Google warns us about PlaceID changes and suggests;
Place IDs may change due to large-scale updates on the Google Maps database. In such cases, a place may receive a new place ID, and the old ID returns a NOT_FOUND response.
You can refresh Place IDs free of charge, by making a Place Details request, specifying only the ID field in the fields parameter.
Unfortunately, there is no sample code for Java/Kotlin on their website except a link to their web services
String placeID ="Some place ID";
List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(
// Construct a request object, passing the place ID and fields array.
FetchPlaceRequest request = FetchPlaceRequest.builder(placeID, placeFields).build();
placesClient.fetchPlace(request).addOnSuccessListener((response) -> {
Place place = response.getPlace();
if (!placeID.equals(place.getId())) {
//update your old placeID
}).addOnFailureListener((exception) -> {
if (exception instanceof ApiException) {
//Place removed.
Is this a porper way to update a placeIDs with Java?
I've tested my databases and found a case where the update occurs. The below code contains both a renewed placeID, removed placeID, and still valid palceID so that one can test.
ArrayList<String> placeIDsList = new ArrayList<>();
// Specify the fields to return (in this example all fields are returned).
List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID);
for (String plc : placeIDsList ) {
// Construct a request object, passing the place ID and fields array.
FetchPlaceRequest request = FetchPlaceRequest.builder(plc, placeFields).build();
Log.e(TAG,"request for place with ID = " + plc);
placesClient.fetchPlace(request).addOnSuccessListener((response) -> {
Place place = response.getPlace();
if (!plc.equals(place.getId())) {
Log.e(TAG,"placeID renewed");
Log.e(TAG,"placeID old = " + plc);
Log.e(TAG,"placeID new = " + place.getId());
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Place found: " + place.getId());
}).addOnFailureListener((exception) -> {
if (exception instanceof ApiException) {
ApiException apiException = (ApiException) exception;
int statusCode = apiException.getStatusCode();
// Handle error with given status code.
Log.e(TAG, "Place with ID "+plc+" not found");
Log.e(TAG, "Exception message is :" + exception.getMessage());
Log.e(TAG, "Status code = " + statusCode);
The output is
E/MapsActivity: request for place with ID = ChIJTaKjynxesBQREvi1CU5QUFg
E/MapsActivity: request for place with ID = jhDdW1odXJpeWV0IE1haGFsbGVzaSwgVXp1biBTay4sIEV6aW5lL8OHYW5ha2thbGUsIFR1cmtleSIuKiwKFAoSCakQkmN8XrAUEVkLpNK_F4IJEhQKEgmFzKyYe16wFBGSjU7F2ooIIg
E/MapsActivity: request for place with ID = hIJy9YVxdxpsBQRq0-xUVJdZQ8
E/MapsActivity: placeID renewed
E/MapsActivity: placeID old = EjhDdW1odXJpeWV0IE1haGFsbGVzaSwgVXp1biBTay4sIEV6aW5lL8OHYW5ha2thbGUsIFR1cmtleSIuKiwKFAoSCakQkmN8XrAUEVkLpNK_F4IJEhQKEgmFzKyYe16wFBGSjU7F2ooIIg
E/MapsActivity: placeID new = Ei5DdW1odXJpeWV0LCBVenVuIFNrLiwgRXppbmUvw4dhbmFra2FsZSwgVHVya2V5Ii4qLAoUChIJqRCSY3xesBQRWQuk0r8XggkSFAoSCYXMrJh7XrAUEZKNTsXaiggi
E/MapsActivity: Place with ID hIJy9YVxdxpsBQRq0-xUVJdZQ8 not found
E/MapsActivity: Exception message is :9012: INVALID_REQUEST
E/MapsActivity: Status code = 9012
E/MapsActivity: Place found: ChIJTaKjynxesBQREvi1CU5QUFg
And it seems that the status code 9102 is for place not found.
