from recursion to if else statments - java

how do I transform this into a if else statement? im stuck in one part with the comment below. I would like to separate knapsack() into if statements.
static int max_val(int a, int b){
return(a>b)? a: b; //set value for a = 1 and b = 0
static int knapsack(int max_bag_limit, int[] weight, int[] value, int size){
if (size ==0 || max_bag_limit == 0){ //base case
return 0;
if(weight[size - 1] > max_bag_limit){
return knapsack(max_bag_limit, weight, value, size-1);
return max_val(value[size-1]
+ knapsack(max_bag_limit - weight[size - 1],weight,value, size -1), //im stuck at this line
knapsack(max_bag_limit, weight, value, size -1) );
i tried to do it this way because i need to put it in a Jbutton.
else if(counter == 6){ //max_val compare knapsack A and Knapsack B
total = knapsackA;
else total = knapsackB;
else count = 1; // to avoid 0;

To allow more control over the algorithm, you need to break out one step to perform. This means that you need to think about what to do for a single step and what state you need to store so that you can perform the next step. A direct reimplementation of recursion can use an explicit Stack instead of relying on the call stack in the JRE.


Recursive method to replace all occurrences of a value in a 2D array

I have created a recursive method that replaces all occurrences of an element in a two dimensional double array. The issue is that I cannot seem to get this working without encountering a stack overflow error. Could someone please look at my code below and show me how to fix this? I have tried setting this up several times over the past few days. Thank you. Note that my arrays are 2 x 3, so the first if means that if you are at column 1 row 2, you are at the end of the array, and in that case you are done searching.
private static int replaceAll(double number, double replacementTerm) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
double searchFor = number;
double replace = replacementTerm;
if (i == 1 && j == 2) {
System.out.println("Search complete!");
if (twoDimArray2[i][j] == searchFor) {
System.out.println("Replaced An Element!");
twoDimArray2[i][j] = replace;
return replaceAll(searchFor, replace);
if (j == twoDimArray2.length) {
return replaceAll(searchFor, replace);
} else {
return replaceAll(searchFor, replace);
i and j should be method parameters instead of local variables so changes to their values can be tracked. Try to move right and down recursively if it does not exceed the bounds of the array. Note that this is much less efficient that iteration with two layers of for loops, as it will check multiple positions in the array more than once; to mitigate this, one can use a visited array to store all positions previous visited so they will not be checked again. See the below code in action here.
private static void replaceAll(double number, double replacementTerm, int i, int j) {
double searchFor = number;
double replace = replacementTerm;
if (twoDimArray2[i][j] == searchFor) {
System.out.println("Replaced An Element!");
twoDimArray2[i][j] = replace;
if (i == twoDimArray2.length - 1 && j == twoDimArray2[0].length - 1) {
System.out.println("Reached the end!");
if (i + 1 < twoDimArray2.length) {
replaceAll(number, replacementTerm, i + 1, j);
if (j + 1 < twoDimArray2[0].length) {
replaceAll(number, replacementTerm, i, j + 1);

Recursion Question - Java - Minimum number of golf shots

I am trying to calculate the minimum number of shots I need to take based on a given number of club lengths. You can also think of it as the minimum number of coins needed for a given change.
My code is
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths)
return golf(holeLength, clubLengths, 0);
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths, int shots)
else if(holeLength<0)
for(int i = 0; i<clubLengths.length; i++)
return golf(holeLength-clubLengths[i], clubLengths, shots+1);
return shots;
The issue here is that it only seems to give an answer based on the first number on the array. So for example, if I had {25,50,100} and I wanted to get to 100. Obviously, there is only a minimum of one shot required, yet the program will only calculate it using 25 and say 4. Similarly, if the first number is 21, then it will just give a stackoverflow.
Here is what is happening in your code: when the function runs the first loop, it gets the first element in clubLengths and returns right away without going to the next loop. You need to go through each possible clubs to use.
Here is my recursive solution:
Go through each club.
You can choose to use current club and use it again,
Or you can choose to use current club and use next club,
Or you can choose not to use current club and use next club.
I can implement this the following way:
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths) {
int[][] dp = int[clubLengths.length()][holeLength+1];
return golf(holeLength, clubLengths, 0, dp);
private static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths, int ind, int[][] dp) {
if (holeLength == 0) return 0;
if (holeLength < 0) return -1;
if (ind >= clubLengths.length()) return -1;
if (dp[ind][holeLength] != 0) return dp[ind][holeLength];
int rec1 = golf(holeLength-clubLengths[ind], clubLengths, ind, dp);
if (rec1 == -1) rec1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else rec1++;
int rec2 = golf(holeLength-clubLengths[ind], clubLengths, ind+1, dp);
if (rec2 == -1) rec2 == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else rec2++;
int rec3 = golf(holeLength, clubLengths, ind+1, dp);
if (rec3 == -1) rec3 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int result = Math.min(rec1, rec2);
result = Math.min(result, rec3);
if (result == Integer.MAX_VALUE) result = -1;
dp[ind][holeLength] = result;
return result;
Along with recursion, I have also added dp to optimize time complexity. As a result, the time complexity of my solution would be O(k*n) where k is holeLength and n is number of elements in clubsLengths. If you do not want dp and want just pure recursion, you can just remove all usages of dp from above and the code will still work, but slower.

