I'm trying to communicate between my PC (Windows 7 using Netbeans and RXTX) with an Arduino Pro, using the serial port. The Arduino is actually connected to the PC using an FTDI cable.
The code is based on the Java SimpleRead.Java found here.
Currently the Arduino simply prints out a string when it starts up. My Java program should print the number of bytes that have been read and then print out the contents. The Java program works, sort of...
If the string is long (>10 bytes or so) the output will get broken up.
So if on the Arduino I print
Serial.println("123456789123456789"); //20 bytes including '\r' and '\n'
The output of my Java program may look something like:
Number of Bytes: 15
Number of Bytes: 5
Number of Bytes: 12
Number of Bytes: 8
I'm thinking it's a timing problem, because when I manually go through the code using the debugger, the result string is always what it should be: one 20 byte string.
I've been messing with various things but I haven't been able to fix the problem.
Here is the part of the code that is giving me problems:
static int baudrate = 9600,
dataBits = SerialPort.DATABITS_8,
stopBits = SerialPort.STOPBITS_1,
parity = SerialPort.PARITY_NONE;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[128];
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
if (event.getEventType() == SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE) {
try {
if (input.available() > 0) {
//Read the InputStream and return the number of bytes read
numBytes = input.read(readBuffer);
String result = new String(readBuffer,0,numBytes);
System.out.println("Number of Bytes: " + numBytes);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Data Available Exception");
Serial data is just a stream of data. Depending on when you read it and the buffering that is happening, only part of the data may be available when you read it.
Since you are using line oriented data, what you will want to do is buffer the data until you see the line terminator and only then process the data.
I haven't used Java RXTX, but I've played with Arduino and Processing and it's pretty easy to read/write values from Arduino.
Here is a read sample that comes with Processing(File > Examples > Libraries > Serial > SimpleRead)
* Simple Read
* Read data from the serial port and change the color of a rectangle
* when a switch connected to a Wiring or Arduino board is pressed and released.
* This example works with the Wiring / Arduino program that follows below.
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
int val; // Data received from the serial port
void setup()
size(200, 200);
// I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
// is always my FTDI adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[0].
// On Windows machines, this generally opens COM1.
// Open whatever port is the one you're using.
String portName = Serial.list()[0];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
void draw()
if ( myPort.available() > 0) { // If data is available,
val = myPort.read(); // read it and store it in val
background(255); // Set background to white
if (val == 0) { // If the serial value is 0,
fill(0); // set fill to black
else { // If the serial value is not 0,
fill(204); // set fill to light gray
rect(50, 50, 100, 100);
// Wiring / Arduino Code
// Code for sensing a switch status and writing the value to the serial port.
int switchPin = 4; // Switch connected to pin 4
void setup() {
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // Set pin 0 as an input
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 bps
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH) { // If switch is ON,
Serial.print(1, BYTE); // send 1 to Processing
} else { // If the switch is not ON,
Serial.print(0, BYTE); // send 0 to Processing
delay(100); // Wait 100 milliseconds
As far as I remember, the baud thingy you setup in Arduino when you instantiate Serial is pretty important. If you use 9600 to send for example, you should use the same number to listen.
Also it's pretty important to send your information as BYTE, otherwise you'll have stuff like \r or \n in the way.
Shorter version, try:
The simpler the better.
I think you need to use event driven design patterns to solve this problem. I highly recommend you to visit: http://www.whatisarduino.org/bin/Tutorials/Java+Serial+API+and+Arduino
I would like to write a GUI in Java, in which there will be a button. Pressing the button will illuminate the diode connected to the Arduino. I'm using the RXTXcomm.jar library.
