How can I create an image dynamically on AppEngine - java

I have an application hosted in Java on AppEngine and I would like to add a feature where users can get a graphical summary of their data. BufferedImage is listed as not supported on AppEngine. The display process will be simple--a series of small squares in one of two colors.

If you don't find a better solution, you could delegate the graph generation to Google Charts

Check out the docs on the image service in App Engine. You can probably do what you want with the composition functionality.


How would you implement a stock chart into an Android app?

I have been looking for a way to implement dynamic stock charts into my Android app but I don't where to start. I know I'll need a library, in fact, I found two LightWeight Charts and Vaadin but I don't know if they would work. I am very new to android programming and have never actually implemented a library into any project ever. I just need some guidance.
I suggest to search "stock charts" in google image to find what kind of chart you need before you choose.
Decompose this graph into data curve, background and scale. Maybe you have to implement them separately.
Find some Android library recommend web site that has the "similar lib" function which help you to find a lot of this kind libs. As I know one:
My AD: It only draw a list of data to a rectangle, and you can draw any background and scale by yourself. Surely, you need to compare a lot of libs and then choose the most suitable one.

Is there anyway to view data from Firestore in graph or chart forms?

I am able to retrieve data from my Cloud Firestore database but I am just wondering if there is anyway to display this data in a variety of forms. i.e a bar chart or in a pie chart for example?
Yes it is, actually there are a few different graphing libraries that are available for Android.
For one of my apps, I'm currently live-plotting sensor data using Android GraphView. It is quite customizable and it runs nice and smoothly. The video on the site looks basic, but you can change it the way it looks like to fit your design.
There is also another alternative named MPAndroidChart. It looks very good and is quite customizable, does also support live graphing. I've tested that and I recommend it. It has good documentation.

Need to display data queried from GAE datastore in a nice way

I want to display data queried from GAE datastore in a nice way (graphs, etc.)
What is the best way to do it?
As I'm already working with GAE, perhaps there is a google API for that? The only thing I found online is Chart.js but I need to channel the JS into java which seems complicated.
Any advise will be welcome, Thanks!
I think a better way is to do the charts from the browser not the server. Just pass your data to the js and use google charts to display them. There are tons of examples and a playground for google charts.
GWT is a natural web front end for GAE applications---the Eclipse Google plugin integrates GWT with GAE, and the GWT tutorial includes a section on GAE. Several charting libraries are available, for example, Moreover you can build your own in HTML5 with the GWT Canvas.

Chart and plotting API for GWT

I am trying to find a chart and plotting api that can be used in GWT using java, not javascript. The only problem I am having is the ones I have found require an internet connection which where this code will go cannot have an internet connection. Does any one know of such an API? Here are that ones that I found, but again can't use. I know this one requires a connection.
Not 100% sure on this one. If anyone has used it and can let me know if it requires a connection let me know. Also if anyone know how to get java swing to work in GWT that would be awesome.
Thank you
I just finished a little presentation on that topic. In there, I'm taking a short and somewhat subjective look at:
Ico (and other Raphael based libs)
GXT charts
Smart GWT HTML5 Charts
amCharts JavaScript Charts
Google Chart Tools API
JFreeChart (and other server side libs)
Only the last two of them require an active internet connection.
Here's the link to a PDF snapshot of the presentation:
Client-side GChart. All in your app - no loading visualizations from external servers.
This is another open source api for charts in GWT hosted on you may find it useful. The API works on SVG/VML specification. You may find it quite easy to implement and use. You may find the demo at

screenshot on javascript and java

I am using google visualization api for my java based website. I am planning to capture the screen shots of my clients wedpage having images generated by Google Visualization API,and i want to prepare Ppt using that screenshots.
is there any way to save these visualizations on my server so that i use them directly on my application to generate pptfile?
Suggestions please?

