How do I calculate the time complexity of my method? - java

I need to get something on this format:
C(N)=O(N〖log〗_2 N)
But I don't understand how the values work because my method has a loop that normaly wont pass through all vertexs and a loop inside of it that normally goes all the way but the number of iterations varies a lot.
private static boolean bfs(int[] pathArray, int[] dist) {
//Will make sure nodes are checked in the right order
LinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
//Starts the array dist[] that has the distance of the vertex to the 1st Critical point; and the array path[] that has the previous vertex;
Arrays.fill(dist, -1);
Arrays.fill(pathArray, -1);
//Make CriticalPoint1 the starting point of the bfs
dist[criticalPoint1] = 0;
int adj;
int k;
//Goes to all the adjacent vertexes and sees if any of them are the destination, if they are not adds them to the queue to check their adjacent vertexes
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// k is the current vertex
k = queue.remove();
for (Graph.Edge<Integer> allAdjIterator : graph.getVertex(k).getAdjacencies()) {
// adj is the current adjacent vertex
adj = allAdjIterator.getIdAdj();
if (dist[adj]==-1 && !allPassedEdges.contains(graph.getEdge(k,adj))) {
dist[adj] = dist[k] + 1;
pathArray[adj] = k;
if (adj == criticalPoint2) { return true; }
//Critical points aren't connected
return false;


Testing graph bipartitness

I wrote an algorithms for testing graph bipartitness for Graph Algorithms course on edX (initially available on Coursera) and it fails on one of their test cases.
I gave it a thought and cannot find so far what might I be missing, I use BFS traversal to color nodes to test for bipartitness, it works on a few simple test cases and on 17 of 28 test cases on edX.
private static final int WHITE = -1;
private static final int BLACK = -2;
private static final int START_INDEX = 0;
static boolean isBipartite(ArrayList<Integer>[] adj) { // an array of lists of neighbors
int[] colors = new int[adj.length];
boolean[] visited = new boolean[adj.length];
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// start with some node
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int node = queue.poll();
ArrayList<Integer> neighbors = adj[node];
for (int neighbor : neighbors) {
if (!visited[neighbor]) {
if (node != neighbor) {
// add for traversal and color with an opposite color
colors[neighbor] = colors[node] == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE;
} else {
// self cycle will always be odd
return false;
} else {
// return immediately if encountered an already colored node
// with the same color, there is an odd cycle
if (colors[node] == colors[neighbor]) {
return false;
visited[node] = true;
// final check of u and v colors for all edges
for (int u = 0; u < adj.length; u++) {
for (int i = 0; i < adj[u].size(); i++) {
int v = adj[u].get(i);
if (colors[u] == colors[v]) {
return false;
return true;
Any suggesting what could I be missing in my algorithm?
Also without the final check my algorithm would fail on the 3rd test case out of 28 (I do not see the inputs), even though I don't understand why - I should already be finding the odd cycles in the main for loop.
Please help.
Some of the sample graphs I tested myself, the 1st is not bipartite, the 2nd is bipartite.
As has been noted in the comments, you assume that every node is reachable from the starting node. The good news is that this is quite easy to fix. Define an enum Colors of three values: NoColor, Black, and White. The pseudocode goes as follows:
Input: graph G with nodes integers from 0 to n - 1
Initialise array colors of length n with all values set to NoColor;
for each `i` from `0` to `n - 1`, do {
if colors[i] = NoColor then {
Initialise q to an empty queue (or stack - whatever floats your boat);
push i onto queue;
colors[i] <- Black;
while q is not empty do {
pop k off of q;
for each neighbour i of k such that colors[i] = NoColor do
colors[i] <- the opposite color of colors[k];
push i onto q;
This gives you the 2-coloring, if the coloring exists. In this case, you'll want to verify that it is in fact a 2-coloring to check if the graph is bipartite.

BFS not returning a path

I am trying to implement BFS on a 2d array given the start point and end point. I tried giving my function two points on the grid, but it returns an empty array meaning that there is no path.
Can someone please point where am I going wrong and if possible help me correct my error? Thanks.
public Point[] bfs2(Point start, Point end) {
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[50][50];
for (int i = 0; i < visited.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < visited.length; j++)
visited[i][j] = false;
visited[start.getX()][start.getY()] = true;
LinkedList<Point> path = new LinkedList<>();
Queue<Point> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Point next = q.remove(); //i think the error is here
Point[] neighbours = next.getNeighbours();
if (next.getX() == end.getX() && next.getY() == end.getY())
else if (!visited[next.getX()][next.getY()]) {
for (Point neighbour : neighbours) {
if (!visited[neighbour.getX()][neighbour.getY()]) {
visited[neighbour.getX()][neighbour.getY()] = true;
Point current = path.removeLast();
ArrayList<Point> v = new ArrayList<>();
while (current.getX() != start.getX() || current.getY() != start.getY()) {
current = path.removeLast();
return v.toArray(new Point[v.size()]);
Point current=q.peek();
ArrayList<Point> v=new ArrayList<>();
if(start.getX()==end.getX() && start.getY()==end.getY()) return new Point[0];
while(current.getX()!=start.getX() || current.getY()!=start.getY()){
return v.toArray(new Point[v.size()]);
The first issue is that you're adding all the elements you remove from the queue to the path (I'm referring to the line containing path.add(next);).
Instead, you should keep track of the parent node from which you visited each node. When you find the end node, you can trace back your steps to the start node.
If you have exhausted all the nodes and you still haven't found the end node, you can then return an empty list.
Let me know if you need an MCV example, and I'll add it.
Later Edit:
You need to add a Point parent field to your class, like this:
class Point {
int x;
int y;
Point parent; // reference to the Point from which this Point was visited
// constructors, getters, setters, etc.
Then you can change your BFS implementation to also set the parent for the current node when iterating through its neighbors. You must change the loop to something like this:
for (Point neighbour : neighbours) {
if (!visited[neighbour.getX()][neighbour.getY()]) {
visited[neighbour.getX()][neighbour.getY()] = true;
neighbour.parent = next;

