Unable to retrieve JaCoCo coverage from exec file via Java API - java

We have JaCoCo for coverage. Some tests spawn a new java process for which I add the jacocoagent arguments and I get the expected jacoco.exec. Each file has a different path.
i.e. -javaagent:path/jacoco.jar=destfile=path/to/output.exec
I merge those and generate a report in which they correctly show as covered from those external processes.
Later I try to use the merged.exec using the Java API but I can't get coverage on those methods to perform some internal calculations.
In some cases I found that there might be multiple class coverage records for certain line (I assume depending on how many times that particular line was executed) so I use the following methods to get the best coverage out of those:
private List<IClassCoverage> getJacocoCoverageData(ExecutionDataStore
String classFile) throws IOException
List<IClassCoverage> result = new ArrayList<>();
logger.debug("Processing coverage for class: " + classFile);
final CoverageBuilder coverageBuilder = new CoverageBuilder();
final Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(execDataStore, coverageBuilder);
File file = new File(this.workspaceRoot, classFile);
logger.debug("Analyzing coverage in: " + file);
if (file.exists())
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file))
analyzer.analyzeClass(fis, file.getAbsolutePath());
Iterator<IClassCoverage> it = coverageBuilder.getClasses().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
return result;
private IClassCoverage getBestCoverage(List<IClassCoverage> coverage,
int workingCopyLine)
IClassCoverage coverageData = null;
for (IClassCoverage cc : coverage)
ILine temp = cc.getLine(workingCopyLine);
if (coverageData == null
|| temp.getStatus()
> coverageData.getLine(workingCopyLine).getStatus())
coverageData = cc;
return coverageData;
Somehow I only find not covered coverage data. Both the reports and the methods above look at the same merged.exec file.

This turned out to be something completely unrelated to the JaCoCo file. The code above worked fine.


Problem in running Test Fragment using JMeter JMX script using Java code

I have JMeter script having many test elements like test fragments, include controllers , beanshell samplers, ssh samplers, SFTP samplers, JDBC etc. When I tried running JMX script using Java code( below) some of the test elements are getting skipped.One of the major problem is it is skipping Test fragments with out going inside another JMX script.We are running Test Fragments using include controllers which we tried all the combinations of paths.Please help to run test fragments inside JMX file using below Java code.
I tried all the paths inside JMX scripts, I added all JMeter Jars in maven repository etc.
public class Test_SM_RS_001_XML extends BaseClass {
public void Test121() throws Exception {
StandardJMeterEngine jmeter = new StandardJMeterEngine();
Summariser summer = null;
JMeterResultCollector results;
File JmxFile1 = new File(/path/to/JMX/File/test121.jmx");
HashTree testPlanTree = SaveService.loadTree(JmxFile1);
String summariserName = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("summariser.name", "TestSummary");
if (summariserName.length() > 0) {
summer = new Summariser(summariserName);
results = new JMeterResultCollector(summer);
testPlanTree.add(testPlanTree.getArray()[0], results);
while (jmeter.isActive())
System.out.println("StandardJMeterEngine is Active...");
if (results.isFailure())
TestAutomationLogger.error("TEST FAILED");
Assert.fail("Response Code: " + JMeterResultCollector.getResponseCode() + "\n" + "Response Message: " + JMeterResultCollector.getResponseMessage() + "\n" + "Response Data: " + JMeterResultCollector.getResponseData());
I expect to run Test fragments inside JMX file ,but it is not considering and Skipping.
Your test code is lacking essential bit: resolving of Module and Include controllers which need to be traversed and added to the "main" HashTree
So you need to replace this line:
with these:
JMeterTreeModel treeModel = new JMeterTreeModel(new Object());
JMeterTreeNode root = (JMeterTreeNode) treeModel.getRoot();
treeModel.addSubTree(testPlanTree, root);
SearchByClass<ReplaceableController> replaceableControllers =
new SearchByClass<>(ReplaceableController.class);
Collection<ReplaceableController> replaceableControllersRes = replaceableControllers.getSearchResults();
for (ReplaceableController replaceableController : replaceableControllersRes) {
HashTree clonedTree = JMeter.convertSubTree(testPlanTree, true);
and this one:
with this one:
More information: Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