Recursively finding the average of even numbers in an array

I'm trying to find the average of all even numbers in an array using recursion and I'm stuck.
I realize that n will have to be decremented for each odd number so I divide by the correct value, but I can't wrap my mind around how to do so with recursion.
I don't understand how to keep track of n as I go, considering it will just revert when I return.
Is there a way I'm missing to keep track of n, or am I looking at this the wrong way entirely?
EDIT: I should have specified, I need to use recursion specifically. It's an assignment.
public static int getEvenAverage(int[] A, int i, int n)
// first element
if (i == 0)
if (A[i] % 2 == 0)
return A[0];
return 0;
// last element
if (i == n - 1)
if (A[i] % 2 == 0)
return (A[i] + getEvenAverage(A, i - 1, n)) / n;
return (0 + getEvenAverage(A, i - 1, n)) / n;
if (A[i] % 2 == 0)
return A[i] + getEvenAverage(A, i - 1, n);
return 0 + getEvenAverage(A, i - 1, n);
In order to keep track of the number of even numbers you have encountered so far, just pass an extra parameter.
Moreover, you can also pass an extra parameter for the sum of even numbers and when you hit the base case you can return the average, that is, sum of even numbers divided by their count.
One more thing, your code has two base cases for the first as well as last element which is unneeded.
You can either go decrementing n ( start from size of array and go till the first element ), or
You can go incrementing i starting from 0 till you reach size of array, that is, n.
Here, is something I tried.
public static int getEvenAvg(int[] a, int n, int ct, int sum) {
if (n == -1) {
//make sure you handle the case
//when count of even numbers is zero
//otherwise you'll get Runtime Error.
return sum/ct;
if (a[n]%2 == 0) {
return getEvenAvg(a, n - 1, ct, sum);
You can call the function like this getEvenAvg(a, size_of_array - 1, 0, 0);
When dealing with recursive operations, it's often useful to start with the terminating conditions. So what are our terminating conditions here?
There are no more elements to process:
if (index >= a.length) {
// To avoid divide-by-zero
return count == 0 ? 0 : sum / count;
... okay, now how do we reduce the number of elements to process? We should probably increment index?
... oh, but only when going to the next level:
getEvenAverage(elements, index++, sum, count);
Well, we're also going to have to add to sum and count, right?
sum += a[index];
.... except, only if the element is even:
if (a[index] % 2 == 0) {
sum += a[index];
... and that's about it:
static int getEvenAverage(int[] elements, int index, int sum, int count) {
if (index >= a.length) {
// To avoid divide-by-zero
return count == 0 ? 0 : sum / count;
if (a[index] % 2 == 0) {
sum += a[index];
return getEvenAverage(elements, index + 1, sum, count);
... although you likely want a wrapper function to make calling it prettier:
static int getEvenAverage(int[] elements) {
return getEvenAverage(elements, 0, 0, 0);
Java is not a good language for this kind of thing but here we go:
public class EvenAverageCalculation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
public static double getEvenAverage(int[] values) {
return getEvenAverage(values, 0, 0);
private static double getEvenAverage(int[] values, double currentAverage, int nrEvenValues) {
if (values.length == 0) {
return currentAverage;
int head = values[0];
int[] tail = new int[values.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(values, 1, tail, 0, tail.length);
if (head % 2 != 0) {
return getEvenAverage(tail, currentAverage, nrEvenValues);
double newAverage = currentAverage * nrEvenValues + head;
newAverage = newAverage / nrEvenValues;
return getEvenAverage(tail, newAverage, nrEvenValues);
You pass the current average and the number of even elements so far to each the recursive call. The new average is calculated by multiplying the average again with the number of elements so far, add the new single value and divide it by the new number of elements before passing it to the next recursive call.
The way of recreating new arrays for each recursive call is the part that is not that good with Java. There are other languages that have syntax for splitting head and tail of an array which comes with a much smaller memory footprint as well (each recursive call leads to the creation of a new int-array with n-1 elements). But the way I implemented that is the classical way of functional programming (at least how I learned it in 1994 when I had similar assignments with the programming language Gofer ;-)
The difficulties here are that you need to memorize two values:
the amount of even numbers and
the total value accumulated by the even numbers.
And you need to return a final value for an average.
This means that you need to memorize three values at once while only being able to return one element.
For a clean design you need some kind of container that holds those intermediate results, for example a class like this:
public class Results {
public int totalValueOfEvens;
public int amountOfEvens;
public double getAverage() {
return totalValueOfEvens + 0.0 / amountOfEvens;
Of course you could also use something like an int[] with two entries.
After that the recursion is very simple. You just need to recursively traverse the array, like:
public void method(int[] values, int index) {
// Abort if last element
if (index == values.length - 1) {
method(array, index + 1);
And while doing so, update the container with the current values.
Collecting backwards
When collecting backwards you need to store all information in the return value.
As you have multiple things to remember, you should use a container as return type (Results or a 2-entry int[]). Then simply traverse to the end, collect and return.
Here is how it could look like:
public static Results getEvenAverage(int[] values, int curIndex) {
// Traverse to the end
if (curIndex != values.length - 1) {
results = getEvenAverage(values, curIndex + 1);
// Update container
int myValue = values[curIndex];
// Whether this element contributes
if (myValue % 2 == 0) {
// Update the result container
results.totalValueOfEvens += myValue;
// Return accumulated results
return results;
Collecting forwards
The advantage of this method is that the caller does not need to call results.getAverage() by himself. You store the information in the parameters and thus be able to freely choose the return type.
We get our current value and update the container. Then we call the next element and pass him the current container.
After the last element was called, the information saved in the container is final. We now simply need to end the recursion and return to the first element. When again visiting the first element, it will compute the final output based on the information in the container and return.
public static double getEvenAverage(int[] values, int curIndex, Results results) {
// First element in recursion
if (curIndex == 0) {
// Setup the result container
results = new Results();
int myValue = values[curIndex];
// Whether this element contributes
if (myValue % 2 == 0) {
// Update the result container
results.totalValueOfEvens += myValue;
int returnValue = 0;
// Not the last element in recursion
if (curIndex != values.length - 1) {
getEvenAverage(values, curIndex + 1, results);
// Return current intermediate average,
// which is the correct result if current element
// is the first of the recursion
return results.getAverage();
Usage by end-user
The backward method is used like:
Results results = getEvenAverage(values, 0);
double average results.getAverage();
Whereas the forward method is used like:
double average = getEvenAverage(values, 0, null);
Of course you can hide that from the user using a helper method:
public double computeEvenAverageBackward(int[] values) {
return getEvenAverage(values, 0).getAverage();
public double computeEvenAverageForward(int[] values) {
return getEvenAverage(values, 0, null);
Then, for the end-user, it is just this call:
double average = computeEvenAverageBackward(values);
Here's another variant, which uses a (moderately) well known recurrence relationship for averages:
avg0 = 0
avgn = avgn-1 + (xn - avgn-1) / n
where avgn refers to the average of n observations, and xn is the nth observation.
This leads to:
* a is the array of values to process
* i is the current index under consideration
* n is a counter which is incremented only if the current value gets used
* avg is the running average
private static double getEvenAverage(int[] a, int i, int n, double avg) {
if (i >= a.length) {
return avg;
if (a[i] % 2 == 0) { // only do updates for even values
avg += (a[i] - avg) / n; // calculate delta and update the average
n += 1;
return getEvenAverage(a, i + 1, n, avg);
which can be invoked using the following front-end method to protect users from needing to know about the parameter initialization:
public static double getEvenAverage(int[] a) {
return getEvenAverage(a, 0, 1, 0.0);
And now for a completely different approach.
This one draws on the fact that if you have two averages, avg1 based on n1 observations and avg2 based on n2 observations, you can combine them to produce a pooled average:
avgpooled = (n1 * avg1 + n2 * avg2) / (n1 + n2).
The only issue here is that the recursive function should return two values, the average and the number of observations on which that average is based. In many other languages, that's not a problem. In Java, it requires some hackery in the form of a trivial, albeit slightly annoying, helper class:
// private helper class because Java doesn't allow multiple returns
private static class Pair {
public double avg;
public int n;
public Pair(double avg, int n) {
this.avg = avg;
this.n = n;
Applying a divide and conquer strategy yields the following recursion:
private static Pair getEvenAverage(int[] a, int first, int last) {
if (first == last) {
if (a[first] % 2 == 0) {
return new Pair(a[first], 1);
} else {
int mid = (first + last) / 2;
Pair p1 = getEvenAverage(a, first, mid);
Pair p2 = getEvenAverage(a, mid + 1, last);
int total = p1.n + p2.n;
if (total > 0) {
return new Pair((p1.n * p1.avg + p2.n * p2.avg) / total, total);
return new Pair(0.0, 0);
We can deal with empty arrays, protect the end-user from having to know about the book-keeping arguments, and return just the average by using the following public front-end:
public static double getEvenAverage(int[] a) {
return a.length > 0 ? getEvenAverage(a, 0, a.length - 1).avg : 0.0;
This solution has the benefit of O(log n) stack growth for an array of n items, versus O(n) for the various other solutions that have been proposed. As a result, it can deal with much larger arrays without fear of a stack overflow.

