Changing subtopics in BlazeDS and Flex - java

I using messaging in Flex-BlazeDS. When the AIR client starts it connects to a destination and a specific subtopic. During runtime, the user can use a combo box to subscribe to different sets of live data coming in, this combo box change event changes the subtopic by:
messagingConsumer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;
messagingProducer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;
A message is then sent to the server with the new subtopic name as well so the server knows to send to a new subtopic.
This whole mechanism seems very glitchy and I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this and succeeded? Most times it works the first time and the after that either the messages dont get sent or I get server errors like:
[BlazeDS]Endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' cannot service the streaming request as either the supplied FlexClient id 'B07F3285-A408-816E-4697-F13F9B17E32C is not valid, or the FlexClient with that id is not valid.
Also sometimes when I change subtopics it will cause the FlexSession and FlexClient to be destroyed instead of just the MessageClient. Once that FlexSession gets destroyed it messes up all kinds of things including logging out the user.
Perhaps I'm over complicating things by changing subtopics to listen to different sets of live data, if anyone has any other ideas on how to accomplish dynamic changing of destinations or subtopics please list those as well.

You might want to try and unsubscribe before you change the subtopic and resubscribe.


POS Customer Display (Web Based Application) [duplicate]

I was searching for a way how to communicate between multiple tabs or windows in a browser (on the same domain, not CORS) without leaving traces. There were several solutions:
using the window object
The first is probably the worst solution - you need to open a window from your current window and then you can communicate only as long as you keep the windows open. If you reload the page in any of the windows, you most likely lost the communication.
The second approach, using postMessage, probably enables cross-origin communication, but it suffers the same problem as the first approach. You need to maintain a window object.
The third way, using cookies, store some data in the browser, which can effectively look like sending a message to all windows on the same domain, but the problem is that you can never know if all tabs read the "message" already or not before cleaning up. You have to implement some sort of timeout to read the cookie periodically. Furthermore you are limited by maximum cookie length, which is 4 KB.
The fourth solution, using localStorage, seemed to overcome the limitations of cookies, and it can be even listen-to using events. How to use it is described in the accepted answer.
You may better use BroadcastChannel for this purpose. See other answers below. Yet if you still prefer to use localstorage for communication between tabs, do it this way:
In order to get notified when a tab sends a message to other tabs, you simply need to bind on 'storage' event. In all tabs, do this:
$(window).on('storage', message_receive);
The function message_receive will be called every time you set any value of localStorage in any other tab. The event listener contains also the data newly set to localStorage, so you don't even need to parse localStorage object itself. This is very handy because you can reset the value just right after it was set, to effectively clean up any traces. Here are functions for messaging:
// use local storage for messaging. Set message in local storage and clear it right away
// This is a safe way how to communicate with other tabs while not leaving any traces
function message_broadcast(message)
// receive message
function message_receive(ev)
if (ev.originalEvent.key!='message') return; // ignore other keys
var message=JSON.parse(ev.originalEvent.newValue);
if (!message) return; // ignore empty msg or msg reset
// here you act on messages.
// you can send objects like { 'command': 'doit', 'data': 'abcd' }
if (message.command == 'doit') alert(;
// etc.
So now once your tabs bind on the onstorage event, and you have these two functions implemented, you can simply broadcast a message to other tabs calling, for example:
Remember that sending the exact same message twice will be propagated only once, so if you need to repeat messages, add some unique identifier to them, like
message_broadcast({'command':'reset', 'uid': (new Date).getTime()+Math.random()})
Also remember that the current tab which broadcasts the message doesn't actually receive it, only other tabs or windows on the same domain.
You may ask what happens if the user loads a different webpage or closes his tab just after the setItem() call before the removeItem(). Well, from my own testing the browser puts unloading on hold until the entire function message_broadcast() is finished. I tested to put some very long for() cycle in there and it still waited for the cycle to finish before closing. If the user kills the tab just in-between, then the browser won't have enough time to save the message to disk, thus this approach seems to me like safe way how to send messages without any traces.
There is a modern API dedicated for this purpose - Broadcast Channel
It is as easy as:
var bc = new BroadcastChannel('test_channel');
bc.postMessage('This is a test message.'); /* send */
bc.onmessage = function (ev) { console.log(ev); } /* receive */
There is no need for the message to be just a DOMString. Any kind of object can be sent.
Probably, apart from API cleanness, it is the main benefit of this API - no object stringification.
It is currently supported only in Chrome and Firefox, but you can find a polyfill that uses localStorage.
For those searching for a solution not based on jQuery, this is a plain JavaScript version of the solution provided by Thomas M:
window.addEventListener("storage", message_receive);
function message_broadcast(message) {
function message_receive(ev) {
if (ev.key == 'message') {
var message=JSON.parse(ev.newValue);
Checkout AcrossTabs - Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. It uses a combination of the postMessage and sessionStorage APIs to make communication much easier and reliable.
