How to package spring-boot to jar with local jar using maven - java

I have a jar in my system, and I want to package it into jar application using maven, my dependency and plugin as below:
I also try maven-dependency-plugin but did'nt work when packaging jar file.

Add the below plugin and clean your project :
<id>install-Transformation lib</id>
Once you clean the project. Comment scope and systempath like below then build and install :


How to exclude from Maven plugin in pom.xml file, a particular dependency?

I have to exclude from Versions Maven Plugin command (use-latest-versions), a dependency that I don't want to automatically update.
Here is the doc:
This is how I have implemented the excludes optional parameter in the pom.xml file:
Anyway during maven validate, the mongodb dependency is updated, ignoring the excludes parameters. Where is the mistake?
Now it works. Below the correct configuration:

Spring boot META-INF/ not in artifact

I would like to access my commit info in /info. Thing is, it works in IDE but there seems to be a problem while packaging the artifact, the file META-INF/ is not packaged into jar! Any hint why?
Remove <phase>package</phase> from your execution and now do a mvn clean install. It should generate META-INF/ file

Why is my Maven project packaging test files?

I have a Maven project which I'm trying to package, but I've noticed that all my Java test classes (but none of my Scala test classes) and generated Avro test classes are ending up in the jar.
Folder structure looks fine:
I also noticed that if I add junit as a dependency with <scope>test</scope>, my tests won't compile as it can't find the junit classes, so it looks like Maven is treating all my code including tests as being part of main.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
Figured it out.
The issue was with the avro-maven-plugin.
It's configuration had sourceDirectory and outputDirectory, both of which had test source paths.
Apparently these were interfering with the compiler plugin which thought that these directories were main source directories and compiled them along with the rest of the main classes. This also explains why my tests were failing to compile when the junit dependency was given a test scope.
The solution was to use testSourceDirectory and testOutputDirectory instead:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -X

Findbugs plugin configuration in maven pom.xml

My goal is to execute findbugs on a maven project -> generate xml -> convert xml to html & finally fail build if there are HIGH priority FindBugs warnings. Below is the plugin configuration configuration in pom.xml I have configured
<!--<stylesheet>default.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>plain.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>fancy.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>summary.xsl</stylesheet> -->
My problem is that html transformation is not happening stating that
[WARNING] No files found for transformation by stylesheet fancy-hist.xsl
Can the pom.xml correctness be verified & also can someone help me with the reason on why html tansformation is not happening ?
The issue with the above plugin configuration is that failing-on-high is configured during the verify phase rather than install phase. So in case of build error in verify phase, no output xml is generated because of which the output xml was not found. This was fixed by changing it to install

Scala Eclipse IDE compiler giving errors until "clean" is run

I am writing a mixed Java/Scala project and my Eclipse compiler is giving errors for all of the Scala code. It seems to try to compile it as Java instead of Scala. However, when I run a clean, all of the errors go away. Also, building this using maven works completely fine.
I am building this project in Maven. Originally this project was only Java, so I added the necessary plugins/dependencies into my pom.xml.
Any idea why Eclipse is treating my Scala files as Java?
Here's my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Antlr4 Spark/Solr</name>
<groupId>junit</groupId> <!-- NOT org.junit here -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) compile phase -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-test-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) test-compile phase -->
<!-- Add src/main/scala to source path of Eclipse -->
<!-- Add src/test/scala to test source path of Eclipse -->
<!-- to generate Eclipse artifacts for projects mixing Scala and Java -->
<!-- in Eclipse, use scala-library, scala-compiler from the SCALA_CONTAINER rather than POM <dependency> -->
<!-- When run tests in the test phase, include .java and .scala source files -->
Clear the Scala IDE project settings by removing and adding back Scala Nature

