Use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to update array field - java

I have a double precision array field dblArrayFld in a table myTable and I'd like to update it using Spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate (I'm using Postgres).
I'm running code like this:
SqlParameterSource params = (new MapSqlParameterSource())
.addValue("myarray", myDblArrayListVar)
.addValue("myid", 123);
namedJdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE myTable SET dblArrayFld = :myarray WHERE idFld = :myid", params);
This returns an error that reads syntax error at or near "$2"
I'm assuming my syntax on :myarray is at fault here. I've also tried encasing :myarray in the following ways:
dblArrayFld={ :myarray }
What's the correct syntax here?

Wehn you try to bind Collection or array as named parameter, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate explodes the appropriate named parameter in your statement into a number of positional parameters matching the length of your array / collection. This is useful for WHERE column IN (:param) statements, but is not going to work in this case.
In order to set an actual Postgres array you have to supply your parameter as java.sql.Array. You can create its instance using Connection#createArrayOf() method.


Jdbc template named parameters for querying with IN clause

I need to copy the records of one table to another table based on some condition.
String query = "insert into public.ticket_booking_archive select * from public.ticket_booking where ticketId in (:ticketIds)";
So here the :ticketIds are dynamic, where i need to pass ticketIds to make sure whether it satisfies the condition. So it may be the matching and non matching ticket id's here at runtime.
The values of ticketIds are something like this
('f1fa3a42-5837-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002','516fd14d-3c9d-4b4b-91a0-b684d8592dfe','c9652f86-734c-4df5-8ef9-d407cb3eaf7a','df7f2812-b445-45b4-b731-da23c36d7738','f1fa3a42-5837-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002'). And this is just an example. And the list might goes on.
Since it is of type UUID, I'm storing it into a Set<UUID>
Set<UUID> tktIds = new HashSet<UUID>();
for(int i=0 ; i<ticketIds.size(); i++) {
String ticketId = ticketIds[i];
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("ticketIds", tktIds);
SqlParameterSource namedParameters =
new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("ticketIds",params.get("ticketIds"));
Since I'm using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, so I'm using like below
int res = writeNamedJdbcTemplate.update(query, namedParameters);
res = 3 when executed programmatically.
Here the problem is, as soon as it finds the first matching value in the IN clause it executes. And it is not considering the other matching values (ticketIds here)
But if I execute the same query in pgadmin it works fine
insert into public.ticket_booking_archive select * from public.ticket_booking where ticketId in ('f1fa3a42-5837-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002','516fd14d-3c9d-4b4b-91a0-b684d8592dfe','c9652f86-734c-4df5-8ef9-d407cb3eaf7a','df7f2812-b445-45b4-b731-da23c36d7738','f1fa3a42-5837-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002');
result is 6. Working as expected.
writeNamedJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(query, namedParameters, Integer.class); //. throws an error
Can anyone please assist? I'm really not sure where I'm making a mistake
I am not quite sure whether you are using the appropriate JDBC template for the named parameters, but you can do the following:
you can consult this article to use the right template and employ proper SQL query composition,
for string passing you can wrap the parameter mapping as shown here
after all your named parameter should work

Introducing a named parameter breaks jOOQ query

To query a PostgreSQL 10.11 database, I am using jOOQ 3.12.4, which comes bundled with Spring Boot 2.2.
Let's assume I have built a query using jOOQ like this:
final String[] ids = ...;
final var query = dslContext.selectFrom(MY_TABLE).where(;
final Map<String, List<MyTable>> changeDomains = query.fetch().intoGroups(MY_TABLE.ID, MyTable.class);
This code runs fine and produces the expected results. But when I refactor my query and introduce a named parameter (to reuse the query in multiple parts of my code), like this:
final String[] ids = ...;
final var query = dslContext.selectFrom(MY_TABLE).where("ids")));
final Map<String, List<MyTable>> changeDomains = query.bind("ids", ids).fetch().intoGroups(MY_TABLE.ID, MyTable.class);
I suddenly start to get the following error:
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: jOOQ; bad SQL grammar ...; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: text = character varying[]
Hinweis: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Edit: I get the same error when I use"ids", String[].class))
How can I solve or work around this problem?
A better solution to your code reuse approach
But when I refactor my query and introduce a named parameter (to reuse the query in multiple parts of my code)
While you could use jOOQ this way (be careful, when mutating and reusing jOOQ queries in a non-threadsafe way!), it is generally recommended to use jOOQ in a more functional way, see e.g.:
You don't gain much by re-using a jOOQ query, specifically, there's hardly any performance gain.
So, instead of this:
final var query = dslContext.selectFrom(MY_TABLE)
final Map<String, List<MyTable>> changeDomains = query
.bind("ids", ids).fetch().intoGroups(MY_TABLE.ID, MyTable.class);
Write this:
public ResultQuery<MyTableRecord> query(String[] ids) {
return dslContext.selectFrom(MY_TABLE).where(;
// And then:
final Map<String, List<MyTable>> changeDomains = query(ids)
.fetch().intoGroups(MY_TABLE.ID, MyTable.class);
The actual problem you ran into:
jOOQ, JDBC, and SQL don't support single bind value IN lists. While it seems useful to write this:
SELECT * FROM t WHERE c IN (:bind_value)
And passing an array or list as a single bind value, this is not supported in SQL. Some APIs might pretend that this is supported (but behind the scenes replace the single bind value by multiple ?, ?, ..., ?
PostgreSQL supports the = ANY (:bind_value) operator with arrays
SELECT * FROM t WHERE c = ANY (:bind_value)
You could use it in jOOQ using
That way, you could call the bind() method to replace the array prior to execution. However, I still recommend you write functions returning queries dynamically.

