Area of intersection between circle and rectangle - java
I'm looking for a fast way to determine the area of intersection between a rectangle and a circle (I need to do millions of these calculations).
A specific property is that in all cases the circle and rectangle always have 2 points of intersection.
Given 2 points of intersection:
0 vertices is inside the circle: The area of a circular segment
XXXXX -------------------
X X X X Circular segment
+-X-------X--+ XXXXXXXX
| X X |
1 vertex is inside the circle: The sum of the areas of a circular segment and a triangle.
X X Triangle ->X _-X
X X X _- X
X +--X--+ X _- X <- Circular segment
X | X | X- XXX
| |
2 vertices are inside the circle: The sum of the area of two triangles and a circular segment
XXXXX +------------X
X X | _--'/'X
X +--X--- Triangle->| _-- / X
X | X |_-- /XX <- Circular segment
X +-X---- +-------XX
XXXXX Triangle^
3 vertices are inside the circle: The area of the rectangle minus the area of a triangle plus the area of a circular segment
X +--X+ XXX
X | X -------XXX-----+ <- Triangle outside
X | |X Rect ''. XXX |
X +---+X ''. XX|
X X ''. X <- Circular segment inside
X X ^|X
X X | X
To calculate these areas:
Most of the points you'll need to use can be found by finding the intersection of a line and a circle
The areas you need to compute can be found by computing the area of a circular segment and computing the area of a triangle.
You can determine if a vertex is inside the circle by calculating if its distance from the center is less than the radius.
I realize this was answered a while ago but I'm solving the same problem and I couldn't find an out-of-the box workable solution I could use. Note that my boxes are axis aligned, this is not quite specified by the OP. The solution below is completely general, and will work for any number of intersections (not only two). Note that if your boxes are not axis-aligned (but still boxes with right angles, rather than general quads), you can take advantage of the circles being round, rotate the coordinates of everything so that the box ends up axis-aligned and then use this code.
I want to use integration - that seems like a good idea. Let's start with writing an obvious formula for plotting a circle:
x = center.x + cos(theta) * radius
y = center.y + sin(theta) * radius
|**### **
| #* # * * x
|# * # * # y
|# * # *
+-----------------------> theta
* # * #
* # * #
* #* #
This is nice, but I'm unable to integrate the area of that circle over x or y; those are different quantities. I can only integrate over the angle theta, yielding areas of pizza slices. Not what I want. Let's try to change the arguments:
(x - center.x) / radius = cos(theta) // the 1st equation
theta = acos((x - center.x) / radius) // value of theta from the 1st equation
y = center.y + sin(acos((x - center.x) / radius)) * radius // substitute to the 2nd equation
That's more like it. Now given the range of x, I can integrate over y, to get an area of the upper half of a circle. This only holds for x in [center.x - radius, center.x + radius] (other values will cause imaginary outputs) but we know that the area outside that range is zero, so that is handled easily. Let's assume unit circle for simplicity, we can always plug the center and radius back later on:
y = sin(acos(x)) // x in [-1, 1]
y = sqrt(1 - x * x) // the same thing, arguably faster to compute
^ y
***|*** <- 1
**** | ****
** | **
* | *
* | *
----|----------+----------|-----> x
-1 1
This function indeed has an integral of pi/2, since it is an upper half of a unit circle (the area of half a circle is pi * r^2 / 2 and we already said unit, which means r = 1). Now we can calculate area of intersection of a half-circle and an infinitely tall box, standing on the x axis (the center of the circle also lies on the the x axis) by integrating over y:
f(x): integral(sqrt(1 - x * x) * dx) = (sqrt(1 - x * x) * x + asin(x)) / 2 + C //*x%29
area(x0, x1) = f(max(-1, min(1, x1))) - f(max(-1, min(1, x0))) // the integral is not defined outside [-1, 1] but we want it to be zero out there
~ ~
| ^ |
| | |
| ***|*** <- 1
**|######|##| **
* |######|##| *
* |######|##| *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
-1 x0 x1 1
This may not be very useful, as infinitely tall boxes are not what we want. We need to add one more parameter in order to be able to free the bottom edge of the infinitely tall box:
g(x, h): integral((sqrt(1 - x * x) - h) * dx) = (sqrt(1 - x * x) * x + asin(x) - 2 * h * x) / 2 + C //*x%29+-+h
area(x0, x1, h) = g(min(section(h), max(-section(h), x1))) - g(min(section(h), max(-section(h), x0)))
~ ~
| ^ |
| | |
| ***|*** <- 1
**|######|##| **
* +------+--+ * <- h
* | *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
-1 x0 x1 1
Where h is the (positive) distance of the bottom edge of our infinite box from the x axis. The section function calculates the (positive) position of intersection of the unit circle with the horizontal line given by y = h and we could define it by solving:
sqrt(1 - x * x) = h //*+x%29+%3D+h
section(h): (h < 1)? sqrt(1 - h * h) : 0 // if h is 1 or above, then the section is an empty interval and we want the area integral to be zero
^ y
***|*** <- 1
**** | ****
** | **
-----*---------+---------*------- y = h
* | *
----||---------+---------||-----> x
-1| |1
-section(h) section(h)
Now we can get the things going. So how to calculate the area of intersection of a finite box intersecting a unit circle above the x axis:
area(x0, x1, y0, y1) = area(x0, x1, y0) - area(x0, x1, y1) // where x0 <= x1 and y0 <= y1
~ ~ ~ ~
| ^ | | ^ |
| | | | | |
| ***|*** | ***|***
****###|##|**** ****---+--+**** <- y1
**|######|##| ** ** | **
* +------+--+ * <- y0 * | *
* | * * | *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x ----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
x0 x1 x0 x1
****---+--+**** <- y1
**|######|##| **
* +------+--+ * <- y0
* | *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
x0 x1
That's nice. So how about a box which is not above the x axis? I'd say not all the boxes are. Three simple cases arise:
the box is above the x axis (use the above equation)
the box is below the x axis (flip the sign of y coordinates and use the above equation)
the box is intersecting the x axis (split the box to upper and lower half, calculate the area of both using the above and sum them)
Easy enough? Let's write some code:
float section(float h, float r = 1) // returns the positive root of intersection of line y = h with circle centered at the origin and radius r
assert(r >= 0); // assume r is positive, leads to some simplifications in the formula below (can factor out r from the square root)
return (h < r)? sqrt(r * r - h * h) : 0; //*+sin%28acos%28x+%2F+r%29%29+%3D+h
float g(float x, float h, float r = 1) // indefinite integral of circle segment
return .5f * (sqrt(1 - x * x / (r * r)) * x * r + r * r * asin(x / r) - 2 * h * x); //*+sin%28acos%28x+%2F+r%29%29+-+h
float area(float x0, float x1, float h, float r) // area of intersection of an infinitely tall box with left edge at x0, right edge at x1, bottom edge at h and top edge at infinity, with circle centered at the origin with radius r
if(x0 > x1)
std::swap(x0, x1); // this must be sorted otherwise we get negative area
float s = section(h, r);
return g(max(-s, min(s, x1)), h, r) - g(max(-s, min(s, x0)), h, r); // integrate the area
float area(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float r) // area of the intersection of a finite box with a circle centered at the origin with radius r
if(y0 > y1)
std::swap(y0, y1); // this will simplify the reasoning
if(y0 < 0) {
if(y1 < 0)
return area(x0, x1, -y0, -y1, r); // the box is completely under, just flip it above and try again
return area(x0, x1, 0, -y0, r) + area(x0, x1, 0, y1, r); // the box is both above and below, divide it to two boxes and go again
} else {
assert(y1 >= 0); // y0 >= 0, which means that y1 >= 0 also (y1 >= y0) because of the swap at the beginning
return area(x0, x1, y0, r) - area(x0, x1, y1, r); // area of the lower box minus area of the higher box
float area(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float cx, float cy, float r) // area of the intersection of a general box with a general circle
x0 -= cx; x1 -= cx;
y0 -= cy; y1 -= cy;
// get rid of the circle center
return area(x0, x1, y0, y1, r);
And some basic unit tests:
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // unit circle completely inside a huge box, area of intersection is pi
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 0, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(0, 10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -10, 0, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(-.5f, .5f, -.5f, .5f, 0, 0, 10)); // unit box completely inside a huge circle, area of intersection is 1
printf("%f\n", area(-20, -10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (left), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(10, 20, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (right), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -20, -10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (below), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, 10, 20, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (above), area of intersection is 0
The output of this is:
Which seems correct to me. You may want to inline the functions if you don't trust your compiler to do it for you.
