Gradle ignores priority in testng - java

Can someone explain how does gradle works with priority parameter in #Test annotation in testng?
For example I have the next code:
public class TestGradle {
#Test (priority = 2)
public void testA() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test A");
#Test (priority = 1)
public void testB() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test B");
#Test (priority = 3)
public void testC() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test C");
So if I will run it via gradle test --tests TestGradle I will get the next output:
Test A
Test B
Test C
but I thought, that it should be like this:
Test B
Test A
Test C

I think this is a bug in TestNG. I created an issue.
You can create a workaround to solve this problem.
With an IMethodInterceptor you can change the execution order of your methods.
public class ExecutionOrderInterceptor implements IMethodInterceptor {
public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) {
Comparator<IMethodInstance> comparator = new Comparator<IMethodInstance>() {
private int getPriority(IMethodInstance mi) {
int result = 0;
Method method = mi.getMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod();
Test a1 = method.getAnnotation(Test.class);
if (a1 != null) {
result = a1.priority();
return result;
public int compare(IMethodInstance m1, IMethodInstance m2) {
return getPriority(m1) - getPriority(m2);
IMethodInstance[] array = methods.toArray(new IMethodInstance[methods.size()]);
Arrays.sort(array, comparator);
return Arrays.asList(array);
To use this interceptor you need to add an annotation to your test classes:
#Listeners({ TestReportListener.class })
public class MyTestClass {
You can also create an abstract class which your test classes extend:
#Listeners({ TestReportListener.class })
public abstract class BaseTest {
//Add here common code
And use it in your test class:
public class MyTestClass extends BaseTest {
Note: You can use such an interceptor also to implement a custom execution order.


Mockito, MissingMethodInvocationException when run all tests in class

Here is my test class.
class DishServiceTest {
static MockedStatic<DaoFactory> daoFactoryDummy;
static MockedStatic<FileUtil> fileUtilDummy;
DaoFactory daoFactory;
DishDao dishDao;
DishService dishService;
static void setUp() {
fileUtilDummy = Mockito.mockStatic(FileUtil.class);
daoFactoryDummy = Mockito.mockStatic(DaoFactory.class);
static void close() {
void deleteWithImage_id0_success() {
long id = 2;
String deleteDir = "/dish-image/2";
dishService.deleteWithImage(id, deleteDir);
verify(dishDao, times(1)).delete(id);
fileUtilDummy.verify(() -> FileUtil.deleteDishFolder(deleteDir));
void update_idSet_success() {
Dish dish = new Dish(2, "testName",
"testDescription", Category.DRINKS, BigDecimal.TEN, "/image21");
verify(dishDao, times(1)).update(dish);
verify(dishDao, times(1)).close();
I mock static methods like this because DishService class gets dao object from DaoFactory.
Here is an example of DishService method
public class DishService {
public void saveOrUpdate(Dish newDish) {
try (DishDao dishDao = DaoFactory.getInstance().createDishDao()) {
long newDishId = newDish.getId();
if (newDishId == 0) {;
} else {
And of DaoFactory
public class JDBCDaoFactory extends DaoFactory {
DBManager dbManager = DBManager.getInstance();
UserDaoMapper userDaoMapper = new UserDaoMapper();
DishDaoMapper dishDaoMapper = new DishDaoMapper();
OrderDaoMapper orderDaoMapper = new OrderDaoMapper();
OrderItemDaoMapper orderItemDaoMapper = new OrderItemDaoMapper();
public UserDao createUserDao() {
return new JDBCUserDao(dbManager.getConnection(),
public DishDao createDishDao() {
return new JDBCDishDao(dbManager.getConnection(), dishDaoMapper);
public OrderDao createOrderDao() {
return new JDBCOrderDao(dbManager.getConnection(), orderDaoMapper,
And here is the exception I have
Also, this error might show up because:
you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods. Those methods cannot be stubbed/verified. Mocking methods
declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object. at
Here is the line 61
The strangest thing here is that tests pass when I run them seperately, but if i press run all tests in class I get the exception above.

