jar file for JPA 2.0 - java

import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
I've created a JPA project where I try to user the above classes but I'm unable to find what jar I'm missing for them. Please guide me.

Try the Geronimo specs JPA2 jar
There is still no official JPA2.jar

EclipseLink provides the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation which is officially out since Java EE 6 is out. You'll find these classes in the jars bundled in eclipselink-2.0.0.v20091127-r5931.zip. If you are looking for a Maven repo, have a look at this page.

A slightly better answer (since 2011) is to use the one from maven central, i.e.,
See: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hibernate/javax/persistence/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api/1.0.1.Final/
For all the available versions, especially the latest, see http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hibernate/javax/persistence/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api/

Here is hibernate-jpa-2.0

These files are found in the javax.persistence jar file. The Eclipse version of the javax.persistence jar file can be found on Maven Central. Or you can add the following dependency in your project's pom.xml file to get Maven to pull it down for you.


Why am I not able to import a class into java file in Eclipse Maven Project?

I need to use AuthenticationRequest in my Maven Java Project. I did a search on the internet and found AuthenticationRequest on this page (OpenID Connect authentication), indicating this library contains AuthenticationRequest. I follow the links on that website to this page (com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk-6.13 API Doc) and find a list of packages. I found this library at Maven Repository.
I added the information in my pom.xml in my Maven Project in Eclipse. Updated Project. Yet I am not able to import any packages starting with "com.nimbusds.oauth2".
Here is the dependency info for that library that I put in my pom.xml file:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.nimbusds/oauth2-oidc-sdk -->
I am following an example code that uses the AuthenticationRequest class. I am having trouble finding the Maven info to put in my pom.xml file that allows me to use that class in my project. How do I find the right info for it?
Since you are developing a class that depends on that AuthenticationRequest class to compile, your maven goal is going to be before runtime. Maven scope of runtime is not appropriate.
You need to modify your pom.xml to specify compile scope:
Since Maven's default scope is compile, you could also just omit the scope tag.
Maven will import dependencies from the Maven Central repository by default. If Maven Central doesn't contain your dependency (I haven't checked) you must specify a repository that does contain it with something of this form in your pom.xml (note the repo is just an example - substitute a real one that contains your dependency)

The import org.mybatis.dynamic cannot be resolved

I want to try the example of dynamic update statement on this tutorial link : http://www.mybatis.org/mybatis-dynamic-sql/docs/update.html. I saw that it needs the import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.update.render.UpdateStatementProvider; , So i've searched for dependency in the maven central and added below dependency on my pom.xml
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mybatis.dynamic-sql/mybatis-dynamic-sql -->
Already tried mvn clean install -U on maven build but still The import org.mybatis.dynamic cannot be resolved error always shows. Where can i have the correct maven dependency for this. Or you can suggest me other dynamic update statement approach on mybatis using xml mapper.
I also added the newest version of it and everything worked as expected. I had the problem, that mybatis-spring-boot-starter did not include mybatis-dynamic-sql.

Import / Dependency Cannot be Resolved in Maven

I'm using a program that relies on the following two imports:
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLDevice;
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLPlatform;
Eclipse is reporting that the "import cannot be resolved" even though I've added LWJGL OpenCL as a dependency to my project.
Here's a snapshot of my POM file:
I've read somewhere that these classes only exist in an earlier version so I tried changing the version to all of the versions found here ( from 3.1.0 to 3.1.6) but none of them resolved the issue.
Is there an earlier/different version that is not on the Maven repository page? If not where could I find the said class?
It seems that you are using the abandoned lwjgl v2 library. It can be found in another Maven repository:

Not able to use #Inject in eclipse 4

I am trying to use dependency injection in my eclipse project. I included maven dependency for org.eclipse.e4.core.di in my dependency management pom.
And also, in the plugin where I am using dependency injection with compile scope.
After this, when I try to use the annotation #Inject, I am seeing error and I am not able to see any import suggestion also.
I have tried including the following in the pom also
What is causing this problem? I am using Java 8.
To use #Inject you must include javax.inject in the Require-Bundle or Import-Package entries in the MANIFEST.MF of your plug-in.
To do this in the MANIFEST.MF editor go to the Dependencies tab and add javax.inject to the Required Plug-ins or Imported Packages section.
When you have done this you should be able to use
import javax.inject.Inject;
in your code.
Note: Only classes created from entries in the e4 Application.e4xmi are injected unless you use ContextInjectionFactory to create the class.

Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bouncycastle/asn1/DEREncodable during PDF Encryption [duplicate]

I'm trying to use iText Java.
When you run the example "how to sign" the following error occurs:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo
According "Getting Started with iText - How to sign a PDF using iText", I have to use the BouncyCastle.
I downloaded the file: bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar from BouncyCastle download page.
And added to the project: Java Build Path/Libraries/Add External JARs...
I added the following line:
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
When you run the example the same error occurs.
So I downloaded another file: bcpkix-jdk15on-147.jar entitled "PKIX/CMS/EAC/PKCS/OCSP/TSP/OPENSSL"
And added to the project: Java Build Path/Libraries/Add External JARs...
Now I have two Jars.
When you run the example the following error occurs:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable
I tried downloading the file "bcprov-ext-jdk15on-147.jar" but did not solve the problem.
I am using iText 5.2.1 and eclipse on Windows 7 64 bits.
iText marks bouncycastle dependencies as optional. If you require them, you need to add the dependencies in your own pom file.
To find out which dependency to include in your project, open the itextpdf pom.xml file of the version you are using (for example 5.3.2, here) and search for the 2 bouncycastle dependencies.
Copy them into your pom file and remove the optional option.
BouncyCastle libs are undergoing heavy API changes that broke the compatibility with other libs like iText.
use a previous version of BouncyCastle libs. Old versions can be found here. However, you'll have to find the right version of iText that was compatible with this particular version of BC.
make your own build of iText (the SVN trunk has been fixed). iText can be build with Maven (there's a short readme file at the root of the SVN). Please note that it's at your own risk, there may be bugs in trunk.
wait for the next version of iText. From my experience, iText releases come every couple of months, sometime more often, sometimes less. I'm not an iText committer though, so I can't give you any ETA.
More information can be found in this thread
With itextpdf version 5.5.4 org.bouncycastle dependencies are marked as <optional>true</optional>. This means you MUST include those dependencies in your own pom, or you can run into classnotfound exceptions.
<!-- Bouncycastle dependencies necessary as they are optional = true
in itextpdf ... but they're not-so-optional in reality -->
from version of bcprov-jdk15on-147, class of DEREncodable is no longer exist under the path of org.bouncycastle.asn1. You can use version before 146 (including 146) to resolve this question.
It's strange that the jars available at bouncycastle.org don't seem to contain this class. Perhaps, you may want to use one from the locations listed in this page (link).
i have the same problem, but a fix it when i download the libreria and update those files on /WEBINF/LIB
Luckily, the dependency jars are being delivered along with the iText now.
Please check the repository link below and download extrajars.zip file
For jruby-ers with the same failure, I updated to jruby-complete- from jruby-complete-1.6.6.jar and the problem seemed to resolve...FWIW...

