I am writing an application where memory, and to a lesser extent speed, are vital. I have found from profiling that I spend a great deal of time in Map and Set operations. While I look at ways to call these methods less, I am wondering whether anyone out there has written, or come across, implementations that significantly improve on access time or memory overhead? or at least, that can improve these things given some assumptions?
From looking at the JDK source I can't believe that it can't be made faster or leaner.
I am aware of Commons Collections, but I don't believe it has any implementation whose goal is to be faster or leaner. Same for Google Collections.
Update: Should have noted that I do not need thread safety.
Normally these methods are pretty quick.
There are a couple of things you should check: are your hash codes implemented? Are they sufficiently uniform? Otherwise you'll get rubbish performance.
http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/ <-- this is a bit quicker and saves some memory. I saved a few ms on 50,000 updates
Are you sure that you're using maps/sets correctly? i.e. not trying to iterate over all the values or something similar. Also, e.g. don't do a contains and then a remove. Just check the remove.
Also check if you're using Double vs double. I noticed a few ms performance improvements on ten's of thousands of checks.
Have you also set up the initial capacity correctly/appropriately?
Have you looked at Trove4J ? From the website:
Trove aims to provide fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util.Collections API.
Benchmarks provided here.
Here are the ones I know, in addition to Google and Commons Collections:
Of course you can always implement your own data structures which are optimized for your use cases. To be able to help better, we would need to know you access patterns and what kind of data you store in the collections.
Try improving the performance of your equals and hashCode methods, this could help speed up the standard containers use of your objects.
You can extend AbstractMap and/or AbstractSet as a starting point. I did this not too long ago to implement a binary trie based map (the key was an integer, and each "level" on the tree was a bit position. left child was 0 and right child was 1). This worked out well for us because the key was EUI-64 identifiers, and for us most of the time the top 5 bytes were going to be the same.
To implement an AbstractMap, you need to at the very least implement the entrySet() method, to return a set of Map.Entry, each of which is a key/value pair.
To implement a set, you extend AbstractSet and supply implementations of size() and iterator().
That's at the very least, however. You will want to also implement get and put, since the default map is unmodifiable, and the default implementation of get iterates through the entrySet looking for a match.
You can possibly save a little on memory by:
(a) using a stronger, wider hash code, and thus avoiding having to store the keys;
(b) by allocating yourself from an array, avoiding creating a separate object per hash table entry.
In case it's useful, here's a no-frills Java implementation of the Numerical Recipies hash table that I've sometimes found useful. You can key directly on a CharSequence (including Strings), or else you must yourself come up with a strong-ish 64-bit hash function for your objects.
Remember, this implementation doesn't store the keys, so if two items have the same hash code (which you'd expect after hashing in the order of 2^32 or a couple of billion items if you have a good hash function), then one item will overwrite the other:
public class CompactMap<E> implements Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 24;
private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_FILL_FACTOR = 1 << 20;
private static final long[] byteTable;
private static final long HSTART = 0xBB40E64DA205B064L;
private static final long HMULT = 7664345821815920749L;
static {
byteTable = new long[256];
long h = 0x544B2FBACAAF1684L;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++) {
h = (h >>> 7) ^ h;
h = (h << 11) ^ h;
h = (h >>> 10) ^ h;
byteTable[i] = h;
private int maxValues;
private int[] table;
private int[] nextPtrs;
private long[] hashValues;
private E[] elements;
private int nextHashValuePos;
private int hashMask;
private int size;
public CompactMap(int maxElements) {
int sz = 128;
int desiredTableSize = maxElements;
desiredTableSize = desiredTableSize * 4 / 3;
desiredTableSize = Math.min(desiredTableSize, MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE);
while (sz < desiredTableSize) {
sz <<= 1;
this.maxValues = maxElements;
this.table = new int[sz];
this.nextPtrs = new int[maxValues];
this.hashValues = new long[maxValues];
this.elements = (E[]) new Object[sz];
Arrays.fill(table, -1);
this.hashMask = sz-1;
public int size() {
return size;
public E put(CharSequence key, E val) {
return put(hash(key), val);
public E put(long hash, E val) {
int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