How to test given code using mockito

I want to test that fan.setState method is called or not
class OffState implements State {
public void changeState(Fan fan) {
fan.setState(new OnState());
Like this:
public class OffStateTest {
private Fan fan;
public void testChangeState() {
OffState offState = new OffState();

Mock object of super class in subclass using EasyMock

I have a class to be tested which is like this:
public class MainClass extends BaseClass {
public static int variableToBeAsserted= 0;
MainClass(ConfigClass config) {
public void myMethod() {
List list = objectOfClass1inSuperClass.operation(objectOfClass2inSuperClass.method())
while(methodInSuperClass()) {
// doing operations with 'list'
// ..few other methods which I am not going to test.
I have suppressed the constructor of my BaseClass and my ConfigClass. Now my test class is like this:
public class TestClass {
public void setUp(){
public void testMyMethod(){
MainClass main = new MainClass(new ConfigClass(""));
List list1= new ArrayList();
Class1inSuperClass ob1 = PowerMock.createMock(Class1inSuperClass.class);
Class2inSuperClass ob2 = PowerMock.createMock(Class2inSuperClass.class);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, main.variableToBeAsserted);
Now I don't know why but my test case fails with a NullPointerException.
It tries to access objectofClass1inSuperClass and fails. I thought this will mock it. But it does not get mocked.
EDIT: I am writing only the test and I cannot change anything in BaseClass. However I have the option to modify the MainClass.
You have two ways to inject mock object to the object under the test.
Manually via WhiteBox
public class WhiteBoxApproachTestClass {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testMyMethod() {
MainClass main = new MainClass(createMock(ConfigClass.class));
List<String> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
Class1inSuperClass ob1 = createMock(Class1inSuperClass.class);
Class2inSuperClass ob2 = createMock(Class2inSuperClass.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(main, "objectOfClass1inSuperClass", ob1);
Whitebox.setInternalState(main, "objectOfClass2inSuperClass", ob2);
And via #TestSubject (
public class TestSubjectApproachTestClass {
#Mock(fieldName = "objectOfClass1inSuperClass")
private Class1inSuperClass ob1;
#Mock(fieldName = "objectOfClass2inSuperClass")
private Class2inSuperClass ob2;
private final MainClass main = new MainClass(createMock(ConfigClass.class));
public static void before() throws Exception {
public void testMyMethod() {
List<String> list1= new ArrayList<>();
Full code you may find here.

Setting up a test system with "real data"

So right now I'm using JUnit 4 and in the #BeforeClass methods I setup everything needed to reset the user schema or to prepare sample data.
Now, it's not that I don't like this approach but I found it quite frustrating for the following reason:
I'm using the Parameterized annotation to run the very same tests with different input data. Parameterized doesn't work on #BeforeClass because #BeforeClass works with a static method.
This means I have to replicate tests if I want to keep the #BeforeClass logic. I can't use #After and #Before because those will happen after every test and it would be an overhead.
I was thinking I could refactor this Unit Tests in the sense that I'll write an abstract class that handles the test and a subclass for every group parameters I want to try so that I can have the test code written only once.
I'm hoping you can suggest a cleaner option with the following starting point: the use of #Parameterized, the need to run the "database" method only once per parameter group.
this is an example of my class without the BeforeClass
public class TestCreateCampaign extends AbstractTestSubscriberCampaign {
public TestCreateCampaign(String label, String apiKey, String userKey,
int customerId) {
super(label, apiKey, userKey, customerId);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public static Collection<Object[]> generatedData() {
return DataProvider.generatedCorrectSubscriberData();
public void testCreateEmailCampaignBothTriggered() {
public void testCreateTextCampaignTriggered() {
public void testCreateTextCampaignTest() {
// Other Tests
This depends on how you want to set up your classes, but you can use a ClassRule for this. This does the same job as a TestRule, but it runs once for each class, rather than each test. This can be combined with Parameterized and TestRule, such as:
public class TestCreateCampaign {
public static ExternalResource beforeAfterClass = new ExternalResource() {
protected void before() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("before each class");
protected void after() {
System.out.println("after each class");
public ExternalResource beforeAfter = new ExternalResource() {
protected void before() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("before each test");
protected void after() {
System.out.println("after each test");
#Parameters(name = "{index}: fib({0})={1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 3, 0 }, { 4, 1 } });
private int fInput;
private int fExpected;
public TestCreateCampaign(int input, int expected) {
fInput = input;
fExpected = expected;
public void test1() {
System.out.println("test1 fInput=" + fInput);
This produces the following output:
before each class
before each test
test1 3
after each test
before each test
test1 4
after each test
after each class
This seems to be what you're looking for. To cut down on the amount of duplication, you can of course define beforeAfterClass and beforeAfter in a separate java class.
These are available in JUnit 4.9+.
What about calling your setup method from the constructor of your parameterized test class?
OK, do I don't know of anything that does this automatically, but I think you could code up a Rule to do it. You could either implement a Rule from scratch of extend ExternalResource. Here is what I think it would do.
The constructor would take an instance of the test class and an ExternalResource instance.
In the constructor it would find the list of methods that contain the #Test annotation a get a count. It would set an iteration count to 0.
In the before method it would increment the iteration count and if it is 1 after increment (or 0 before) it would invoke the before method on the passed ExternalResource.
In the after method it would check to see if the iteration count was equal to the number of tests and if so call the after method on the passed ExternalResource.
You might need to use a different callback class / interface and ExternalResource since the before and after methods are protected. If you really wanted to be cool, you would define your own BeforeParameters and AfterParameter annotations in your rule and it would look for those methods in the passed instance.
If you develop this please post it or submit it to JUnit for inclusion.
Here is what I came up with, not as nice as I would like:
public class TestExample {
private interface BeforeAfter {
void before();
void after();
public static class Resource extends ExternalResource {
private final int count;
private final BeforeAfter ba;
private int iteration = 0;
Resource(Object instance, BeforeAfter ba) {
int localCount = 0;
for (Method method : instance.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) {
this.count = localCount; = ba;
protected void before() throws Throwable {
if (iteration == 0) {
protected void after() {
if (iteration == count) {
iteration = 0;
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 3, 0 }, { 4, 1 } });
public static Resource resource = new Resource(new TestExample(0, 0), new BeforeAfter() {
public void before() {
public void after() {
private int fInput;
private int fExpected;
public TestExample(int input, int expected) {
// System.out.println("Constructor invoked" + fInput);
fInput = input;
fExpected = expected;
public void test1() {
System.out.println("test1 fInput=" + fInput);
public void test2() {
System.out.println("test2 fInput=" + fInput);
Resulted in:
test1 fInput=3
test2 fInput=3
test1 fInput=4
test2 fInput=4
See How to load DBUnit test data once per case with Spring Test for a way of initialising your test data only once per test run.

