Scala Eclipse IDE compiler giving errors until "clean" is run - java

I am writing a mixed Java/Scala project and my Eclipse compiler is giving errors for all of the Scala code. It seems to try to compile it as Java instead of Scala. However, when I run a clean, all of the errors go away. Also, building this using maven works completely fine.
I am building this project in Maven. Originally this project was only Java, so I added the necessary plugins/dependencies into my pom.xml.
Any idea why Eclipse is treating my Scala files as Java?
Here's my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Antlr4 Spark/Solr</name>
<groupId>junit</groupId> <!-- NOT org.junit here -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) compile phase -->
<!-- Run scala compiler in the process-test-resources phase, so that dependencies on
scala classes can be resolved later in the (Java) test-compile phase -->
<!-- Add src/main/scala to source path of Eclipse -->
<!-- Add src/test/scala to test source path of Eclipse -->
<!-- to generate Eclipse artifacts for projects mixing Scala and Java -->
<!-- in Eclipse, use scala-library, scala-compiler from the SCALA_CONTAINER rather than POM <dependency> -->
<!-- When run tests in the test phase, include .java and .scala source files -->

Clear the Scala IDE project settings by removing and adding back Scala Nature


Using git-commit-id-plugin in maven works in package-phase but not in install-phase

I'm using the git-commit-id-plugin (see It packages correctly when I'm setting up an annotated tag like e.g. v1.0.0, meaning the target-directory has a jar file named deploy-test-Test-v1.0.0.jar.
The problem is, that the maven install phase creates the following files in my local .m2-directory:
|- deploy-test-Test-${}.jar
|- deploy-test-Test-${}.pom
|- _remote.repositories
I've tested this with the example pom.xml.
What can I do to get the same name (deploy-test-Test-v1.0.0.jar)?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- *NOTE*: The default phase of validateRevision is verify, but in case you want to change it, you can do so by adding the phase here -->
<!-- If you'd like to tell the plugin where your .git directory is, use this setting, otherwise we'll perform a search trying to figure out the right directory. It's better to add it explicitly IMHO. -->
<name>validating project version</name>
To incorporate git-commit-id plugin into the version number for the entire maven build cycle (till deploy)
<!-- Snapshot Version Number -->
<!-- <version.number>${git.commit.time}.${}${s`enter code here`napshot.string}</version.number> -->
<!-- Release Version Number -->
< ![CDATA[
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange; git_revision = '${version.number}'
if (!['revision'] ? .trim()) {
println 'Change `version` to ' + git_revision['revision'] = git_revision['revision'] = git_revision['project.version'] = git_revision[''] = git_revision
project.version = git_revision
project.artifact.version = git_revision
project.artifact.versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersion(git_revision)
]] >
Also refer to this to work around the "plugin execution not covered by lifecycle" error in Eclipse/SpringToolSuite
see: How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds
I've found a solution that worked fine for me. Just added the gmaven-plugin like in the pom-snippet below and the versions will be adapted to the last git-tag.
I've also used groovy-maven-plugin to update Without this pom.xml was generated with variables that have not been parsed.
project properties
build final name atteribute
plugin definition

maven project which has both java and scala

I want to build a maven project which has both java and scala source code.
I have installed scala IDE plugin in eclipse and added the "scala-maven-plugin" in pom.xml but the imports of java classes in the scala files are giving compilation errors.
Which is the best IDE to build such mixed projects?
The project structure is
The pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- This plugin compiles Scala files -->
<!-- This plugin compiles Java files -->
<!-- This plugin adds all dependencies to JAR file during 'package' command.
Pay EXTRA attention to the 'mainClass' tag.
You have to set name of class with entry point to program ('main' method) -->
It seems from your code structure that your Scala classes depend on Java, not the other way around. Yet in your Maven config, Scala gets compiled first. Change it to compile after Java classes.
The following plugin sequence works in my project:
Its safest to go straight to the page provided by the scala-maven-plugin docs where you can find the current pom definition which supports dependencies in both directions