Probability of multiple dice rolls with recursion

How would I go about using recursion to calculate the probability of rolling a certain number, r, with a given number of dice? I tried to treat this as a choose problem but am still quite confused as to how the algorithm should work.
For example, it should work out to be something like this:
I'm just having trouble converting it into code.
static double P(int dice, int r) {
int ret = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
ret = (1/6)(ret*(dice-i))/(i+1);
return ret;
static double RollDice(int dice,int r) {
if (dice==1 && (r<1 || r>6)){
return 0;
if (dice==1 && (r>=1 && r<=6)){
return (1.0/6);
else {
return ((1.0/6)*P(dice-1,r-1));
I do not understand why you have to separate methods P() and RollDice(), since in your formulae you (correctly) describe everything with P.
If you were to put your formulae into code, it should look something like this:
EDIT: changed the base case to 0 dice, since then it becomes even simpler.
static double P(int dice, int r) {
if (dice == 0) {
// Zero dice: probabiliy 1 to get 0
if (r == 0) {
return 1.0;
} else {
return 0.0;
else {
// Multiple dice: recursion
double sum = 0.0;
for (/* TODO */) {
sum += //TODO
For the recursion part, try working it out by looking at the formula:
P(4, 14) = (1/6)P(3, 13) + (1/6)P(3, 12) + ... + (1/6)P(3, 8)
i.e. in the general case
P(dice, r)=(1/6)P(dice-1, r-1) + (1/6)P(dice-1, r-2) + ... + (1/6)P(dice-1, r-6)
meaning that you have to loop from r-6 to r-1.
And since you are taking a sum over multiple recursive calls, you have to use an accumulator initialized to 0. (The variable I called sum)
EDIT: Click here for a complete example, compare to WolframAlpha to verify the result.