Running two same tests with different arguments

I have a test with 15-20 different test cases, I want to run the same test with twice with two different parameters which are supposed to be passed to the test's BeforeClass method, for instance:
public class TestOne {
private static ClassToTest classToTest;
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
classToTest = new ClassToTest("Argument1", "Argument2");
public void testOne() {
........roughly 15 - 20 tests here
public class TestTwo {
private static ClassToTest classToTest;
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
classToTest = new ClassToTest("Argument3", "Argument4");
public void testOne() {
........roughly 15 - 20 tests here, same as in TestOne
As you can see the only difference between these two tests is in the setup method, which passes different values to the constructor of the ClassToTest. I don't want to replicate the test methods in both classes, but would prefer either inheritance or some other intelligent way to achieve this in one class.
This seems like a perfect use case for JUnit4's #Parameters; see or . That said, you'll have to move the initialization from the setUp method to a constructor for the test class.
For what it's worth, here is how you would do it with TestNG:
public class TestFactory {
public Object[] createTests() {
return new Object[] {
new ClassToTest("arg1", "arg2"),
new ClassToTest("arg3", "arg4")
public class ClassToTest {
public ClassToTest(String arg1, String arg2) {
this.arg1 = arg1;
this.arg2 = arg2;
public void testOne() {
// use arg1 and arg2
Thanks all for your quick replies. This is how I did it finally
public abstract class Base {
final HeavyObject heavy;
protected Base(HeavyObject heavy) {
this.param = param;
public void test() {
.............More tests here
public class FirstTest extends Base{
private static HeavyObject param;
public static void init() {
param = new HeavyObject("arg1", "arg2");
public FirstTest() {
public class SecondTest extends Base{
private static HeavyObject param;
public static void init() {
param = new HeavyObject("arg3", "arg4");
public FirstTest() {
Base is an abstract class which has all the tests and FirstTest and SecondTest create their own objects with different parameters and pass it to the abstract class to use it.
As per the documentation (
A subclass does not inherit the private members of its parent class.
However, if the superclass has public or protected methods for
accessing its private fields, these can also be used by the subclass.
How about this:
public class TestOne {
private static ClassToTest classToTest1, classToTest2;
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
classToTest1 = new ClassToTest("Argument1", "Argument2");
classToTest2 = new ClassToTest("Argument3", "Argument4");
public void testOne() {
public void testOneImpl(ClassToTest classToTest) {
// exact samew as whatever your current testOne() test method is
Or to keep method count down:
public class TestOne {
private static List<ClassToTest> classesToTest;
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
classesToTest = new ArrayList<>;
classesToTest.add( new ClassToTest("Argument1", "Argument2"));
classesToTest.add( new ClassToTest("Argument3", "Argument4"));
public void testOne() {
for (ClassToTest classToTest: classesToTest) {
... same test content as before

