to the application without hijacking the mouse? Is this possible in Java?
I have looked at java.awt.Robot, but it appears to hijack the mouse.
I have also looked at AutoIT, but it too hijacks the mouse and does not integrate with Java.
Neither of these options seem powerful enough for what I need, but I do not know how else to proceed.
I recommend that automation via the GUI only as the last resort if you really have no other alternative.
If there is an API that your application exposes, I would try to use that. For example, if the GUI is implemented in one DLL and the logic in another, then you can use JNA to load your application logic DLL and invoke the application functions directly from java. Even better would be if your application exposes a COM/OLE interface - there are plenty of Java<>COM briges, that will alow you to call this interface directly, e.g. Jacob.
If you really have no choice but to automate via the GUI, then here's how to go about doing that:
Use JNA to access the windows shell API. You can then use ShellExecute to launch your wrapped application. Specifically, passing SW_HIDE as the window mode should help ensure that the application does not appear.
Use JNA to access the windows API FindWindow to find your application window. You can also make it invisible using the ShowWindow API, just in case step 1 did not work (not all applications are written to use the nCmdShow parameter.)
You can now post messages to the application window using PostMessage. You can send keystrokes and mouse events using windows messages. E.g. See WM_KEYUP, WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
Because the wrapped application window is made invisible, you don't need to "block" that application, The user simply cannot access it's GUI. But you can still programmatically send input to it.
If I have Java program and I need to alter it to an interface and include icons,
is there any easy I can do this and is there a good application that can help me to do it ?
or do I have to code it in myself?
Nop, /me thinks ur need 1337 mad Java programin' skillz!
Translation for the rest of the world: Sorry, you'll need to program in Java.
Added: Hey, what's with the downvotes? He started it! :P Besides - no matter if he wants to add or modify (the original text wasn't clear on this) the UI of a Java program, he will need to program in Java to bring his UI together with the code. There is no miracle tool that can allow you to draw an UI and it will suddenly do what you do.
Netbeans has a Swing GUI Builder. Quoting from their website. Let's hope this doesn't count has hidden advertising :)
Design Swing GUIs by dragging and
positioning GUI components from a
palette onto a canvas. The GUI builder
automatically takes care of the
correct spacing and alignment. Click
into JLabels, JButtons, ButtonGroups,
JTrees, JTextFields, ComboBoxes and
edit their properties directly in
place. You can use the GUI builder to
prototype GUIs right in front of
If you want to add a UI to your Java program there are tools to help you, such as the Swing GUI Builder inside of IntelliJ Idea. However, you're still going to have to write the appropriate code to hook into the UI.
It's just a website? Well depending on whether it uses CSS you might be able to just modify a .css file. This will only let you modify how the site looks as opposed to works.
See here for an example of how this technology works. However this depends on how css-dependent the website is and it's possible you may still run into some difficulties.
You want to use a Java framework to help you with the UI. For example, you can use JSF (Javaserver faces), which allows you to drag and drop components for a UI onto the site. Otherwise, you can use web programs such as Dreamweaver to design the UI, before coding the backend logic yourself in java.