int[] table = this.table;
int k = table[hc];
if (k != -1) {
int lastk;
do {
if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
E old = elements[k];
elements[k] = val;
return old;
lastk = k;
k = nextPtrs[k];
} while (k != -1);
k = nextHashValuePos++;
nextPtrs[lastk] = k;
} else {
k = nextHashValuePos++;
table[hc] = k;
if (k >= maxValues) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Hash table full (size " + size + ", k " + k);
hashValues[k] = hash;
nextPtrs[k] = -1;
elements[k] = val;
return null;
public E get(long hash) {
int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
int[] table = this.table;
int k = table[hc];
if (k != -1) {
do {
if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
return elements[k];
k = nextPtrs[k];
} while (k != -1);
return null;
public E get(CharSequence hash) {
return get(hash(hash));
public static long hash(CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) return 1L;
long h = HSTART;
final long hmult = HMULT;
final long[] ht = byteTable;
for (int i = cs.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
char ch = cs.charAt(i);
h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[ch & 0xff];
h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[(ch >>> 8) & 0xff];
return h;
Check out GNU Trove:
There is at least one implementation in commons-collections that is specifically built for speed: Flat3Map it's pretty specific in that it'll be really quick as long as there are no more than 3 elements.
I suspect that you may get more milage through following #thaggie's advice add look at the equals/hashcode method times.
You said you profiled some classes but have you done any timings to check their speed? I'm not sure how you'd check their memory usage. It seems like it would be nice to have some specific figures at hand when you're comparing different implementations.
There are some notes here and links to several alternative data-structure libraries: http://www.leepoint.net/notes-java/data/collections/ds-alternatives.html
I'll also throw in a strong vote for fastutil. (mentioned in another response, and on that page) It has more different data structures than you can shake a stick at, and versions optimized for primitive types as keys or values. (A drawback is that the jar file is huge, but you can presumably trim it to just what you need)
I went through something like this a couple of years ago -- very large Maps and Sets as well as very many of them. The default Java implementations consumed way too much space. In the end I rolled my own, but only after I examined the actual usage patterns that my code required. For example, I had a known large set of objects that were created early on and some Maps were sparse while others were dense. Other structures grew monotonically (no deletes) while in other places it was faster to use a "collection" and do the occasional but harmless extra work of processing duplicate items than it was to spend the time and space on avoiding duplicates. Many of the implementations I used were array-backed and exploited the fact that my hashcodes were sequentially allocated and thus for dense maps a lookup was just an array access.
Take away messages:
look at your algorithm,
consider multiple implementations, and
remember that most of the libraries out there are catering for general purpose use (eg insert and delete, a range of sizes, neither sparse nor dense, etc) so they're going to have overheads that you can probably avoid.
Oh, and write unit tests...
At times when I have see Map and Set operations are using a high percentage of CPU, it has indicated that I have over used Map and Set and restructuring my data has almost eliminated collections from the top 10% CPU consumer.
See if you can avoid copies of collections, iterating over collections and any other operation which results in accessing most of the elements of the collection and creating objects.
It's probably not so much the Map or Set which causing the problem, but the objects behind them. Depending upon your problem, you might want a more database-type scheme where "objects" are stored as a bunch of bytes rather than Java Objects. You could embed a database (such as Apache Derby) or do your own specialist thing. It's very dependent upon what you are actually doing. HashMap isn't deliberately big and slow...
Commons Collections has FastArrayList, FastHashMap and FastTreeMap but I don't know what they're worth...
Commons Collections has an id map which compares through ==, which should be faster.
-[Joda Primities][1] as has primitive collections, as does Trove. I experimented with Trove and found that its memory useage is better.
I was mapping collections of many small objects with a few Integers. altering these to ints saved nearly half the memory (although requiring some messier application code to compensate).
It seems reasonable to me that sorted trees should consume less memory than hashmaps because they don't require the load factor (although if anyone can confirm or has a reason why this is actually dumb please post in the comments).