I got an error in my quickfixj Application. First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
But now I got another error in my application:
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(
at quickfix.Session.verify(
at quickfix.Session.verify(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInThread$1(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$ThreadAdapter$
My code for get value of symbols is :
public void fromApp(quickfix.Message message, SessionID sessionID)
throws FieldNotFound, IncorrectDataFormat, IncorrectTagValue, UnsupportedMessageType {
try {
String symbol = message.getString(Symbol.FIELD);
System.out.println(" FromApp " + message);
// String seqNo = message.getString(MsgSeqNum.FIELD);
double bid = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
double ask = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
// System.out.println(seqNo + " " + message);
} catch (FieldNotFound fieldNotFound) {
I have also using this code
public void onMessage (MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message, SessionID sessionID) throws FieldNotFound{
MDReqID mdreqid = new MDReqID();
SendingTime sendingtime = new SendingTime();
NoMDEntries nomdentries = new NoMDEntries();
quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries group
= new quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries();
MDUpdateAction mdupdateaction = new MDUpdateAction();
DeleteReason deletereason = new DeleteReason();
MDEntryType mdentrytype = new MDEntryType();
MDEntryID mdentryid = new MDEntryID();
Symbol symbol = new Symbol();
MDEntryOriginator mdentryoriginator = new MDEntryOriginator();
MDEntryPx mdentrypx = new MDEntryPx();
Currency currency = new Currency();
MDEntrySize mdentrysize = new MDEntrySize();
ExpireDate expiredate = new ExpireDate();
ExpireTime expiretime = new ExpireTime();
NumberOfOrders numberoforders = new NumberOfOrders();
MDEntryPositionNo mdentrypositionno = new MDEntryPositionNo();
message.getGroup(1, group);
int list = nomdentries.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < list; i++)
message.getGroup(i + 1, group);
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '2')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
System.out.printf("Got Symbol {0} Price {1}",
symbol.getValue(), mdentrypx.getValue());
}catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("error" + ex);
but i also get error like this
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(
at quickfix.Session.verify(
at quickfix.Session.verify(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInpacket_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
and here the value i check in my message.log
my broker have send to me the price and etc
My question is: how to fix my problem from this code ?
First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
Your data dictionary doesn't match your counterparty's. Fix that and this will go away.
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
This did not fix anything -- it HIDES your actual problem and has you looking at a new fake problem.
What you need to do:
Your configuration has this, right?
# or if FIX5:
Find your counterparty's documentation, and make sure your xml file's messages and fields match what they say they're going to send you. Make sure all repeating groups have the same fields in the same order.
Here is some documentation about how the Data Dictionary xml file is structured. It's pretty easy.
Some background:
I have a map where I allow the user to click and select a place. Then I am getting the address from the place where they clicked.
What I want to do: Using that address, which is a String, I want to get details about that place by using the new Google Map Places API.
I'm attempting to do this with the code below
//Make the Autocomplete request builder with the String address
FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
placesClient = Places.createClient(getApplicationContext());
//Create the Autocomplete Task
Task<FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse> task =
task.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(final FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse findAutocompletePredictionsResponse) {
//Use the response to get a list of Predictions
List<AutocompletePrediction> list = findAutocompletePredictionsResponse.getAutocompletePredictions();
if (list.isEmpty() || list == null) {
} else {
//Get the first Autocomplete prediction and later, it's ID.
AutocompletePrediction ap = list.get(0);
//Provide a list of Place Fields that I want to retrieve.
List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME, Place.Field.ADDRESS);
//Make the request to fetch the place using the Place ID obtained from the Autocomplete prediction.
FetchPlaceRequest request = FetchPlaceRequest.builder(ap.getPlaceId(), placeFields).build();
placesClient = Places.createClient(getApplicationContext());
//Using the Place ID from the Autocomplete prediction, make a request to fetch places.
placesClient.fetchPlace(request).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<FetchPlaceResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(FetchPlaceResponse fetchPlaceResponse) {
//Use the response to get the Place Object
Place place = fetchPlaceResponse.getPlace();
//Display the results from the Place Object
displayResults("\n-----------------\nName: " + place.getName() + "\nAddress: " + place.getAddress());
}).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
task.addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
Problem: The problem is that when I do this and use place.getName(), instead of displaying the location's name, as it should, it displays the first part of the address like the street number and name. Additionally, other Fields like the phone number and opening hours are null.