For now, I wrote code that displays the COM21 port because that's how my Arduino is connected to and opens it. Here's the code:
private String name;
private String portName;
private CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = null;
private boolean staPort;
private void getPorts () throws PortInUseException {
List <String> list = new ArrayList ();
CommPortIdentifier serialPortId;
Enumeration enumComm;
enumComm = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers ();
while (enumComm.hasMoreElements ()) {
serialPortId = (CommPortIdentifier) enumComm.nextElement ();
name = serialPortId.getName ();
if ("COM21" .equals (name)) {
if (serialPortId.isCurrentlyOwned ()) {
System.out.println ("Port is open");
} Else {
serialPortId.open (name, WIDTH);
} else {
System.out.println ("error");
I would like to ask how to now ignite a diode connected to eg pin1? What method to use? I use an Arduino Mega. I found a few posts on this subject, unfortunately no specific answer matching my problem. I will be grateful for any help, materials or links.
Understand that you'll need two programs to do this. The first is similar to your Java program. But the second is the program that runs on the Arduino itself.
Here is a link that should give you an idea. The code is repeated below in case the link goes stale:
int led = 13; // Pin 13
void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 as digital out
// Start up serial connection
Serial.begin(9600); // baud rate
void loop()
String input = "";
// Read any serial input
while (Serial.available() > 0)
input += (char) Serial.read(); // Read in one char at a time
delay(5); // Delay for 5 ms so the next char has time to be received
if (input == "on")
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // on
else if (input == "off")
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // off
This is the C code that needs to run on the Arduino. In this case, as you can see, it is using pin 13. You'll need to get an Arduino development environment setup to get this part working. See the Arduino Software page for information on how to setup the Arduino IDE. That will be different from your Netbeans IDE but the concepts are similar.
After you've got your sketch uploaded to your Arduino you'll connect to it at 9600 baud as shown in the Arduino code. Your Java code isn't setting communication parameters like baud rate so you'll need to update it for that. I found several links for setting the serial communication parameters in RXTX so take a look around.
Good luck - it seems like alot at first but it's really not too bad.
I'm currently developing a client/server architecture between a tablet (client) and a MAC/PC (server). I am doing on both side some real-time rendering and I need communication between the two.
The problem is that I need to do some operation on the string I get from my client (which is basically a rotation matrix). This string is therefore to be at most 16 float numbers that I previously transform into a coma-separated-value string.
Therefore what I should get from my client is something like:
Server-side, I do some processing of that string to get back my rotation matrix as a float array of 16 elements. The problem is that sometimes I get more than just 16 elements from the client on the server side at once. I for instance get
So that when I try to split it, I go above the 16 element limits which is not good at all for me.
My question is: is there a way to prevent the server and/or the client to read/send more than one complete matrix at a time? Since I'm using a tablet and some real-time rendering I would like to be able to save as much processing power as possible.
Here is the code that I'm using (just snippets as files are quite big)
if (connected == true && matrixupdated == true && this.hasMatrixChanged()){
try {
this.inFromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
this.outToServer= new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
this.sentence = this.getStringFromMatrix();
outToServer.writeBytes(sentence + '\n');
this.hasServerProcessed = false ;
System.arraycopy(matrix, 0, previousMatrix, 0, 16); //I check whether the matrix changes enough for me to send it to the server
}catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("ClientActivity", "S: Error", e);
this.matrixupdated = false ;
Server :
while( (read_size = recv(sock , client_message , 2000 , 0)) > 0 )
smatrix = client_message ; //smatrix is a true c++ string
pthread_cond_wait(&mycondition, &mymutex); // prevent real-time rendering to try and use the matrix at the same time as this function
std::stringstream ss(smatrix);
while(std::getline(ss, tok, ',')) {
matrix[i] = ::atof(tok.c_str());
i++ ;
i = 0 ;
Working as designed. TCP is a byte stream protocol. There are no message boundaries. If you want messages you have to implement them yourself.
