Getting the below response while running jmeter.server Batch file:
Could not find ApacheJmeter_core.jar ...
what to do now? I am using Java version-14
Could not find ApacheJmeter_core.jar ... meaning you haven't started Jmeter master.
But above error is different, in this case Jmeter slave cannot find rmi keystore file at bin folder thus throwing file not found exception for rmi_keystore.jks.
You have to generate rmi_keystore.jks by running create-rmi-keystore.bat for windows (for mac you have to run then once .jks file is generated then copy it in bin folder of each Jmeter slave.
For more details, you can refer link:
I run a Java Application by using Apache Tomcat 7.0. I want to write files to another ftp server. The ftp file path is saving in a text file (//
When I start tomcat from bin>>tomcat.exe, the file is really written to the Ftp server.
When I start tomcat from services.msc, the following error occurs: File not found exception : access is denied
Execute services.msc as an administrator.
I assume one of the invoked files is in a subdirectory of Program Files and thus needs special permissions to be run.
I have a problem with HSQLDB V2.3 on Windows. I can't connect with new databases using the HSQLDB Server.
Is there a log or debug option for the server so I can check the properties loaded and file paths, etc?
Is my properties file OK? I wasn't sure how to formulate file paths for windows.
Can I use quotes on file path names?
Is the connection string I'm using for the tmp db correct?
What's the correct syntax to use the --props server argument?
--props path
--props path/filename
I have set-up two environment variables (too keep it simple*). These variables don't have any effect except to save my typing. Initially I was loading the server from the HSQLDB folder directly.
HSQLDB_HOME ... home folder for the current HSQLDB
HSQLDB_DATA ... folder for data repository
I am following the the steps from:
Running and Using HSQLDB
Every time I connect via the server it makes a database called, "test" instead of letting me connect to either of the two databases specified in the
test.tmp/ .......... (folder)
I made a '' file in:
where the HSQLDB JAR file is. I want two databases: tmp and dev:
# -- tmp
# -- dev
I expected that the properties file to be enough to set-up two databases. When I run the hsqldb manager I don't get a connection for tmp say:
user: SA, password: ""
I get a pop-up error:
database alias does not exist (Manager)
[Thread[HSQLDB Connection #26827674,5,HSQLDB Connections #372f7a8d]]: database alias=tmp does not exist (Server)
I created these two manually using the cmd-line, e.g. named "tmp":
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -classpath %HSQLDB_HOME%\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server org.hsqldb.server.Server --database.1 file:r:/.data/hsqldb/tmp_db --dbname.1 tmp_db
And could connect and create tmp:
tmp.tmp/ .......... (folder)
as forecast in the documentation. When I start-up the HSQLDB Server with the aforesaid '' file or specifying properties explicitly:
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -classpath %HSQLDB_HOME%\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server --trace true --props %HSQLDB_DATA%
The server will only let me connect with a database called "test" as described at the beginning of the question.
Because the properties file looks good and the in-process file connection string works,
I am left considering that the file is in the wrong place or not loading for some reason. It would be wonderful if there's a way for the server to dump the properties file at start-time :-) Thanks in advance for your suggestions ...
I have found the problem. Firstly, thanks to this tutorial:
HSQLDB Installation
After reviewing this I realised my error.
The file must be in the current folder when the server script runs. I had read that on the Running and Using HSQLDB manual page but misinterpreted its meaning and I put the properties file in my %HSQLDB_HOME%/lib folder. Oops.
When you look at the BAT script, it actually changed the current folder to be the %HSQLDB_HOME%/data folder ...
cd ..\data
So the default location for your file should be your: %HSQLDB_HOME%/data if you want to work with the default runServer.bat script.
For those wanting to separate data from the server software. I made an improvement for the default script using the two environment variables as follows.
HSQLDB_HOME ... home folder for the current HSQLDB
HSQLDB_DATA ... folder for data repository
#cd /d %HSQLDB_DATA%
#rem __ #pause
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %HSQLDB_HOME%\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Which now expects my file in the %HSQL_DATA% folder. And that works. Also for my server since it is for development /testing, I'm using the --trace=true option. Like a lot of these things, now I get-it, it all makes perfect sense. Hopefully my misunderstanding will assist others who haven't found a simple tutorial before resorting to stackoverflow.
I am following
Red5 Media Server - Workspace Setup Guide - r4737!
I am able to build Red5 distribution and rename distribution jar files i.e completed upto step 6.But when I followed step 7 - Run inside of eclipse failed to debug it as java application -
Red5 root: /home/yuvraj/Documents/RED5/red5 java code all/java/server/trunk
Configuation root: /home/yuvraj/Documents/RED5/red5 java code all/java/server/trunk/conf
Red5 server jar was not found, using fallback.
URL list: [file:/home/yuvraj/Documents/RED5/red5%20java%20code%20all/java/server/trunk/red5.jar]
Bootstrap exception: null
Bootstrap exit
at org.red5.server.Bootstrap.bootStrap(
at org.red5.server.Bootstrap.main(
I couldn't find conf directory neither in /home/yuvraj/Documents/RED5/red5 java code all/java/server/trunk/ nor in /Red5_server/bin while setting classpath in java debug.
If you followed step by step the guide, you are probably using the 1.0.2 RC4.
Try this now:
Extract the from the target folder to a custom folder
(I have it in c:\red5-server-1.0.2-RC4 )
Copy red5.jar and bootstrap.jar in the place you extracted red5. (In my case c:\red5-server-1.0.2-RC4\ )
Repeat the step 7 in the Guide and be carefull at point L.
conf directory is in \red5-server-1.0.2-RC4\
From the output you've shown, I'd assume you're missing the lib directory and its contents. This wiki link should help:
I am continuing to have trouble with the import.bat file for the Neo4j batch importer. I started a new thread as the original problem was resolved.
from the command prompt I run
import.bat test.db sample\nodes.csv sample\rels.csv
With some variations on the path listing for the files, including absolute paths. I continue to get the following error message
The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer
I also tried running from Cygwin and in my Debian VM but keep getting the error
Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer
What am I doing wrong?
Please download the zip-file, not the github clone.
This is a pre-build binary as outlined in the readme, that doesn't require that you have to have maven installed to build it.
I am using ubuntu 12.04. I am trying to connect hadoop in eclipse.Successfully installed plugin for 1.04. I am using java 1.7 for this.
My configuration data are
username:hduser,locationname:test,map/reduce host port are localhost:9101 and M/R masterhost localhost:9100.
My temp directory is /app/hduser/temp.
As per this location I set advanced parameters.But I was not able to set fs.s3.buffer.dir as there was no such directory created like /app/hadoop/tmp//s3. unable to set map reduce master directory.I only found local directory. I didnot find mapred.jobtracker.persist.job.dir. And also map red temp dir.
When I ran hadoop in pseudo distributed mode I didnot found any datanode running also with JPS.
I am not sure what is the problem here.In eclipse I got the error while setting the dfs server.I got the message like...
An internal error occurred during: "Connecting to DFS test".
Thanks all
I was facing the same issue. Later found this:
Hadoop eclipse mapreduce is not working?
The main blog post is this. HTH someone who is looking for a solution.