Hibernate subquery - java

I have a problem in creating subqueries with Hibernate. Unfortunately the Subqueries class is almost entirely undocumented, so I have absolutely no clue how to convert the following SQL into a Hibernate Criteria:
FROM car_parts
WHERE car_id IN ( SELECT id FROM cars WHERE owner_id = 123 )
I was hoping the following would 'just work':
session.createCriteria(CarParts.class).add(eq("car.owner", myCarOwner));
but unfortunately it does not. So it seems I actually have to use the Subqueries class to create the Criteria. But I was unable to find a reasonable example though Google, so that leads me to asking it here.

Try Like this:
Table details): Category (id, name, desc, parentId, active)
DetachedCriteria subCriteria = DetachedCriteria
subCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("active", Boolean.TRUE));
subCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", categoryName));
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Category.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("active", Boolean.TRUE));
criteria.add(Subqueries.propertyEq("parent", subCriteria));
It will generate the query like:
Categories this_
and this_.parentId = (
this0__.id as y0_
Categories this0__
this0__.parentId is null
and this0__.active=1
and this0__.name='Health Plan'
Good Luck!
-Rohtash Singh

Try to create an alias for the "car" property before adding the eq expression like this:
.createAlias("car", "c")
.add(eq("c.owner", myCarOwner));

As first check the ORM configuration between Car and CarPart entities, usually you need the setup the relationship between them. After that try to execute the following code:
List result = session.createQuery("from " + CarPart.class.getName() +
" as parts join parts.car as car where car.owner = :myOwner")
.setParameter("myOwner", 123)


criteria API predicate: group by on one column, find row min on another and then return third

I've got table
CREATE TABLE stp2_vehicles.can_data (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
receive_time timestamp NOT NULL,
gps_frame_id int8 NULL
based on it I need to add criteria predicate required for bigger query.
What i need in where clausule is select returning ids of can_data - only one id for each gps frame the one with earliest timestamp.
So in sql it would look like this:
select cd.id
from stp2_vehicles.can_data cd
right join
(select gps_frame_id, min(receive_time) as min_time
from stp2_vehicles.can_data
group by gps_frame_id
) cd2 on cd.gps_frame_id = cd2.gps_frame_id and cd.receive_time = cd2.min_time
unfortunately criteria api doesn't support joining with result of subquery.
I've tried also approach with self join (should be supported by criteria api) but solution I came with seems too computationally complex or has errors I can't see:
select cd.id
from stp2_vehicles.can_data cd
inner join stp2_vehicles.can_data cd2 on cd.id=cd2.id
where cd.receive_time = (select min(receive_time) from stp2_vehicles.can_data cd3 where cd.gps_frame_id = cd3.gps_frame_id );
By the way:
I've managed to solve simpler case:
select min(cd.id) from can_data cd group by cd.gps_frame_id
CriteriaQuery<CANData> criteriaQueryCanData = cb.createQuery(CANData.class);
Subquery<Long> subquery = criteriaQueryCanData.subquery(Long.class);
Root<CANData> canDataSubRoot = subquery.from(CANData.class);
Since the subquery seems to be "static", you can define an entity for the result of the subquery by using the #Subselect annotation.

JPA Join with aggregate function

I am a beginner when it comes to JPA and I am struggling to write the proper entity classes for my database structure.
Firstly, here are my tables:
create table article (
id varchar(100) not null primary key,
title varchar(255) not null
create table article_provider (
providerId varchar(60) not null,
articleId varchar(100) null,
constraint article_provider_articleid_fk foreign key (articleId) references article (id) on update cascade on delete cascade
As you can see I have a one-to-many relationship (every article can have 0..n providers).
Now when accessing articles I would also like to know, if the article is on sale by any of it's providers. For this I would use the following SQL query:
SELECT article.*, MAX(article_provider.isOnSale) AS isOnSale FROM article
LEFT JOIN article_provider ON article.id = article_provider.articleId
GROUP BY article.id
How would I best go about fetching this type of result using Hibernate/JPA?
Your query is not right -- you use attributes in SELECT clause that are not in GROUP BY clause, but for example to select Article.id + MAX(whatever) you can use something like:
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Article> query = builder.createQuery(Article.class);
Root<Article> root = query.from(Article.class);
Join<Article, ArticleProvider> join = root.join(Article_.provider, JoinType.LEFT);
query.multiselect(root.get(Article_.id), builder.max(sale));
// query will return collection of scalar attributes (ID + Number)
Object result = entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList()
To select exactly Article.* + MAX(sales) you would need to use the above as a subquery and join again with Article entity.
But there are simillar of examples elsewhere: How do I write a MAX query with a where clause in JPA 2.0?
another tip: https://www.thoughts-on-java.org/hibernate-tip-subquery-criteriaquery/
correction/clarification: I have only assumed you want to use Criteria API where subquery and combining the results for Hibernate is probably the only way. But you may try to use JPA query language and/or different provider where subquery with multiple results can be used -- jpa eclipselink subquery in from clause

Hibernate Criteria filter Entity where ManyToMany relation contains multiple objects

