In JPA, is there any way you can replicate Hibernate's saveOrUpdate behavior,
public void saveOrUpdate(Object object)
throws HibernateException
Either save(Object) or update(Object) the given instance, depending upon resolution of the unsaved-value checks (see the manual for discussion of unsaved-value checking).
This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update".
object - a transient or detached instance containing new or updated state
See Also:
save(Object), update(Object)
which essentially checks to see if the object already exists in the database and either updates that object as need be or saves a new instance of the object.
JPA transcationless reads are nice, but I am really missing this method from Hibernate. How do experienced JPA developers handle this?
Try using the EntityManager.merge method - this is very similar.
There is an excellent description of the differences in Xebia's blogpost: "JPA Implementation Patterns: Saving (Detached) Entities."
The problem with the method outlined in the article that Pablojim linked to, is that it doesn't handle auto generated primary keys very well.
Consider the creation of a new ORM entity object, you can give this the same data as an existing row in the database table, but unless I am mistaken, the entity manager does not recognize them as the same row until they have the same primary key, which in a entity that uses auto generated keys, you can't get until you go up to the database.
Here is my current work around for that situation;
* Save an object into the database if it does not exist, else return
* object that exists in the database.
* #param query query to find object in the database, should only return
* one object.
* #param entity Object to save or update.
* #return Object in the database, whither it was prior or not.
private Object saveOrUpdate(Query query, Object entity) {
final int NO_RESULT = 0;
final int RESULT = 1;
//should return a list of ONE result,
// since the query should be finding unique objects
List results = query.getResultList();
switch (results.size()) {
return entity;
case RESULT:
return results.get(0);
throw new NonUniqueResultException("Unexpected query results, " +
I am trying to capture the entity data in the database before the save is executed, for the purpose of creating a shadow copy.
I have implemented the following EntityListener in my Spring application:
public class CmsListener {
public CmsListener() {
private void createShadow(CmsModel entity) {
EntityManager em = BeanUtility.getBean(EntityManager.class);
CmsModel p = em.find(entity.getClass(), entity.getId());
The entity does indeed contain the entity object that is to be saved, and then I inject the EntityManager using another tool, which works fine - but for some reason, the entity has already been saved to the database. The output of CmsModel p = em.find(...) results in identical data which is in entity.
Why is JPA/hibernate persisting the changes before #PreUpdate is called? How can I prevent that?
I would assume this is because em.find doesn't actually query the database but fetches the object from cache, so it actually fetches the same object entity refers to (with changes already applied).
You could check your database log for the query that fetches the data for to verify this is indeed the case or you could add a breakpoint in createShadow() and have a look at the database entry for entity at the time the function is called to see for yourself if the changes are already applied to the database at that time.
To actually solve your problem and get your shadow copy you could fetch the object directly from database via native query.
Here is an untested example of what this could look like:
public CmsModel fetchCmsModelDirectly(){
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT,cm.value_a,cm.value_b FROM CmsModel cm", CmsModel.class);
return q.getSingleResult();
}catch(NoResultException e){
return null;
Do you check if the entity is really updated to database? My suspect is that the change is only updated to the persistence context (cache). And when the entity is query back at the listener, the one from the cache is returned. So they are identical.
This is the default behavior of most of the ORM (JPA in this case) to speed up the data lookup. The ORM framework will take care of the synchronizing between the persistence context and the database. Usually when the transaction is committed.
for(int index=0; index<10; index++) {
Session session = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().openSession();;
Does this code store the passed object in save(object) in DB 10 times or it will be overridden every time?
It depends on the object's state.
If you create a new object each time, new object is in the transient state: it is not mapped to a database record and not managed by any persistence context. So, calling Hibernate's save() method will create a new record in the database.
But if you call save() method with a managed object which is already attached to the current persistence context and mapped to a database record: the same object will be updated.
save method in hibernate:
*Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. (Or
using the current value of the identifier property if the assigned
generator is used.) This operation cascades to associated instances if the
association is mapped with cascade="save-update"
Accept parameters :#param object a transient instance of a persistent class
Return Prameters : #return the generated identifier*
In summary, the save() method saves records into the database by INSERT SQL query, Generates a new identifier, and returns the Serializable identifier back. So you will have 10 Object record in your database with different Ids
Read more:
Hope it helps.
I had an app with the following code working just fine until I upgraded hibernate (5.3.2 to 5.4.10 )
List<UserRole> roles = entity.getRoles();
for(UserRole r : roles) {
for(RoleEnum r : selectedRoles) {
UserRole role = new UserRole(entity, r);
So, then I started getting an exception
Caused by: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object
references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance
before flushing : WEBPIECESxPACKAGE.base.libs.UserRole.user ->
This would happen when I 'add' a new user entity. If I edit an old user(it uses the same exact code), then it would be fine.
I changed to Em.get().persist(entity) instead and that works for adding a new entity to DB and for editing an old one.
BUT the documentation still says what old JPA/hibernate used to do for persist which is
#throws EntityExistsException if the entity already exists.
Is everyone using persist now as the add or edit function? (ie. having one function that saves or edits as I don't really care which is very very nice AND hibernate can tell from the DB id existing or not whether it is an add or an edit so there is no reason to not have a single call for both).