Symbol Directed Graph using data from text file

I'm so stuck, I would greatly appreciate some help. I'm currently learning Algorithms, but I have no idea where to start.
I was given code recently (We have only really done theory so seeing the code has scared me to my core) And I have been given the task to modify this code to take details from a text file and put it in a graph. The text file is similar to this.
Trout is-a fish
Fish has gills
Fish has fins
Fish is food
Fish is-an animal
Just a lot more in there. I am just wondering. How I would get started with this whole thing? There are a million questions I have to ask, but I feel like I could figure those out if only I knew how to assign the Vertices using the text file? The code I was supplied and have to edit is below. Any help would be great, Just a push in the right direction if you will.
(Also, What the heck is weight, in the addEdge class? I know it's the "cost" of traversing the edge, but how do I assign the weight?)
public class Graph {
private final int MAX_VERTS = 20;
private final int INFINITY = 1000000;
private Vertex vertexList[]; // list of vertices
private int adjMat[][]; // adjacency matrix
private int nVerts; // current number of vertices
private int nTree; // number of verts in tree
private DistPar sPath[]; // array for shortest-path data
private int currentVert; // current vertex
private int startToCurrent; // distance to currentVert
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public Graph() // constructor
vertexList = new Vertex[MAX_VERTS];
// adjacency matrix
adjMat = new int[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];
nVerts = 0;
nTree = 0;
for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERTS; j++) // set adjacency
for(int k=0; k<MAX_VERTS; k++) // matrix
adjMat[j][k] = INFINITY; // to infinity
sPath = new DistPar[MAX_VERTS]; // shortest paths
} // end constructor
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public void addVertex(char lab)
vertexList[nVerts++] = new Vertex(lab);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public void addEdge(int start, int end, int weight)
adjMat[start][end] = weight; // (directed)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public void path() // find all shortest paths
int startTree = 0; // start at vertex 0
vertexList[startTree].isInTree = true;
nTree = 1; // put it in tree
// transfer row of distances from adjMat to sPath
for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)
int tempDist = adjMat[startTree][j];
sPath[j] = new DistPar(startTree, tempDist);
// until all vertices are in the tree
while(nTree < nVerts)
int indexMin = getMin(); // get minimum from sPath
int minDist = sPath[indexMin].distance;
if(minDist == INFINITY) // if all infinite
{ // or in tree,
System.out.println("There are unreachable vertices");
break; // sPath is complete
{ // reset currentVert
currentVert = indexMin; // to closest vert
startToCurrent = sPath[indexMin].distance;
// minimum distance from startTree is
// to currentVert, and is startToCurrent
// put current vertex in tree
vertexList[currentVert].isInTree = true;
adjust_sPath(); // update sPath[] array
} // end while(nTree<nVerts)
displayPaths(); // display sPath[] contents
nTree = 0; // clear tree
for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)
vertexList[j].isInTree = false;
} // end path()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public int getMin() // get entry from sPath
{ // with minimum distance
int minDist = INFINITY; // assume minimum
int indexMin = 0;
for(int j=1; j<nVerts; j++) // for each vertex,
{ // if it’s in tree and
if( !vertexList[j].isInTree && // smaller than old one
sPath[j].distance < minDist )
minDist = sPath[j].distance;
indexMin = j; // update minimum
} // end for
return indexMin; // return index of minimum
} // end getMin()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public void adjust_sPath()
// adjust values in shortest-path array sPath
int column = 1; // skip starting vertex
while(column < nVerts) // go across columns
// if this column’s vertex already in tree, skip it
if( vertexList[column].isInTree )
// calculate distance for one sPath entry
// get edge from currentVert to column
int currentToFringe = adjMat[currentVert][column];
// add distance from start
int startToFringe = startToCurrent + currentToFringe;
// get distance of current sPath entry
int sPathDist = sPath[column].distance;
// compare distance from start with sPath entry
if(startToFringe < sPathDist) // if shorter,
{ // update sPath
sPath[column].parentVert = currentVert;
sPath[column].distance = startToFringe;
} // end while(column < nVerts)
} // end adjust_sPath()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public void displayPaths()
for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++) // display contents of sPath[]
System.out.print(vertexList[j].label + "="); // B=
if(sPath[j].distance == INFINITY)
System.out.print("inf"); // inf
System.out.print(sPath[j].distance); // 50
char parent = vertexList[ sPath[j].parentVert ].label;
System.out.print("(" + parent + ") "); // (A)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
} // end class Graph
The way I do graphs is that I have a list or array of edges instead of storing that information in a matrix. I would create an inner edge class which contains two nodes, since this is a directional graph the two nodes have to be distinct from each other. You can also use the edge class instead of the DistPar class to track the shortest path. (Or you can repurpose the distPar class to fulfill the edge functionality for you).
Weights are properties given to edges. The analogy I like to use is airline routes. Imagine that there was a single airline route from New York to LA but it cost $300 to get a ticket on that plane, but, if you took a route through a connecting airport, the ticket only costs $150. In this situation, you can think of each airport as a node and the routes between the airports are the edges which connect the nodes together. The 'weight' of the nodes in this case is the price. If you're looking to get from New York to LA, at the cheapest cost possible, you would take the cheaper route even though it passes through more airports.
Weights basically shift the definition of the shortest path between any two nodes from the least amount of connecting nodes to the least weight between these two nodes. Dijkstra's Algorithm is similar to the one which you have implemented, but also takes advantage of weights, redefining the shortest path as we have above.
I hope this was helpful!