netbeans makefile java execution

Here I have attached the source code and make file of it.
I use netbeans. How should I build my project to execute this java code in netbeans. please help me with detailed steps. I am new to netbeans and java.
I use netbeans 8.0.2 for windows 10 64 bit OS.
Source code:
package net.sourceforge.jpcap.tutorial.example15;
import net.sourceforge.jpcap.capture.*;
import net.sourceforge.jpcap.net.*;
* This example utilizes the endCapture() feature.
public class Example15 {
private static final int INFINITE = -1;
private static final int PACKET_COUNT = INFINITE;
// BPF filter for capturing any packet
private static final String FILTER = "";
private PacketCapture m_pcap;
private String m_device;
public Example15() throws Exception {
// Step 1: Instantiate Capturing Engine
m_pcap = new PacketCapture();
// Step 2: Check for devices
m_device = m_pcap.findDevice();
// Step 3: Open Device for Capturing (requires root)
m_pcap.open(m_device, true);
// Step 4: Add a BPF Filter (see tcpdump documentation)
m_pcap.setFilter(FILTER, true);
// Step 5: Register a Listener for Raw Packets
m_pcap.addRawPacketListener(new RawPacketHandler(m_pcap));
// Step 6: Capture Data (max. PACKET_COUNT packets)
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Example15 example = new Example15();
} catch(Exception e) {
class RawPacketHandler implements RawPacketListener
private static int m_counter = 0;
private PacketCapture m_pcap = null;
public RawPacketHandler(PacketCapture pcap) {
m_counter = 0;
m_pcap = pcap;
public synchronized void rawPacketArrived(RawPacket data) {
System.out.println("Packet " + m_counter + "\n" + data + "\n");
private boolean condition() {
return (m_counter == 5) ? true : false;
make file:
# $Id: makefile,v 1.1 2002/07/10 23:05:26 pcharles Exp $
# package net.sourceforge.jpcap.tutorial.example15
PKG = net.sourceforge.jpcap.tutorial.example15
PKG_DIR = $(subst .,/, $(PKG))
REL = ../../../../..
include ${MAKE_HOME}/os.makefile
include ${MAKE_HOME}/rules.makefile
JAVA = \
JAVA_SOURCE = $(addsuffix .java, $(JAVA))
JAVA_CLASSES = $(addsuffix .class, $(JAVA))
include ${MAKE_HOME}/targets.makefile
include ${MAKE_HOME}/depend.makefile
Netbeans uses Makefiles for C++ code but not for Java code. It is easy to get this code to build but there is no need for the Makefile.
File -> New Project
Select Category Java on the left and "Java Application with Existing Sources" (with this option the project and sources will be in different directories) on the right.
Click Next
Change the Project name and/or directory to create the project in.
Add the original source directory in the dialog.
Click Finish to Create the project.
Within netbeans you can now use the Run-> Build Project to build it.
If you really have to have a Makefile just make one that just runs the Netbeans project( which is actually an ant project).
ant jar

How to read Nutch content from Java/Scala?

I'm using Nutch to crawl some websites (as a process that runs separate of everything else), while I want to use a Java (Scala) program to analyse the HTML data of websites using Jsoup.
I got Nutch to work by following the tutorial (without the script, only executing the individual instructions worked), and I think it's saving the websites' HTML in the crawl/segments/<time>/content/part-00000 directory.
The problem is that I cannot figure out how to actually read the website data (URLs and HTML) in a Java/Scala program. I read this document, but find it a bit overwhelming since I've never used Hadoop.
I tried to adapt the example code to my environment, and this is what I arrived at (mostly by guesswprk):
val reader = new MapFile.Reader(FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()), ".../apache-nutch-1.8/crawl/segments/20140711115438/content/part-00000", new Configuration())
var key = null
var value = null
reader.next(key, value) // test for a single value
However, I am getting this exception when I run it:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile$Reader.next(SequenceFile.java:1873)
at org.apache.hadoop.io.MapFile$Reader.next(MapFile.java:517)
I am not sure how to work with a MapFile.Reader, specifically, what constructor parameters I am supposed to pass to it. What Configuration objects am I supposed to pass in? Is that the correct FileSystem? And is that the data file I'm interested in?
val conf = NutchConfiguration.create()
val fs = FileSystem.get(conf)
val file = new Path(".../part-00000/data")
val reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, file, conf)
val webdata = Stream.continually {
val key = new Text()
val content = new Content()
reader.next(key, content)
(key, content)
public class ContentReader {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Configuration conf = NutchConfiguration.create();
Options opts = new Options();
GenericOptionsParser parser = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, opts, args);
String[] remainingArgs = parser.getRemainingArgs();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
String segment = remainingArgs[0];
Path file = new Path(segment, Content.DIR_NAME + "/part-00000/data");
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, file, conf);
Text key = new Text();
Content content = new Content();
// Loop through sequence files
while (reader.next(key, content)) {
try {
System.out.write(content.getContent(), 0,
} catch (Exception e) {
Alternatively, you can use org.apache.nutch.segment.SegmentReader (example).