This uses 6 sqrt, 4 asin, 8 div, 16 mul and 17 adds for boxes that do not intersect the x axis and a double of that (and 1 more add) for boxes that do. Note that the divisions are by radius and could be reduced to two divisions and a bunch of multiplications. If the box in question intersected the x axis but did not intersect the y axis, you could rotate everything by pi/2 and do the calculation in the original cost.
I'm using it as a reference to debug subpixel-precise antialiased circle rasterizer. It is slow as hell :), I need to calculate the area of intersection of each pixel in the bounding box of the circle with the circle to get alpha. You can sort of see that it works and no numerical artifacts seem to appear. The figure below is a plot of a bunch of circles with the radius increasing from 0.3 px to about 6 px, laid out in a spiral.
I hope its not bad form to post an answer to such an old question. I looked over the above solutions and worked out an algorithm which is similar to Daniels first answer, but a good bit tighter.
In short, assume the full area is in the rectangle, subtract off the four segments in the external half planes, then add any the areas in the four external quadrants, discarding trivial cases along the way.
pseudocde (my actual code is only ~12 lines..)
find the signed (negative out) normalized distance from the circle center
to each of the infinitely extended rectangle edge lines,
for convenience order 1,2,3,4 around the edge. If the rectangle is not
aligned with the cartesian coordinates this step is more complicated but
the remainder of the algorithm is the same
If ANY d_i <=- 1 return 0
if ALL d_i >= 1 return Pi r^2
this leave only one remaining fully outside case: circle center in
an external quadrant, and distance to corner greater than circle radius:
for each adjacent i,j (ie. i,j=1,2;2,3;3,4;4,1)
if d_i<=0 and d_j <= 0 and d_i^2+d_j^2 > 1 return 0
now begin with full circle area and subtract any areas in the
four external half planes
Area= Pi r^2
for each d_i>-1
a_i=arcsin( d_i ) #save a_i for next step
Area -= r^2/2 (Pi - 2 a_i - sin(2 a_i))
At this point note we have double counted areas in the four external
quadrants, so add back in:
for each adjacent i,j
if d_i < 1 and d_j < 1 and d_i^2+d_j^2 < 1
Area += r^2/4 (Pi- 2 a_i - 2 a_j -sin(2 a_i) -sin(2 a_j) + 4 sin(a_i) sin(a_j))
return Area
Incidentally, that last formula for the area of a circle contained in a plane quadrant is readily derived as the sum of a circular segment, two right triangles and a rectangle.
The following is how to calculate the overlapping area between circle and rectangle where the center of circle lies outside the rectangle. Other cases can be reduced to this problem.
The area can be calculate by integrating the circle equation y = sqrt[a^2 - (x-h)^2] + k where a is radius, (h,k) is circle center, to find the area under curve. You may use computer integration where the area is divided into many small rectangle and calculating the sum of them, or just use closed form here.
And here is a C# source implementing the concept above. Note that there is a special case where the specified x lies outside the boundaries of the circle. I just use a simple workaround here (which is not producing the correct answers in all cases)
public static void RunSnippet()
// test code
double a,h,k,x1,x2;
a = 10;
h = 4;
k = 0;
x1 = -100;
x2 = 100;
double r1 = Integrate(x1, a, h, k);
double r2 = Integrate(x2, a, h, k);
Console.WriteLine(r2 - r1);
private static double Integrate(double x, double a,double h, double k)
double a0 = a*a - (h-x)*(h-x);
if(a0 <= 0.0){
if(k == 0.0)
return Math.PI * a * a / 4.0 * Math.Sign(x);
throw new Exception("outside boundaries");
double a1 = Math.Sqrt(a*a - (h-x)*(h-x)) * (h-x);
double area = 0.5 * Math.Atan(a1 / ((h-x)*(h-x) - a*a))*a*a - 0.5 * a1 + k * x;
return area;
Note: This problem is very similar to one in Google Code Jam 2008 Qualification round problem: Fly Swatter. You can click on the score links to download the source code of the solution too.
Thanks for the answers,
I forgot to mention that area estimatations were enough.
That; s why in the end, after looking at all the options, I went with monte-carlo estimation where I generate random points in the circle and test if they're in the box.
In my case this is likely more performant. (I have a grid placed over the circle and I have to measure the ratio of the circle belonging to each of the grid-cells. )
Perhaps you can use the answer to this question, where the area of intersection between a circle and a triangle is asked. Split your rectangle into two triangles and use the algorithms described there.