I am working on a modbus TCP implementation in Java. I've tried 3 different libraries so far modbus4j, jamod, and j2mod. I can successfully access my slave device with the linux modpoll tool: http://www.modbusdriver.com/modpoll.html
michael#michael-G75VW:~/Documents/modbus-test-tool/linux$ ./modpoll -a255 -r1 -1
modpoll 3.4 - FieldTalk(tm) Modbus(R) Master Simulator
Copyright (c) 2002-2013 proconX Pty Ltd
Visit http://www.modbusdriver.com for Modbus libraries and tools.
Protocol configuration: MODBUS/TCP
Slave configuration...: address = 255, start reference = 1, count = 1
Communication.........:, port 502, t/o 1.00 s, poll rate 1000 ms
Data type.............: 16-bit register, output (holding) register table
-- Polling slave...
[1]: 256
This causes the barrier on my device to go up which is great. However, working in the Java implementation I am unable to reproduce this. I've tried many different steps but all fail. In J2mod/jamod I continually get a invalid slaveId error when using '255' which is the unit id i use in the above command. If I use anything else, I get a CRC failed error. In mod4j I get various errors including error code = 4. Here is my latest J2mod code which returns either CRC error (if not 255) or invalid slaveId. I know slaveId is mostly used for Serial communications, but my device only responds to a Unit ID of 255 when using other applications.
Integer value = Integer.decode(val).intValue();
Integer unitID = Integer.decode(uid).intValue();
Integer length = Integer.decode(len).intValue();
Integer ref = Integer.decode(reference).intValue();
SimpleRegister MyReg = new SimpleRegister(value);
try {
InetAddress address;
address = InetAddress.getByName(addr);
//2. Open the connection
TCPMasterConnection con = new TCPMasterConnection(address);
//3. Prepare the requestWrite
WriteSingleRegisterRequest WriteReq = new WriteSingleRegisterRequest(ref,MyReg);
//4. Prepare the transaction
ModbusTCPTransaction trans = new ModbusTCPTransaction(con);
Log.d(TAG, "Complete: " +trans.toString());
return trans.getResponse().getHexMessage();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "UnknownHostException: " + e.getMessage());
return e.getMessage();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG,"Exception: " + e.toString());
return e.getMessage();
My manual for the modbus interface is available here:
I can't speak to why, exactly, this is happening. I can tell you that both jamod and j2mod (j2mod is a bug-fixed fork of jamod) simply copy whatever you set as the unit number to the 7th byte of the TCP packet. It's then up to the PLC to respond to the packet, as sent.
For j2mod, setting the system property com.ghgande.modbus.debug equal to "true" from the JVM command line will enable debug messages. That will allow you to view a packet dump that should tell you what's happening.
You do make one very interesting comment, and that is that you are seeing CRC errors. You are aware that Modbus/TCP doesn't use a CRC at all?
I am a beginner in Java and I am working at a project involving sockets and external devices.
I have done a small listener for the units and I am having some problems sending messages to the devices.
The unit has 2 messages that is sending to the server:
1. the Heart Beat message witch is in hex
2. the actual data which is a string and looks like: field1,field2,field3,field4
The listener is opening a new thread for each device and is wait for messages.
I use an DataInputStream for receiving the messages and DataOutputStream for sending the messages. Each time a unit is connecting to the server, it opens a new thread and gets the heart beat, from that heart beat I know what type of device is and who is it. If the device is new I will configure it based on 2 unique serials which the unit knows to send me and I have to compare them to the database.
My problem is in the part in which I ask the device for the 2 serials. It takes a long time 30 to 40 seconds. It has to be under 10 seconds for send the command (tested on another tcp server).
Here is that part of code:
String [] commands = deviceDetails.getConfigCommands().split(";"); // I take the commands from a file, and looks like: command1;command2
for (int i=0; i<commands.length; i++) {
sendCommand = commands[i].getBytes(); // sendCommand is a byte[]
loop: while (true) {
in.read(buffer); // buffer is a byte[]
String[] result = new String(buffer, "ASCII").split(":|="); // the response from the unit looks like: ok:commandname=code, i need the code
if (configCounter ==2 && imei.equals("")) {
i = 0;
break loop;
} else if(configCounter == 2 && simid.equals("")) {
i = 1;
break loop;
switch (result[1]) {
case "IMEI":
imei = result[2];
break loop;
case "SIMID":
simid = result[2];
break loop;
in the while I am waiting for the response from the unit. but before that I am trying to send the command to the unit and it takes about 30-40 second for each command.
