I need to use custom filters, so I need to convert some long log4j.properties files to log4j.xml.
Is anyone aware of a tool to do this, or willing to contribute one they have used? Searching has thus far turned up no such tool.
I needed to do this as well, but couldn't find a tool. Migrating by hand dozens of log4j.properties was not a palatable option. So, I bashed together a tool that can do it and released it for others to use.
It's a bit rough but did the trick for the log4j properties I gave it, so any problems log them on the issue tracker. Hope you find it useful.
Here is something that may help you. Ceki Gülcü, the creator of log4j, started another logger project named logback, and he provides an online translator for log4j.properties files to xml config files for logback. It looks like the configuration file schemas of log4j.xml and logback.xml are pretty close.
At least it should produce something that can easily be converted to the log4j.xml format.
For your convenience: here's a sample log4j.properties file from the log4j documentation. Just paste it into the translator and check the output:
log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, R
# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n
# Keep one backup file
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n
Late answer, but nowadays a class named Log4j1ConfigurationConverter from the log4j bridge API offers batch(recursive) conversion from log4jv1 .properties to log4jv2.xml config.
From the javadocs:
"Tool for converting a Log4j 1.x properties configuration file to Log4j 2.x XML configuration file."
Example call that converts all files named log4j.properties found recursively in a given path:
java org.apache.log4j.config.Log4j1ConfigurationConverter --recurse
<directory-path-to-convert> --in log4j.properties --verbose
Presumably you must have a lot of properties files you need to convert. When I wanted to switch to xml (many years ago) I couldn't find much documentation. I did find sample xml files in the log4j distribution which were very useful.
Recently used https://github.com/balent/Log4j-Convert-Configuration to convert a log4j.xml file to a log4j.properties file (an ancient jar I had to use was explicitly looking for log4j.properties). The configuration allows going both ways: xml to properties OR properties to xml.
Download the binary build from https://github.com/balent/Log4j-Convert-Configuration/blob/master/binaries/full-with-dependencies/log4j-convert-full.jar and then just type:
java -jar log4j-convert-full.jar -i log4j.properties -o log4j.xml
Leaving this on here for future me to find.
I am doing a Java project and I have already integrated the Log4j API Version 2 into my programme (CLearly for the first time and I have no idea how it works , thus if my question seems easy don't put the blame on me ) . The content of my log4j.properties is as follow :
and then I imported the log4j library into my class and for debugging purpose I've written the following and the output is shown as well
//My Code
logger.debug("Sample debug message");
logger.info("Sample info message");
logger.warn("Sample warn message");
logger.error("Sample error message");
logger.fatal("Sample fatal message");
DEBUG - Sample debug message
INFO - Sample info message
WARN - Sample warn message
ERROR - Sample error message
FATAL - Sample fatal message
which means that the log4j is working fine . How ever I'd like to change the format of the output and add time stamp to it . Based on my research on the other questions asked in this site and referring to https://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout.html I know that I need to use something like :
[%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
but once I added this to my log4j.properties I recived an error .My question is where should I specify the output format for my log outputs .
Here are the libraries I've imported as well :
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
Worth mentioning that I've tried adding the following to my log4j.properties : log4j.appender.ConsoleAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p] %d %c - %m%n
yet I am keep getting errors that some thing is wrong with my log4j.properties which is not the case when I remove it and it would work fine :)
You need a file named log4j2.properties on your classpath to be picked up automatically.
Documentation from Log4j2:
Log4j has the ability to automatically configure itself during
initialization. When Log4j starts it will locate all the
ConfigurationFactory plugins and arrange them in weighted order from
highest to lowest. As delivered, Log4j contains four
ConfigurationFactory implementations: one for JSON, one for YAML, one
for properties, and one for XML.
Log4j will inspect the "log4j.configurationFile" system property and,
if set, will attempt to load the configuration using the
ConfigurationFactory that matches the file extension.
If no system property is set the properties ConfigurationFactory will
look for log4j2-test.properties in the classpath.
If no such file is found the YAML ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2-test.yaml or log4j2-test.yml in the classpath.
If no such file is found the JSON ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2-test.json or log4j2-test.jsn in the classpath.
If no such file is found the XML ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2-test.xml in the classpath.
If a test file cannot be located the properties ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2.properties on the classpath.
If a properties file cannot be located the YAML ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2.yaml or log4j2.yml on the classpath.
If a YAML file cannot be located the JSON ConfigurationFactory will look for log4j2.json or log4j2.jsn on the classpath.
If a JSON file cannot be located the XML ConfigurationFactory will try to locate log4j2.xml on the classpath.
If no configuration file could be located the DefaultConfiguration will be used. This will cause logging output to go to the console.
You can find all documentation on log4j2 configuration here: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html
Thanks to D.B. for pointing out the correct answer.
I am trying to use SLF4J-Log4j for the first time. In every Java class, I define a logger like so:
private org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(<TheClass>.class);
(And of course, I make sure that the slf4-log4j12-1.6.4.jar JAR is on the classpath!)
But whenever I go to use the logger, like logger.debug("Something interesting happened"); or logger.error("An error occurred");, I don't see their output in my log files. However, no exceptions occur and the app (its actually a WAR deployed to Tomcat) runs fine.
Here is the log4j.properties file included in the project:
# Set the root logger to DEBUG.
# MonitorLog - used to log messages in the Monitor.log file.
log4j.appender.MonitorAppender.layout.ConversionPattern= %-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
# Use the MonitorAppender to log all messages.
This WAR uses Quartz to cron a few jobs, which is why you see that last entry.