Another way is to draw a line between the two intersection points, this splits your area into a polygon (3 or 4 edges) and a circular segment, for both you should be able to find libraries easier or do the calculations yourself.
Here is another solution for the problem:
public static bool IsIntersected(PointF circle, float radius, RectangleF rectangle)
var rectangleCenter = new PointF((rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2),
(rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2));
var w = rectangle.Width / 2;
var h = rectangle.Height / 2;
var dx = Math.Abs(circle.X - rectangleCenter.X);
var dy = Math.Abs(circle.Y - rectangleCenter.Y);
if (dx > (radius + w) || dy > (radius + h)) return false;
var circleDistance = new PointF
X = Math.Abs(circle.X - rectangle.X - w),
Y = Math.Abs(circle.Y - rectangle.Y - h)
if (circleDistance.X <= (w))
return true;
if (circleDistance.Y <= (h))
return true;
var cornerDistanceSq = Math.Pow(circleDistance.X - w, 2) +
Math.Pow(circleDistance.Y - h, 2);
return (cornerDistanceSq <= (Math.Pow(radius, 2)));
How to find point cordinates in a circle using radius and center cordinate
I am trying to map all circle cordinates to a flat surface using OpenGL fragment shader as shown in the picture. I know the radius and center point of the circle. So I am trying to use the below equation: For a circle with origin (j, k) and radius r: x(t) = r cos(t) + j y(t) = r sin(t) + k where you need to run this equation for t taking values within the range from 0 to 360, then you will get your x and y each on the boundary of the circle. But I am facing below problem: Angle values are in degrees. Can I use that directly in the fragment shader code as the OpenGL cordinates are from 0.0 to 1.0?
There are many approaches to map circle points to square and vice versa. For simplicity circle center is (0,0) and radius is 1. Let coordinate in square are (x,y) and corresponding coordinate in circle is (u, v). So to get circle point: u = x * sqrt(1 - y^2/2) v = y * sqrt(1 - x^2/2) Inverse formula is more complex: x = (sqrt(2 + u*u-v*v+2*u*sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2 + u*u-v*v - 2*u*sqrt(2))) / 2 y = (sqrt(2 - u*u+v*v+2*v*sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2 - u*u+v*v - 2*v*sqrt(2))) / 2 Note that you perhaps want to get point at the circle corresponding to needed square point, so need only the first formula pair P.S. Perhaps I took formulas there years ago If you need to walk through circle points with some step (while I doubt you really need this), you can scan Y-coordinates and get scanlines for X coordinates. Pseudocode: for y = - R to R step d: L = sqrt(R*R-y*y) for x = -L to L step d: getPoint(cx + x, cy + y)
Test if point is within line range on 2D space
This question is a bit hard to formulate so I'll start by showing this image: I want to test if points (such as p1 and p2 on the image) are within the dotted lines that are perpendicular to the line at its limits. I know the coordinates of the points to test and the line's limits. So for p1 it would be false, and for p2 it would be true. What would be the most computationaly efficient way to calculate this? I'm working with floats in Java.
This can be very efficiently done with the dot product: This is positive if A has a component parallel to B, and negative if anti-parallel. Therefore if you have a line segment defined by points A and B, and a test point P, you only need two dot product operations to test: dot(A - B, P - B) >= 0 && dot(B - A, P - A) >= 0 EDIT: a graphical explanation: The dot product can be shown to be: Thus if θ > 90 then dot(A, B) < 0, and vice versa. Now for your problem: In case 1, when dot(A - B, P - B) > 0 we say that P is on the correct side of the dotted line at B, and vice versa in case 2. By symmetry we can then do the same operation at A, by swapping A and B.
If the point to test (tp), together with start point (sp) and end point (ep) of the range, form an obtuse triangle and you can conclude that it is out of range. A special case would be tp is same slope as sp and ep, then you calculate the 2 distances: distSpAndTp - distance between sp and tp distEpAndTp - distance between ep and tp If the sum of these 2 distances = distance between sp and ep, then tp is in range, otherwise it is out of range.
The best approach would be to first create a rectangle Rect (of package), with x and width being the beginning and end of line, and y and height being the beginning and end of screen height. Then use the Rect method Rect.contains(int x, int y) to check if the point coordinates lie within. For floats, use RectF class instead.
