Calling All DWR Gurus!
I am currently using reverse Ajax to add data to a table in a web page dynamically.
When I run the following method:
public static void addRows(String tableBdId, String[][] data) {
Util dwrUtil = new Util(getSessionForPage()); // Get all page sessions
dwrUtil.addRows(tableBdId, data);
The new row gets created in my web page as required.
However, in order to update these newly created values later on the tags need to have an element ID for me to access.
I have had a look at the DWR javadoc and you can specify some additional options see , but this makes little sense to me, the documentation is very sparse.
If anyone could give me a clue as to how I could specify the element id's for the created td elements I would be most grateful. Alternatively if anyone knows of an alternative approach I would be keen to know.
Kind Regards
The closest I could get was to pass in some arguments to give the element an id. See below:
public static void addRows(String tableBdId, String[] data, String rowId) {
Util dwrUtil = new Util(getSessionForPage()); // Get all page sessions
// Create the options, which is needed to add a row ID
String options = "{" +
" rowCreator:function(options) {" +
" var row = document.createElement(\"tr\");" +
" row.setAttribute('id','" + rowId + "'); " +
" return row;" +
" }," +
" cellCreator:function(options) {" +
" var td = document.createElement(\"td\");" +
" return td;" +
" }," +
" escapeHtml:true\"}";
// Wrap the supplied row into an array to match the API
String[][] args1 = new String[][] { data };
dwrUtil.addRows(tableBdId, args1, options);
Is this line of your code really working??
dwrUtil.addRows(tableBdId, data);
The DWR addRows method needs at least 3 parameters of 4 to work, they are:
id: The id of the table element (preferably a tbody element);
array: Array (or object from DWR 1.1) containing one entry for each row in the updated table;
cellfuncs: An array of functions (one per column) for extracting cell data from the passed row data;
options: An object containing various options.
The id, array and cellfuncs are required, and in your case, you'll have to pass the options also because you want to customize the row creation and set the TD id's. check it out:
Inside the options argument, you need to use one parameter called "cellCreator" to inform your own way to create the td html element.
Check it out:
// Use the cellFuncs var to set the values you want to display inside the table rows
// the syntax is
// use one function(data) for each property you need to show on your table.
var cellFuncs = [
function(data) { return data.name_of_the_first_object_property ,
function(data) { return data.name_of_the_second_object_property; }
// This function is used for you customize the generated td element
cellCreator:function(options) {
var td = document.createElement("td");
// setting the td element id using the rowIndex
// just implement your own id bellow = options.rowIndex;
return td;
I am writing an application which needs to load a large csv file that is pure data and doesn't contain any headers.
I am using a fastCSV library to parse the file, however the data needs to be stored and specific fields need to be retrieved. Since the entire data is not necessary I am skipping every third line.
Is there a way to set the headers after the file has been parsed and save it in a data structure such as an ArrayList?
Here is the function which loads the file:
public void fastCsv(String filePath) {
File file = new File(filePath);
CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader();
int linecounter = 1;
try (CsvParser csvParser = csvReader.parse(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
CsvRow row;
while ((row = csvParser.nextRow()) != null) {
if ((linecounter % 3) > 0 ) {
// System.out.println("Read line: " + row);
//System.out.println("First column of line: " + row.getField(0));
linecounter ++;
System.out.println("Execution Time in ms: " + elapsedTime);
} catch (IOException e) {
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
univocity-parsers supports field selection and can do this very easily. It's also faster than the library you are using.
Here's how you can use it to select columns of interest:
String input = "X, X2, Symbol, Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume\n" +
" 5, 9, AAPL, 01-Jan-2015, 110.38, 110.38, 110.38, 110.38, 0\n" +
" 2710, 289, AAPL, 01-Jan-2015, 110.38, 110.38, 110.38, 110.38, 0\n" +
" 5415, 6500, AAPL, 02-Jan-2015, 111.39, 111.44, 107.35, 109.33, 53204600";
CsvParserSettings settings = new CsvParserSettings(); //many options here, check the tutorial
settings.setHeaderExtractionEnabled(true); //tells the parser to use the first row as the header row
settings.selectFields("X", "X2"); //selects the fields
Parse and print results
CsvParser parser = new CsvParser(settings);
for(String[] row : parser.iterate(new StringReader(input))){
[5, 9]
[2710, 289]
[5415, 6500]
On the field selection, you can use any sequence of fields, and have rows with different column sizes, and the parser will handle this just fine. No need to write complex logic to handle that.
