I have a selenium test (selenide to be precise) where the scenario requires a file upload.
The element to which I'm uploading the file is a hidden input field which is located at the end of DOM;
<input type="file" style="height: 0; width: 0; visibility: hidden;" tabindex="-1" accept="*">
and appears only after clicking on the area where the file is supposed to be "drag&dropped" or loaded from the system;
<a class="browse" ref="fileBrowse" href="#">select files...</a>
that means I am unable to use any method I've known until now without the need to click the element first - e.g., sendKeys, uploadFile, uploadFromClassPath, etc. However, the moment I click the element, a dialog window appears. After loading the file, the window won't close and I have yet to find a robust solution to close that window.
Situation how the dialog window looks within the macOS and chrome setup
I am using macOS and chrome, which means I cannot use "autoIT", and I was not able to run "sikuliX" either to create a simple screenshot script.
I was able, however, to scramble up an applescript using Automator which worked fine provided we omit the web driver's instance existence. Meaning; if I run the script from the console, setting the website exactly as the automated test would find it - it works... Unfortunately, it does not work once the test instantiates and runs within the webdriver.
I have two questions I hope someone with more experience could answer:
1) How to make the applescript use the webdriver's instance and not the regular chrome window - should this be solved somehow, it's a pretty neat solution
2) Any other idea on how to close the upload dialog window?
The applescript
on run {input, parameters}
-- Click “Google Chrome” in the Dock.
delay 6.006100
set timeoutSeconds to 2.000000
set uiScript to "click UI Element \"Google Chrome\" of list 1 of application process \"Dock\""
my doWithTimeout( uiScript, timeoutSeconds )
return input
-- Click the ÒCancelÓ button.
delay 3.763318
set timeoutSeconds to 2.0
set uiScript to "click UI Element \"Cancel\" of sheet 1 of window \"PowerFLOW portal - Google Chrome\" of application process \"Chrome\""
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)
return input
end run
on doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)
set endDate to (current date) + timeoutSeconds
run script "tell application \"System Events\"
" & uiScript & "
end tell"
exit repeat
on error errorMessage
if ((current date) > endDate) then
error "Can not " & uiScript
end if
end try
end repeat
end doWithTimeout
the code used to run the script within the test
try {
new ProcessBuilder("/path/to/the/script").start();
} catch (IOException e) {
Besides trying to use the applescript, I've tried "java robot class" but I wasn't able to close the dialog window.
Using the snippet below, the uncommented part escapes the entire chrome window (the window goes "grey"/inactive) and not the dialog window, which honestly surprised me, as I have thought the dialog window was the main working window at that moment.
The part that is commented works, but as you can imagine, it is useless, should the test be run on any other machine as the coordinates are specific to my machine only.
try {
Robot robot = new Robot();
//robot.mouseMove(906, 526);
} catch (AWTException e) {
The method itself looks just about like this
.find(byXpath("#xpath") //this is the location of the <a> element mentioned above that needs to be clicked in order for <input type file> element to appear
As I see, the original complexity on the way to achieve the goal is
the file is a hidden input field
and appears only after clicking on the area where the file is supposed to be "drag&dropped" or loaded from the system;
I.e. – the hidden file. Correct me if am wrong:)
But this should not be the problem, because the Selenium WebDriver's sendKeys command works with hidden elements of input tag with type=file. So just simple sendKeys should pass. The Selenide's uploadFromClassPath command is based on the original sendKeys - so it should pass too.
Here is a simple test that shows that uploading file does not depend on visibility of input element:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Condition.hidden;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Condition.text;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.$;
public class TheInternetTest {
void fileUpload() {
"document.getElementById('file-upload').style.display = 'none'"
Check the full working project with this code here: https://github.com/yashaka/selenide-file-upload-demo/blob/main/src/test/java/TheInternetTest.java
The common best practice when writing Web UI Tests is "find the simple way to reach the goal instead of the best way in context of real user simulation". That's why we try to bypass all windows that are out of control for application under test. So my recommendation would be - forget apple script, and work with the input file directly through selenium webdriver.
I am using Selenium and Java to write a test for Chrome browser. My problem is that somewhere in my test, I download something and it covers a web element. I need to close that download bar (I cannot scroll to the element). I searched a lot and narrowed down to this way to open the download page in a new tab:
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("window.open('chrome://downloads/');");
It opens that new tab, but does not go to download page.
I also added this one:
but it didn't work either.
I tried:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("Body")).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "t");
action.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL+ "j").build().perform();
but neither one even opened the tab.
It is because you can't open local resources programmatically.
Chrome raises an error:
Not allowed to load local resource: chrome://downloads/
Working solution is to run Chrome with following flags:
--disable-web-security --user-data-dir="C:\chrome_insecure"
But this trick doesn't work with Selenium Chrome Driver(I don't know actually why, a tried to remove all args that appears in chrome://version, but this doesn't helps).
So for me above solution is the only one that works:
C# example:
There is another trick if you need to open downloaded file:
JavaScript example:
Chrome uses Polymer and Shadow DOM so there is no easy way to query #file-link item.
Also you need to execute .click() method with JavaScript programatically because there is a custom event handler on it, which opens actual downloaded file instead of href attribute which point to url where you downloaded file from.
I started with this post and ended up with the solution given below. This one works in Chrome 71. First I highlighted the control and then clicked it.
The window object is actually the IWebDriver, the second method is called after the first one.
internal void NavigateToDownloads()
internal void OpenFirstDownloadLinkJS()
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor) window;
js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByTagName('downloads-manager')[0].shadowRoot.children[4].children[0].children[1].shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('#content')[0].querySelector('#details > #title-area > #file-link').setAttribute('style', 'background: yellow;border: 2px solid red;');");
js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByTagName('downloads-manager')[0].shadowRoot.children[4].children[0].children[1].shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('#content')[0].querySelector('#details > #title-area > #file-link').click();");
Use this code (I wrote it in Python, but it should work in Java too with very slight modifications):
#switching to new window
#opening downloads
#closing downloads:
I am using Java and selenium to write some tests. I need to have my screen records while the tests are running it makes much easier for me to track if any bugs occurs. The problem is that I need to run more than one tests at the same time and as I have only one monitor I cannot record all of their screen records at the same time so I have to run the test one after each other. I was wondering if there is any way that I can run all my tests and actually minimize their browsers windows but still record what is going on at each minimized chrome window. My question may sound a bit very strange but that makes my testing very faster.
Yes, definitely we can take multiple screenshots. There is no affect whether the browser is in minimize or Maximize condition. Just you have to switch the new opened window & add "Take screenshot" method after each method where you have to take screenshot.
Take screenshot method can work in both mode while browser is either in Minimize or Maximize condition.
For screenshot you can may use the below code:
public void getscreenshot() throws Exception
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
//The below method will save the screen shot in d drive with name "screenshot.png"
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("D:\\screenshot.png"));
or you can opt for the multi-screen capture and the code for that is below :
public void GoogleAbout() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl); // Enter the URL as per your choice
driver.findElement(By.linkText(Prop.getProperty("AboutLinkText"))).click(); //find the web element
MultiScreenShot multiScreens = new MultiScreenShot("C:\\New\\","GoogleAbout"); // Here we need to create the object which will take two arguement one is the path to save the file and second one is class name
driver.findElement(By.linkText("More about our philosophy")).click();
To enable the multi-screenshot you have to download the JAR file and then attached it to your project and then :
import multiScreenShot.MultiScreenShot;
I just started learning Selenium Webdriver using java Script, the question what I have asked might me a silly one. But still wanted to know whether it is possible or not.
As per my question, please go through the below example
In any Login page, enter valid "Username" and click on "signin" button, it throws an error message "Please enter password" and the "cursor" will be located in "Password" field
So, we can get the error message via code. Now, how can we locate or identify the "Cursor" position in the webpage via code?
By definition, any widget that has focus also has the cursor. So driver.switchTo().activeElement() will return the currently focused WebElement. It doesn't actually change anything, just returns the active element. You can call
to verify that expectedElement has focus.
Hey user3313128 with Selenium Web driver library it is only possible to figure out the current position by knowing the last place you moved it to.
Javascript sadly dose not give you an option to quickly get the X & Y.
An easy work around this is to simple run an simple function in the browser
async function (){
await this.driver.executeScript(function( ) {
let mouse = { x:0, y:0 }
onmousemove = function(e){ mouse.x = e.clientX, mouse.y = e.clientY }
this function will track your mouses X and Y in the browser the whole time
Then when you need to know mouse's location just call this script
mouse = driver.executeScript( function (){return mouse})
although the smart move is to track all of this within your JS on the server side at each mouse move and click().
We are using webdriver for our functional tests. But our application uses the showModalDialog JS function a lot to open a popup. When we try to test this functionality with webdriver it hangs from the moment the popup is opened.
We tried several things to test this:
Using the workaround explained here. But this seems to be a fix for selenium and not for webdriver. We tried it but it didn't work.
Searching for a good alternative, HtmlUnit opened the modal dialog and could interact with it, but it has it's drawbacks like no visual help to fix certain tests and it stopped execution when it detected a JS error in a JS library we have to use but have no control over.
How can we test this or work around this problem?
From my experiences with various automation tools interaction with "webpage dialog" windows opened from IE using window.showModalDialog() or window.showModelessDialog() is not available.
Since the window is not a "true" window (look at the taskbar, it doesn't even show up) most tools can't "inspect" it and/or interact with it.
However if you do find a tool that will, please advise - there are many people looking for such a beast.
That all said, if you can possibly avoid using either of these 2 proprietary methods you'll have much more luck.
(and yes, for the picky ones, Firefox and Chrome have adopted these kind of dialogs but they don't work quite the same)
None of the answers answer the question. If the driver hangs, then you can't call any methods on it. The question is NOT about finding the pop up, it is about how to stop the driver hanging. The only way I have found is to not use showModalDialog. This can be done by adding the folowing to your test code :
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("window.showModalDialog = window.open;");
which calls window.open each time your JavaScript calls window.showModalDialog.
I am using webdriver.SwitchTo().Window() method but my concern is my popup window does not have "Name"
When I use webdriver.WindowHandles it return only one handle, I am using this statement after popup window open.
As I don't have name / handle I cannot switch from parent window to child window.
Any other solution to do the same functionality
First we have to switch to the active element:
To check whether we have actually switched to the correct active element:
Even if the window doesn't have name u can use
and perform the operation you want to execute
or else you can get the window handle name using the below command
for (String handle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
driver.switchTo().window(handle); }
hope this should work for you.
Issue 284 is for WebDriver. It seems that it will be implemented only after Issue 27 will be implemented, so the fix should be in Beta 1 or 2 of WebDriver.
Set<String> beforePopup = driver.getWindowHandles();
Set<String> afterPopup = driver.getWindowHandles();
driver.switchTo().window((String) afterPopup.toArray()[0]);
What I have been using and it works great for us on with IE and Firefox is to go through popups
and look for a a unique text on the popup you are trying to interact with. Here is the method, let me know if it works for you. Please note the line driver = driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle);
public void switchWindow(String containingText, WebDriver driver) throws Exception {
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty(containingText))
int counter = 1;
int numOfpopups = driver.getWindowHandles().size();
System.out.println("Waiting for popup to load..... # handles:" + numOfpopups);
while ( numOfpopups < 2 && ((counter%10) != 0) ) {
try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch (Exception e) {}
System.out.println("Done waiting for..... " + counter + " seconds");
if (driver.getWindowHandles().size() < 2)
throw new BrowserException("Timeout after " + counter + " secs. No popup present. ");
System.out.println("Going through window handles...");
for (String windowHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
driver = driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle);
if ( driver.getPageSource().contains(containingText)
throw new Exception("Window containing text '" + containingText + "' not found");
To my knowledge, webdriver has no built-in functionality to handle modal windows as of now. Webdriver will hang once you click button which opens modal window. This happens due to JS on parent window halts until child window is closed.
To handle modal windows such as this one, see below for possible workaround written in Java. The main idea is to perform action that opens modal window (click on the button) in new thread.
* Click button to open modal window and switch to it
* #param we webElement handle of a button
public void clickToOpenModal(final WebElement we) {
//Get handles of all opened windows before opening modal window
Set<String> initWindowHandles = getDriverInstance().getWindowHandles();
//Create new thread and click button to open window
Thread thread1 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
//Click button
//Wait for window to appear
waitForWindow(initWindowHandles, pauseL);
thread1 = null;
//Get handles of all opened windows after opening modal window
Iterator<String> it = getDriverInstance().getWindowHandles().iterator();
//Select handle of modal window
String windowHandle = "";
windowHandle = it.next();
//Switch focus and work on the modal window
The solution by Hugh Foster works, i tried this and succeeded
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("window.showModalDialog = window.open;");
You can find the url of modal dialog then open it on another tab, it will work as normal.
In case you want to deal with open modal dialog, you can try to send "tab" key for move around objects and "send keys... enter" for setText or click.
Note: Below is some information why you cannot use selenium webdriver for work with that modal.
Modal pop-up - This is very specific to IE, Microsoft defined it as
When Windows Internet Explorer opens a window from a modal or modeless HTML dialog box by using the showModalDialog method or by using the showModelessDialog method, Internet Explorer uses Component Object Model (COM) to create a new instance of the window. Typically, the window is opened by using the first instance of an existing Internet Explorer process. When Internet Explorer opens the window in a new process, all the memory cookies are no longer available, including the session ID. This process is different from the process that Internet Explorer uses to open a new window by using the open method.
MSDN blog on Modal dialog
When user select Model popup, parent window is blocked waiting for the return value from the popup window. You will be not able to see the view source of the page, need to close the popup then only the parent window is activated.
From within Java, I am opening an Excel file with the default file handler (MS Excel, in this case :-) ) using the method described in this stackoverflow question:
Desktop dt = Desktop.getDesktop();
dt.open(new File(filename));
However, the Excel program doesn't get the focus. Is there any easy way to do so?
Edit: There is a related stackoverflow question for C#, but I didn't find any similar Java method.
Edit 2: I've did some simple tests, and discovered that Excel starts and gets the focus whenever no instance of Excel is running. When Excel is already open en NOT minimized, the application doesn't get the focus. If instead the Excel Windows was minimized, the above code will trigger a maximization of the window and Excel getting the focus (or vice versa :-) ).
If you only care about Windows (implied in the question), you can change the way you invoke Excel: use "cmd start...".
I have been using this piece of code to launch Windows applications for some time now. Works every time. It relies on the file association in Windows to find the application. The launched application becomes the focused window on the desktop.
In your case, Excel should be associated with .xls, .csv and other typical extensions. If it is, Windows will launch Excel, passing your file to it.
MyUtilClass.startApplication( "c:\\mydir\\myfile.csv", "my window title" );
file is the full path to the input file for Excel and title is the window title (the application may or may not take it - Excel changes the window title).
public static void startApplication( String file, String title )
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String[] { "cmd", "/c", "start", title, file } );
catch( Exception e )
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
From a scala-program, which runs in the JVM too, I can open an application, and that get's the focus by default. (Tested with xUbuntu, which is a kind of Linux).
import java.awt.Desktop
val dt = Desktop.getDesktop ();
dt.open (new java.io.File ("euler166.svg"));
I can't say, whether this is specific for Linux, or maybe something else - however starting Inkscape in my example, excel in yours, may take a few seconds, while the user impatiently clicks in the javaprogram again, thereby claiming the cursor back. Did you check for that?
You could then change to the last application, at least on Linux and Windows with ALT-Tab aka Meta-Tab (again shown in scala code, which you can easily transform to javacode, I'm sure):
import java.awt.Robot
import java.awt.event._
val rob = new Robot ()
rob.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_META)
rob.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_TAB)
rob.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_TAB)
rob.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_META)
but unfortunately the unknown source off more trouble, also known as user, might do nothing, so switching would be the false thing to do. Maybe with a thread, which checks for a certain amount of time, whether the java-program has the focus, but it keeps a form of roulette, in an interactional environment, because the user may have a fast or slow machine, or change to a third application meanwhile, and so on. Maybe a hint before triggering the new app is the best you can do?