Which version of the JVM are you using?
If you are not on 6 (although I suspect you are) then a switch to 6 may help.
If this is a server application and is running on windows try using -server to use the correct hotspot implementation.
I use the following package (koloboke) to do a int-int hashmap, because it supports promitive type and it stores two int in a long variable, this is cool for me. koloboke
I'm trying to find the fastest possible (regarding write speed) key-value store to back an application that I have. The capacity of the store is maximum 15k key-value pairs. I've tried the following:
LinkedHashMap, overriding removeEldestEntry to remove the eldest entry when the number of items in the map has reached 15000:
new LinkedHashMap<Long, Object>(10000, 0.75F, false) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Long, Object> eldest) {
return size() > 15000;
LinkedList, removing the first element if the size is already max (to get element with key id, the list is searched sequentially):
new LinkedList<Object>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public boolean add(Object o) {
while (size() >= 15000)
return super.add(o);
ModBuffer, the fastest possible (in theory) store I could think of (as in the list, to find element with key id, the whole buffer is searched sequentially):
public class ModBuffer<T> {
private T[] buffer = (T[]) new Object[15000];
public add(Long key, T value) {
int pos = (int) (key % (long) buffer.length);
buffer[pos] = value;
Intuitively, it seems like the ModBuffer would be the fastest one to write. But it turns out that the LinkedList is the fastest one. I'm using these buffers to implement a network protocol. With the LinkedList, I manage to reach 850Mbps. With the ModBuffer, it doesn't go beyond 700Mbps.
Why is the LinkedList so much faster to write than the simple ModBuffer? Is it optimized somehow, since it's part of the standard Java Collections? I can't think of any other reason for that... This is quite intriguing.
I suspect it's the modulus operator that's slower than adding to the linked list. In the ModBuffer implementation, a modulus is always executed. On the other hand, the LinkedList implementation calls a O(1) size method then calls another O(1) add method to insert at the beginning of list. If the number of entries does not exceed the maximum of 15k, you can add to that a improvement due to branch prediction in the while condition:
while (size() >= 15000)
which would return false most of the time if you're adding elements in a loop and the number of entries does not reach the maximum.
For a large number of entries, however, this should not be the case -- the modulus-buffer should be more efficient.
It sounds like you were talking about the speed of the protocol, not the write speed to your cache. If there is a retransmission portion of your protocol, then perhaps the lower speed is caused by the strange and probably poor retention characteristics of the ModBuffer. Where as your LinkedList-based solutions discard the oldest records in the queue, your ModBuffer solution effectively discards random records; it discards records whenever there is a cache collision. Perhaps the need to retransmit those lost records is what is slowing you down.
I have a TreeSet and a custom comparator.
I get the values from server according to the changes in the stock
ex: if time=0 then server will send all the entries on the stock (unsorted)
if time=200 then server will send entries added or deleted after the time 200(unsorted)
In client side i am sorting the entries. My question is which is more efficient
1> fetch all entries first and then call addAll method
2> add one by one
there can be millions of entries.
private static Map<Integer, KeywordInfo> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, KeywordInfo>();
private static Set<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(comparator);
private static final Comparator<Integer> comparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int integerCompareValue = o1.compareTo(o2);
if (integerCompareValue == 0) return integerCompareValue;
KeywordInfo k1 = hashMap.get(o1);
KeywordInfo k2 = hashMap.get(o2);
if (null == k1.getKeyword()) {
if (null == k2.getKeyword())
return integerCompareValue;
return -1;
} else {
if (null == k2.getKeyword())
return 1;
else {
int compareString = AlphaNumericCmp.COMPARATOR.compare(k1.getKeyword().toLowerCase(), k2.getKeyword().toLowerCase());
//int compareString = k1.getKeyword().compareTo(k2.getKeyword());
if (compareString == 0)
return integerCompareValue;
return compareString;
now there is an event handler which gives me an ArrayList of updated entries,
after adding them to my hashMap i am calling
final Map<Integer, KeywordInfo> mapToReturn = new SubMap<Integer, KeywordInfo>(sortedSet, hashMap);
I think your bottleneck can be probably more network-related than CPU related. A bulk operation fetching all the new entries at once would be more network efficient.
