Have a Spring 2.5 webapp which runs fine under 1.6, but under 1.5 it can't find PostConstruct class.
Found the following which suggests I need common-annotations.jar (JSR-250) but cannot find anywhere to download it
The reference implementation is available here:
Reference Implementation (RI) and Technology Compatibility Kit is part of glassfish.
In other words, you might end up having to download the GlassFish Application Server just to get the single jar file.
I have a web service and I'm using the Endpoint.publish("")
Thing is that JAX-WS 2.0 and 2.1 is affected by an issue that throw a NullPointerException when executing endpoint.stop().
The issue is fixed in 2.2 but when adding the dependency in the pom.xml publishing fails due to a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.ws.WebFault.messageName()Ljava/lang/String; since I'm using java 1.6.
The workaround is to add to the endorsed folder some libs. But I want to pack it all in jar-with-dependencies. An executable java jar.
Said this, I would be thankful if you help me:
Publishing the endpoint in 2.0 or 2.1 listening to all addresses (
Configuring dependencies in maven to pack everything using 2.2.x
but executable with JDK6
Requirements are a deliverable jar. A single jar that pack all of the dependencies (2 so far, about a 400k jar).
But if you think that the only way to make it work is to add an external shell script please let me know too.
Thank you!
The executable jar format does not allow for endorsed folders required for JAX-WS replacement (and neither does the Java WebStart launcher apparently).
You need to use something that can construct and execute a new "java" command on the fly. The best way from here is most likely to look for an installer which can run the program directly without needing to install.
What exactly do you need to happen?
EDIT: As the requirement is a runnable jar you simply cannot do this with JAX-WS 2.2 Find a workaround with the JAX-WS present in the latest release of the Java version you are targetting.
It is very nice that the JAX-WS stack ship with core Java allowign for very small deployments, but a pain that you cannot easily provide your own.
Note that you can provide your own with Java 5 but then you need to bring your own Endpoint implementation.
Do you need to use the JAX-WS RI? You could use CXF instead which is a fine JAX-WS implementation and doesn't suffer the same collision problems as the RI.
Edit: You could try to generate the classes with the RI, but use CXF in the deployment. JAX-WS is a spec after all so it should work...
How can I create and run a JAX-WS web service in a Dynamic Web Project using Eclipse? I'll be using Tomcat 7 as my server. Can you provide a step by step tutorial on how to do it? A hello world web service will do.
I followed this tutorial but I wasn't able to make it run. I did not follow the tutorial's step 4 - 6 because I'm already using Eclipse and the directories are already properly structured on a Dynamic Web Project. Also, my Tomcat is running under JDK 6. Since JAX-WS is already part of JDK 6, there's no need for me to copy it inside Tomcat. When I run the URL indicated in the tutorial, I get a resource not found error.
I think the jax-ws is not part of the JDK. You have to copy the jax-ws implementation into the Tomcat.
Did you find the jax-ws.jar in your JDK folder?
Ok, JDK6+JAXWS often gives problems.
You need to create an endorsed-Folder.
Try to run Tomcat from Eclipse. using these additional VM-Arguments:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs="<your-server>\endorsed" -Djavax.xml.soap.MessageFactory=com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl
-Djavax.xml.soap.MetaFactory=com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl -Dcom.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump=true
now, place the latest saaj-impl and saaj-api to the endorsed folder.
This should work.
According to java ee 5 api ExpressionFactory provides a method #newInstance.
I'm using the official javaee-api available in maven: Java EE 5 APIs now in a Maven repository...
But this jar does not provide this method. So I get compiler errors.
How can I get a compilable version without using javaee implementations like e.g. glassfish, openejb?
The official Java EE 6.0 jar provided by maven (java.dev.net) contains this method.
According to java ee 5 api ExpressionFactory provides a method #newInstance.
Well, javadoc is not a proof and, actually, this is very likely an error in the Java EE 5 javadoc. The two newInstance() factory methods have been added in the Maintenance Review 1 of the JSR-245 (to make EL standalone and take it out of JSP 2.1, have a look at the JSR-245 MR1 Change Log for the details) but that review has never been released.
So it's not surprising that you don't find this method in the java-ee bundle available in the java.net repo.
But this jar does not provide this method. So I get compiler errors.