Dijkstra's algorithm - priority queue issue

I have a Graph class with a bunch of nodes, edges, etc. and I'm trying to perform Dijkstra's algorithm. I start off adding all the nodes to a priority queue. Each node has a boolean flag for whether it is already 'known' or not, a reference to the node that comes before it, and an int dist field that stores its length from the source node. After adding all the nodes to the PQ and then flagging the source node appropriately, I've noticed that the wrong node is pulled off the PQ first. It should be that the node with the smallest dist field comes off first (since they are all initialized to a a very high number except for the source, the first node off the PQ should be the source... except it isn't for some reason).
Below is my code for the algorithm followed by my compare method within my Node class.
public void dijkstra() throws IOException {
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(200, new Node());
for (int y = 0; y < input.size(); y++) {
Node v = input.get(array.get(y));
v.dist = 99999;
v.known = false;
v.prnode = null;
source.dist = 0;
source.known = true;
source.prnode = null;
int c=1;
while(c != input.size()) {
Node v = pq.remove();
//^ Prints a node that isn't the source
v.known = true;
List<Edge> listOfEdges = getAdjacent(v);
for (int x = 0; x < listOfEdges.size(); x++) {
Edge edge = listOfEdges.get(x);
Node w =;
if (!w.known) {
int cvw = edge.weight;
if (v.dist + cvw < w.dist) {
w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
w.prnode = v;
public int compare (Node d1, Node d2) {
int dist1 = d1.dist;
int dist2 = d2.dist;
if (dist1 > dist2)
return 1;
else if (dist1 < dist2)
return -1;
return 0;
Can anyone help me find the issue with my PQ?
The priority queue uses assumption that order doesn't change after you will insert the element.
So instead of inserting all of the elements to priority queue you can:
Start with just one node.
Loop while priority queue is not empty.
Do nothing, if element is "known".
Whenever you find smaller distance add it to priority queue with "right" weight.
So you need to store a sth else in priority queue, a pair: distance at insertion time, node itself.

Prim's MST algorithm implementation with Java

I'm trying to write a program that'll find the MST of a given undirected weighted graph with Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms. I've successfully implemented Kruskal's algorithm in the program, but I'm having trouble with Prim's. To be more precise, I can't figure out how to actually build the Prim function so that it'll iterate through all the vertices in the graph. I'm getting some IndexOutOfBoundsException errors during program execution. I'm not sure how much information is needed for others to get the idea of what I have done so far, but hopefully there won't be too much useless information.
This is what I have so far:
I have a Graph, Edge and a Vertex class.
Vertex class mostly just an information storage that contains the name (number) of the vertex.
Edge class can create a new Edge that has gets parameters (Vertex start, Vertex end, int edgeWeight). The class has methods to return the usual info like start vertex, end vertex and the weight.
Graph class reads data from a text file and adds new Edges to an ArrayList. The text file also tells us how many vertecis the graph has, and that gets stored too.
In the Graph class, I have a Prim() -method that's supposed to calculate the MST:
public ArrayList<Edge> Prim(Graph G) {
ArrayList<Edge> edges = G.graph; // Copies the ArrayList with all edges in it.
ArrayList<Edge> MST = new ArrayList<Edge>();
Random rnd = new Random();
Vertex startingVertex = edges.get(rnd.nextInt(G.returnVertexCount())).returnStartingVertex(); // This is just to randomize the starting vertex.
// This is supposed to be the main loop to find the MST, but this is probably horribly wrong..
while (MST.size() < returnVertexCount()) {
Edge e = findClosestNeighbour(startingVertex);
return MST;
The method findClosesNeighbour() looks like this:
public Edge findClosestNeighbour(Vertex v) {
ArrayList<Edge> neighbours = new ArrayList<Edge>();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = graph;
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size() -1; ++i) {
if (edges.get(i).endPoint() == s.returnVertexID() && !visited(edges.get(i).returnEndingVertex())) {
return neighbours.get(0); // This is the minimum weight edge in the list.
ArrayList<Vertex> visited and ArrayList<Edges> graph get constructed when creating a new graph.
Visited() -method is simply a boolean check to see if ArrayList visited contains the Vertex we're thinking about moving to. I tested the findClosestNeighbour() independantly and it seemed to be working but if someone finds something wrong with it then that feedback is welcome also.
Mainly though as I mentioned my problem is with actually building the main loop in the Prim() -method, and if there's any additional info needed I'm happy to provide it.
Thank you.
Edit: To clarify what my train of thought with the Prim() method is. What I want to do is first randomize the starting point in the graph. After that, I will find the closest neighbor to that starting point. Then we'll add the edge connecting those two points to the MST, and also add the vertices to the visited list for checking later, so that we won't form any loops in the graph.
Here's the error that gets thrown:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
at Graph.findClosestNeighbour(
at Graph.Prim(
at MST.main(
Line 203: return neighbour.get(0); in findClosestNeighbour()
Line 179: Edge e = findClosestNeighbour(startingVertex); in Prim()
Vertex startingVertex = edges.get(rnd.nextInt(G.returnVertexCount())).returnStartingVertex();
This uses the vertex count to index an edge list, mixing up vertices and edges.
// This is supposed to be the main loop to find the MST, but this is probably horribly wrong..
while (MST.size() < returnVertexCount()) {
Edge e = findClosestNeighbour(startingVertex);
This shouldn't be passing the same startingVertex to findClosestNeighbour each time.
public Edge findClosestNeighbour(Vertex v) {
ArrayList<Edge> neighbours = new ArrayList<Edge>();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = graph;
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size() -1; ++i) {
if (edges.get(i).endPoint() == s.returnVertexID() && !visited(edges.get(i).returnEndingVertex())) {
return neighbours.get(0); // This is the minimum weight edge in the list.
What is s here? This doesn't look like it's taking the edge weights into account. It's skipping the last edge, and it's only checking the ending vertex, when the edges are non-directional.
// Simple weighted graph representation
// Uses an Adjacency Linked Lists, suitable for sparse graphs /*undirected
A B 1
B C 2
C E 7
E G 1
G H 8
F H 3
F D 4
D E 5
I F 9
I A 3
A D 1
This is the graph i used saved as graph.txt
import java.util.Scanner;
class Heap
private int[] h; // heap array
private int[] hPos; // hPos[h[k]] == k
private int[] dist; // dist[v] = priority of v
private int MAX;
private int N; // heap size
// The heap constructor gets passed from the Graph:
// 1. maximum heap size
// 2. reference to the dist[] array
// 3. reference to the hPos[] array
public Heap(int maxSize, int[] _dist, int[] _hPos)
N = 0;
MAX = maxSize;
h = new int[maxSize + 1];
dist = _dist;
hPos = _hPos;
public boolean isEmpty()
return N == 0;
public void siftUp( int k)
int v = h[k];
h[0] = 0;
dist[0] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//vertex using dist moved up heap
while(dist[v] < dist[h[k/2]]){
h[k] = h[k/2]; //parent vertex is assigned pos of child vertex
hPos[h[k]] = k;//hpos modified for siftup
k = k/2;// index of child assigned last parent to continue siftup
h[k] = v;//resting pos of vertex assigned to heap
hPos[v] = k;//index of resting pos of vertex updated in hpos
//display hpos array
/* System.out.println("\nThe following is the hpos array after siftup: \n");
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i ++){
System.out.println("%d", hPos[i]);
System.out.println("\n Following is heap array after siftup: \n");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i ++ ){
System.out.println("%d" , h[i]);
//removing the vertex at top of heap
//passed the index of the smallest value in heap
//siftdown resizes and resorts heap
public void siftDown( int k)
int v, j;
v = h[k];
while(k <= N/2){
j = 2 * k;
if(j < N && dist[h[j]] > dist[h[j + 1]]) ++j; //if node is > left increment j child
if(dist[v] <= dist[h[j]]) break;//if sizeof parent vertex is less than child stop.
h[k] = h[j];//if parent is greater than child then child assigned parent pos
hPos[h[k]] = k;//update new pos of last child
k = j;//assign vertex new pos
h[k] = v;//assign rest place of vertex to heap
hPos[v] = k;//update pos of the vertex in hpos array
public void insert( int x)
h[++N] = x;//assign new vertex to end of heap
siftUp( N);//pass index at end of heap to siftup
public int remove()
int v = h[1];
hPos[v] = 0; // v is no longer in heap
h[N+1] = 0; // put null node into empty spot
h[1] = h[N--];//last node of heap moved to top
siftDown(1);//pass index at top to siftdown
return v;//return vertex at top of heap
class Graph {
class Node {
public int vert;
public int wgt;
public Node next;
// V = number of vertices
// E = number of edges
// adj[] is the adjacency lists array
private int V, E;
private Node[] adj;
private Node z;
private int[] mst;
// used for traversing graph
private int[] visited;
private int id;
// default constructor
public Graph(String graphFile) throws IOException
int u, v;
int e, wgt;
Node t;
FileReader fr = new FileReader(graphFile);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fr);
String splits = " +"; // multiple whitespace as delimiter
String line = reader.readLine();
String[] parts = line.split(splits);
System.out.println("Parts[] = " + parts[0] + " " + parts[1]);
V = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
E = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
// create sentinel node
z = new Node(); = z;
// create adjacency lists, initialised to sentinel node z
adj = new Node[V+1];
for(v = 1; v <= V; ++v)
adj[v] = z;
// read the edges
System.out.println("Reading edges from text file");
for(e = 1; e <= E; ++e)
line = reader.readLine();
parts = line.split(splits);
u = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
v = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
wgt = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
System.out.println("Edge " + toChar(u) + "--(" + wgt + ")--" + toChar(v));
// write code to put edge into adjacency matrix
t = new Node(); t.vert = v; t.wgt = wgt; = adj[u]; adj[u] = t;
t = new Node(); t.vert = u; t.wgt = wgt; = adj[v]; adj[v] = t;
// convert vertex into char for pretty printing
private char toChar(int u)
return (char)(u + 64);
// method to display the graph representation
public void display() {
int v;
Node n;
for(v=1; v<=V; ++v){
System.out.print("\nadj[" + toChar(v) + "] ->" );
for(n = adj[v]; n != z; n =
System.out.print(" |" + toChar(n.vert) + " | " + n.wgt + "| ->");
//use the breath first approach to add verts from the adj list to heap
//uses 3 arrays where array = # of verts in graph
//parent array to keep track of parent verts
// a dist matrix to keep track of dist between it and parent
//hpos array to track pos of vert in the heap
public void MST_Prim(int s)
int v, u;
int wgt, wgt_sum = 0;
int[] dist, parent, hPos;
Node t;
//declare 3 arrays
dist = new int[V + 1];
parent = new int[V + 1];
hPos = new int[V +1];
//initialise arrays
for(v = 0; v <= V; ++v){
dist[v] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
parent[v] = 0;
hPos[v] = 0;
dist[s] = 0;
//d.dequeue is pq.remove
Heap pq = new Heap(V, dist, hPos);
while (! pq.isEmpty())
// most of alg here
v = pq.remove();
wgt_sum += dist[v];//add the dist/wgt of vert removed to mean spanning tree
//System.out.println("\nAdding to MST edge {0} -- ({1}) -- {2}", toChar(parent[v]), dist[v], toChar[v]);
dist[v] = -dist[v];//mark it as done by making it negative
for(t = adj[v]; t != z; t ={
u = t.vert;
wgt = t.wgt;
if(wgt < dist[u]){ //weight less than current value
dist[u] = wgt;
parent[u] = v;
if(hPos[u] == 0)// not in heap insert
pq.siftUp(hPos[u]);//if already in heap siftup the modified heap node
System.out.print("\n\nWeight of MST = " + wgt_sum + "\n");
//display hPos array
/*System.out.println("\nhPos array after siftUp: \n");
for(int i = 0; i < V; i ++){
System.out.println("%d", hPos[i]);
mst = parent;
public void showMST()
System.out.print("\n\nMinimum Spanning tree parent array is:\n");
for(int v = 1; v <= V; ++v)
System.out.println(toChar(v) + " -> " + toChar(mst[v]));
public class PrimLists {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
int s = 2;
String fname = "graph.txt";
Graph g = new Graph(fname);

