Java reflection and manifest file in jar - java

I would like to (and I don't know if it's possible) do something if jarA is in my classpath and do something else if jarB is in my classpath. I am NOT going to be specifying these jars in the Netbeans project library references because I don't know which of the jars will be used.
Now including the jar in my Netbeans project library references works when I try to use the jar's classes through reflection. But when I remove the netbeans project library reference but add the jar to my classpath the reflection does not work.
My question is really 1) can this be done? 2) Am I thinking about it correctly 3) How come when I specify -cp or -classpath to include the directory containing the jar it doesn't work? 4) How come when I specify the directory in my in the jar file it doesn't work?
Please let me know. This is really bothering me.

on point 3 - you should include the fully qualified jar name in your classpath, not just the directory.

I believe so!
This will tell you which Jar files are in your classpath. Then do X or Y as you please.

A classpath can reference a directory that contains .class files, or it can reference a .jar file directly. If it references a directory that contains .jar files, they will not be included.
java -help says this about -classpath: "list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files." This is very clear that a directory on the classpath is searched for class files, not JAR archives.

This is how I'm doing it. The inner class encapsulates the singleton instance of the logger and its trace method (heh - I know - a singleton inside a singleton). The outer class only uses it if the special class can be loaded, otherwise we go on without it. Hopefully you can modify this to suit your needs. And any suggestions as to better code are always appreciated! :-) HTH
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* Provides centralized access to standardized output formatting. Output is sent to System.out and,
* if the classpath allows it, to the Cisco CTIOS LogManager. (This is NOT a dependency, however.)
public class LogWriter
protected static LogWriter me = null;
private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = null;
private StringBuffer line = null;
CLogger ciscoLogger = null;
* The following 2 methods constitute the thread-safe singleton pattern.
private static class LogWriterHolder
public static LogWriter me = new LogWriter();
* Returns singleton instance of the class. Thread-safe. The only way to get one is to use this.
* #return an instance of LogWriter
public static LogWriter sharedInstance()
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss ");
line = new StringBuffer();
try {
Class x = Class.forName("");
if( x != null ) {
java.lang.reflect.Method m = x.getMethod("Instance", new Class[0]);
java.lang.reflect.Method n = x.getMethod("Trace", int.class, String.class );
if( m != null ) {
Object y = m.invoke( x , new Object[0] );
if( n != null ) {
ciscoLogger = new CLogger(); = y;
ciscoLogger.traceImpl = n ;
} catch(Throwable e )
System.err.println( e.getMessage() ) ;
* Formats a line and sends to System.out. The collection and formatting of the text is
* thread safe.
* #param message The human message you want to display in the log (required).
* #param hostAddress Host address of server (optional)
* #param hostPort Port on hostAddresss (optional) - also used for className in object-specific logs.
public void log( String message, String hostAddress, String hostPort )
if ( message == null || message.length() < 3 ) return;
synchronized( this )
try {
line.delete(0, line.length());
line.append(dateFormat.format(new Date()));
line.append(" ");
while (line.length() < 28)
line.append(" ");
this.write( line.toString() );
} catch (Exception e) {
private void write(String line )
System.out.println( line ) ;
* Write a simple log message to output delegates (default is System.out).
* <p>
* Will prepend each line with date in yyyyMMddHHmmss format. there will be a big space
* after the date, in the spot where host and port are normally written, when {#link LogWriter#log(String, String, String) log(String,String,String)}
* is used.
* #param message What you want to record in the log.
public void log( String message )
if( ciscoLogger != null ) ciscoLogger.trace(0x01, message );
this.log( message, "", "");
class CLogger
Object target;
Method traceImpl;
public void trace( int x, String y )
try {
traceImpl.invoke( target, x, y) ;
} catch( Throwable e ) {
// nothing to say about this


How to save txt on custom path

I have a code that saves a textfile, but the path of that textfile and the name are hardcoded.
How can i make that the user select his/her own path and the name of the file?
int[][] sudokuNumbers = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};
try (
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new File("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\Proyecto4.3\\output.txt"));) {
for (int i = 0; i < sudokuNumbers.length; i++) {
String s= "";
for (int j = 0; j < sudokuNumbers[i].length; j++) {
s+= "|" + sudokuNumbers[i][j] + "|";
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
The task is relatively easy to carry out however you will need a couple methods to assist you. If a User is to supply a custom path (specific for them-self) then you will need to ensure that the path will be created so that it exists before the file is created and written to. Another thing to consider is that there may also be a requirement of Permissions to be granted to the application so as to carry out the task within the local file system (if this is where the file is to be created) or wherever else.
Obviously you will need to provide a means for the User to supply a path and file name. The best way to do this in my opinion is with a Folder Chooser dialog. The reason I say this is because it's not nearly as prone to mistakes (spelling, system format, etc.) as it would be if the User completely typed in the desired path and file name. Basically, the less control you give the User to the local file system the better off your application will be. Creating a folder (directory) based on the User Name within a preset file system location and utilizing a User name and date/time for file names is relatively common and can be all auto-generated, this eliminates the possibility of any file system errors. If possible, your application should maintain full control of such a task but understandably this can not always be the case for specific applications where User interaction with the file system is a requirement due to the fact that it's sole functionality is based on such interaction. For example, a File System Explorer where creating, cutting, copying, pasting, deleting, and editing of files and folders is its allowable purpose.
To demonstrate what I'm talking about I have quickly created a small Java runnable you can play with to see how the provided custom methods work. The code is well commented so that you can understand what is going on. Unfortunately all the commenting makes the code file look large when in fact it isn't if you were to remove them.
For simplicity, when we run the provided little console application it first asks for a User's Name. This Users Name will serve two specific purposes.
1) It will be used to create a specific Folder for that particular User only.
2) When a file is saved the file name will start with the User's name and then be followed with date/time data and finally contain the
".txt" file name extension.
Again, just for example purposes, as soon as a User enters his/her name into the console a Folders Selection dialog window will be displayed so that a main folder location can be selected where Users sub-folders will be created in and ultimately the Users data files will be saved under his/her folder name.
The file data is automatically saved once the home folder is selected and the console indicates of success once completed. Our little console application then simply ends.
Here is the Java runnable:
package choosefolder;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class ChooseFolder {
// Declare & initialize required String variables.
// These are global to the entire Class.
private static String userName = "";
private static String savePath = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Setup a Scanner to get User input from console.
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Ask for and get the Users Name and convert it to lowercase
// so as to maintain nameing consistency. No sense having "John Doe"
// one day and "john Doe" the next. This would consider 2 different
// Users since the second name has a lowercase "j" in "John" and
// therefore create two separate folder. Converting all supplied names
// to lowercase eliminates this problem.
while (userName.equals("")) {
System.out.println("\nPlease Enter User Name:");
userName = input.nextLine().toLowerCase();
// Open a Folders selection dialog window and allow for
// selection of a home folder where all Users saved files
// will be saved. Once we get the selected folder we then
// add the Users name to the path and create it.
savePath = openFoldersDialog("", "Select Home Folder To Save User Folders & File In...") + "\\" + userName;
// Create a special path just for the Users Name (ie: C:\My Files\John Doe\).
if (!createPath(savePath)) {
// If false was returnd from the createPath() method
// then there was an error while creating the path.
// Read console output to get the Error.
System.out.println("\n\u001B[31mError creating Users Save Path! Exiting...\u001B[39;49m");
// Get the local date & time so we can add it to
// our file namewhen its created.
LocalDateTime dateTime =;
// Create the new file path & file name. This will be the path
// and file name where our Users data will be saved. We take the
// Users path e created and then add the file name to the end. The
// file name consists of the supplied User's name, the date/time and
// the .txt file name extension. Unwanted characters are also removed
// from the Date/Time. So, our path may look something like:
// C:\My Files\John Doe-20160419T155758107.txt
String filePathAndName = savePath + "\\" + userName + "-" +
dateTime.toString().replace("-", "").
replace(":", "").replace(".", "") + ".txt";
// Here is your code. This is the data saved to file....
int[][] sudokuNumbers = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};
try (
// Notice the filePathAndName variable which we declared and initialized above.
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new File(filePathAndName));) {
for (int i = 0; i < sudokuNumbers.length; i++) {
String s= "";
for (int j = 0; j < sudokuNumbers[i].length; j++) {
s+= "|" + sudokuNumbers[i][j] + "|";
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
finally {
// Notify in console of success.
System.out.println("\n\u001B[34mFile Saved SUCCESSFULLY in:\n\u001B[39;49m" + filePathAndName);
* Opens a Folder (directory) selection dialog window. All parameters for this method are optional but if you supply
* something to the last parameter then you must supply something to the parameters preceding it even if it's a null
* string ("") (see usage examples below)
* Example Usage:
* openFolderDialog(); //Allowed
* openFolderDialog("C:\\"); //Allowed
* openFolderDialog("", "Select The Folder You Need"); //Allowed
* openFolderDialog("", "", "Select Folder"); //Allowed
* openFolderDialog("", "", ""); //Allowed
* openFolderDialog( , "Your Folders, "Select Folder"); //Not Allowed
* openFolderDialog( , , "Select Folder"); //Not Allowed
* openFolderDialog("C:\\", "Your Folders, ); //Not Allowed
* I think you get the idea here.
* #param dialogOptions OPTIONAL - 3 String Type Parameters
* startPath - String - Default is the running applications' home folder. The path
* supplied here tells the dialog where to start displaying folders from.
* If you just want to use default but would like to supply something to
* the other optional parameters then just supply a null string ("") here.
* dialogTitle - String - Dialog Window Title - Default is "Select Folder...". You can
* supply whatever title you like for the dialog window.
* openButtonCaption - String - The Select Button Caption - Default is "Select". You can supply
* whatever you like for a button caption and it can be more than one word
* but do keep in mind that the button increases in length to accommodate the
* the supplied string.
* #return The selected Folder (directory) full path as string. Returns Null is nothing was selected.
public static String openFoldersDialog(String... dialogOptions) {
String startPath = "";
try {
startPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException ex) {}
String dialogTitle = "Select Folder...";
String openButtonCaption = "Select";
if (dialogOptions.length != 0) {
if (dialogOptions.length >= 1) {
if (!dialogOptions[0].isEmpty()) { startPath = dialogOptions[0]; }
if (dialogOptions.length >= 2) {
if (!dialogOptions[1].isEmpty()) { dialogTitle = dialogOptions[1]; }
if (dialogOptions.length == 3) {
if (!dialogOptions[2].isEmpty()) { openButtonCaption = dialogOptions[2]; }
File sp = new File(startPath);
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(sp);
//Remove the "Files Type:" combo box and label from dialog.
int userSelection = fc.showDialog(null, openButtonCaption); //.showSaveDialog(null);
if (userSelection == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
String f = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath();
return f;
return null;
* Removes the Filter ComboBox from the supplied JFileChooser object.
* This helps make the JFileChooser dialog window look more like a
* folder selection dialog.
* #param filechooser The object name of the JFileChooser object.
public static void removeJFCFilesTypeComponent(Container filechooser) {
Component[] components = filechooser.getComponents();
for (Component component : components) {
if (component instanceof JComboBox) {
Object sel = ((JComboBox) component).getSelectedItem();
if (sel.toString().contains("AcceptAllFileFilter")) {
// OR
if (component instanceof JLabel) {
String text = ((JLabel) component).getText();
if (text.equals("Files of Type:")) {
// OR
if (component instanceof Container) {
removeJFCFilesTypeComponent((Container) component);
* Creates the supplied path into the local file system if it doesn't already exist. You must
* make sure permissions are properly in place before using this method otherwise the path may
* not be created within the file system.
* #param pathString The path to create (must not include a file name). Will not create path if it already exists.
* #return Boolean True if successful and Boolean False if not.
public static boolean createPath(String pathString) {
if (pathString.isEmpty()) { return false; }
if (doesFolderExist(pathString)) { return true; }
try {
File foldersToMake = new File(pathString);
return true;
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("*** CreatePath() - Exception Encountered:\n*** " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
* This method simply return boolean true or false if the supplied path exists.
* #param folderPathString (String) The full path to check. No File Name is allowed
* to be in this path.
* #return
public static boolean doesFolderExist(String folderPathString) {
boolean tf = false;
try {
if (folderPathString.isEmpty() || "".equals(folderPathString)) { return tf; }
File f = new File(folderPathString);
if(f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { tf = true; }
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("*** DoesFolderExist() - Exception Encountered:\n*** " + e.getMessage());
tf = false;
return tf;
I hope this helps you (and others).