The process the File in your code, change the example above to do this:
for(String[] row : parser.iterate(new File(filePath))){
... //your logic goes here.
If you want a more usable record (with typed values), use this instead:
for(Record record : parser.iterateRecords(new File(filePath))){
... //your logic goes here.
Speeding up
The fastest way of processing the file is through a RowProcessor. That's a callback that received the rows parsed from the input:
settings.setProcessor(new AbstractRowProcessor() {
public void rowProcessed(String[] row, ParsingContext context) {
context.skipLines(3); //use the context object to control the parser
CsvParser parser = new CsvParser(settings);
//`parse` doesn't return anything. Rows go to the `rowProcessed` method.
parser.parse(new StringReader(input));
You should be able to parse very large files pretty quickly. If things are slowing down look in your code (avoid adding values to lists or collections in memory, or at least pre-allocate the collections to a good size, and give the JVM a large amount of memory to work with using Xms and Xmx flags).
Right now this parser is the fastest you can find. I made this performance comparison a while ago you can use for reference.
Hope this helps
Disclosure: I am the author of this library. It's open-source and free (Apache V2.0 license)
Do you know which fields/columns you want to keep, and what you'd like the "header" value to be ? , ie you want columns the first and third columns and you want them called "first" and "third" ? If so, you could build a HashMap of string/objects (or other appropriate type, depends on your actual data and needs), and add the HashMap to an ArrayList - this should get you going, just be sure to change the HashMap types as needed
ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> arr=new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String,String> hm=new HashMap<>();
while ((row = csvParser.nextRow()) != null) {
if ((linecounter % 3) > 0 ) {
// System.out.println("Read line: " + row);
//System.out.println("First column of line: " + row.getField(0));
// keep col1 and col3
linecounter ++;
If you want to capture all columns, you can use a similar technique but I'd build a mapping data structure so that you can match field indexes to column header names in a loop to add each column to the HashMap that is then stored in the ArrayList
<div id='one'>
<button id='two'>I am a button</button>
<button id='three'>I am a button</button>
I am a div
I've seen this question pop up a few times in the last maybe year or so and I've wanted to try writing this function... so here you go. It takes the parent element and removes each child's textContent until what remains is the textNode. I've tested this on your HTML and it works.
* Takes a parent element and strips out the textContent of all child elements and returns textNode content only
* #param e
* the parent element
* #return the text from the child textNodes
public static String getTextNode(WebElement e)
String text = e.getText().trim();
List<WebElement> children = e.findElements(By.xpath("./*"));
for (WebElement child : children)
text = text.replaceFirst(child.getText(), "").trim();
return text;
and you call it
Warning: the initial solution (deep below) won't workI opened an enhancement request: 2840 against the Selenium WebDrive and another one against the W3C WebDrive specification - the more votes, the sooner they'll get enough attention (one can hope). Until then, the solution suggested by #shivansh in the other answer (execution of a JavaScript via Selenium) remains the only alternative. Here's the Java adaptation of that solution (collects all text nodes, discards all that are whitespace only, separates the remaining by \t):
WebElement e=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='one']"));
if(driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {
String jswalker=
"var tw = document.createTreeWalker("
+ "arguments[0],"
+ "NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,"
+ "{ acceptNode: function(node) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;} },"
+ "false"
+ ");"
+ "var ret=null;"
+ "while(tw.nextNode()){"
+ "var t=tw.currentNode.wholeText.trim();"
+ "if(t.length>0){" // skip over all-white text values
+ "ret=(ret ? ret+'\t'+t : t);" // if many, tab-separate them
+ "}"
+ "}"
+ "return ret;" // will return null if no non-empty text nodes are found
Object val=((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(jswalker, e);
// ---- Pass the context node here ------------------------------^
String textNodesTabSeparated=(null!=val ? val.toString() : null);
// ----^ --- this is the result you want
TreeWalker - supported by all browsers
Selenium Javascript Executor
Initial suggested solution - not working - see enhancement request: 2840
In a single search
See XPath spec/Location Paths the child::text() selector.
I use a function like below:
private static final String ALL_DIRECT_TEXT_CONTENT =
"var element = arguments[0], text = '';\n" +
"for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; ++i) {\n" +
" var node = element.childNodes[i];\n" +
" if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE" +
" && node.textContent.trim() != '')\n" +
" text += node.textContent.trim();\n" +
"}\n" +
"return text;";
public String getText(WebDriver driver, WebElement element) {
return (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(ALL_DIRECT_TEXT_CONTENT, element);
var outerElement = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("a"));
var outerElementTextWithNoSubText = outerElement.Text.Replace(outerElement.FindElement(By.XPath("./*")).Text, "");
Similar solution to the ones given, but instead of JavaScript or setting text to "", I remove elements in the XML and then get the text.
Need text from 'root element without children' where children can be x levels deep and the text in the root can be the same as the text in other elements.
The solution treats the webelement as an XML and replaces the children with voids so only the root remains.
The result is then parsed. In my cases this seems to be working.
I only verified this code in a environment with Groovy. No idea if it will work in Java without modifications. Essentially you need to replace the groovy libraries for XML with Java libraries and off you go I guess.
As for the code itself, I have two parameters:
WebElement el
boolean strict
When strict is true, then really only the root is taken into account. If strict is false, then markup tags will be left. I included in this whitelist p, b, i, strong, em, mark, small, del, ins, sub, sup.
The logic is:
Manage whitelisted tags
Get element as string (XML)
Parse to an XML object
Set all child nodes to void
Parse and get text
Up until now this seems to be working out.
You can find the code here: GitHub Code
I am using JNA to read Windows event logs. I can get a fair amount of data out of each record but I can't quite get the field names.
To read logs I am doing
EventLogIterator iter = new EventLogIterator("Security");
while(iter.hasNext()) {
EventLogRecord record =;
System.out.println("Event ID: " + record.getEventId()
+ ", Event Type: " + record.getType()
+ ", Event Source: " + record.getSource());
String strings[] = record.getStrings();
for(String str : strings) {
I can get data like the id, type, and source easily. Then I can get the list of strings which may be for SubjectUserSid, SubjectUserName, etc.
I've been trying to get the data that I want with the field names. Is there an easy way to extract the field names/headers for each of the strings from record.getStrings()? I noticed there is a byte[] data variable in the record. I have tried to read this but I haven't been able to get any useful information from it. I know I can get the data length and offset for certain variables which I think I could extract the data that I want that way but I was wondering if that was correct or if there was an easier way.
I am using a JTable and selecting all the rows by CTRL+A.
I am getting the selected rows correct but when I am trying to get the values it only gives the values from viewport.
I am adding a part of my code here.
JTable _resultTable = new JTable();
JScrollPane _resultPane = new JScrollPane();
_resultTable.setModel(JUTableBindingFactory.createAttributeListBinding(_panelBinding, _resultTable , _searchViewName, _searchViewName + "Iter", _searchViewName + "IterBinding", FIELDS));
_changeSelectedButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int[] tableRows = _resultTable.getSelectedRows();
System.out.println(" length :" + tableRows.length);
Row[] dataRows = new Row[tableRows.length];
RowIterator iterator = null;
JUIteratorBinding iterBinding = _panelBinding.getRowIterBinding(_searchViewName, _searchViewName + "Iter",_searchViewName.replace('.','_')+"IterBinding");
iterator = iterBinding != null ? iterBinding.getNavigatableRowIterator() : null;
for (int i = 0; i < tableRows.length; i++)
dataRows[i] = iterator.getRowAtRangeIndex(rowIndexToRangeIndex(tableRows[i], iterator));
System.out.println(" Name :" + i + " " +dataRows[i].getAttribute(1));
From above code snippet if the number of records present are 50 and we can see 10 records, then the output is somehow :
length :50
Name: 0 Nadine
Name : 1 Nadine1
Name : 2 Nadine23
Name : 3 Nadine3
Name : 4 Nadine4
Name : 5 Nadine5
Name : 6 Nadine6
Name : 7 Nadine7
Name : 8 Nadine8
Name : 9 Nadine9
Name : 10 Nadine10
And after printing 10 records it gives NullPointerExpetion at dataRows[i].getAttribute(1) .
So that means it is not picking the data for the records that are not on the viewport.
So what could be the solution ?
I am using BC4J binding to get the data in the table.
Some things suggested by your snippet:
Don't mix model and view coordinates, convert them as required.
Access your TableModel, not the data structure that was used to construct it.
I have searched the issue on internet and found a link which helps me to understand the issue.
The data was not being loaded because the binding loads that much data which needs to be shown on the viewport. So while trying to access the data which was not on viewport was giving error.
To solve the issue we just need to load all the data in View Object by tweaking the bindings a bit.
JUIteratorBinding iterBinding = _panelBinding.getRowIterBinding(_searchViewName, _searchViewName + "Iter",_searchViewName.replace('.','_')+"IterBinding");
DCIteratorBinding iterBinding = _panelBinding.getIteratorBinding(_searchViewName, _searchViewName + "Iter",_searchViewName.replace('.','_')+"IterBinding", -1);
The last argument -1 is used to setRangeSize(-1), which will load all data.
I'm trying to get a list of workflows the document is attached to in an Alfresco webscript, but I am kind of stuck.
My original problem is that I have a list of files, and the current user may have workflows assigned to him with these documents. So, now I want to create a webscript that will look in a folder, take all the documents there, and assemble a list of documents together with task references, if there are any for the current user.
I know about the "workflow" object that gives me the list of workflows for the current user, but this is not a solution for my problem.
So, can I get a list of workflows a specific document is attached to?
Well, for future reference, I've found a way to get all the active workflows on a document from javascript:
var nodeR = search.findNode('workspace://SpacesStore/'+doc.nodeRef);
for each ( wf in nodeR.activeWorkflows )
// Do whatever here.
I used packageContains association to find workflows for document.
Below i posted code in Alfresco JavaScript for active workflows (as zladuric answered) and also for all workflows:
/*global search, logger, workflow*/
var getWorkflowsForDocument, getActiveWorkflowsForDocument;
getWorkflowsForDocument = function () {
"use strict";
var doc, parentAssocs, packages, packagesLen, i, pack, props, workflowId, instance, isActive;
doc = search.findNode("workspace://SpacesStore/8847ea95-108d-4e08-90ab-34114e7b3977");
parentAssocs = doc.getParentAssocs();
packages = parentAssocs["{}packageContains"];
if (packages) {
packagesLen = packages.length;
for (i = 0; i < packagesLen; i += 1) {
pack = packages[i];
props = pack.getProperties();
workflowId = props["{}workflowInstanceId"];
instance = workflow.getInstance(workflowId);
/* instance is org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jscript.JscriptWorkflowInstance */
isActive = instance.isActive();
logger.log(" + instance: " + workflowId + " (active: " + isActive + ")");
getActiveWorkflowsForDocument = function () {
"use strict";
var doc, activeWorkflows, activeWorkflowsLen, i, instance;
doc = search.findNode("workspace://SpacesStore/8847ea95-108d-4e08-90ab-34114e7b3977");
activeWorkflows = doc.activeWorkflows;
activeWorkflowsLen = activeWorkflows.length;
for (i = 0; i < activeWorkflowsLen; i += 1) {
instance = activeWorkflows[i];
/* instance is org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jscript.JscriptWorkflowInstance */
logger.log(" - instance: " + instance.getId() + " (active: " + instance.isActive() + ")");
Unfortunately the javascript API doesn't expose all the workflow functions. It look like getting the list of workflow instances that are attached to a document only works in Java (or Java backed webscripts).
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getWorkflowsForContent(node.getNodeRef(), true);
A usage of this can be found in the workflow list in the document details:
To get to the users who have tasks assigned you would then need to use getWorkflowPaths and getTasksForWorkflowPath methods of the WorkflowService.