I need help with Hibernate Criteria API.
I have a class Job that contain a list of Skill in ManyToMany relationship.
I need to select jobs based on a skill list given as parameter.
I've tried with Restriction.in("skill.id",ids) but this gives me wrong list.If i've selected 2 skills in search form i want the jobs that contain BOTH of them,so i need somehow to implement AND clause.
I've tried with Conjunction:
Conjunction and = Restrictions.conjunction();
for(Skill skill:job.getSkills()){
And this:
Criteria crit = criteria.createCriteria("skills",JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN);
for(Skill skill:job.getSkills()){
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("id", skill.getId()));
but it creates same alias for skill and it gives me no result.
sql is and (skill1_.ID=? and skill1_.ID=?)
Can anyone help me with this ?thanks
HQL Query will be like:
select a from Job a where exists (select skill1.id from Skill skill1 join skill1.jobs r where r.id=a.id and skill1.id=1) and exists (select skill2.id from Skill skill2 join skill2.jobs r where r.id=a.id and skill2.id=4)
I need Criteria based on this.
for(Skill skill:job.getSkills()){
DetachedCriteria subquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Skill.class,"skill");
subquery.createAlias("jobs", "job");
subquery.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("job.id", "Job.id"));
I managed to solve it.now it works perfect.

Hibernate generates error SQL like ".=."

I have 3 tables in Oracle DB which relationship is #ManyToMany. So I have 2 significant tables and one for mappings.
I create a classes with name (if you want I can show my classes) named Entities, Keywords (I understand that naming is not correct but this is not my project I only do optimizations).
I use hibernate version 4.3.4.
I write query like this:
session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT r FROM Rules r, Entities e " +
" WHERE r.entities = e.rules " +
" AND e IN :entities ";
Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
query.setParameterList("entities", entitiesList);
List<Rules> rulesList = query.list();
BUT! Hibernate generate strange SQL
rules0_.rule_id as rule_id1_11_,
rules0_.rule as rule2_11_
rules rules0_,
entities entities1_,
rules_entities entities2_,
entities entities3_,
rules_entities rules4_,
rules rules5_
and entities2_.entity_id=entities3_.entity_id
and entities1_.entity_id=rules4_.entity_id
and rules4_.rule_id=rules5_.rule_id
and .=.
and (
entities1_.entity_id in (
? , ? , ? , ?
When I try to execute this query I receive that error:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00936: missing expression
When I copy this query to OracleDevepoler he didn`t like this expression "and .=.". Without that query executes correct.
What am I doing wrong ?
Maybe you used bad join in your query? From context i conclude that you should use something like that:
"SELECT DISTINCT r FROM Rules r inner join r.entities e " +
" WHERE e IN :entities ";
I think the correct query could be
select distinct e.rules from Entities where e.entityId in :entities
This is if Keywords is your join table and you have a collection of rules in Entities
If it isn't, can you show the mappings please, it could help.

Get record with max id, using Hibernate Criteria

Using Hibernate's Criteria API, I want to select the record within a table with the maximum value for a given column.
I tried to use Projections, creating an alias for max(colunName), then using it in restrictions.eq(), but it keeps telling me "invalid number".
What's the correct way to do that with Hibernate?
You can use a DetachedCriteria to express a subquery, something like this:
DetachedCriteria maxId = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Foo.class)
.setProjection( Projections.max("id") );
.add( Property.forName("id").eq(maxId) )
Hibernate Core Reference Guide
15.8. Detached queries and subqueries
I found that using addOrder and setMaxResults together worked for me.
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Thingy.class);
return (Thingy)c.uniqueResult();
Using the MySQL dialect, this generates a SQL prepared statement about like this (snipping out some of the fields):
select this_.id ... from Thingy this_ order by this_.id desc limit ?
I am not sure if this solution would be effective for dialects other than MySQL.
and fetch just the first result :)
from Person where person.id = (select max(id) from Person)
Untested. Your database needs to understand subselects in the where clause.
Too lazy to find out if/how such a subselect can be expressed with the criteria api. Of course, you could do two queries: First fetch the max id, then the entity with that id.
The cleaner solution would also be :
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Foo.class).setProjection(Projections.max("id"));
Foo fooObj =(Foo) criteria.getExecutableCriteria(getCurrentSession()).list().get(0);
Date maxDateFromDB = null;
Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
//Register is and Entity and assume maxDateFromDB is a column.
//Status is another entity with Enum Applied.
//Code is the Parameter for One to One Relation between Register and Profile entity.
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Register.class).setProjection(Projections.max("maxDateFromDB") )
.add(Restrictions.eq("status.id", Status.Name.APPLIED.instance().getId()));
if(code != null && code > 0) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("profile.id", code));
List<Date> list = criteria.list();
maxDateFromDB = list.get(0);
To do it entirely with Detached Criteria (because I like to construct the detached criteria without a session)
DetachedCriteria maxQuery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Foo.class)
.setProjection( Projections.max("id") );
DetachedCriteria recordQuery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Foo.class)
.add(Property.forName("id").eq(maxId) );
For the max() function in hibernate:

