I have mocked another class method called Which is called at production like new B().somemethod (arg) has return type void and newD().anymenthod() it has return type inputstream
In the test method, I am doing mocking Like donothing().when(b). somemethod ();
When(d.anymehod()).thenreturn(inputstream);(here inputstrem i am providing)
Here I already did #Mock B b;
#Mock D d;
Here my test case run successfully but mocked method was also called at that time.
Here I didn't want to alter the production code only test cases implementation can be altered.
class TestSystem {
System sys;
B b;
D d;
void setup() {
testModule() {
InputStrem input = null;
Class System{
public void module() {
//some code .....
new B().somemethod();
inputStrem = new D().anymethod(value);
Class B {
public void somemethod(){
//some code .....
Class D {
public InputStrem anymethod() {
//some code ......
Try to initialise Mock like this:
private System sys;
B b;
D d;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {
I have the following scenario.
public class A {
private boolean isUseMethodAEnabled;
public void func() {
if(isUseMethodAEnabled()) {
} else {
//methods a() and b()
public class B {
private A a;
public void funcPrincipal() {
System.out.println("Method A.a() was called");
public class BTest {
private B b;
private A a = new A();
public void test() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(a, "isUseMethodAEnabled", true);
// if A is annotated with #Spy -> the "isUseMethodAEnabled" is always false
See the above comment, please.
Is there any solution to change the "isUseMethodAEnabled" value from false to true using reflection?
If I switch to #Mock instead of #Spy everything works as expected. But for my test cases, I must use #Spy + #InjectMocks.
Here is my test class.
class DishServiceTest {
static MockedStatic<DaoFactory> daoFactoryDummy;
static MockedStatic<FileUtil> fileUtilDummy;
DaoFactory daoFactory;
DishDao dishDao;
DishService dishService;
static void setUp() {
fileUtilDummy = Mockito.mockStatic(FileUtil.class);
daoFactoryDummy = Mockito.mockStatic(DaoFactory.class);
static void close() {
void deleteWithImage_id0_success() {
long id = 2;
String deleteDir = "/dish-image/2";
dishService.deleteWithImage(id, deleteDir);
verify(dishDao, times(1)).delete(id);
fileUtilDummy.verify(() -> FileUtil.deleteDishFolder(deleteDir));
void update_idSet_success() {
Dish dish = new Dish(2, "testName",
"testDescription", Category.DRINKS, BigDecimal.TEN, "/image21");
verify(dishDao, times(1)).update(dish);
verify(dishDao, times(1)).close();
I mock static methods like this because DishService class gets dao object from DaoFactory.
Here is an example of DishService method
public class DishService {
public void saveOrUpdate(Dish newDish) {
try (DishDao dishDao = DaoFactory.getInstance().createDishDao()) {
long newDishId = newDish.getId();
if (newDishId == 0) {
} else {
And of DaoFactory
public class JDBCDaoFactory extends DaoFactory {
DBManager dbManager = DBManager.getInstance();
UserDaoMapper userDaoMapper = new UserDaoMapper();
DishDaoMapper dishDaoMapper = new DishDaoMapper();
OrderDaoMapper orderDaoMapper = new OrderDaoMapper();
OrderItemDaoMapper orderItemDaoMapper = new OrderItemDaoMapper();
public UserDao createUserDao() {
return new JDBCUserDao(dbManager.getConnection(),
public DishDao createDishDao() {
return new JDBCDishDao(dbManager.getConnection(), dishDaoMapper);
public OrderDao createOrderDao() {
return new JDBCOrderDao(dbManager.getConnection(), orderDaoMapper,
And here is the exception I have
Also, this error might show up because:
you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods. Those methods cannot be stubbed/verified. Mocking methods
declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object. at
Here is the line 61
The strangest thing here is that tests pass when I run them seperately, but if i press run all tests in class I get the exception above.
using Spring 2.0.3.RELEASE, JUnit Jupiter 5.7.0, Mockito 3.3.3
try to test method method01 of class Class01:
public class Class01 {
private RestConnector con;
public Class01(){
con = RestConnector.getInstance();
public Response method01(String x) {
Class01 example = new Class01();
String x = example.isAuthenticated();
// more stuff after this
public String isAuthenticated() throws IOException {
// I do stuff
return "a string";
In the test class have tried
public class Class01Test{
#Mock private Class01 class01Mock;
#Spy #InjectMocks private Class01 class01;
public void test() throws Throwable {
doReturn("I returned").when(class01). ??? stuck here .. always goes into the isAuthenticated method
Response result = class01.method01("a string");
Currently the test is always running the real method isAuthenticated.
How to setup a mock for the field example in method method01 so that the execute skips going into method isAuthenticated?
try to test method method01 of class Class01
Then you don't need mocks.
public void test() throws Throwable {
Class01 c = new Class01();
Response expected = ... ;
assertEquals(c.method01("input"), expected);
If you want to inject behaviour into example variable, you need to move it to a field
public class Class01 {
private RestConnector con;
private Class01 inner;
public Class01(){
con = RestConnector.getInstance();
Class01(Class01 c) {
this.inner = c;
public Response method01(String x) {
String x = inner.isAuthenticated();
// more stuff after this
Along with a Mock
public class Class01Test{
#Mock Class01 class01Mock;
public void test() throws Throwable {
Response expected = ... ;
when(class01Mock.isAuthenticated()).thenReture(expected); ... // TODO: Setup
Class01 c = new Class01(class01Mock); // pass in the mock
assertEquals(c.method01("input"), expected);
However, unclear why you need a nested object of the same class when you appear to only need this.isAuthenticated()
Ideally, you'd also mock the RestConnector
I have class class1, which has 2 member variables:
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
public classA(final Config config)
this.config = config;
isEnable = config.getEnablingStatus();
public classB fun()
// Do something!
// Return an object of classB!
I want to test the method fun, so I will have to write a test-class and a test method for that. But, how do I mock the method call config.getEnablingStatus(), while creating an object of type classA in the test class?
I am thinking of doing something like this [see the below piece of code].Is it correct? But what is the right way to do it?
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
classA objA = new classA(config);
public void init()
public void test1Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as true in the objA for this test?
isEnable = true;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
public void test2Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as false in the objA for this test?
isEnable = false;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
Do not use #InjectMocks
Try something like this
public class TestClassForClassA {
private Config config;
private ClassA objA;
public void init() {
public void test1Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB = objA.fun();
public void test2Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB = objA.fun();
Testing class
stream list into map, where I get atribute from an element of this list
public class MyClass {
private final Map<String, IMyInterface> map;
public MyClass(final List<IMyInterface> list) {
this.map = list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(IMyInterface::getUniqueName, i -> i));
public class MyClassTest {
private MyClass instance;
private ArrayList<IMyInterface> list;
private A a;
private B b;
#Before void setUp() throws Exception {
Or Test
public class MyClassTest {
private ArrayList<IMyInterface> list;
private A a;
private B b;
private class MockedClass extends MyClass {
MockedClass(List<IMyInterface> list) {
#Before void setUp() throws Exception {
How to get injected Map after execute constructor? I have to test this class and use map object
is a method in interface
objects A and B implements IMyInterface
I want to collect injected list into map
When I add elements into list, I got it in debugging mode in my tested class, but when debugging mode is on
list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(IMyInterface::getUniqueName(), i -> i));
it stop
The correct answer is that should I mock A and B in my #Before
private A a;
private B b;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
a = new A(mock.Service.class); // cause it have an argument
b = new B(mock.Service.class); // cause it have an argument