With regards to your CPU, the time required to populate a TreeSet does not change consistently between multiple add()s and addAll(). The reason behind is that TreeSet relies on AbstractCollection's addAll() (http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/6-b27/java/util/AbstractCollection.java#AbstractCollection.addAll%28java.util.Collection%29) which in turn creates an iterator and calls multiple times add().
So, my advice on the CPU side is: choose the way that keeps your code cleaner and more readable. This is probably obtained through addAll().
In general it is less memory overhead when on being loaded alread data is stored. This should be time efficient too, maybe using small buffers. Memory allocation costs time too.
However time both solutions, in a separate prototype. You really have to test with huge numbers, as network traffic costs much too. That is a bit Test Driven Development, and adds to QA both quantitative statistics, as correctness of implementation.
The actual implementation is a linked list, so add one by one will be faster if you do it right. And i think in the near future this behaviour wont be change.
For your problem a Statefull comparator may help.
// snipplet, must not work fine
public class NaturalComparator implements Comparator{
private boolean anarchy = false;
private Comparator parentComparator;
NaturalComparator(Comparator parent){
this.parentComparator = parent;
public void setAnarchy(){...}
public int compare(A a, A b){
if(anarchy) return 1
else return parentCoparator.compare(a,b);
Set<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(new NaturalComparator(comparator));
I'm trying to find an alternative to using java.utils.TreeMap in a threaded environment due to the memory TreeMap consumes and doesn't free, using Sun JDK 1.6. We have a constant resizing TreeMap, which needs to keep sorted by key:
public class WKey implements Comparable<Object> {
private Long ms = null;
private Long id = null;
public WKey(Long ms, Long id) {
this.ms = ms;
this.id = id;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((ms == null) ? 0 : ms.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
WKey other = (WKey) obj;
if (id == null) {
if (other.id != null)
return false;
} else if (!id.equals(other.id))
return false;
if (ms == null) {
if (other.ms != null)
return false;
} else if (!ms.equals(other.ms))
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(Object arg0) {
WKey k = (WKey) arg0;
if (this.ms < k.ms)
return -1;
else if (this.ms.equals(k.ms)) {
if (this.id < k.id)
return -1;
else if (this.id.equals(k.id)) {
return 0;
return 1;
Thread 1
Iterator<WKey> it = result.keySet().iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
WKey key = it.next();
/// Some processing here
Constantly retrieves the first element within the TreeMap and then
removes it.
Threads 2, 3, and 4
for (Object r : rs) {
Object[] row = (Object[]) r;
Long ms = ((Calendar) row[1]).getTimeInMillis();
Long id = (Long) row[0];
WKey key = new WKey(ms, id);
result.put(key, row);
Are bulk processing threads which process returned results from various
services, which are generally basic POJOs. POJOs are generated a key
based off their id and timestamp using the key above. I cannot
modify the POJO to implement a Comparator, so I must use this key.
After keys have been identified and process, they are inserted into a
shared tree map where they are getting pulled off in sorted order by
a processing thread.
We were using:
Map<WKey, Object[]> result =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<WKey, Object[]>());
We also tried using ConcurrentSkipListMap:
SortedMap<WKey, Object[]> result =
new ConcurrentSkipListMap<WKey, Object[]>();
We are experimenting with big data and need a collection which sufficiently utilizes memory any time remove or put is used in a threaded environment. We are inserting records by the hundred-thousands and removing elements from the top on a needed basis. We need a container which can scale. The problem with TreeMap is it never releases memory unless you recreate the container, new Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap()) . This is an expensive operation to call in a threaded environment anytime a new entry is removed.
Alternatively, I've been experimenting with Javolution. It has a FastSortedMap, which seems to fit in nicely. However, I find their implementation and usage of the collection rather quirky and lacking sufficient documentation and examples.
They do have a few examples listed in the doc, which relate to the clases FastSortedMap is derived from, but nothing seems to work:
A high-performance hash map with real-time behavior. Related to FastCollection, fast map supports various views.
atomic() - Thread-safe view for which all reads are mutex-free and map updates (e.g. putAll) are atomic.
shared() - View allowing concurrent modifications.
parallel() - A view allowing parallel processing including updates.
sequential() - View disallowing parallel processing.
unmodifiable() - View which does not allow any modifications.
entrySet() - FastSet view over the map entries allowing entries to be added/removed.
keySet() - FastSet view over the map keys allowing keys to be added (map entry with null value).
values() - FastCollection view over the map values (add not supported).
I instantiated the following collection as a replacement to TreeMap:
private FastMap<WKey, Object[]> result =
new FastSortedMap<WKey, Object[]>().shared();
However, once another thread touches the container. All the member functions start to fail. I still encounter null values returned from result.iterator().next(), size() sometimes hangs, result.keySet().min() is very sluggish. result.get returns null. None of the examples in doc really show how the concurrent views are used, listed above. It's really frustrating.
I've looked a at Apache Collections, but I'm afraid I might experience the same issue as many of their sorting collections are derived from java.utils HashMaps and TreeMaps. I looked into Guava as well, but their sorted containers require you to implement comparable on both key and value. I was trying to avoid implementing comparable on the 'value'. I don't need to sort both objects. If I implemented comparable on the value, I would just use a sorted list, queue, or table. Highscale and Trove don't have ordered maps. Fastutils may be a candidate, but I'd have to synchronize everything manually, and I'm trying to save time.
I've reviewed others listed in the stackoverflow benchmark post, but the projects listed previously seem to be my best alternatives.
So far, I'm not convinced Javolution is everything they advertise on their site. My experience is that their implementation is very inconsistent, lacking documentation, and performs rather sluggish in threaded environments. TreeMap performs great; I just wish it wouldn't allocate in such large bursts and GC every now and then. However, I'm hoping there might be somebody out there to prove me wrong, may even demonstrate appropriate usage for Javolutions collections in a threaded environment.
Otherwise, if somebody knows a way around resizing Treemaps, without using 'new', or has solved similar/alternative instances working with threading and sorted maps, any info would be greatly appreciated!
Just for the sake of a thought exercise, how could the uniqueness of an attribute be enforced for each instance of a given class ?
Uniqueness here can be defined as being on a single JVM and within a single user session.
This is at Java-level and not to do with databases, the main purpose being to verify if a collision has occurred.
The first obvious step is to have a static attribute at class level.
Having an ArrayList or other container seems impractical as the number of instances rises.
Incrementing a numeric counter at class level appears to be a simplest approach but the id must always follow the last-used-id.
Enforcing a hash or non-numeric id could be problematic.
Concurrency might be of concern. If it is possible for two instances get an id at the same time then this should be prevented.
How should this problem be tackled ? What solutions/approaches might already exist ?
If you care about performance, here is a thread safe, fast (lock-free) and collision-free version of unique id generation
public class Test {
private static AtomicInteger lastId = new AtomicInteger();
private int id;
public Test() {
id = lastId.incrementAndGet();
Simply use the UUID class in Java http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/UUID.html. Create a field of the type UUID in the classes under inspection and initialize this field in the constructor.
public class Test {
public UUID id;
public Test() {
id = UUID.randomUUID();
When it comes time for detecting collisions, simply compare the string representations of the UUIDs of the objects like this ...
Test testObject1 = new Test();
Test testObject2 = new Test();
boolean collision = testObject1.id.toString().equals(testObject2.id.toString());
Or more simply use the compareTo() method in the UUID class ...
boolean collision = testObject2.id.compareTo(testObject1.id) == 0 ? true : false;
0 means that the ids are the same. +1 and -1 when they are not equal.
Merit: universally unique (can be time based, random) and hence should takes care of threading issues (some one should confirm this ... this is based off the best of my knowledge). more information here and here.
