Make transactionless EJB call inside a transaction - java

I'll try to describe the situation. We have a web service; on each request web service starts a JTA transaction. It performs several database calls through XA datasource within that and calls some other web services (out of transaction context) and also makes a couple of remote EJB calls on other server.
The problem is that container seems to try to involve EJB into transaction (and that seems logical), but in fact I want it to not particpate in that transaction as when it does participate in that transcation it always times out in the final commit phase, but when I exclude EJB call it works fine.
I cann't change EJB implementation and only control web service code. So, my question is: how do I make an EJB call to transaction-aware EJB, but out of my JTA transaction, but still being in JTA transaction for other XA resourse? I hope I made my question clear :).
EDIT: Trying to make it more clear with pseudo-code example:
// Begin transaction
UserTransaction tx = (UserTransaction) ctx.lookup(USER_TRANSACTION);
// Do some database operations on XA datasource
// Call remote EJB which has transcation attribute set to 'Supports'
AccountInfo account = accountEjb.getAccountInfo(userId, accountId); // <-- Is it possible to make this to be not be part of user transction?
// Do some more database operations on XA datasource
// Commit transaction

You can create another bean with some appropriate transaction attribute. This bean can delegate all calls to the first bean.
Or you can invoke this ejb from another thread.

EJB transaction is declarative: for a given deployment of a given EJB, you specify its transaction semantics. The exact EJB can be deployed (under a different name, of course) and you can specify different requirements for that deployment. This is assuming that (a) you at least have the jar for the ejb, and, (b) that the ejb in question is stand alone and doesn't have dependencies on other components, and (c) the developer of the ejb hasn't violated the idea of the declarative transactions and his bean works outside of a transaction context as well.

You can create another method with the suitable tx attribute and then call it with through the self-injected proxy (pseudo-code):
public class LocalEJB1 {
private LocalEJB1 localEJB1;
private AccountEJB accountEjb;
public AccountInfo callNonTx() {
return accountEjb.getAccountInfo(userId, accountId);
public void yourCurrentMethod() {
// Begin transaction
UserTransaction tx = (UserTransaction) ctx.lookup(USER_TRANSACTION);
AccountInfo account = localEJB1.callNonTx();
// Do some more database operations on XA datasource
// Commit transaction


Will an EntityManager with context type TRANSACTION in a Singleton join an external bean-managed transaction?

Suppose I have a Singleton bean with an EntityManager in it. The singleton also specifies (on method or class level) a transaction attribute REQUIRED. The entity manager is obtained via an #PersistenceContext injection which specifies persistence context type TRANSACTION. For all intents and purposes, if a method on this singleton is invoked with an existing transaction, the entity manager should join the transaction or possibly provide an already existing one linked to that transaction via proxy. If such a method is invoked outside of a transaction a new transaction will be started for the duration of the method invocation.
Now suppose we have a second bean which uses bean-managed transactions and injects the singleton. If it explicitly starts a user transaction and then invokes a method on the singleton, will the entity manager in that method join that user transaction? Will the jump from bean-managed to container-managed transaction context even work? I know the other way around doesn't and forms a barrier.
The singleton class:
public class PersistenceSingleton {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "test", type = PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION)
private EntityManager em;
public void doStuff() {
// perform actions with the entity manager that imply changes in the database
The bean with user transactions (might as well be stateless or stateful):
public class PersistenceFacade {
private PeristenceSingleton ps;
private UserTransaction userTx;
public void doStuff() {
Does the transaction started in method doStuff() of the PersistenceFacade get taken into account when invoking doStuff() on the PersistenceSingleton? Does the entity manager automatically join the transaction and behave as expected from transaction isolation during concurrent access?
UserTransaction is used for changing the default transaction demarcation but we still control the JTA transactions. says:
If you have UserTransaction you can start demarcating what is to be executed within the transaction. Notice that you’re still controlling
the JTA transactions
so The persistence context propagation rule will be applied for UserTransaction demarcation.
pro JPA book says:
When a method is invoked on the transaction-scoped entity manager, it
must first see whether there is a propagated persistence context. If
one exists, the entity manager uses this persistence context to carry
out the operation. All subsequent transaction-scoped entity manager
operations, in this component or any other, will thereafter use this
newly created persistence context. This behavior works independently
of whether container-managed or bean-managed transaction demarcation
has been used.
the answer to your questions is yes(first question)
Does the entity manager automatically join the transaction and behave
as expected from transaction isolation during concurrent access?
entity manager checks the existence of a propagated persistence context and uses it.

Jboss EAP 7 CDI JTA #Transactional

I am struggling to understand how I am supposed to deal with JTA and CDI running on a Jboss EAP 7 instance. I can get a transaction manually by injecting a UserTransaction object coming from the container but when I annotate the method with the #Transactional I get an exception regarding no transaction available.... My question is. Is there any config missing? I read briefly that maybe I should create an interceptor myself in order to make it work, but I haven't found any consistent example...
In a default JEE container-managed environment, only enterprise beans (usually #Stateless beans are used) are transactional. Once you enter such a bean from outside, the transaction will be opened. With the #javax.transaction.Transactional annotation you can control the behavior of the transactions, but this is not necessary in default case.
Example bean:
public MyBean {
public void withinTransaction() {
System.out.println("i'm running within a transaction");
public void outsideTransaction() {
System.out.println("no transaction available...");
If you call MyBean.withinTransaction from a Servlet (e.g. via REST), a new transaction is created (if not already present).
If you call MyBean.outsideTransaction, no transaction will be created.
If you call this.outsideTransaction() from withinTransaction, you will still have the transaction available in outsideTransaction (because the interceptors are only bound to the bean boundaries)
If you call this.withinTransaction() from outsideTransaction no new transaction is created (because the interceptors are only bound to the bean boundaries)
If outsideTransaction would be part of a second bean AnotherBean, which #Injects MyBean, and you call MyBean.withinTransaction, then a new transaction will be created (if not already present). Because you cross bean boundaries between AnotherBean.outsideTransaction and MyBean.withinTransaction.

using programmatic transaction control in CMT bean

I need to commit transactions from CMT bean by hand. There is a loop which processes multiple records and each record should be processed in its own transaction. I wanted to mark method transaction support as NOT_SUPPORTED and then control transaction from method. However I could not retrieve a UserTransaction instance neither from SessionContext neither injecting it as a JNDI resource java:/module/UserTransaction.
Are there any chance to process multiple records in CMT bean in their own transactions without introducing new BMT bean for such processing?
You should not mess around transactions yourself if you use CMT.
I recommend you create a method for the operation needs to be in transaction, mark it as REQUIRES_NEW, then call it from the loop.
Everytime the method is called, the current transaction (if any) will be suspended and a new transaction will be started for the operation.
Something like this:
SomeEJBLocal anotherme;
public void loop() {
for(/* something */) {
public void single() {
// do stuff
You will have to inject another instance of the EJB and call single in order for the container to process the transaction aspects.

hibernate jpa: Session is closed!

Application is based on Spring 2.5.5 and hibernate 3.2.0 GA.
I have the following method in my DAO that gets MessageEntities attached to the specified User:
public MessageEntity findByUserId(int userId) {
List<MessageEntity> result = (List<MessageEntity>) em.createNamedQuery(MessageEntity.Q_BY_USER_ID).setParameter("userId", userId).getResultList();
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
return result.get(0);
} else {
return null;
I need to call this method from my integration test to check whether system's behaviour is valid. As long as this method is not transactional, all I get is org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed!. The easiest way to avoid this is to mark findByUserId method with #Transactional(readOnly = true). But as I understand, transaction management should be the duty of service tier to avoid unnecessary transactions creation. So, my question is: how can I properly get away from SessionException?
You need to perform all your database actions within a transaction scope. As you identified its usually considered good design to let the service layer of your database model deal with transactions. The only constraint then becomes that you must invoke your service model to get within the transaction scope, which might be undesirable during test.
I would recommend to make use of the testing fascilites provided by spring. See Transaction management
You could also manually create a transaction before testing your method, e.g., by
Session sess = factory.openSession();
Transaction tx = null;
// try catch
tx = sess.beginTransaction();
Put the following annotations on the top of your test class.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml")
Also I wouldn't worry about putting additional #Transactional in DAOs.
Spring usually checks to see if you are already in a transaction (with in the same thread) before it creates another.
"But as I understand, transaction
management should be the duty of
service tier to avoid unnecessary
transactions creation."
This is more of a design choice (Spring Roo for example violates this)
You can use this annotation on your controller method:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)

HibernateDaoSupport , transaction is not rolled back

I'm playing around with Spring + Hibernate and some "manual" transaction management with PostgreSQL
I'd like to try this out and understand how this works before moving to aop based transaction management.
public class UserDAOImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements UserDAO {
public void saveUser(User u) {
Transaction tx = getSession().beginTransaction();
Calling saveUser here, I'd assume that saving a new User will be rolled back.
However, moving to a psql command line, the user is saved in the table.
Why isn't this rolled back, What do I have to configure to do transactions this way ?
Edit; a bit more debugging seems to indicate getHibernateTemplate() uses a different session than what getSession() returns (?)
Changing the code to
Transaction tx = getSession().beginTransaction();
and the transaction does get rolled back. But I still don't get why the hibernateTemplate would use/create a new session..
A couple of possibilities spring to mind (no pun intended):
a) Your JDBC driver defaults to autocommit=true and is somehow ignoring the beginTransaction() and rollback() calls;
b) If you're using Spring 3, I believe that SessionFactory.getSession() returns the Hibernate Session object wrapped by a Spring proxy. The Spring proxy is set up on the Session in part to handle transaction management, and maybe it's possible that it is interfering with your manual transaction calls?
While you can certainly use AOP-scoped proxies for transaction management, why not use the #Transactional(readOnly=false|true) annotation on your service layer methods? In your Spring config file for your service layer methods, all you need to do to make this work is to add
<tx:annotation-driven />
See chapters 10 and 13 of the Spring Reference Documentation on Transaction Management and ORM Data Access, respectively:
Finally, if you're using Spring 3, you can eliminate references to the Spring Framework in your code by injecting the Spring-proxied SessionFactory bean into your DAO code - no more need to use HibernateDaoSupport. Just inject the SessionFactory, get the current Session, and use Hibernate according to the Hibernate examples. (You can combine both HibernateDaoSupport and plain SessionFactory-based Hibernate code in the same application, if required.)
If you see the JavaDoc for HibernateDaoSupport.getSession() it says it will obtain a new session or give you the one that is used by the existing transaction. In your case there isn't a transaction listed with HibernateDaoSupport already.
So if you use getHibernateTemplate().getSession() instead of just getSession(), you should get the session that is used by HibernateTemplate and then the above should work.
Please let me know how it goes.
I agree its bad. So the other option then is to keep the session thread bound which is usually the best practice in a web application. If HibernateDaoSupport is going to find a thread bound session then it will not create a new one and use the same one. That should let you do rollbacks.