There are different approaches and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s discuss each:
Web storage can be viewed simplistically as an improvement on cookies, providing much greater storage capacity. If you look at the Mozilla source code we can see that 5120 KB (5 MB which equals 2.5 million characters on Chrome) is the default storage size for an entire domain. This gives you considerably more space to work with than a typical 4 KB cookie.
The data is not sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) - reducing the amount of traffic between client and server.
The data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.
It works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be able available on the same origin.
Compared to others, there's nothing AFAIK.
The 4 KB limit is for the entire cookie, including name, value, expiry date, etc. To support most browsers, keep the name under 4000 bytes, and the overall cookie size under 4093 bytes.
The data is sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) - increasing the amount of traffic between client and server.
Typically, the following are allowed:
300 cookies in total
4096 bytes per cookie
20 cookies per domain
81920 bytes per domain (given 20 cookies of the maximum size 4096 = 81920 bytes.)
It is similar to localStorage.
Changes are only available per window (or tab in browsers like Chrome and Firefox). Changes made are saved and available for the current page, as well as future visits to the site on the same window. Once the window is closed, the storage is deleted
The data is available only inside the window/tab in which it was set.
The data is not persistent, i.e., it will be lost once the window/tab is closed.
Like localStorage, tt works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be able available on the same origin.
Safely enables cross-origin communication.
As a data point, the WebKit implementation (used by Safari and Chrome) doesn't currently enforce any limits (other than those imposed by running out of memory).
Need to open a window from the current window and then can communicate only as long as you keep the windows open.
Security concerns - Sending strings via postMessage is that you will pick up other postMessage events published by other JavaScript plugins, so be sure to implement a targetOrigin and a sanity check for the data being passed on to the messages listener.
A combination of PostMessage + SessionStorage
Using postMessage to communicate between multiple tabs and at the same time using sessionStorage in all the newly opened tabs/windows to persist data being passed. Data will be persisted as long as the tabs/windows remain opened. So, even if the opener tab/window gets closed, the opened tabs/windows will have the entire data even after getting refreshed.
I have written a JavaScript library for this, named AcrossTabs which uses postMessage API to communicate between cross-origin tabs/windows and sessionStorage to persist the opened tabs/windows identity as long as they live.
I've created a library sysend.js for sending messages between browser tabs and windows. The library doesn't have any external dependencies.
You can use it for communication between tabs/windows in the same browser and domain. The library uses BroadcastChannel, if supported, or storage event from localStorage.
The API is very simple:
sysend.on('foo', function(data) {
sysend.broadcast('foo', {message: 'Hello'});
sysend.broadcast('foo', "hello");
sysend.broadcast('foo', ["hello", "world"]);
sysend.broadcast('foo'); // empty notification
When your browser supports BroadcastChannel it sends a literal object (but it's in fact auto-serialized by the browser) and if not, it's serialized to JSON first and deserialized on another end.
The recent version also has a helper API to create a proxy for cross-domain communication (it requires a single HTML file on the target domain).
Here is a demo.
The new version also supports cross-domain communication, if you include a special proxy.html file on the target domain and call proxy function from the source domain:
(proxy.html is a very simple HTML file, that only have one script tag with the library).
If you want two-way communication you need to do the same on other domains.
NOTE: If you will implement the same functionality using localStorage, there is an issue in Internet Explorer. The storage event is sent to the same window, which triggers the event and for other browsers, it's only invoked for other tabs/windows.
Another method that people should consider using is shared workers. I know it's a cutting-edge concept, but you can create a relay on a shared worker that is much faster than localstorage, and doesn't require a relationship between the parent/child window, as long as you're on the same origin.
See my answer here for some discussion I made about this.
There's a tiny open-source component to synchronise and communicate between tabs/windows of the same origin (disclaimer - I'm one of the contributors!) based around localStorage.
TabUtils.BroadcastMessageToAllTabs("eventName", eventDataString);
TabUtils.OnBroadcastMessage("eventName", function (eventDataString) {
TabUtils.CallOnce("lockname", function () {
alert("I run only once across multiple tabs");
P.S.: I took the liberty to recommend it here since most of the "lock/mutex/sync" components fail on websocket connections when events happen almost simultaneously.
I wrote an article on this on my blog: Sharing sessionStorage data across browser tabs.
Using a library, I created storageManager. You can achieve this as follows:
storageManager.savePermanentData('data', 'key'): //saves permanent data
storageManager.saveSyncedSessionData('data', 'key'); //saves session data to all opened tabs
storageManager.saveSessionData('data', 'key'); //saves session data to current tab only
storageManager.getData('key'); //retrieves data
There are other convenient methods as well to handle other scenarios as well.
This is a development storage part of Tomas M's answer for Chrome. We must add a listener:
window.addEventListener("storage", (e)=> { console.log(e) } );
Load/save the item in storage will not fire this event - we must trigger it manually by
window.dispatchEvent( new Event('storage') ); // THIS IS IMPORTANT ON CHROME
And now, all open tabs will receive the event.