To make it thread-safe refer to this question on SO is java.util.UUID thread safe?
Demerit: will require a change in the structure of the classes under inspection, i.e. the id field will have to added in the source of the classes themselves. which might or might not be convenient.
UUID is a good solution, but UUID.randomUUID() on the backend use method:
synchronized public void SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes)
So this is slow: threads lock a single monitor object in each id generation operation.
The AtomicInteger is better, because it loops in a CAS operation. But again, for each id generation operation a synchronization operation must be done.
In the solution below, only prime numbers generation is synchronized. Synchronization is on a volatile int, so is fast and thread-safe. Having a set of primes, many ids are generated in a iteration.
Fixed number of threads
Edit: Solution for fixed number of thread
I you know apriory how many threads will use the Id generation, then You can generate IDs with values
Id = I mod X + n*X
Where X is the number of threads, I is the thread number, and N is a local variable that is incremented for each Id generation. The code for this solution is really simple, but it must be integrated with the hole program infrastructure.
Ids generated from primes
The idea is to generate the ids as factors of prime numbers
id = p_1^f1 * p_2^f2 * p_2^f3 * ... * p_n^fn
We use different prime numbers in each thread to generate different sets of ids in each thread.
Assuming that we use primes (2,3,5), the sequence will be:
2, 2^2, 2^3, 2^4, 2^5,..., 2^64
Then, when we see that a overflow will be generated, we roll the factor to the next prime:
3, 2*3 , 2^2*3, 2^3*3, 2^4*3, 2^5*3,..., 2^62*3
and next
3^2, 2*3^2 , 2^2*3^2, .....
Generation class
Edit: primer order generation must be done on AtomicInteger to be correct
Each instance of class IdFactorialGenerator will generate different sets of ids.
To have a thread save generation of Ids, just use ThreadLocal to have a per-thread instance setup. Synchronization is realized only during prime number generation.
package eu.pmsoft.sam.idgenerator;
public class IdFactorialGenerator {
private static AtomicInteger nextPrimeNumber = 0;
private int usedSlots;
private int[] primes = new int[64];
private int[] factors = new int[64];
private long id;
public IdFactorialGenerator(){
usedSlots = 1;
primes[0] = Sieve$.MODULE$.primeNumber(nextPrimeNumber.getAndAdd(1));
factors[0] = 1;
id = 1;
public long nextId(){
for (int factorToUpdate = 0; factorToUpdate < 64; factorToUpdate++) {
if(factorToUpdate == usedSlots) {
factors[factorToUpdate] = 1;
primes[factorToUpdate] = Sieve$.MODULE$.primeNumber(nextPrimeNumber.getAndAdd(1));
int primeToExtend = primes[factorToUpdate];
if( primeToExtend < Long.MAX_VALUE / id) {
// id * primeToExtend < Long.MAX_VALUE
factors[factorToUpdate] = factors[factorToUpdate]*primeToExtend;
id = id*primeToExtend;
return id;
} else {
factors[factorToUpdate] = 1;
id = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < usedSlots; i++) {
id = id*factors[i];
throw new IllegalStateException("I can not generate more ids");
To get the prime numbers I use a implementations on scala provided here in the problem 7: http://pavelfatin.com/scala-for-project-euler/
object Sieve {
def primeNumber(position: Int): Int = ps(position)
private lazy val ps: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: Stream.from(3).filter(i =>
ps.takeWhile(j => j * j <= i).forall(i % _ > 0))
Is it (performance-wise) better to use Arrays or HashMaps when the indexes of the Array are known? Keep in mind that the 'objects array/map' in the example is just an example, in my real project it is generated by another class so I cant use individual variables.
SomeObject[] objects = new SomeObject[2];
objects[0] = new SomeObject("Obj1");
objects[1] = new SomeObject("Obj2");
void doSomethingToObject(String Identifier){
SomeObject object;
}else if(){
//do stuff
HashMap objects = HashMap();
objects.put("Obj1",new SomeObject());
objects.put("Obj2",new SomeObject());
void doSomethingToObject(String Identifier){
SomeObject object = (SomeObject) objects.get(Identifier);
//do stuff
The HashMap one looks much much better but I really need performance on this so that has priority.