When I check Tomcat's logs/ directory, I see the MyAppMonitor.log get created, but it has nothing in it (0 bytes). I've scanned all the typical catalina.out, catalina-, and localhost- logs as well, and none of my log statements are seeing the light of day.
I am thinking:
I don't have log4j.properties configured right, or
I don't have slf4j-log4j configured right, or
This is a classpath issue and perhaps the WAR can't find log4j.properties (although I would imagine I would see errors or warnings for this), or
I'm not using (the API itself) SLF4J correctly, or
I never actually created something called MonitorAppender, so I'm wondering if this is the problem; I was just following an example I saw online
Can anybody spot where I'm going awrye, or help me troubleshoot this? Thanks in advance!
Your log4j.properties configuration file is has a number of errors in it. Try with something simple like the following.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CON
log4j.appender.CON.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
As for the configuration file in your question, the root logger does not have an appender attached. Moreover, the line
is not valid as '*' is not supported.
This was the log4j file I used for my project till I checked in my project to a SVN repository. This was working fine and I saw log information on Eclipse's console
log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, R
# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d - %p %t %C.%M (%F:%L) %m%n
# Keep one backup file
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d - %p %t %C.%M (%F:%L) %m%n
I checked out my project from repository and disabled logging by making this change in my log4j property file.
#log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, R
But this change didn't work as expected, I still got the log information on Eclipse's console. When I cross checked the same on Terminal, it was fine, I didn't get log info on Terminal. Any problem with Eclipse? I searched a lot on this issue, didn't get any solution. Help me in finding out what's wrong here!!!
There are two possible issues here:
the configuration should say (to tell it no appenders, instead of looking for OFF appender):
Eclipse is using an old version of the file, likely because you edited the file outside of Eclipse. Just refresh the file (Right click / Refresh) and it should start working as you expect.
Use the -Dlog4j.debug property to output log4j-internal debugging information and see which logging configuration is really loaded on startup
You will get some information like this (for xml based configuration but I suppose you will get similar informations with property file configurations):
log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#11b86e7.
log4j: Using URL [file:/C:/develop/workspace/foobar/target/classes/log4j.xml] for automatic log4j configuration.
log4j: Preferred configurator class: org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator
The 'log4j: Using URL ...' line comes from the LogManager class.
So I am not very experience in Java and I am creating a simple test project with Hibernate but I am gettinga lot of INFO messages on the console that I want to suppress. I am creating a Java SE program in Eclipse.
Now as I think I understand it then I need to control this in a log4j.properties file, and I seem to have found the appropiate config to use, but the problem is that it appears that it makes no difference!
My guess is that my log4j.properties file is somehow not being read. But all the details I have found say to place in in the root of my src directory, but it appears not to make any difference. And I have tried placing it in other places in my classpath but all with no luck.
Can somebody help me track down the issue and resolve this?
I had a similar issue last week with a jndi.properties files while using JMS. I eventually resolved that by I am guessing that I am doing something wrong in general. So any tips would be appreciated on where to place config/properties files.
log4j logging hierarchy order
To suppress info messages ,you need to make log4j.properties as
#rootlogger specs
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
set any other logger as OFF
I'm trying to permit debug logging per a particular class using Log4j, and I've got the following:
log4j.rootLogger=stdout, daily
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{h:mm:ssa} %5p (%F:%L) - %m%n
log4j.appender.daily.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{h:mm:ssa} %5p (%F:%L) - %m%n
If this is the WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties file as part of tomcat should debug messages from mycompany.myapplication.mymodule be seen or do the entries later in the file override it? (or am I changing the logging level per class completely wrong?)
Secondly, if a log4j.properties file is included in a jar file, do my settings in Tomcat override those?
You tell your class to log at level DEBUG but tell the appenders to ignore anything below WARN and INFO, so you won't see the log messages.
As for the order in which the log4j.properties will be discovered:
Any JAR in WEB-INF/lib
common/classes (in the tomcat directory)
Any JAR that you put into common/endorsed
Any JAR that you put into common/lib
Any JAR that you put into shared/lib
The discovery will stop with the first file found.
For your first question, I would say that log4j.appender.daily.threshold=info is a problem. I might not pick any DEBUG message.
Normally, we don't give a threshold to an appender, levels are configured for loggers.
I suggest you use the log4j.xml instead of the log4j.properties.
In addition to the useful validation, it adds some interesting features or default values.
I don't recall exactly which though...
Yes, you seem to be configuring your individual loggers correctly.
No, they will not be seen because you are declaring thresholds on both of your appenders which are above DEBUG:
As for "Secondly, if a log4j.properties file is included in a jar file, do my settings in Tomcat override those?", I'm not sure what you mean by this. log4j attempts to load a log4j.xml or log4j.properties from the classpath, and will use whichever it finds first. IIRC, entries in the shared lib folder of Tomcat supercede the classpath of each application. If you have a log4j configuration in both a jar in WEB-INF/lib and in a plaintext file in WEB-INF/classes, then you are essentially flipping a coin at runtime as to which will be used.
I think you have to give mymodule an appender, as in
log4j.logger.com.mycompany.myapplication.mymodule=DEBUG, Daily
Also, if you set the additivity to false, you make sure messages get logged only
by the appender you specify.
The 'root' of a jar is normally not included in the CLASSPATH, so a log4j.properties within a jar should be invisible to the JVM.