As expected. This method is not in Java EE 5 (at least this is my understanding). So you need to use:
ExpressionFactory factory = new ExpressionFactoryImpl();
The official Java EE 6.0 jar provided by maven (java.dev.net) contains this method.
Yes, because this is Java EE 6, because EL is now standalone, with its own specification (technically, EL is still in JSR-245, sorry if this is confusing). So Java EE 6 includes EL 2.2 (yes, the version jumped from 1.1 to 2.1.2 and then 2.2 for a better alignment with the JSP version). And this version does expose the newInstance() methods on ExpressionFactory.
Why don't you want to use the libs from a Java EE server ? You'll eventually have to test in one, even if locally. You could use Tomcat, it's easy to install and to use.
In Tomcat for example, all the jars providing the Java EE api are available in the lib folder. If you compile using those libs, and stick to the standard Java EE API, your code will be compatible with all servers that implement the Java EE API.
If you use Maven and don't want to have these libs in your arborescence, and have a server installed, you can use the system dependency type (see here for more informations)
I am new to Java and experiencing problems understanding exceptions thrown by the framework.
Right now, I am trying to implement a regular expression validator into an application consisting of Java 5 EE with myFaces 1.2 and Tobago running in an apache tomcat 5.5.
I followed a couple of tutorials (including the Java 5 EE tut from SUN) and came pretty far. However, when calling my jsp, I get the following error message:
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/faces/validator/Validator class
Can anyone explain to me what I need to do to solve this problem?
So far, it seems as if MyFaces 1.1.7 has a version conflict to TomCat 5.5. Both contain javax.* packages (one of them namely javax.faces.validator). The validator class has a different version in the packages. The corresponding MyFaces library is called myfaces-api-1.1.7.jar and the TomCat library is called javaee.jar.
The included javax packages in the myfaces lib is a subset of the packages from within the javaee lib. However... I cannot skip any of both, because the project will fail to start then.
Any tipps?
This is almost certainly caused by your application having its own copy of Validator (in one of its JAR files), and this is clashing with the server's own copy. Something this can cause a LinkageError.
Find out which of your WAR or EAR's JAR files contains that, and remove it (along with the rest of the javax.faces classes).
Sounds like a classpath problem. Check your classpath for two jars with conflicting versions (both containing the javax.faces.validator.Validator class)
According to the MyFaces homepage. Tomcat Config: Tomcat 5.5.x
Some users have reported problems when
using MyFaces with Tomcat 5.5.x. Here
is a short guide that will hopefully
help you not run into the same
problems :-)
If your are using the binary version
of MyFaces: MyFaces is packaged so
that it works with Tomcat 5.0.x so
the WEB-INF/lib/jsp-2.0.jar and
WEB-INF/lib/commons-el.jar JAR files must be removed from your
WAR files (including the examples).
If you are building from source: If
you want to build MyFaces from scratch
to work with Tomcat 5.5.x, you have to
set the property
tomcat.pre.5.5.version in the
file to the value false.
Perhaps you've got two conflicting versions of the same library available on your classpath. For example, you might have a jar file in WEB-INF/lib that's already provided in TOMCAT_HOME/lib. (el-api.jar is a common culprit, but there are other possibilities.)
I haven't been using Java extensively hence forget a lot fundamental things. Basically, I am working with a web-dynamic project (using Eclipse IDE with jdk 1.6), and during the build, I get errors that Cookie class and other web related classes cannot be found. What am I missing?
What Jars files do I need to add (and how)?
Think you need servlet-api.jar
Try here for any jar files you need http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/CatalogJar.htm
Sounds like you are missing servlet-api.jar
You can download it from the Maven repository.
Servlets are only part of the Enterprise Edition, not of the Standard Edition of Java. So you need the Java Enterprise Edition, AKA Java EE.
As others have said, you're missing the server api jar.
Having said that, downloading just the servlet api jar and not the server that goes with it means that you can't actually test your code.
In Eclipse, once you're installed a servlet container, such as Sun's Glassfish, Apache Tomcat, or Jetty, you can create a server instance of it so that Eclipse will compile against your server's servlet implementation. Creating a server instance also means that Eclipse's Run on Server command works.
IBM has a slightly outdated guide on Developing Web applications with Tomcat and Eclipse. The entire "Install the Web tools" section can be skipped if you have the Eclipse EE version, as Web Tools are already installed.