Maven shade plugin relocate and bundle not working

In my POM.xml, I have used maven-shade plugin and relocated the httpClient dependency. But when I print the dependency tree using mvn dependency:tree, I still see the httpClient library in the tree as shown below. Why is this happening. Any help will be appreciated.
[INFO] +- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3.5:provided
My POM.xml is as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- change these to the appropriate values -->
<name>Parser Apps</name>
<description>Applications to showcase different parsers</description>
<!-- change this if you desire to use a different version of Apex Core -->
<move file="${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-apexapp.jar"
tofile="${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.apa" />
<!-- create resource directory for xml javadoc-->
<delete dir="${}/generated-resources/xml-javadoc"/>
<mkdir dir="${}/generated-resources/xml-javadoc"/>
<!-- generate javdoc -->
<!-- generate xml javadoc -->
<additionalparam>-d ${}/generated-resources/xml-javadoc -filename ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-javadoc.xml</additionalparam>
<!-- Transform xml javadoc to stripped down version containing only class/interface comments and tags-->
<!-- copy xml javadoc to class jar -->
<!-- add your dependencies here -->
If you know that your application does not need transitive dependencies pulled in by malhar-library,
uncomment the following to reduce the size of your app package.
Two things -
You should be aware what relocation does is not "...relocated the httpClient dependency" but as the source suggests -
If the uber JAR is reused as a dependency of some other project,
directly including classes from the artifact's dependencies in the
uber JAR can cause class loading conflicts due to duplicate classes on
the class path. To address this issue, one can relocate the classes
which get included in the shaded artifact in order to create a private
copy of their bytecode
When you execute the mvn dependency:tree it would display all the dependencies(direct and transitive) included in your project. Instead, the maven shade plugin
shade:shade is bound to the package phase and is used to create a
shaded jar.
renaming or optimizing the dependencies further. Here goes the details for Maven Shade Plugin -
This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an
uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade - i.e. rename - the
packages of some of the dependencies.
The dependency is not removed from original POM, so the behavior of dependency:tree is correct.
Shade plugin will also generate a new POM (dependency-reduced-pom.xml) wherein shaded dependencies are removed from the <dependencies> section. This looks like the one you are after.

generating QueryDsl classes using querydsl-maven-plugin with groovy-eclipse-compiler

I'm trying to generate querydsl classes from groovy entities using alternative method described here
The problem I faced with is that these classes are generated only when I do mvn compile/package twice
i.e. something with the order, classes should be generated before compilation of groovy classes
otherwise I get compilation error
Groovy:unable to resolve class com.application.domain.QUser
My pom.xml
what I'm missing?
You need to:
Compile source Groovy code
Postprocess classes to generate QClasses
Compile generated QClasses again.

How do you compile Java+Kotlin project using Maven?

I'm trying to compile maven project which has Kotlin classes referencing Java classes. Here's a part of my parent POM:
And related parts of the child POM:
And the Kotlin class:
open class DummyServiceImpl : DummyService {
PersistenceContext(unitName = Consts.UNIT_NAME)
private val em: EntityManager? = null
override fun get(id: Long?): Dummy {
return em!!.find<Dummy>(javaClass<Dummy>(), id)
override fun sayHi(): String {
return "Dummy service says \"Hi!\"."
DummyService and Consts classes are Java classes residing in the same module as DummyServiceImpl.
So when I compile the module containing DummyServiceImpl with Maven it goes like this:
[error] C:\somepath\service\DummyServiceImpl.kt: (14, 31) Unresolved reference: DummyService
[error] C:\somepath\service\DummyServiceImpl.kt: (16, 35) Unresolved reference: Consts
If I switch Kotlin plugin execution phase to compile then it predictably fails if there're references from Java to Kotlin classes:
[ERROR] /C:/somepath/service/impl/[5,27] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol: class DummyServiceImpl
So, what's to be done about this? Note that building with IDEA's make goes perfectly fine.
Make sure you have this declaration in <build> of your pom.xml
Make sure that all folders (3x in src/main & 3x in src/test) mentioned in the configuration actually exist, even if they don’t contain any classes/resources. You can still fine-tune the configuration once it works for you.
Also pay attention to use exactly the same order I mentioned above to let the compiler compile the Java code first.
Referred from this Kotlin + java demo apps
You have to execute mvn kotlin:compile before mvn package. mvn kotlin:compile will compile the Kotlin files to class files.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
To package as war:- mvn clean kotlin:compile package
I ended using the following configuration to mix Java and Kotlin source code:
Make sure to NOT use the build options: sourceDirectory and testSourceDirectory
All configurations goes at kotlin-maven-plugin, for more accurate information see:

