How to handle numbers in a generic fashion? - java

My question is eerily similar to "Writing a generic class to handle built-in types" including being inspired by the fact of working on a class to handle operations on matrices.
Although that question was asked using C# and pointed to an article on Generic Operators.
I don't get it. Java Number does not have an add method so you can have a method like:
public Number myAdd(Number a, Number b){
return a.add(b);
So how do you handle a case where you want to be able to handle multiple types of Numbers in Java?

The fundamental problem is with the Java type system which is very primitive.
Since there is no notion of a sealed set of types in Java (nor is it possible for Java to infer the types like Haskell does) there is no way to make make a general Number + Number -> Number without trickery.
For primitives (and those objects like Integer which can be automagically mapped to them) types promotion and the + operation is part of the language. (And this is actual part of the problem: what should Number a + Number b return where a and b are of different types?)
If you really want this behavior you'll have to find (or create) your own custom class that either uses reflection or a series (of checks and) casts and such. Even if you use generics (remember that generics are type-erased) casting will need to be done.
I imagine these problems are part of the reason why Number is as bland as it is.

How good do you want the result to be? If the answer is "good enough, mostly", then this should be sufficent:
public Number myAdd(Number a, Number b){
return a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue();
But if you want something that, say, matches the promotion semantics of Java primitives, you're probably going to have to write it yourself. And then you'll have to figure out what the rules are for all combinations of "non-standard" Number implementations, including BigDecimal, BigInteger, AtomicDouble, AtomicLong, everything in org.apache.commons.lang.mutable, and any random implementation that somebody might decide to write next Tuesday.
It's not clear what the right thing to do is in most of these cases -- converting everything to BigDecimal, for instance, is not an option if one of the arguments is Apache Commons' Fraction.ONE_THIRD; and besides, doing the conversion in a general way presents the same problems as doing the addition in a general way. But having an add() method on Number would require every Number implementation to handle all these cases -- and that's probably why it isn't there.

I don't get it. Java Number does not
have an add method ...
Suppose that java.lang.Number did have an add method or methods, how would you define its signature? How would you define its semantics? How would you deal with "mixed mode" arithmetic?
While it is no doubt possible to answer these questions and design an API, the result is likely to be tricky to use correctly. In addition, it is most unusual for an application to need to perform "representation agnostic" arithmetic. Usually you want / need explicit control over the way that arithmetic is performed and conversions happen. (The Java primitive type promotion rules are already difficult enough for people to get their heads around!!)
All in all, I think that Sun have done us a good service by not trying to support arithmetic in the Number API.

One way of implementing a generic add method is to let the left hand argument infer the return type.
package mixins;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Numbers {
public static boolean isZ(Number n) {
return n instanceof Integer || n instanceof Long || n instanceof Short || n instanceof Byte;
public static boolean isR(Number n) {
return n instanceof Double || n instanceof Float;
public static BigDecimal add(BigDecimal a, Number b) {
if (b instanceof BigDecimal) {
return a.add((BigDecimal) b);
} else if (isZ(b)) {
return a.add(new BigDecimal(b.longValue()));
} else if (isR(b)) {
return a.add(new BigDecimal(b.doubleValue()));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid big decimal translation for " + b.getClass());
public static Integer add(Integer a, Number b) {
return a + b.intValue();
public static Long add(Long a, Number b) {
return a + b.longValue();
public static Float add(Float a, Number b) {
return a + b.floatValue();
public static Double add(Double a, Number b) {
return a + b.doubleValue();
If this is implemented as static methods, you can use static imports.
import static mixins.Numbers.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigDecimal fortytwo = new BigDecimal(42);
BigDecimal fiftyfive = add(fortytwo, 13);

You cannot add any two numbers, for the reasons other pointed out, but you can add numbers of same type, and the result will also be that same type.
You can create generic arithmetics in Java, with something like this:
interface Arithmetics<T> {
T add(T val1, T val2);
class IntegerArithmetics implements Arithmetics<Integer> {
Integer add(Integer val1, Integer val2) { return val1 + val2; }
//similarly DoubleArithmetics, BigIntegerArithmetics, ...
Generic Java Math library does exactly that for you.

Actually, I've been working on a generic "real" number class (called 'Value') for a while now, but more as a design exercise than anything; and I can see why it hasn't been done sooner.
First off, you have to have to have some basic rules to work by - I chose to use Java FP (IEEE-754) rules - which means you have have to allow for results like 'infinity' and 'NaN', even if the type doesn't actually support them; and things like reciprocals have proved surprisingly tricky. But I'm getting there, and it's been a fun journey.
One thing that helped me was deciding early on that I needed to deal with "identity" values - specifically 0, 1, and -1, along with -0, +/-infinity and NaN as special cases; the reason being that (for example) multiplication by any of them usually doesn't need any calculation at all.
x * 1 = x, x * NaN = NaN, x * 0 = 0 (or NaN), and x * +/-infinity = +/-infinity; and there are similar rules for division, addition and subtraction, which means you can eliminate a lot of dross quickly and consistently.
And that leaves implementers to only have to deal with cases that do need calculation.
Of course, not all types will support all identities, but if you make them methods, you can just throw an exception when either an operand or a result is "unsupported".
Hope it helps anyone else interested in giving it a bash, but it's not as simple it looks. :-)

Personally, I use BigDecimals for almost everything (but that is mainly because I work with currency values). They handle all numeric values of any size. Because of that, in my opinion they are a generic value and could be used as such in your hypothetical example instead of the Number abstract class. Everything can be turned into a BigDecimal, why not use it?
public BigDecimal myAdd(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) {
return a.add(b);
EDIT: To address BigBrothers comment below, you could always use the doubleValue() method to create your own generic method. The only problem with this is that you may lose precision in some rare cases where someone IS passing in a BigDecimal and it is larger than a Double.maxValue
public Number myAdd(Number a, Number b) {
return new BigDecimal(a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue());
A BigDecimal is a Number, so returning one is of no consequence.


How can I implement a comparator to compare two numbers?

I have a class OffbyOne where I declare an interface as a comparator called compare where I'm supposed to take two integers and return True if the difference between two integers is 1, and false if not.
Here is my code so far:
public static class OffbyOne {
public interface Compare {
int x;
int y;
if ((x-y) == 1) {
return true;
} else if ((y-x)==1) {
return true;
return false
public boolean equalChars(char x, char y); {
if (Compare(x,y) == true) {
return true;
return false;
I'm struggling to understand how comparators work in Java and what do I have to do. If anyone can please help me with this and then provide explanations for how it is supposed to be done, it would be great for me.
Thank you.
Comparator already exists in java - java.util.Comparator. It is something completely different from what you describe: Java's own comparator is a thing that you give 2 objects, and the comparator tells you which of the two 'comes earlier' in a sorting. Such an oracle is all you need to efficiently sort stuff.
It's allowed, but a bad idea, to name types the same as core java types. You can make your own String, which is different from java's own String in all ways (your String does not in any way replace java's string), it's just a confusing name, is all. You're doing the same thing with Comparator here. Bad idea. I'd call it OffByOne or similar.
declare an interface as a comparator called compare where I'm supposed to take two integers and return True if the difference between two integers is 1, and false if not.
This makes no sense whatsoever. You must have misunderstood the assignment. An interface describes the what and does not describe the how, whereas what you just said is describing the how. That's just not what interfaces do - they don't get to define the how. They only define the what. You're describing an implementation, not an interface.
public interface Compare {
int x;
int y;
if ((x-y) == 1) {
You can't stick code in types like this. You can stick only methods, fields, constructors, and other types in there. You can stick code in a method and then stick the method in a type, if you want. In addition, given that it is an interface, you can't stick code in one at all - interfaces define what a class can do, not how it does it (there is the default mechanism. That's definitely not what this assignments wants you to do so, so it doesn't apply here).
This would be an interface:
public interface DifferenceOfOne<T> {
public boolean isDifferenceOfOne(T a, T B);
This says: There is such a thing as a 'DifferenceOfOne' implementation for any given type. Such a class would implement the method isDifferenceOfOne, which takes in 2 parameters, both of that given type, and which then returns a boolean.
You can then make an implementation for the Integer type:
class IntDiffOfOne implements DifferenceOfOne<Integer> {
public boolean isDifferenceOfOne(Integer a, Integer b) {
return (a - 1 == b || b - 1 == a);
DifferenceOfOne<Integer> intDiffOfOne = new IntDiffOfOne();
Or in more common, modern java syntax:
DifferenceOfOne<Integer> intDiffOfOne = (a, b) -> (a - 1 == b || b - 1 == a);
And someone else can write a DiffOfOne implementation that, I dunno, tells you if any 2 LocalDate instances differ by exactly 1 day, perhaps, that would be a DifferenceOfOne<LocalDate>.
If this all sounds confusing to you - go back to whomever gave you this assignment, as either the assignment makes no sense, or you misheard/misunderstood it.

Java double colon operator from compile time to byte code generation?

In this question the author uses the following example:
public final OptionalInt max() {
return reduce(Math::max); //this is the gotcha line
So in this case it looks as if max() is a proxy for Math.max on the instance of this class. However there are no arguments passed to max, so does java 8 compile this to something like (Pseudo code):
public final OptionalInt max(Integer a, Integer b) {
//If neither a or b are null
return new OptionalInt.of(Math.max(a,b));
//Otherwise return empty because we can't compare the numbers
return OptionalInt.empty()
Also how would one write the javadoc for something like this?
So in this case it looks as if max() is a proxy for Math.max on the instance of this class. However there are no arguments passed to max, so does java 8 compile this to something like (Pseudo code):
public final OptionalInt max(Integer a, Integer b) {
//If neither a or b are null
return new OptionalInt.of(Math.max(a,b));
//Otherwise return empty because we can't compare the numbers
return OptionalInt.empty()
Not quite :). Let's start by figuring out what the reduce operator actually does. The documentation explains that it performs a reduction on a sequence of numbers by applying an algorithm that is logically equivalent to the following:
public OptionalInt reduce(IntBinaryOperator op) {
boolean foundAny = false;
int result = 0;
for (int element : [this stream]) {
if (!foundAny) {
foundAny = true;
result = element;
else {
result = op.applyAsInt(result, element);
return foundAny ? OptionalInt.of(result)
: OptionalInt.empty();
Seems simple enough. If you can tell it how to take two numbers and 'reduce' or 'combine' them into one, then reduce knows how to extend that logic to reduce an entire sequence into a single number. It handles the edge cases and the aggregation for you. All it needs from you is a function that takes in two numbers and gives it one back. That function should conform to the functional interface IntBinaryOperator.
A functional interface is an interface that is meant to describe a single function. Specifically, it describes the argument types and the return type. The rest is largely superfluous. The signature for an IntBinaryOperator looks like this:
int applyAsInt(int left, int right);
You can provide a function that conforms to this specification in several ways. Prior to Java 8, you might have done something like this:
new IntBinaryOperator() {
public int applyAsInt(int a, int b) {
return b > a ? b : a;
Java 8 gives us a shorthand form for functional interfaces called lambda expressions. These are a bit more concise, and while they are conceptually similar to anonymous inner classes, they're not quite the same thing.
stream.reduce((a, b) -> b > a ? b : a);
Both functions above are equivalent: they take in two numbers and return the larger of the two. As it turns out, every standard programming library has a function that does exactly the same thing. In Java, that function is Math.max. So rather than writing this logic myself, I can delegate to Math.max:
stream.reduce((a, b) -> Math.max(a, b));
But wait! All reduce wants is a function that takes two numbers and returns one. Math.max does that, so do I even need to wrap it in a lambda? It turns out I don't; I can tell reduce to just call Math.max directly:
This says "I know you want a function, so I'm show you by name where to find one that's already been written". The compiler knows that Math.max conforms to the (int, int) -> int specification we need, so it emits some bytecode telling the VM how to 'bootstrap' it once it's needed. When the JVM hits your call to reduce, it calls a special method that generates a wrapper class implementing IntBinaryOperator that delegates to Math.max in its implementation of applyAsInt. It only performs this 'bootstrapping' step once. Since calling Math.max doesn't rely on anything other than the two numbers that get passed in, it can cache that implementation and use it the next time you wind up on this code path.
Pre Java 8, this would have been written as:
public MyMathInteface {
OptionalInt max(Integer a, Integer b);
public static final MyMathInterface reducing = new MyMathInterface() {
public OptionalInt max(Integer a, Integer b) {
return OptionalInt.of(Math.max(a, b));
public final OptionalInt max() {
return reduce(reducing);
Then reduce would be defined as:
public static OptionalInt reduce(MyMathInteface toReduce) {
return toReduce.max(someValueA, someValueB);
So to answer your question, no arguments are passed to Math::max, because those values are retrieved by the reduce function. They could be constants or they could be retrieved from some other place.
In any case, the use of the max method in this way is called a method reference, that is where you do SomeObject::method. That :: operator creates a method reference. It returns a function, but does not call the function. The user (reduce) is responsible for calling the function.