java recursion on array

I have to create a program that finds all the possible ways of filling a square of size x by y. You place a block which takes up 2 spaces to completely fill.
The problem is I don't know how to code it to the point where you can remember the placements of each square. I can get it to where it fills the board completely once and maybe twice, but nothing past that. I also know that I'm supposed to use recursion to figure this out . Here is the code I started on so far. There is also a main method and I have the initial even/odd check working fine. This is the part I have no idea on.
public void recurDomino(int row, int column) {
if (Board[2][x - 1] != false) {
} else if(Board[1][x-1]!=false)
else {
for (int n=0; n < x - 1; n++) {
Board[row][column] = true;
Board[row][column+1] = true;
recurDomino(1, 0);
recurDomino(2, 0);
Thank you for any help you guys can give me.
******************* EDIT ****************************************
I am a little confused still. I came up with this algorithm but I always get 2 for any value greater or equal to 2.
public boolean tryHorizontal(int row , int col){
if( row < 0 || row >= array[0].length-1)
return false;
return true;
public boolean tryVertical(int row, int col){
if( col < 0 || col >= 2 )
return false;
return true;
public boolean tryRowCol(int row, int col){
if(this.tryHorizontal(row, col) && this.tryVertical(row, col)){
return true;
return false;
public int findWays(int row, int col){
int n = 0;
if( !this.tryRowCol(row, col))
return 0;
n =+ 1 + this.findWays(row+1, col+1);
return n;
This recursive solution actually generates all the possible tiling of a general MxN board. It's more general than what your program requires, and therefore not optimized to just count the number of tiling of a 3xN board.
If you just want to count how many there are, you can use dynamic programming techniques and do this much faster. Also, having the number of rows fixed at 3 actually makes the problem considerably easier. Nonetheless, this general generative solution should be instructive.
public class Domino {
final int N;
final int M;
final char[][] board;
int count;
static final char EMPTY = 0;
Domino(int M, int N) {
this.M = M;
this.N = N;
board = new char[M][N]; // all EMPTY
this.count = 0;
generate(0, 0);
void printBoard() {
String result = "";
for (char[] row : board) {
result += new String(row) + "\n";
void generate(int r, int c) {
//... see next code block
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Domino(6, 6);
So here's the meat and potatoes:
void generate(int r, int c) {
// find next empty spot in column-major order
while (c < N && board[r][c] != EMPTY) {
if (++r == M) {
r = 0;
if (c == N) { // we're done!
if (c < N - 1) {
board[r][c] = '<';
board[r][c+1] = '>';
generate(r, c);
board[r][c] = EMPTY;
board[r][c+1] = EMPTY;
if (r < M - 1 && board[r+1][c] == EMPTY) {
board[r][c] = 'A';
board[r+1][c] = 'V';
generate(r, c);
board[r][c] = EMPTY;
board[r+1][c] = EMPTY;
This excerpt from the last few lines of the output gives an example of a generated board, and the final count.
//... omitted
//... omitted
Note that 6728 checks out with OEIS A004003.
A few things that you need to learn from this solutions are:
Clean-up after yourself! This is a very common pattern in recursive solution that modifies a mutable shared data. Feel free to do your thing, but then leave things as you found them, so others can do their thing.
Figure out a systematic way to explore the search space. In this case, dominoes are placed in column-major order, with its top-left corner as the reference point.
So hopefully you can learn something from this and adapt the techniques for your homework. Good luck!
Tip: if you comment out the printBoard line, you can generate all ~13 million boards for 8x8 in reasonable time. It'll definitely be much faster to just compute the number without having to generate and count them one by one, though.
Here's a recursive generator for 3xN boards. It doesn't use a shared mutable array, it just uses immutable strings instead. It makes the logic simpler (no clean up since you didn't make a mess!) and the code more readable (where and how the pieces are placed is visible!).
Since we're fixed at 3 rows, the logic is more explicit if we just have 3 mutually recursive functions.
public class Domino3xN {
static int count = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
addRow1(8, "", "", "");
static void addRow1(int N, String row1, String row2, String row3) {
if (row1.length() == N && row2.length() == N && row3.length() == N) {
count++; // found one!
System.out.format("%s%n%s%n%s%n%n", row1, row2, row3);
if (row1.length() > row2.length()) { // not my turn!
addRow2(N, row1, row2, row3);
if (row1.length() < N - 1)
addRow2(N, row1 + "<>",
if (row2.length() == row1.length())
addRow3(N, row1 + "A",
row2 + "V",
static void addRow2(int N, String row1, String row2, String row3) {
if (row2.length() > row3.length()) { // not my turn!
addRow3(N, row1, row2, row3);
if (row2.length() < N - 1)
addRow3(N, row1,
row2 + "<>",
if (row3.length() == row2.length())
addRow1(N, row1,
row2 + "A",
row3 + "V");
static void addRow3(int N, String row1, String row2, String row3) {
if (row3.length() == row2.length()) { // not my turn!
addRow1(N, row1, row2, row3);
if (row3.length() < N - 1)
addRow1(N, row1,
row3 + "<>");
You don't often see 3 mutually recursive functions like this, so this should be educational.
One way of doing it is with the CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) approach:
Consider every cell in the grid to be a variable, with 4 possible values (indicating the part of the domino it takes). Some assignments are obviously illegal. Legal assignments assign values to a "neighboring variable" as well. Your goal is to assign all the 3xN variables with legal values.
The recursion here can help you cover the state space easily. On each invocation, you try to assign a value to the next unasigned cell, by trying all the 4 options. After each successfull assignment, you can call the same method recursively, and then undo your last assignment (this way you don't have to clone anything - one copy of the grid data is enough).
If you want to do it efficiently so that it works for large values on N in reasonable time, you will also have to think about optimizations, in order to discard some assignment attempts.
Here are some hints:
With a fixed-size board you can precompute the exact number of steps that each solution takes, so the termination criterion is trivial: you just check the nesting level.
Starting from one corner is a good idea, because it means that you can always find a field that can only be covered in two different ways (vertically or horizontally).
That means that you have a branching factor of only 2, and a recursion depth of 3*N/2, which is probably small enough that you can just clone the sstate of the board for each call (ordinarily you would construct new states incrementally from existing states to save space, but that is a bit harder to program).
In many states here will be more than one field that allows only two possibilities; with a clever strategy for choosing the next field, you can ensure that you will never find the same solution via two different paths, so you don't even have to check the solutions for duplicates.
The state of the board must record which fields are free and which fields are occupied, but also which fields are occupied by the same domino, so an array of int could do the trick.