This approach involves using 2D vectors (which you should have been using anyway, makes working in any coordinate system a lot easier) and the dot (scalar) product. It does not require any relatively expensive operations like the square root or trignometic functions, and therefore is very performant. Let A and B be the start and end points (by point I mean a vector representing a position in 2D space) of the line segment, in any order. If P is the point to test, then: If dot(PA, AB) and dot(PB, AB) have the same sign, the point lies outside the region (like p1 in your example). If the dot products above have opposite signs, the point lies inside the region (like p2). Where PA = A - P, PB = B - P and AB = B - A. This condition can be surmised as follows: if dot(PA, AB) * dot(PB, AB) <= 0 { // Opposite signs, inside region // If the product is equal to zero, the point is on one of the dotted lines } else { // Same signs, outside region }
Let's say, x1 is the beginning of the line and x2 is the end. Then ax is the dot in an horizontal plan and; y1, y2 and ay in vertical plan. if((ax >= x1 && ax <= x2) && (ay >= y1 && ay <= y2)){ // do your work }
There are a few answers already but there is another solution that will give you the unit distance on the line segment that the points is perpendicular to. Where then line is x1,y1 to x2,y2 and the point is px,py Find the vector from line start to end vx = x2 - x1; vy = y2 - y1; And the vector from the line start (or end) to the point vpx = px - x1; vpy = py - y1; And then divide the dot product of the two vectors by the length squared of the line. unitDist = (vx * vpx + vy * vpy) / (vx * vx + vy * vy); If the perpendicular intercept is on the line segment then unitDist will be 0 <= unitDist <= 1 In shortened form x2 -= x1; y2 -= y1; unitDist = (x2 * (px - x1) + y2 * (py - y1)) / (x2^2 + y2^2); if (unitDist >= 0 && unitDist <= 1) { // point px,py perpendicular to line segment x1,y1,x2,y2 } You also get the benefit of being able to get the point on the line where the intercept is. p2x = vx * unitDist + x1; p2y = vy * unitDist + y1; And thus the distance that the point is from the line (note not line segment but line) dist = hypot(p2x - px, p2y - py); Which is handy if you are using a point to select from many lines by using the minimum distance to determine the selected line.
This can be solved nicely using complex numbers. Let a and b the endpoints of the segment. We use the transformation that maps the origin 0 to a and the point 1 to b. This transformation is a similarity and its expresion is simply p = (b - a) q + a as you can verify by substituting q=0 or q=1. It maps the whole stripe perpendicular to the given segment to the stripe perpendicular to the segment 0-1. Now the inverse transform is obviously q = (p - a) / (b - a), and the desired condition is 0 <= Re((p - a) / (b - a)) <= 1. To avoid the division, you can rewrite 0 <= Re((p - a) (b - a)*) <= |b-a|² or 0 <= (px - ax)(bx - ax) + (py - ay)(by - ay) <= (bx - ax)² + (by - ay)².
Getting a point of circle from a number?
I have a circle of let's say 10 of radius with the center x=0 y=0. And I have a number n (e.g. 3). I want to get a point from that circle. Here is an explanation with an image: So if n=0, the method would return 0;-6 And if n=1, the method would return 3;-5 etc. But the method would receive parameters like the unit between each n etc.
The equation of a circle is x = x0 + r * cos(a) y = y0 + r * sin(a) with (x0, y0) the center of the circle and a in 0...2Pi so if you want y given x you will have : sin(a) = (y - y0)/r so a = arcsin((y - y0)/r) if ((y - y0)/r is in -PI/2..PI/2) a = -arcsin((y - y0)/r) if ((y - y0)/r is in -PI..-PI/2 or PI/2..PI) a is undefine elsewhere therefore y = y0 + r * sin(arcsin((y - y0)/r)) if ((y - y0)/r is in -PI/2..PI/2)) y = y0 + r * sin(-arcsin((y - y0)/r)) if ((y - y0)/r is in -PI..-PI/2 or PI/2..PI)) y is undefine elsewhere
Use the roots of unity, it will give you the exponential form of a complex on the circle. You can then use the Euler formula to get the real coordinates of your point. Of course, since your circle is not unitary, you must take into account its radius.