writing java testng test cases

I am beginning with Java and testng test cases.
I need to write a class, which reads data from a file and makes an in-memory data structure and uses this data structure for further processing. I would like to test, if this DS is being populated correctly. This would call for dumping the DS into a file and then comparing the input file with the dumped file. Is there any testNG assert available for file matching? Is this a common practice?
I think it would be better to compare the data itself not the written out data.
So I would write a method in the class to return this data structure (let's call it getDataStructure()) and then write a unit test to compare with the correct data.
This only needs a correct equals() method in your data structure class and do:
Assert.assertEquals(yourClass.getDataStructure(), correctData);
Of course if you need to write out the data structure to a file, then you can test the serialization and deserialization separately.
File compare/matching can be extracted to a utility method or something like that.
If you need it only for testing there are addons for jUnit
If you need file compare outside the testing environment you can use this simple function
public static boolean fileContentEquals(String filePathA, String filePathB) throws Exception {
if (!compareFilesLength(filePathA, filePathB)) return false;
BufferedInputStream streamA = null;
BufferedInputStream streamB = null;
try {
File fileA = new File(filePathA);
File fileB = new File(filePathB);
streamA = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileA));
streamB = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileB));
int chunkSizeInBytes = 16384;
byte[] bufferA = new byte[chunkSizeInBytes];
byte[] bufferB = new byte[chunkSizeInBytes];
int totalReadBytes = 0;
while (totalReadBytes < fileA.length()) {
int readBytes = streamA.read(bufferA);
if (readBytes == 0) break;
MessageDigest digestA = MessageDigest.getInstance(CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM);
MessageDigest digestB = MessageDigest.getInstance(CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM);
digestA.update(bufferA, 0, readBytes);
digestB.update(bufferB, 0, readBytes);
if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(digestA.digest(), digestB.digest()))
closeStreams(streamA, streamB);
return false;
totalReadBytes += readBytes;
closeStreams(streamA, streamB);
return true;
} finally {
closeStreams(streamA, streamB);
public static void closeStreams(Closeable ...streams) {
for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) {
Closeable stream = streams[i];
public static boolean compareFilesLength(String filePathA, String filePathB) {
File fileA = new File(filePathA);
File fileB = new File(filePathB);
return fileA.length() == fileB.length();
private static void closeStream(Closeable stream) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore exception
Your choice, but having an utility class with that functionality that can be reused is better imho.
Good luck and have fun.
Personally I would do the opposite. Surely you need a way to compare two of these data structure in the Java world - so the test would read from the file, build the DS, do its processing, and then assert it's equal to an "expected" DS you set up in your test.
(using JUnit4)
public void testProcessingDoesWhatItShould() {
final DataStructure original = readFromFile(filename);
final DataStructure actual = doTheProcessingYouNeedToDo(original);
final DataStructure expected = generateMyExpectedResult();
Assert.assertEquals("data structure", expected, actual);
If this DS is a simple Java Bean. then you can use EqualsBuilder from Apache Commons to compare 2 objects.
compare bytes loaded from file system and bytes you are going to write file system
pseudo code
byte[] loadedBytes = loadFileContentFromFile(file) // maybe apache commons IOUtils.toByteArray(InputStream input)
byte[] writeBytes = constructBytesFromDataStructure(dataStructure)
Assert.assertTrue(java.util.Arrays.equals(writeBytes ,loadedBytes));

Printing JUnit result to file

I want to print the results of my JUnit tests to a .txt file.
Following is my code:
try {
//Creates html header
String breaks = "<html><center><p><h2>"+"Test Started on: "+df.format(date)+"</h2></p></center>";
//Creating two files for passing and failing a test
File pass = new File("Result_Passed-"+df.format(date)+ ".HTML");
File failed = new File("Result_Failed-"+df.format(date)+ ".HTML");
OutputStream fstreamF = new FileOutputStream(failed, true);
OutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(pass, true);
PrintStream p = new PrintStream(fstream);
PrintStream f= new PrintStream(fstreamF);
//appending the html code to the two files
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Following is my example testcase:
public void test_001_AccountWorld1() {
// Open the MS CRM form to be tested.
driver.get(crmServerUrl + "account");
PerformCRM_World1("address1_name", "address1_name", "address1_line1", "address1_postalcode", true);
assertEquals(firstLineFromForm.toString(), "");
assertEquals(secondLineFromForm.toString(), "Donaustadtstrasse Bürohaus 1/2 . St");
assertEquals(postcodeFromForm.toString(), "1220");
I've tried p.append() but doesn't work. Help please.
In general , you can redirect your output to file as follows :
- if you are using eclipse :
Run configuration-->Commons-->OutputFile-->Your file name
If you run form the command line , just use :
java ..... >output.txt
You're probably re-inventing the wheel here. ANT, Maven, X build tool or your CI server should be doing this for you.
When I am looking to do this, I run it command line, with a custom runner, running a custom suite. Very simple, almost no code. The suite just has the test you want to run, and the runner is below.. You can see the logic there for printing out. My code just prints out errors, but you can adapt this easily to print everything to file. Essentially you are just looking in the result object collection of failures and successes.
public class UnitTestRunner {
static JUnitCore junitCore;
static Class<?> testClasses;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Running Junit Test Suite.");
Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(TestSuite.class);
for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
System.out.println("Successful: " + result.wasSuccessful() +
" ran " + result.getRunCount() +" tests");
I believe this functionality already exists. Read this part of JUnit's FAQ.