I am NOW using em.persist() which is working for UPDATE or SAVE...weird
It can be seen on line 110 here
I am using Hibernate 5.4.10
Possible Duplicate of Update Vs Merge
Whats happening here is:
Edit Mode :
List<UserRole> roles = entity.getRoles(); //Gets Existing Roles from DB
for(UserRole r : roles) {
Em.get().remove(r); //Removes Roles to existing user
roles.clear(); // Clean up local memory
for(RoleEnum r : selectedRoles) { // User Input Roles
UserRole role = new UserRole(entity, r); // New Entity with existing user
Em.get().persist(role); // Role Entity Referenced to existing user object, saved
Em.get().merge(entity); // ?? No Need in edit unless roles are stored in user table
New User Mode :
List<UserRole> roles = entity.getRoles(); // New Detached User Entity Roles
for(UserRole r : roles) { // Probably Empty Roles Array
Em.get().remove(r); // Removed roles
roles.clear(); // Clean up Memory
for(RoleEnum r : selectedRoles) { // Copy from App Roles
UserRole role = new UserRole(entity, r); //Create new role
Em.get().persist(role); //Save Role to DB
Em.get().merge(entity); // Trying to merge non existing Entity <-- This is where error appears
The persist method works because it has decides when to use insert or update command. Since new user entity has no ID set to it, it has no idea what to do with it, while it may have worked in past, actual behavior of mergig is very well explain in this thread merging a detached or new entity with an existing entity in hibernate/jpa best practice question
See for yourself :
If your entity is a detached entity the only thing u really need to do
is to invoke entityManager.merge(user). You dont need to exec any
finder method. If your entity is not detached but rather new (it does
not have id specified) you should find appropriate entity in the
database prior performing any modification operations on that entity
and merge it afterwards.
Another detailed reference is given here : persist() and merge() in JPA and Hibernate
Here is the reference from docs :
save(Object object) throws HibernateException
Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. (Or using the current value of the identifier property if the assigned generator is used.) This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update".
object - a transient instance of a persistent class
the generated identifier
void persist(String entityName,
Object object)
throws HibernateException
Make a transient instance persistent. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="persist".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
object - a transient instance to be made persistent
Object merge(String entityName,
Object object)
throws HibernateException
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
object - a detached instance with state to be copied
an updated persistent instance
save() and persist() result in an SQL INSERT, delete() in an SQL
DELETE and update() or merge() in an SQL UPDATE. Changes to persistent
instances are detected at flush time and also result in an SQL UPDATE.
saveOrUpdate() and replicate() result in either an INSERT or an
Conclusion: Functions are behaving as they are intended.
I used this JPA: check whether an entity object has been persisted or not
to know if i persist or merge my entity , It will look like this :
if (!getEntityManager().contains(entity)) {
System.out.println(" PERSIST ");
} else {
System.out.println(" MERGE ");
The case is that - even if I edit my entity - it will not recognized as a merge.
How is it possible and how to make it work?
According to the JPA 2.1 specification (PDF page 72),
the EntityManager method public boolean contains(Object entity) does:
Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context.
For this reason, the check is not conducted against the actual database, but against the current persistence context.
Moreover, on PDF page 86 of the spec document we find:
The contains method returns true:
• If the entity has been retrieved from the database or has been returned by getReference, and has not been removed or detached.
• If the entity instance is new, and the persist method has been called on the entity or the persist operation has been cascaded to it.
The contains method returns false:
• If the instance is detached.
Most likely, you have a detached entity state in the moment the calling code of the code snippet is executed. Thus, the call for contains(..) always evaluates to false.
As an alternative, you can use
public <T> T find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) (see p. 66) or
public <T> T getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) (see p. 68)
to check the presence as a tuple in the underlying database. Which one of the above methods you chose will depend on the context of your code/application.
Hope it helps.
I have the following simple code:
public void saveExpense() {
// Create dummy Expense object i.e. { "description": "Short Description", "date": etc }
Expense expenseToSave = ExpenseHelper.createExpense("Short Description", new Date(), user);
Expense savedExpense =;
// What is strange, is that here, both expenseToSave and savedExpense have id set to 1 for example; after save the expense should have an id;
Expense expected = ExpenseHelper.createExpense("Short Description", new Date(), user);
// Check if expected object is equal to the saved one
Assert.assertTrue(expected.equals(expenseService.findByDescription("Short Description")));
Normally I would expect that expenseToSave to be without id and savedExpense with id, but both have id after save. Why?
That made another variable to be necessary and complicate the test.
That's just how the Hibernate method is specified. From the documentation:
Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated
identifier. (Or using the current value of the identifier property if
the assigned generator is used.) This operation cascades to associated
instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update".
IDs are the mechanism how Hibernate differentiates between persisted and transient objects, and how it identifies specific objects. Therefore, the ID is set early in the persistence step, as for example cyclic references in an object tree are resolved via IDs while persisting.
What differentiates the returned object vs. the original object is that the returned object is attached to the Hibernate session. For example, with active cascading, contained entities (e.g. in a one-to-many collection) are now persistent instances as well in the returned object.
Please be aware that
void EntityManager#persist(java.lang.Object entity)
Persists the given object by changing the object passed in and does not return a persisted copy - I suspect your ExpenseHelper to return the original object additionally so that you receive the same object via return as you already have by passing it in.
This follows a common anti-pattern for a kind of unified behaviour of DAO to be something like
public T create(T entity) {
return entity;
to get a kind of synchronicity with saving something
public T save(T entity) {
return this.entityManager.merge(entity);
<T> T EntityManager#merge(T entity)
does indeed merge and pass you the merged entity.
It can depend on Hibernate mapping of the Expense entity, or implementation of ExpenseHelper class.
Also, take a look on Expense.equals() implementation.
Based on this statement:
Expense savedExpense =;
the value of the savedExpense object will depend on what your are doing in the save method. Usually save methods don't return an object. You already have a reference to the object that you just saved (expenseToSave) available to you. And you are trying to assert that your expected object equals the object that was saved, which is fine. So I am not sure what the purpose of returning an object in
Also, note that the id of the object expenseToSave would have been populated by your ORM (Hibernate, I assume) based on your configuration, when you save it. There is no need to return this object or another object in the save method.