Find place for dedicated application folder

I'm sorry if this title is badly named, I can't think of a better way to phrase it and so edits would be welcomed.
Most applications I've seen that require hard drive file storage create a folder in a suitable place depending on the operating system. On Windows these folders lie in \Users\[current user]\AppData\[etc], on Mac these folders lie in /Users/[current user]/Library/Application Support/[etc], Ubuntu has a similar thing that I can't think of right now.
I would like to know, how are these file paths consistently found in differing operating systems with different users, and is there, at least in java, a simple way to achieve this?
Thank you.
There should be, but there isn't. I even submitted a bug/RFE about it, but as far as I know, it was never accepted. Here's what I use:
public class ApplicationDirectories {
private static final Logger logger =
private static final Path config;
private static final Path data;
private static final Path cache;
static {
String os = System.getProperty("");
String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
if (os.contains("Mac")) {
config = Paths.get(home, "Library", "Application Support");
data = config;
cache = config;
} else if (os.contains("Windows")) {
String version = System.getProperty("os.version");
if (version.startsWith("5.")) {
config = getFromEnv("APPDATA", false,
Paths.get(home, "Application Data"));
data = config;
cache = Paths.get(home, "Local Settings", "Application Data");
} else {
config = getFromEnv("APPDATA", false,
Paths.get(home, "AppData", "Roaming"));
data = config;
cache = getFromEnv("LOCALAPPDATA", false,
Paths.get(home, "AppData", "Local"));
} else {
config = getFromEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", true,
Paths.get(home, ".config"));
data = getFromEnv("XDG_DATA_HOME", true,
Paths.get(home, ".local", "share"));
cache = getFromEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", true,
Paths.get(home, ".cache"));
/** Prevents instantiation. */
private ApplicationDirectories() {
* Retrieves a path from an environment variable, substituting a default
* if the value is absent or invalid.
* #param envVar name of environment variable to read
* #param mustBeAbsolute whether enviroment variable's value should be
* considered invalid if it's not an absolute path
* #param defaultPath default to use if environment variable is absent
* or invalid
* #return environment variable's value as a {#code Path},
* or {#code defaultPath}
private static Path getFromEnv(String envVar,
boolean mustBeAbsolute,
Path defaultPath) {
Path dir;
String envDir = System.getenv(envVar);
if (envDir == null || envDir.isEmpty()) {
dir = defaultPath;
envVar + " not defined in environment"
+ ", falling back on \"{0}\"", dir);
} else {
dir = Paths.get(envDir);
if (mustBeAbsolute && !dir.isAbsolute()) {
dir = defaultPath;
envVar + " is not an absolute path"
+ ", falling back on \"{0}\"", dir);
return dir;
* Returns directory where the native system expects an application
* to store configuration files for the current user. No attempt is made
* to create the directory, and no checks are done to see if it exists.
* #param appName name of application
public static Path configDir(String appName)
return config.resolve(appName);
* Returns directory where the native system expects an application
* to store implicit data files for the current user. No attempt is made
* to create the directory, and no checks are done to see if it exists.
* #param appName name of application
public static Path dataDir(String appName)
return data.resolve(appName);
* Returns directory where the native system expects an application
* to store cached data for the current user. No attempt is made
* to create the directory, and no checks are done to see if it exists.
* #param appName name of application
public static Path cacheDir(String appName)
return cache.resolve(appName);
Some notes:
I'm not sure the code for older Windows versions is even necessary, as Java 8 doesn't run on Windows XP.
The XDG Directory Specification says “All paths set in these environment variables must be absolute. If an implementation encounters a relative path in any of these variables it should consider the path invalid and ignore it.”
The directory can be found with the method
static String defaultDirectory() {
String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
if (OS.contains("win"))
return System.getenv("APPDATA");
else if (OS.contains("mac"))
return System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Library/Application Support";
else if (OS.contains("nux"))
return System.getProperty("user.home");
return System.getProperty("user.dir");
It is worth noting that on Linux any such folders should be hidden by beginning their name with .
(Answer found from users CodeBunny and Denis Tulskiy on this post)

Check if a resource already exists with a different case

In a wizard I am creating a package and trying to check if a resource already exists with a different case to avoid ResourceException thrown by org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource#checkDoesNotExist. For example I get this exception when I try to create a package com.Example.test while com.example.test already exist. So I would like to make a check for the every segment of the package name. The case for existing com.Example.test is already handled in my code.
Since the method checkDoesNotExist is in the internal class and not declared by IResource it's not in the public API and I cannot use it to make the check before calling IFolder#create. The method IResource#exists is useless in this case because it's case sensitive.
Currently I have the following solution:
* This method checks if a package or its part exists in the given source folder with a different case.
* #param pfr A source folder where to look package in.
* #param packageName Name of the package, e.g. "com.example.test"
* #return A String containing path of the existing resource relative to the project, null if the package name has no conflicts.
* #throws CoreException
* #throws IOException
public static String checkPackageDoesExistWithDifferentCase(IPackageFragmentRoot pfr, String packageName)
throws CoreException, IOException
IPath p = pfr.getResource().getLocation();
String[] packagePathSegments = packageName.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < packagePathSegments.length; i++)
p = p.append(packagePathSegments[i]);
File f = new File(p.toString());
String canonicalPath = f.getCanonicalPath();
if (f.exists() && !canonicalPath.equals(p.toOSString()))
return canonicalPath.substring(pfr.getJavaProject().getResource().getLocation().toOSString().length() + 1);
return null;
The issue about this solution is that it would work only on Windows, since f.exists() would return false on case-sensitive filesystems.
As you pointed out, there is not API, but you can check the parent resource if it has a member with the same (case-insensitive) name like this:
IContainer parent = newFolder.getParent();
IResource[] members = parent.members();
for( IResource resource : members ) {
if( resource.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( newFolder.getName() ) ) {

How to replace text in Powerpoint file with Java

I have a requirement where I need to replace some text in a Powerpoint File at runtime. (Powerpoint file is being used as a template with some placeholders/tokes e.g. {{USER_NAME}})
I have tried using POI but with no luck.
I referred to the other links on the forum and started with 'docx4j' but am not able to go beyond a point and the documentation is not very clear (at least for me).
Here is what I have done so far:
Got the PPTX loaded to 'PresentationMLPackage'
Got the 'MainPresentationPart' and the slides (Using mainPresentationPart.getSlide(n);)
But I am not sure of the next steps from here (or if this is the right approach in the first place).
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a Lot,
SlidePart extends JaxbPmlPart<Sld>
JaxbPmlPart<E> extends JaxbXmlPartXPathAware<E>
JaxbXmlPartXPathAware<E> extends JaxbXmlPart<E>
JaxbXmlPart contains:
* unmarshallFromTemplate. Where jaxbElement has not been
* unmarshalled yet, this is more efficient (3 times
* faster, in some testing) than calling
* XmlUtils.marshaltoString directly, since it avoids
* some JAXB processing.
* #param mappings
* #throws JAXBException
* #throws Docx4JException
* #since 3.0.0
public void variableReplace(java.util.HashMap<String, String> mappings) throws JAXBException, Docx4JException {
// Get the contents as a string
String wmlTemplateString = null;
if (jaxbElement==null) {
PartStore partStore = this.getPackage().getSourcePartStore();
String name = this.getPartName().getName();
InputStream is = partStore.loadPart(
if (is==null) {
log.warn(name + " missing from part store");
throw new Docx4JException(name + " missing from part store");
} else {"Lazily unmarshalling " + name);
// This seems to be about 5% faster than the Scanner approach
try {
wmlTemplateString = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Docx4JException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
wmlTemplateString = XmlUtils.marshaltoString(jaxbElement, true, false, jc);
// Do the replacement
jaxbElement = (E)XmlUtils.unwrap(
XmlUtils.unmarshallFromTemplate(wmlTemplateString, mappings, jc));
So once you have the slide part, you can invoke variableReplace on it. You'll need your variables to be in the format expected by XmlUtils.unmarshallFromTemplate

Save Excel file with OLE, Java on Eclipse RCP Application

I try to Save an Excel file. The Excel file is a template with makros (*.xltm). I can open the file and edit the content, but if i try to save the destination Excel file is corrupt.
I try to save the file with:
int id = _workbook.getIDsOfNames(new String[] {"Save"})[0];
or/and, true);
You might try specifying a file format in your Save call.
If you're lucky, you can find the file format code you need in the Excel help. If you can't find what you need there, you'll have to get your hands dirty using the OLEVIEW.EXE program. There's likely a copy of it sitting on your hard drive somewhere, but if not, it's easy enough to find a copy with a quick Google search.
Run it
Crack open the 'Type Libraries' entry
Find the version of Excel that you're using
Open that item
Search the enormous pile of text that's displayed for the string 'XlFileFormat'
Examine the XLFileFormat enum for a code that seems promising
If you are using Office2007 ("Excel12") like I am, you might try one of these values:
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52
xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 53
Here's a method that I use to save Excel files using OLE:
* Save the given workbook in the specified format.
* #param controlSiteAuto the OLE control site to use
* #param filepath the file to save to
* #param formatCode XlFileFormat code representing the file format to save as
* #param replaceExistingWithoutPrompt true to replace an existing file quietly, false to ask the user first
public void saveWorkbook(OleAutomation controlSiteAuto, String filepath, Integer formatCode, boolean replaceExistingWithoutPrompt) {
Variant[] args = null;
Variant result = null;
try {
// suppress "replace existing?" prompt, if necessary
if (replaceExistingWithoutPrompt) {
setPropertyOnObject(controlSiteAuto, "Application", "DisplayAlerts", "False");
// if the given formatCode is null, for some reason, use a reasonable default
if (formatCode == null) {
formatCode = 51; // xlWorkbookDefault=51
// save the workbook
int[] id = controlSiteAuto.getIDsOfNames(new String[] {"SaveAs", "FileName", "FileFormat"});
args = new Variant[2];
args[0] = new Variant(filepath);
args[1] = new Variant(formatCode);
result = controlSiteAuto.invoke(id[0], args);
if (result == null || !result.getBoolean()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to save active workbook");
// enable alerts again, if necessary
if (replaceExistingWithoutPrompt) {
setPropertyOnObject(controlSiteAuto, "Application", "DisplayAlerts", "True");
} finally {
protected void cleanup(Variant[] variants) {
if (variants != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
if (variants[i] != null) {