two points and then finds the smallest circle and the smallest rectangle containing the points
Write a Java program that reads two points and then finds the smallest circle and the smallest rectangle containing the points. Note that a circle is represented by its center and radius, and a rectangle by the two diagonal points – top-left and bottom-right corners. For example, p1 = (0, 0) and p2 = (4, 3) are entered as input, your program will print C = ((2, 1.5), 2.5) and R = ((0, 3), (4, 0)). No if statement is allowed, but you may use built-in methods such as sqrt, pow, abs, max, and min. Scanner in = new Scanner (; double cx, cy, cyx,c; double p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y; System.out.print("Enter point 1, x ");//0 p1x=in.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter point 1, y ");//0 p1y=in.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter point 2, x ");//4 p2x=in.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter point 2, y ");//3 p2y=in.nextDouble(); cx= (p2x-p1x)/2;// (2,) cy=(p2y-p1y)/2;// (,1.5) cyx= (p2x-p2y)+cy;// ((,),2.5) System.out.println((cx+","+cy)+","+cyx); as far as radius, i am unsure. As well as unsure if the code would work, or i am over complicating things, or far off at all.
The smallest circle containing two points will have each point along the circle's circumference, with the center of the circle directly between those two points, meaning the circle's radius is half the distance between the points. With the simplest definition, we could use ((x2 + x1) / 2, (y2 + y1) / 2) as the centerpoint, and sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2) / 2 as the radius. However, if we use java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D to represent the circle, you need to have the top-left corner of the square containing the circle and the diameter of the circle. The diameter is easy: twice the radius, or sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2). To get the top-left corner of the containing square, subtract the radius from the x- and y-coordinate of the centerpoint: double diameter = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)); Point2D.Double center = new Point2D.Double((x2 + x1) / 2, (y2 + y1) / 2); Point2D.Double tlCorner = new Point2D.Double( center.x - diameter / 2, center.y - diameter / 2 ); Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double( tlCorner.x, tlCorner.y, diameter, diameter ); The smallest rectangle containing two points uses those two points as opposite corners. Again, with the simplest definition we could just use the two input points as two corners of a rectangle. However, Java's rectangle classes expect the top-left corner, the width, and the height, not two points. Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double( Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(y1, y2), Math.abs(x2 - x1), Math.abs(y2 - y1) );
Finding angle using three points
I want a square (represented by head) to always face toward the mouse (represented by Mouse - yeah, it's LWJGL). I'm having a bit of trouble actually getting it to face torward the mouse because i'm using glRotatef(angle), which Requires degrees, while most java Math functions involve radians Is difficult to do since I have no way of knowing how far i have to rotate in order to point toward the mouse I whipped up the following java code, which assumes that 0 degrees is straight up: double mx = Mouse.getX(); double my = Mouse.getY(); double rx = head.x; double ry = head.y + 1; double vx = head.x; double vy = head.y; double mtor = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mx + rx, 2) + Math.pow(my + ry, 2)); double mtov = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mx + vx, 2) + Math.pow(my + vy, 2)); double rtov = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rx + vx, 2) + Math.pow(ry + vy, 2)); double rotate = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos((Math.pow(mtov, 2) + Math.pow(rtov, 2) - Math.pow(mtor, 2))/(2*mtov*rtov)))); However, this creates some strange results: (The side with the white squares is the front. For a full album go to Here's some console output: Mouse X: 555.0 Mouse Y: 439.0 Reference X: 400.0 Reference Y: 301.0 Vertex X: 400.0 Vertex Y: 300.0 Rotation: 65.56236879269605 Mouse X: 552.0 Mouse Y: 440.0 Reference X: 400.0 Reference Y: 301.0 Vertex X: 400.0 Vertex Y: 300.0 Rotation: 65.5244609346555 So, what am I doing wrong? (Extra Credit: is there some better way to do this in openGL?)
This assumes that 0 degrees is straight up, counterclockwise is positive, that x increases to the right, and that y increases upward. (I don't know if that's true for LWJGL.) I'm using a range of -180 to 180, rather than 0 to 360, since that seems more natural (eg, if the head were to slowly rotate) double dx = (mx-vx); // change in x from head to mouse double dy = (my-vy); // change in y from head to mouse double dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // distance, pythagorean theorem double degrees = Math.toDegrees((Math.acos(dy/dist)) * -Math.signum(dx)); // dy/dist is the cosine // the sign of dx determines positive (CCW) or negative (CW) angle If you're worried about performance, you could avoid a sqrt operation by using atan, but you'd need to do extra tests to determine the quadrant and to avoid dividing by zero. It'd still probably be a hair faster, but might not be worthwhile.