Using reflection in a Spy class - java

I have the following scenario.
public class A {
private boolean isUseMethodAEnabled;
public void func() {
if(isUseMethodAEnabled()) {
} else {
//methods a() and b()
public class B {
private A a;
public void funcPrincipal() {
System.out.println("Method A.a() was called");
public class BTest {
private B b;
private A a = new A();
public void test() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(a, "isUseMethodAEnabled", true);
// if A is annotated with #Spy -> the "isUseMethodAEnabled" is always false
See the above comment, please.
Is there any solution to change the "isUseMethodAEnabled" value from false to true using reflection?
If I switch to #Mock instead of #Spy everything works as expected. But for my test cases, I must use #Spy + #InjectMocks.


Mocking new object method call in Junit5

I have mocked another class method called Which is called at production like new B().somemethod (arg) has return type void and newD().anymenthod() it has return type inputstream
In the test method, I am doing mocking Like donothing().when(b). somemethod ();
When(d.anymehod()).thenreturn(inputstream);(here inputstrem i am providing)
Here I already did #Mock B b;
#Mock D d;
Here my test case run successfully but mocked method was also called at that time.
Here I didn't want to alter the production code only test cases implementation can be altered.
class TestSystem {
System sys;
B b;
D d;
void setup() {
testModule() {
InputStrem input = null;
Class System{
public void module() {
//some code .....
new B().somemethod();
inputStrem = new D().anymethod(value);
Class B {
public void somemethod(){
//some code .....
Class D {
public InputStrem anymethod() {
//some code ......
Try to initialise Mock like this:
private System sys;
B b;
D d;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {

How to mock a method call in a constructor?

I have class class1, which has 2 member variables:
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
public classA(final Config config)
this.config = config;
isEnable = config.getEnablingStatus();
public classB fun()
// Do something!
// Return an object of classB!
I want to test the method fun, so I will have to write a test-class and a test method for that. But, how do I mock the method call config.getEnablingStatus(), while creating an object of type classA in the test class?
I am thinking of doing something like this [see the below piece of code].Is it correct? But what is the right way to do it?
private Boolean isEnable;
private Config config;
classA objA = new classA(config);
public void init()
public void test1Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as true in the objA for this test?
isEnable = true;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
public void test2Fun()
// Does doing this, put the value of isEnable as false in the objA for this test?
isEnable = false;
// Here write the code to test the method fun().
Do not use #InjectMocks
Try something like this
public class TestClassForClassA {
private Config config;
private ClassA objA;
public void init() {
public void test1Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB =;
public void test2Fun() {
objA = new ClassA(config);
ClassB objB =;

Is it possible to set tested class' method's return value in JUnit?

Say, there's the following class to be tested:
public class MyClass {
public void method1() {
String str = method3()
public int method2() {...}
private String method3() {...}
I'm writing with JUnit. I want method3() to return a value that I have assigned, not execute the method itself. I can only use Mockito.
Is it possible?
If yes, how do I do it?
With just Mockito you cannot mock a private method.
But you could refactor your code to extract method3() in another class as a public method that you could use as dependency of MyClass. In this way method3() is naturally mockable.
public class MyClass {
private Foo foo;
public MyClass(Foo foo){ = foo;
public void method1() {
String str = foo.method3()
public int method2() {...}
public class Foo {
public String method3() {...}
Now mock that in the unit test :
Foo fooMock;
MyClass myClass;
void init(){
myClass = new MyClass(fooMock);
public void method1(){
Mockito.when(fooMock.method3()).thenReturn("dummy value");
// call method1()
// do assertions
You can't do it with Mockito, but you can with JMockit. Your test would look like this:
public class JMockitTest {
private MyClass myClass;
public void setUp(){
myClass = new MyClass();
public void testMethod1(){
new MockUp<MyClass>() {
String method3() {
return "dummy value";
// do assertions
You can read the documentation about this feature, called faking, here.

Jmockit #Mocked inside a helper class doesn't initialize

If I have the following;
public class ClassA {
public void methodA(){
System.out.println("In ClassA, methodA");
public class ClassB {
public void methodB(){
and a junit test of;
public void testMocked(#Mocked final ClassB mockedB) {
System.out.println("Mocked inline");
new MockUp<ClassA>() {
public void methodA() {
System.out.println("Inline mockup, mockedB:" + mockedB);
ClassA a = new ClassA();
Then when I run the test I get;
Mocked inline
Inline mockup, mockedB:jmockitpractice.ClassB#329b0985
Which is as expected, the classB is Mocked, and an instance is available.
But, if I change this to create a helper class for mocking,
public class MockHelper {
#Mocked ClassB classB;
public void setupMocks(){
new MockUp<ClassA>() {
public void methodA(){
System.out.println("In setupMocks, classB:"+classB);
and the junit becomes;
public void testMockedInClass() {
System.out.println("Mocked in helper class");
MockHelper mh = new MockHelper();
ClassA a = new ClassA();
the result I get is;
Mocked in helper class
In setupMocks, classB:null
classB is not initialized by the #Mocked inside MockHelper
I would like to have all the mocking in a helper class, rather than having to declare all the mocking in the test class.
Any ideas why this doesn't work?
Thanks Dom Farr, the answer was inheritance.
public class MockHelper {
ClassB classB;
public void setupMocks() {
new MockUp<ClassA>() {
public void methodA() {
System.out.println("In setupMocks, classB:" + classB);
public class mockTest extends MockHelper {
public void testMockedInClass() {
System.out.println("Mocked in helper class");
ClassA a = new ClassA();
As the test class extends the helper, it now works;
Mocked in helper class
In setupMocks, classB:jmockitpractice.ClassB#5d54e317

Unable to mock while implementing builder pattern

I'm having hard time to test a class(TestClass) which uses builder pattern(BuilderClass) in logic . I'm unable to mock builder class(BuilderClass). The following is simplified version of my logic.
public class TestClass {
public int methodA() {
ExternalDependency e = BuilerClass.builder().withName("xyz").withNumber(10).build();
return e.callExternalFunction();
And here is my builder class
public class BuilderClass {
public static BuilderClass builder() { return new BuilderClass(); }
int number;
String name;
public BuilderClass withName(String name) { = name;
return this;
public BuilderClass withNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
return this;
public ExternalDependency build() {
return new ExternalDependency(name,number);
For my test class, I'm using Mockito with Dataprovider.
class TestClassTest {
#Mock private ExternalDependency e;
#Mock private BuilderClass b;
#InjectMocks private TestClass t;
#Before public void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); }
#Test public void testMethodA() {
when(b.withName(any(String.class)).thenReturn(b); //This is not mocking
when(b.withNumber(10)).thenReturn(b); //This is not mocking
Assert.notNull(this.t.methodA()); //Control while execution is going to implementation of withName and withNumber, which should not happen right.
Help me if I miss anything. Thanks
Similar to what kryger said in a comment above, you probably need to do a refactor like this:
In your class under test, create a seam to replace e by a mock:
public class TestClass {
public int methodA() {
ExternalDependency e = buildExternalDependency("xyz", 10);
return e.callExternalFunction();
protected ExternalDependency buildExternalDependency(String name, int number) {
return BuilerClass.builder().withName(name).withNumber(number).build();
In the test code, override the test class to replace e with a mock and to validate the inputs to the builder:
class TestClassTest {
#Mock private ExternalDependency e;
private TestClass t;
#Before public void setUp() {
t = new TestClass() {
protected ExternalDependency buildExternalDependency(String name, int number) {
// validate inputs:
Assert.assertEquals(10, number);
Assert.assertEquals("xyz", name);
return e; // provide the mock
#Test public void testMethodA() {
// TODO: mock behavior of callExternalFunction() here
You may want to go further with the refactor to move buildExternalDependency() into a another class which could be mocked and injected in the constructor of TestClass.