JPA calling stored procedure with argument

I have this procedure in my postgreSQL database:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getItemsForCategory(categoryId integer)
result ITEM;
FOR result IN SELECT *
FROM item it
JOIN item_category itcat ON = itcat.item_id WHERE itcat.category_id = categoryId LOOP
END; $_$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
which works excellent using terminal, but I have trouble with calling it using JPA. Here is my code snippet(4 is value of argument cateforyId):
final StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedureQuery = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery("getItemsForCategory");
final List<ItemEntity> itemEntityList = (List<ItemEntity>) storedProcedureQuery.getResultList();
after running code above I receive this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
You have attempted to set a parameter at position 1 which does not exist in this query string getItemsForCategory
Has anyone some idea how to set the value of argument correctly? I've also tried to set parameter using 0 instead of 1, calling setParameter with others datatypes of arguments (String,Object) but everytime I am receiving familiar kind of error like the one, which is shown there. Thank you very much
You need to register your parameters, before setting values.
spq.registerStoredProcedureParameter("categoryId", int.class, ParameterMode.IN);
See this link.

not passing List of String as single parameters inside preparedStatement.setObject()

I want to pass a List of String coming from request parameter to the preparedStatement.setObject() as a single parameter.Here I have coverted list of Objects to a single String.
So while passing this converted String to setObject method it is converting ' to \'.
So my query is like :
select * from category where category IN (?)
for (int counter = 0; (!sqlParams.isEmpty()) && counter < sqlParams.size(); counter++) {
stmt.setObject(counter + 1, sqlParams.get(counter));
here sqlParams.get(counter) is giving following value to me.
'Adult', 'Classic', 'Fantasy', 'Mystery'
but wen i am using stmt.setObject(), and printing the values of stmt, it is showing following value :
'\'Adult\', \'Classic\', \'Fantasy\', \'Mystery\''
So at query formation is something like this :
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE category IN ('Adult\', \'Classic\', \'Fantasy\', \'Mistry\'');
There are other ways to solve these approach too, such as passing individual String and then query execution for each individual String.but It will increase time complexity for my code.
Can anyone Suggest me the solution for this?
JDBC prepared statements cannot be used when the number of parameters is variable, like here. The ? in the query is expanded into a single value, not to several separated by commas.
What you can do is construct an sql with the appropriate number of ?s and then set each parameter in a loop.

Issue with COALESCE in DB2 and Jasper Reports

I am having a query wherein I am fetching out sum of a column from a table formed through sub query.
Something in the lines:
select temp.mySum as MySum from (select sum(myColumn) from mySchema.myTable) temp;
However, I don't want MySum to be null when temp.mySum is null. Instead I want MySum to carry string 'value not available' when temp.mySum is null.
Thus I tried to use coalesce in the below manner:
select coalesce(temp.mySum, 'value not available') as MySum from (select sum(myColumn) from mySchema.myTable) temp;
However above query is throwing error message:
Message: The data type, length or value of argument "2" of routine "SYSIBM.COALESCE" is incorrect.
This message is because of datatype incompatibility between argument 1 and 2 of coalesce function as mentioned in the first answer below.
However, I am directly using this query in Jasper to send values to Excel sheet report:
hashmap.put("myQuery", this.myQuery);
JasperReport jasperReportOne = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(this.reportJRXML);
JasperPrint jasperPrintBranchCd = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReportOne , hashmap, con);
JRXlsExporter exporterXLS = new JRXlsExporter();
exporterXLS.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jprintList);
In the excel sheet, I am getting value as null when the value is not available. I want to show 'value unavailable' in the report.
How could this be achieved ?
Thanks for reading!
The arguments to coalesce must be compatible. That's not the case if the first is numeric (as mySum probably is) and the second is a string.
For example, the following PubLib doco has a table indicating compatibility between various types, at least for the DB2 I work with (the mainframe one) - no doubt there are similar restrictions for the iSeries and LUW variants as well.
You can try something like coalesce(temp.mySum, 0) instead or convert the first argument to a string with something like char(). Either of those should work since they make the two arguments compatible.