How can I implement automatic loading for JSON object in android?

I am working on an audio stream android app and I parsed JSON object from a server to a TextView to display 'now Playing' for the song name and artist. So when the play button is clicked, the song name playing artist is displayed to the user. The problem is that I want this automatically loaded to the app view when JSON URL link is updated from the server. I don't want the user pressing pause and play to update the view from the app. How do I go about this because I don't want the user restarting the service each time a new song isPlaying to get song information.
You can either poll server in short intervals to check if song changed or open socket connection to server to make possible server initiating communication to device.
First approach in simplest form is a very bad practice, as it puts strain on both device and server to check it often enough.
However there is different way to use it, called long polling. With this, you send request to the server, and server does not respond immediately, but holds connection open until it has something to say. After getting reply instantaneously new request is created to make sure no delay is made by it.
The best approach is opening a socket connection, but not every server and program support it.
You can try libraries like SignalR (this one is for .NET mostly, but it's the first one that came to my mind) that choose which approach is the best and takes care of holding connection, reconnecting etc.
Are you fetching this JSON metadata every time the song is played? If so, that doesn't sound like a good idea. The ideal would be to add song metadata when adding a song to the playlist, then either update it periodically (once a couple of days perhaps) and save that information into a SQLite database for later retrieval.

IMAP, tracking moved messages using message id

We are developing a mail client written in Java. It has same functionalities like Outlook or Thunderbird, etc. It communicates with the mail server directly. Additionally, our business rules demand that we store all messages in our database and messages should be kept synchronised always. I know that is not very suitable for IMAP, but we must keep everything in our database.
Question arises, how to track an IMAP message moved from folder A to folder B? How can we get informed about that? If you remove a message from A, it is deleted from A and it created newly in B, as a result: The UID value of the message is changed. Can we rely on the MessageID found in the headers? I checked some mails servers and see that the message id in the headers remain unchanged. But i have read somewhere, that the messageids can be empty depending on the mail server.
Are the MessageID in headers always set, can be cases or mailservers that they leave it blank?
Are the MessageID value in headers unique in an IMAP folder?
Is it possible that it gets changed when message is moved or folders UIDVALIDITY changed?
What about setting a custom header during fetch? When I add a non-standart header name value pair, will it be kept on the mail server or is it possible that non-standart mail heraders will be deleted by mail server? Is it a bad idea applying a non-standart header value?
IMAPMessage m;
m.setHeader("myHeader", "myValue");
There were some suggestions in stackoverflow, it is said to generate a hash including messageId and other parameters such as sender, subject etc, is it a safe approach? We can get conflicts if there is no unique MessageID is provided or no MessageID is provided.
There are three things you can do.
First, message-id. You can rely on the message-id being present and unique these days if your mode of failure is good enough. In your case, if the message-id is not there and a message is moved, is the failure just that you waste space in the database and/or download the message twice? The wasted space will be small these days.
Second, x-gm-msgid. That's a gmail-specific feature, a 63-bit number that never changes. If two messages have the same x-gm-msgid, they are the same.
Third, the COPYUID response code tells you about moves, but only applies when you do the moving, not when someone else does.
Put together, these should give you a fairly good understanding of how the user's mailboxes change.

Re: Joomla/PHP/Java/AJAX

I am a DBA, not a web developer. I am trying to build a complex website with Joomla. The user page needs to be interactive without refresh. I am not sure I am using the right words, but here goes.
Assume a user is logged in and a session is started - and we have that data along with the users IP address.
The database is crunching things from other users too, just like this one. As the database works, it generates information to be displayed on EACH users screen in real-time, without the user clicking, without screen refresh, and without the web-page code polling the server at intervals. In fact the user may click a different action from their screen simultaneously, so the user screen cannot be sitting waiting for a reply or polling at predefined intervals. It is basically receiving and transmitting "virutally" at the same time. If this is possible to do, a single piece of code would work and results could be deciphered for the right screen entry point (several boxes).
What can be used to do this? Thanks, Bruce
off cource its possible. make ajax call to link like
and in myController set header of either xml or json and prepare response of AJAX there. and at end of code write $app->close(); to avoide rendering of other modules and content

How to send a broadcast message with SmackAPI?

We're developing special devices that uses XMPP to talk to each other. A new API i am developing now, should talk to these devices too. The problem i am facing - all these devices are building little groups - for each customer we have... so we will have a chat-room for each group of devices, or, for each of our customer with his bunch of devices ;)
But now.. the api should be able to talk to every device that is connected. I don't need a real broadcast-mechanism - in the end, i will send a message only to one specific device..
But i don't want to login to each chat-room either - running a product with over 40k customers and much more devices, will end in a funny api, that is opening over 40k chat-rooms at startup... even if don't tried this yet, i can't imagine that an app like this will run well... even though we can have millions of customers in a few years.. i don't like solutions that will grow linear with the amount of customers, if you know what i mean :/
Now, basically i'm thinking of a solution, where i just can use the basic XMPPConnection to do my stuff.
MyCustomMessage msg = new MyCustomMessage();
msg.setTo("*"); // don't know what to address, i want to send it to "all"
msg.setFrom("ThatAPI"); // just a string telling that is sent from my java api ;)
msg.setEvent(event); // stuff that is coming through the parameters of the method where this code is inside
msg.setCustomStanza(data); // same here
connection.sendPacket(msg); // my try to send it to all till now..
Somewhere in the Ignite Realtime Forums i have read of one guy who "solved" it, but everything he says is "it's working now, i push my message through the sendPacket of Connection"... ok nice, my attempt of this seems not to work :(
Any better ideas/real implementations how this will work fine?
Basically i start to think that XMPP will not be the best technology to achieve something like this at all - i wish i could have a real/basic socket-implementation where something like this would be piece of cake.. But i can't choose - the third-party-system has implemented XMPP already... not enough time to change all of this... Just if you're wondering why we try this on XMPP..
You seem to have some conflicting requirements in that you want to send to all devices now, but only 1 specific device later. Are both models required at the same time, or do you plan on switching? How either is done would be different solutions.
As for your current approach, I think pubsub would make more sense than your chatroom approach, as that is oriented to generic message passing to subscribers.
You could set up a pubsub node per customer to send messages to all
of their devices.
As for a broadcast to all, you can make all devices
subscribe to a single pubsub node.
Thus you control broadcast and group messages by sending to the appropriate pubsub node.
For sending to a specific device, that is just a sendPacket to the specific entity, nothing really special there.