Does anybody know how I can get the Place Object from the String address?
Getting details about the place where the user clicks is the most important feature of my Android app.
I am using the new Places API since the Place Details and Place Picker are now deprecated.
I have been wondering if there is a way to access all the twitter followers list.
We have tried using call to the REST API via twitter4j:
public List<User> getFriendList() {
List<User> friendList = null;
try {
friendList = mTwitter.getFollowersList(mTwitter.getId(), -1);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (TwitterException e) {
return friendList;
But it returns only a list of 20 followers.
I tried using the same call in loop, but it cause a rate limit exception - says we are not allowed to make too many requests in a small interval of time.
Do we have a way around this?
You should definitely use getFollowersIDs. As the documentation says, this returns an array (list) of IDs objects. Note that it causes the list to be broken into pages of around 5000 IDs at a time. To begin paging provide a value of -1 as the cursor. The response from the API will include a previous_cursor and next_cursor to allow paging back and forth.
The tricky part is to handle the cursor. If you can do this, then you will not have the problem of getting only 20 followers.
The first call to getFollowersIDs will need to be given a cursor of -1. For subsequent calls, you need to update the cursor value, by getting the next cursor, as done in the while part of the loop.
long cursor =-1L;
IDs ids;
do {
ids = twitter.getFollowersIDs(cursor);
for(long userID : ids.getIDs()){
} while((cursor = ids.getNextCursor())!=0 );
Here is a very good reference:
Now, if the user has more than around 75000 followers, you will have to do some waiting (see Vishal's answer).
The first 15 calls will yield you around 75000 IDs. Then you will have to sleep for 15 minutes. Then make another 15 calls, and so on till you get all the followers. This can be done using a simple Thread.sleep(time_in_milliseconds) outside the for loop.
Just Change like this and try, this is working for me
try {
Log.i("act twitter...........", "ModifiedCustomTabBarActivity.class");
// final JSONArray twitterFriendsIDsJsonArray = new JSONArray();
IDs ids = mTwitter.mTwitter.getFriendsIDs(-1);// ids
// for (long id : ids.getIDs()) {
do {
for (long id : ids.getIDs()) {
String ID = "followers ID #" + id;
String[] firstname = ID.split("#");
String first_Name = firstname[0];
String Id = firstname[1];
Log.i("split...........", first_Name + Id);
String Name = mTwitter.mTwitter.showUser(id).getName();
String screenname = mTwitter.mTwitter.showUser(id).getScreenName();
// Log.i("id.......", "followers ID #" + id);
// Log.i("Name..", mTwitter.mTwitter.showUser(id).getName());
// Log.i("Screen_Name...", mTwitter.mTwitter.showUser(id).getScreenName());
// Log.i("image...", mTwitter.mTwitter.showUser(id).getProfileImageURL());
} while (ids.hasNext());
} catch (Exception e) {
Try This...
ConfigurationBuilder confbuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(;
PagableResponseList<User> followersList;
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
followersList = twitter.getFollowersList(screenName, cursor);
for (int i = 0; i < followersList.size(); i++)
User user = followersList.get(i);
String name = user.getName();
System.out.println("Name" + i + ":" + name);
listView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 , list));
This is a tricky one.
You should specify whether you're using application or per user tokens and the number of users you're fetching followers_ids for.
You get just 15 calls per 15 minutes in case of an application token. You can fetch a maximum of 5000 followers_ids per call. That gives you a maximum of 75K followers_ids per 15 minutes.
If any of the users you're fetching followers_ids for has over 75K followers, you'll get the rate_limit error immediately. If you're fetching for more than 1 user, you'll need to build strong rate_limit handling in your code with sleeps and be very patient.
The same applies for friends_ids.
I've not had to deal with fetching more than 75K followers/friends for a given user but come to think of it, I don't know if it's even possible anymore.
so as part of some work I've been doing I was given a file with WebServices that are being used in a Swift application. I have zero familiarity with WebServices and only know Java through syntax understanding. I need to call one of these gets with a parameter from the swift application. What I'm trying to figure out first and foremost is how I can call one of these webservices with a parameter from the URL it's associated with. For example down below I want to call the method
and I want to specify the parameter through the URL say something like
But this doesn't assign any value to the parameter and I'm not getting results. If I hardcode so that the string used in the function is = "123" it gives me the results I'm looking for. I just need to know how I can pass this parameter through the url, syntax-wise.
Routes file
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: String ?="")
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(String para){
NewVehicleModel v = new NewVehicleModel();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehiclesC = v.searchByPlateVehicle(para);
ObjectNode wrapper = Json.newObject();
ObjectNode msg = Json.newObject();
if(vehiclesC != null) {
msg.set("VehicleList", toJson(vehiclesC));
wrapper.set("success", msg);
return ok(wrapper);
msg.put("error", "There are no vehicles with the plate number");
wrapper.set("error", msg);
return badRequest(wrapper);
Where it's called
public List<NewVehicleModel> searchByPlateVehicle(String plateNumber){
Transaction t = Ebean.beginTransaction();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehicles = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String sql = "SELECT V.idNewVehicle, V.VehicleType,V.PlateNumber,V.VehicleJurisdiction,V.State,V.Vin,V.Year, " +
"V.Make,V.modelos,V.RegistrationNumber,V.InsuranceCompany,V.PurchaseDate,V.ExpirationDate,V.idPersonaFK " +
"FROM NewVehicle V " +
"WHERE V.PlateNumber = :plateNumber";
RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql)
.columnMapping("V.idNewVehicle", "idNewVehicle")
.columnMapping("V.State", "state")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleType", "vehicleType")
.columnMapping("V.PlateNumber", "plateNumber")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleJurisdiction", "vehicleJurisdiction")
.columnMapping("V.Vin", "vin")
.columnMapping("V.Year", "year")
.columnMapping("V.Make", "make")
.columnMapping("V.modelos", "modelos")
.columnMapping("V.RegistrationNumber", "registrationNumber")
.columnMapping("V.InsuranceCompany", "insuranceCompany")
.columnMapping("V.PurchaseDate", "purchaseDate")
.columnMapping("V.ExpirationDate", "expirationDate")
.columnMapping("V.idPersonaFK", "idPersonaFK")
Query<NewVehicleModel> query = Ebean.find(NewVehicleModel.class);
.setParameter("plateNumber", plateNumber);
vehicles = query.findList();
catch (Exception e){
}finally {
return vehicles;
Found my own answer. I ended up casting from Integer to String here's how it looks in routes
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber/:para controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: Integer )
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(int para){
String p = String.valueOf(para);
URI Format for value 123 example.
I have a question about mapping, map key and map values.
I am writing a chat program : I have a problem to add a message. I can't add a message. That puts me in a empty web page with an error(can't see the number and reason of error)
Can you tell me where is the problem ?
// add a message to a chatroom
#RequestMapping(value="/addMessageSalon/{salon}/{pseudo}/{message}", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST})
public String addMessageSalon(HttpServletRequest request, #PathVariable("salon") String chatroom, #PathVariable("pseudo") String username, #PathVariable("message") String message) {
Message mes = null;
GestionMessages addition = (GestionMessages)request.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute("gestionMessages");
Map<String, ArrayList<Message>> resultat = addition.getMessages();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Message>>> entries = resultat.entrySet().iterator();
// iteration
while(entries.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Message>> entry =;
if(!entries.hasNext() && !entry.getKey().contains(chatroom)) {
// if chatroom does not exist, we give an error
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chatroom '" + chatroom + "' doesn't exist");
resultat = addition.getMessages();
return "redirect:/";
First of all:
Message mes = null;
This will throw a NullPointerException, every time. So either that's the error you're getting, or that is not your code.
If that's your actual code, then you need to instantiate Message first, like this:
Message mes = new Message();
Instead of doing this
if(!entries.hasNext() && !entry.getKey().contains(monSalon)) {
you might want to do
if(!resultat.contains(monSalon)) {
and do it before the while.