Java Serialization 1.4 vs 1.6 - java

I have one java program that has to be compiled as 1.4, and another program that could be anything (so, 1.4 or 1.6), and the two need to pass serialized objects back and forth. If I define a serializable class in a place where both programs can see it, will java's serialization still work, or do I need 1.6-1.6 or 1.4-1.4 only?

Make sure the classes to be serialized define and assign a value to static final long serialVersionUID and you should be ok.
That said, normally I would not do this. My preference is to only use normal serialization either within a single process, or between two processes are on the same machine and getting the serialized classes out of the same jar file. If that's not the case, serializing to XML is the better and safer choice.

Along with the serialVersionUID the package structure has to remain consistent for serialization, so if you had myjar.mypackage.myclass in 1.4 you have to have myjar.mypackage.myclass in 1.6.
It is not uncommon to have the Java version or your release version somewhere in the package structure. Even if the serialVersionUID remains the same between compilations the package structure will cause an incompatible version exception to get thrown at runtime.
BTW if you implement Serializable in your classes you should get a compiler warning if serialVersionUID is missing.
In my view (and based on some years of quite bitter experience) Java native serialization is fraught with problems and ought to be avoided if possible, especially as there is excellent XML/JSON support. If you do have to serialize natively, then I recommend that you hide your classes behind interfaces and implement a factory pattern in the background which will create an object of the right class when needed.
You can also use this abstraction for detecting the incompatible version exception and doing whatever conversion is necessary behind the scenes for migration of the data in your objects.

Java library classes should have compatible serialised forms between 1.4 and 1.6 unless otherwsie stated. Swing explicitly states that it is not compatible between versions, so if you are trying to serialise Swing objects then you are out of luck.
You may run into problems where the code generated by javac is slightly different. This will change the serialVersionUID. You should ensure you explicitly declare the UID in all your serialisable classes.

No, different version of the JVM will not break the serialization itself.
If some of the objects you are serializing are from the Java runtime, and their classes have evolved incompatibly, you will see failures. Most core Java classes are careful about this, but there have been discontinuities in some packages in the past.
I've successfully used serialization (in the context of RMI) with classes from different compilations on different machines running different versions of the Java runtime for years.
I don't want to digress too far from the original question, but I want to note that evolving a serialized class always requires care, regardless of the format. It is not an issue specific to Java serialization. You have to deal with the same concepts whether you serialize in XML, JSON, ASN.1, etc. Java serialization gives a fairly clear specification of what is allowed and how to make the changes that are allowed. Sometimes this is restrictive, other times it is helpful to have a prescription.

If both sides uses the same jar file, it will work most of the times. However if you use different versions of the same package/module/framework ( for instance different weblogic jars or extended usage of some "rare" exceptions ) a lot of integration test is needed before it can be approved.


How explicitly call the standard java classloader implementation for serialization?

I'm trying to pass a serialized object from one process to another but it appears as though the classloaders have been changed from the default Java implementation and are conflicting.
How can I create an object from the one process using some standard Java classloader so that I can guarantee consistency?
I've never worked with classloaders in Java before so my understanding here is very limited.
The work of serialization is not done by classloaders. In fact, the only involvement that classloaders have are that it may be necessary to load a class when deserializing an object of that class ... if the class isn't already loaded.
It is hard to see how changing a classloader could cause problems. However, it is possible that you could have problems if a class loader was loading the an incompatible version of a class. That can cause a conflict. But the root cause is the different class versions, not the different class loaders.
How can you avoid the conflict? The simple answer is to not change classes when you have serialized instances. There are ways of dealing with class changes (using custom readObject / writeObject methods for example) but is better to avoid the problem.
This is one reason why Java object serialization is not a very good mechanism for persisting data.

Modify already loaded class with Java agent?

Currently I'm trying to modify method bodies residing in classes already loaded by the JVM. I'm aware of the JVM actually not allowing to change the definition of classes that have already been loaded. But my researches brought me to implementations like JRebel or Java Instrumentation API, both using an agent-based approach. I know how to do it right before a class is loaded o behalf of Javassist. But considering e.g. JRebel in an EJB environment where class definitions are loaded on application startup, shouldn't bytecode modification be possible on JVM-loaded classes?
Well, you learned that the Instrumentation API exists and it offers redefinition of classes as an operation. So then it is time to rethink you initial premise of “the JVM actually not allowing to change the definition of classes that have already been loaded”.
You should note that
as the links show, the Instrumentation API is part of the standard API
the support of redefinition of classes is, however, optional. You may ask whether the current JVM supports this feature
it might be limited to not support every class; you may ask whether it’s possible for a particular class
Even if it is supported, the changes may be limited, to cite the documentation:
The redefinition may change method bodies, the constant pool and attributes. The redefinition must not add, remove or rename fields or methods, change the signatures of methods, or change inheritance. These restrictions maybe be lifted in future versions.
at the time you perform the redefinition, there might be threads executing code of methods of these classes; these executions will complete using the old code then
So the Instrumentation is merely useful for debugging and profiling, etc.
But other frameworks, like EJB containers, offering class reloading in production code, usually resort to creating new ClassLoaders which create different versions of the classes which then are entirely independent to the older versions.
In a Java runtime environment, the identity of a class consists of a pair of <ClassLoader, Qualified Name> rather than just a qualified name…
I wasn't aware that you can use the instrumentation API to redefine classes (see #Holger's answer). However, as he notes, there are some significant limitations on that approach. Furthermore, the javadoc says:
"This method is intended for use in instrumentation, as described in the class specification."
Using it to materially change the semantics of a class is ... all sorts of bad from the perspective of the Java type system.

Is it possible to redefine core JDK classes using instrumentation?

I want to redefine the bytecode of the StackOverflowError constructor so I have a "hook" for when a stack overflow occurs. All I want to do is insert a single method call to a static method of my choosing at the start of the constructor. Is it possible to do this?
You should be able to do it using one of two ways (unless something changed in the last 1-2 years, in which case I'd love some links to changelogs/docs):
Mentioned in a comment, not very feasible I guess, modify the classes you are interested in, put them in a jar and then use the -bootclasspath option to load them instead of the default ones. As was mentioned before this can have some legal issues (and is a pain to do in general).
You should be able to (or at least you used to be able to) instrument almost all core classes (iirc Class was the only exception I've seen). One of many problems you might have is the fact that many of core classes are being initialized before the agents you provide (or well their premain methods to be exact) are consulted. To overcome this you will have to add Can-Retransform-Classes property to your agent jar and then re-transform the classes you are interested in. Be aware that re-transformation is a bit less powerful and doesn't give you all the options you'd have normally with instrumentation, you can read more about it in the doc.
I am assuming you know how to do instrumentation?
There are several things to consider.
It is possible to redefine java.lang.StackOverflowError. I tried it successfully on 1.7.0_40. isModifiableClass(java.lang.StackOverflowError.class) return true and I successfully redefined it inserting a method invocation into all of its constructors
You should be aware that when you insert a method call into a class via Instrumentation you still have to obey the visibility imposed by the ClassLoader relationships. Since StackOverflowError is loaded by the bootstrap loader it can only invoke methods of classes loaded by the bootstrap loader. You would have to add the target method’s class(es) to the bootstrap loader
This works if the application’s code throws a StackOverflowError manually. However, when a real stackoverflow occurs, the last thing the JVM will do is to invoke additional methods (keep in mind what the error says, the stack is full). Consequently it creates an instance of StackOverflowError without calling its constructor (a JVM can do that). So your instrumentation is pointless in this situation.
As already pointed out by others, a “Pure Java Application” must not rely on modified JRE classes. It is only valid to use Instrumentation as add-on, i.e. development or JVM management tool. You should keep in mind that the fact that Oracle’s JVM 1.7.0_40 supports the redefinition of StackOverflowError does not imply that other versions or other JVMs do as well.

How to inherit/replace a java final class?

I'm making a tool to perform several checks in runtime (this is going to be runned in the CI server) and one of the things that I need it's too change implementations of some classes to give the data that I need (basically, I need to know when some specific changes happen in some classes).
This is an OSGi application (I don't know if that's the right name) and I'm using AspectJ to make this information capturing, but AspectJ doesn't change JDK classes and, while I can solve my problem with some classes like LinkedList (not final class with non-final methods), I have to do the same with classes like StringTokenizer or StringBuilder (which I can't inherit or inject code with aspects).
After a few searches I have many questions about HotSwap, custom classloaders and a few other solutions that I've found and I don't know if they're going to satisfy my needs.
I'm using Eclipse Indigo (if it's a solution that will just work on the IDE will be fine too) with Java 6
Look at Apache BCEL to manipulate the bytecode of Java Final classes in a convenient way. This way, you can create your own custom classloader, load the class, manipulate the bytecode to include your own checks and then pass the modified class on to your runtime program.

Finding new Java class at runtime

I have a functionality that I wish to provide to a customer for a software mockup that we are preparing - and I want to know if it's
intelligent (a.k.a. not stupid)
the best thing
I want the customer to be able to write a java class that implements my Computable interface and stick it in some predetermined folder. This folder will contain the .java files rather than .class files. Then, at runtime, I want my program to search that folder and extract all of the Computables from that folder and store them in a map from the name of the Computable to the Computable object. The Computable should only have a default constructor and the it interface will only have one method called compute which maps an array of Object to an Object.
The Java Compiler API introduced in Java SE 6 should give you what you need.
You may find Google Reflections useful to find classes implementing/extending a certain interface/superclass in the classpath. It's then as straightforward as
Reflections reflections = new Reflections("my.project.prefix");
Set<Class<? extends SomeClassOrInterface>> subTypes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(SomeClassOrInterface.class);
Then, to test if it indeed has a no-arg default constructor, just check for each if Class#newInstance() doesn't throw any exception.
There are several suggestions provided as answers to this question.
Here too On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6
If it's easy enough to compile at runtime that would be fine.
You can use to do the compilation as needed. Create dynamic applications with may help, too. It's also possible to do it in memory.
One caveat: using the compiler creates a dependency on the JDK; the JRE alone is insufficient.
take a look: Find Java classes implementing an interface
I think this would be simpler if you allowed your customer to type in a code declaration using something like Groovy, which is Java-ish enough, and easy to execute at runtime from a String value.
It's easy enough to iterate through the list of files in a folder. Someone mentioned that it's possible to call the Java compiler from Java (if you re-distribute the JDK, which I think is a point whose legality needs checking!!) That's much of the battle.
You seem to have a fixed model in your mind where only files fulfilling a certain interface are extracted from the folder. I think this is where your method needs to give a little. The sensible way (IMO) to do this would be to compile all files in that folder, and then with their classes stashed away somewhere, you can load and reflect them and then determine which of them "do" the interface and which don't. Those that don't will have been needlessly loaded into your JVM, but unless it's intentionally very space-wasteful, code you don't execute can't harm your program.
Having determined which ones do the computable thing, you can then store those classes (or instances thereof) in a Collection and do whatever you like with them. You simply ignore the other ones.
You could use BeanShell. This library is small and doesn't require the JDK. It is used in a number of IDE and web servers. The latest version appears to have the support you need loading .java files from the class path. (Still in beta)