EDIT: Well Array's it is then, suggestions are still welcome
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the size of the Array/HashMap is always the same (6)
EDIT: It appears that HashMaps are faster
Array: 128ms
Hash: 103ms
When using less cycles the HashMaps was even twice as fast
test code:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
public class Optimizationsest {
private static Random r = new Random();
private static HashMap<String,SomeObject> hm = new HashMap<String,SomeObject>();
private static SomeObject[] o = new SomeObject[6];
private static String[] Indentifiers = {"Obj1","Obj2","Obj3","Obj4","Obj5","Obj6"};
private static int t = 1000000;
public static void main(String[] args){
long loopTime = ProcessArray();
long hashTime = ProcessHash();
System.out.println("Array: " + loopTime + "ms");
System.out.println("Hash: " + hashTime + "ms");
public static void CreateHash(){
for(int i=0; i <= 5; i++){
hm.put("Obj"+(i+1), new SomeObject());
public static void CreateArray(){
for(int i=0; i <= 5; i++){
o[i]=new SomeObject();
public static long ProcessArray(){
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
for(int i = 1;i<=t;i++){
return sw.getElapsedTime();
private static void checkArray(String Identifier) {
SomeObject object;
}else if(Identifier.equals("Obj2")){
}else if(Identifier.equals("Obj3")){
}else if(Identifier.equals("Obj4")){
}else if(Identifier.equals("Obj5")){
}else if(Identifier.equals("Obj6")){
object = new SomeObject();
public static long ProcessHash(){
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
for(int i = 1;i<=t;i++){
return sw.getElapsedTime();
private static void checkHash(String Identifier) {
SomeObject object = (SomeObject) hm.get(Identifier);
HashMap uses an array underneath so it can never be faster than using an array correctly.
Random.nextInt() is many times slower than what you are testing, even using array to test an array is going to bias your results.
The reason your array benchmark is so slow is due to the equals comparisons, not the array access itself.
HashTable is usually much slower than HashMap because it does much the same thing but is also synchronized.
A common problem with micro-benchmarks is the JIT which is very good at removing code which doesn't do anything. If you are not careful you will only be testing whether you have confused the JIT enough that it cannot workout your code doesn't do anything.
This is one of the reason you can write micro-benchmarks which out perform C++ systems. This is because Java is a simpler language and easier to reason about and thus detect code which does nothing useful. This can lead to tests which show that Java does "nothing useful" much faster than C++ ;)
arrays when the indexes are know are faster (HashMap uses an array of linked lists behind the scenes which adds a bit of overhead above the array accesses not to mention the hashing operations that need to be done)
and FYI HashMap<String,SomeObject> objects = HashMap<String,SomeObject>(); makes it so you won't have to cast
For the example shown, HashTable wins, I believe. The problem with the array approach is that it doesn't scale. I imagine you want to have more than two entries in the table, and the condition branch tree in doSomethingToObject will quickly get unwieldly and slow.
Logically, HashMap is definitely a fit in your case. From performance standpoint is also wins since in case of arrays you will need to do number of string comparisons (in your algorithm) while in HashMap you just use a hash code if load factor is not too high. Both array and HashMap will need to be resized if you add many elements, but in case of HashMap you will need to also redistribute elements. In this use case HashMap loses.
Arrays will usually be faster than Collections classes.
PS. You mentioned HashTable in your post. HashTable has even worse performance thatn HashMap. I assume your mention of HashTable was a typo
"The HashTable one looks much much
better "
The example is strange. The key problem is whether your data is dynamic. If it is, you could not write you program that way (as in the array case). In order words, comparing between your array and hash implementation is not fair. The hash implementation works for dynamic data, but the array implementation does not.
If you only have static data (6 fixed objects), array or hash just work as data holder. You could even define static objects.