Pre-condition vs Post-condition in java? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What are the differences pre condition ,post condition and invariant in computer terminology [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
For example I have the following code:
public class Calc(){
final int PI = 3.14; //is this an invariant?
private int calc(int a, int b){
return a + b;
//would the parameters be pre-conditions and the return value be a post-condition?
I am just confused on what exactly these terms mean? The code above is what I think it is, however can anyone point me into the right direction with my theory?
Your code is in a contract with other bits and pieces of code. The pre-condition is essentially what must be met initially in order for your code to guarantee that it will do what it is supposed to do.
For example, a binary search would have the pre-condition that the thing you are searching through must be sorted.
On the other hand, the post-condition is what the code guarantees if the pre-condition is satisfied. For example, in the situation of the binary search, we are guaranteed to find the location of what we were searching for, or return -1 in the case where we don't find anything.
The pre-condition is almost like another thing on top of your parameters. They don't usually affect code directly, but it's useful when other people are using your code, so they use it correctly.
A invariant is a combined precondition and postcondition. It has to be valid before and after a call to a method. A precondition has to be fullfilled before a method can be run and a postcondition afterwards.
Java has no mechanisms for the condition checking built in but, here's a little example.
public class Calc {
private int value = 0;
private boolean isValid() {
return value >= 0;
// this method has the validity as invariant. It's true before and after a successful call.
public void add(int val) {
// precondition
if(!isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// actual "logic"
value += val;
// postcondition
if(!isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
As you can see the conditions can be violated. In this case you (normally) use exceptions in Java.
private int calc(int a, int b){
return a + b;
//would the parameters be pre-conditions and the return value be a post-condition?
Is a function that takes two int and returns an int, which is the summation of a and b.
You would normally call the calc function in main as
public static void main(String[] args)
int a = 3, b = 4;
int sum = calc(a, b);
when you do that, a copy of a and b is passed to calc but the original values of a and b are not affected by the calc function as parameters are passed by value in Java.
A precondition is something that has to be true about the parameters that a function takes. So it isn't enough to say what the variables are, but you need to say something about their nature. For example, a and b must be integers. A post condition states what must be true after the function completes. In your example, it would be the fact that your function must produce the sum of a and b. The precondition and post condition can actually result in two methods, especially in a language like Java. What if you had a precondition that stated simply "The two parameters must be numerical". Then you would have to account for not only integers, but floating points.
Hope that helps.
Just a word of warning, casting a floating-point number (3.14) to an int is going to leave you with trouble. You might want to cast it to a float:
final float PI = 3.14f;
final means that the variable can no longer be changed.
a and b are just parameters that you pass into calc(). Before, they can be called whatever you want them to be, but inside calc() you can refer to them as a and b.
So you can have this:
int foo = 5;
int bar = 7;
int sum = calc(foo, bar); //12

Can I pass a primitive type by reference in Java?

I would like to call a method which could potentially take on different versions, i.e. the same method for input parameters that are of type:
The way I would like to do this is by "overloading" the method (I think that is the correct term?):
public void getValue(byte theByte) {...}
public void getValue(short theShort) {...}
... etc ...
... but that would mean that I would have to pass the primitive type in by reference... similar to C++ where the method has external effect, where it can modify the variable outside its scope.
Is there a way to do this without creating new classes or using the Object versions of the primitive types? If not, any suggestions on alternative strategies?
Let me know if I should further explain to clear up any confusion.
What I'm actually trying to do is construct the primitive type from a set of bits. So if I'm dealing with the byte version of the method, I want to pretty much do my work to get 8 bits and return the byte (since I can't pass by reference).
The reason I'm asking this question is because the work I do with bits is very repetitive and I don't want to have the same code in different methods. So I want to find a way for my ONE method to KNOW how many bits I'm talking about... if I'm working with a byte, then 8 bits, if I'm working with a short, 16 bits, etc...
Java is always pass-by-value. There is no pass-by-reference in Java. It's written in the specs!
While Java supports overloading, all parameters are passed by value, i.e. assigning a method argument is not visible to the caller.
From your code snippet, you are trying to return a value of different types. Since return types are not part of a method's signature, you can not overload with different return types. Therefore, the usual approach is:
int getIntValue() { ... }
byte getByteValue() { ... }
If this is actually a conversion, the standard naming is
int toInt() { ...}
byte toByte() { ... }
You can't. In Java parameters are always passed by value. If the parameter is a reference type, the reference is passed by value and you can modify it inside the method while with primitive types this is not possible.
You will need to create a wrapper type.
Primitives are not passed by references (or objects for that matter) so no you cannot.
int i = 1;
public void moo(int bah)
bah = 3;
Prints out 1
I would say the alternative strategy, if you want to work with primitives, is to do what the Java Libraries do. Just suck it up and have multiple methods.
For example, ObjectInputStream has readDouble(), readByte(), etc.
You're not gaining anything by sharing an implementation of the function, and the clients of your function aren't gaining anything by the variants of your function all having the same name.
Considering your update, I don't think it's necessary to duplicate too much code. It depends on your encoding strategy but I would imagine you could do something like this:
private byte get8Bits();
public byte getByte() {
return get8Bits();
public int getInt() {
return (get8Bits() << 24) | (get8Bits() << 16) | (get8Bits() << 8) | get8Bits();
Anything that shares code more than that is probably over-engineering.
An alternative could be
private long getBits(int numBits);
public byte getByte() {
return (byte)getBits(8);
public int getInt() {
return (int)getBits(32);
i.e. I don't think it makes sense to expose the users of your library to anything other than the primitive types themselves.
If you really, really wanted to then you could make a single method for access like this:
public static <T> T getValue(Class<T> clazz) {
if ( clazz == byte.class ) {
return (T)Byte.valueOf((byte)getBits(8));
} else if ( clazz == int.class ) {
return (T)Integer.valueOf((int)getBits(32));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(clazz.toString());
byte b = getValue(byte.class);
int i = getValue(int.class);
But I fail to see how it's any less cumbersome for clients of your library.
The object types of primitive types in Java (Double, Integer, Boolean, etc) are, if I remember correctly, immutable. This means that you cannot change the original value inside a method they are passed into.
There are two solutions to this. One is to make a wrapper type that holds the value. If all you are attempting to do is change the value or get a calculation from the value, you could have the method return the result for you. To take your examples:
public byte getValue(byte theByte) {...}
public short getValue(short theShort) {...}
And you would call them by the following:
Short s = 0;
s = foo.getValue(s);
or something similar. This allows you to mutate or change the value, and return the mutated value, which would allow something like the following:
Short s = foo.getValue(10);
Hope that helps.
Yes, please be more specific about what you want to achieve.
From your description I suggest you have a look at Java generics where you could write something like this:
class SomeClass <GenericType> {
GenericType val;
void setValue(GenericType val) {
this.val = val;
GenericType getValue() {
return val;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SomeClass<Integer> myObj = new SomeClass<Integer>();
SomeClass<String> myObj2 = new SomeClass<String>();
Sounds like you have a set of bits that you're parsing through. You should have it wrapped in an object, lets call that object a BitSet. You're iterating through the bits, so you'll have something like an Iterator<Bit>, and as you go you want to parse out bytes, ints, longs, etc... Right?
Then you'll have your class Parser, and it has methods on it like:
public byte readByte(Iterator<Bit> bitit) {
//reads 8 bits, which moves the iterator forward 8 places, creates the byte, and returns it
public int readInt(Iterator<Bit> bitit) {
//reads 32 bits, which moves the iterator forward 32 places, creates the int, and returns it
So after you call whichever method you need, you've extracted the value you want in a typesafe way (different return types for different methods), and the Iterator has been moved forward the correct number of positions, based on the type.
Is that what you're looking for?
Only by creating your own value holding types.

Comparing Numbers in Java

In Java, all numeric types extend from java.lang.Number. Would it be a good idea to have a method like the following:
public boolean areEqual(Number first, Number second) {
if (first != null && second != null) {
return first.equals(second);
I'm concerned about cases where a double 2.00000 does not equal an int 2. Are these handled by the built-in equals? If not, is there any way to write a simple number compare function in java? (external libraries such as apache commons are ok)
A Double is NEVER equals to an Integer. Moreover, a double is not the same as a Double.
Java has primitive types and reference types. The truly numeric types in Java do not extend from Number, because they're primitives.
You may want to consider a system where you're not mixing types, because that usually will cause a lot of trouble with implicit/explicit conversions that may/may not lose information, etc.
Related questions
On int vs Integer:
What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java/C#?
Is Java fully object-oriented?
On Number comparison:
Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable?
Comparing the values of two generic Numbers
See also
Java Language Guide/Autoboxing
JLS 4.2 4.2 Primitive Types and Values
The numeric types are the integral types and the floating-point types.
The integral types are byte, short, int, and long and char.
The floating-point types are float and double.
On mixed-type computation
Mixed-type computation is the subject of at least 4 puzzles in Java Puzzlers.
Here are various excerpts:
it is generally best to avoid mixed-type computations [...] because they are inherently confusing [...] Nowhere is this more apparent than in conditional expressions. Mixed-type comparisons are always confusing because the system is forced to promote one operand to match the type of the other. The conversion is invisible and may not yield the results that you expect
Prescription: Avoid computations that mix integral and floating-point types. Prefer integral arithmetic to floating-point.
To compare two Numbers in Java you can use the compareTo from BigDecimal. BigDecimal can hold everything from short until double or BigInteger, so it's the perfect class for this.
So you can try to write something like this:
public int compareTo(Number n1, Number n2) {
// ignoring null handling
BigDecimal b1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(n1.doubleValue());
BigDecimal b2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(n2.doubleValue());
return b1.compareTo(b2);
This is surely not the best approach regarding to performance.
The following tests worked so far, at least with JDK7:
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Integer(2)) == -1);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(2.0)) == -1);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(Double.MAX_VALUE)) == -1);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(Double.MIN_VALUE)) == 1);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(1.000001)) == -1);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(1.000)) == 0);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new Double(0.25*4)) == 0);
assertTrue(compareTo(new Integer(1), new AtomicLong(1)) == 0);
The specific method you suggest would fail, because it's using equals() inherited from Object. That is, it would check to see if the Number objects were the same, not whether their values were the same.
If that was just an illustrative example, I will update my answer.
polygene's answer actually pretty much covers the ground I was heading for. You may also be interested in this question: Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable?.
If you want to know whether the object references are the same, then the existing methods fit the bill. A Double representing 2.0 and an Integer representing 2 are definitely different objects, and certainly not interchangeable in a general sense.
If you just want to know whether the numeric values are the same, you can use the Number.doubleValue() method to convert both numbers to doubles, then compare those numbers together (probably allowing for a small tolerance, as most numbers are represented inexactly, such as 1.99999999996583 for what should be 2, depending on the intermediate calculation steps). Something like the following:
private static final double EPSILON = 0.000000000000001d;
public static boolean areEquivalentNumbers(Number a, Number b)
if (a == null)
return b == null;
else if (b == null)
return false;
return Math.abs(a.doubleValue() - b.doubleValue()) < EPSILON;
On a tangent to a couple of the responses, may I suggest that instead of writing something like:
boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2)
if (o1==null)
return o2==null;
if (o2==null)
return false;
return o1.equals(o2);
It's much more concise, and I believe slightly more efficient, to write:
boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2)
return o1==o2 || o1!=null && o2!=null && o1.equals(o2);
If both are null, o1==o2 will return true. If they're not but they're the same object, that's fine too.
Technically the o2!=null is not necessary for most implementations of equals, but if you were really being so generic as to do this on Objects as in the above example, you of course wouldn't know how every override was written.
public static boolean compareTo(Number d1, Number d2) {
Double num1=d1.doubleValue();
Double num2=d2.doubleValue();
if(, num2)==0)
return true;
return false;
public static boolean compareTo(Number d1, Number d2) {
return true;
return false;
Comparing numbers between integer and floating point is almost never going to yield what you are after. If however this is a simple exercise, you could implement the comparison by comparing the string representations of the values, as in:
public boolean areEqual(Number first, Number second) {
if (first == null) {
return second == null;
if (second == null) {
return false;
return first.toString().equals(second.toString());
you cannot call
because, if number is a Double and number2 is an Integer, they will not be of the same class and you will get an exception telling you of that fact.
You could write a comparison class yourself that accepts Number objects, but you will have to take into account the different subclasses of Number