Can anyone tell me what's the problem in the code above? How can I make the DataOutputStream send the command faster than 30-40 seconds??
Thank you!
I'm working on a simple program to read a continuous stream of data from a plain old serial port. The program is written in Processing. Performing a simple read of data and dumping into to the console works perfectly fine, but whenever I add any other functionality (graphing,db entry) to the program, the port starts to become de-synchronized and all data from the serial port starts to become corrupt.
The incoming data from the serial port is in the following format :
A [TAB] //start flag
Data 1 [TAB]
Data 2 [TAB]
Data 3 [TAB]
Data 4 [TAB]
Data 5 [TAB]
Data 6 [TAB]
Data 7 [TAB]
Data 8 [TAB]
COUNT [TAB] //count of number of messages sent
Z [CR] //end flag followed by carriage return
So as stated, if I run the program below and simply have it output to the console, it runs fine without issue for several hours. If I add the graphing functionality or database connectivity, the serial data starts to come in garbled and serial port handler is never able to decode the message correctly again. I've tried all sorts of workarounds to this issue, thinking it is a timing problem but reducing the speed of the serial port doesn't seem to make a change.
If you see the serial port handler, I provide a large buffer just in case the terminating Z character is chopped off. I check to make sure the A and Z characters are in the correct place and in turn that the created "substring" is the correct length. When the program starts to fail, the substring will continuously fail this check until the program just crashes. Any ideas? I've tried several different ways of reading the serial port and am just beginning to wonder if I am missing something stupid here.
//Serial Port Tester
import processing.serial.*;
import processing.net.*;
import org.gwoptics.graphics.graph2D.Graph2D;
import org.gwoptics.graphics.graph2D.traces.ILine2DEquation;
import org.gwoptics.graphics.graph2D.traces.RollingLine2DTrace;
import de.bezier.data.sql.*;
SQLite db;
RollingLine2DTrace r1,r2,r3,r4;
Graph2D g;
Serial mSerialport; //the serial port
String[] svalues = new String[8]; //string values
int[] values = new int[8]; //int values
int endflag = 90; //Z
byte seperator = 13; //carriage return
class eq1 implements ILine2DEquation {
public double computePoint(double x,int pos) {
//data function for graph/plot
return (values[0] - 32768);
void connectDB()
db = new SQLite( this, "data.sqlite" );
if ( db.connect() )
db.query( "SELECT name as \"Name\" FROM SQLITE_MASTER where type=\"table\"" );
while (db.next())
println( db.getString("Name") );
void setup () {
size(1200, 1000);
String portName = Serial.list()[3];
mSerialport = new Serial(this, portName, 115200);
mSerialport.bufferUntil(endflag); //generate serial event when endflag is received
//graph setup
r1 = new RollingLine2DTrace(new eq1(),250,0.1f);
r1.setTraceColour(255, 0, 0);
g = new Graph2D(this, 1080, 500, false);
g.position.y = 50;
g.position.x = 100;
void draw () {
//g.draw(); enable this and program crashes quickly
void serialEvent (Serial mSerialport)
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[200];
mSerialport.readBytesUntil(seperator, inBuffer);
String inString = new String(inBuffer);
String subString = "";
int startFlag = inString.indexOf("A");
int endFlag = inString.indexOf("Z");
if (startFlag == 0 && endFlag == 48)
subString = inString.substring(startFlag+1,endFlag);
subString = "";
if ( subString.length() == 47)
svalues = (splitTokens(subString));
values = int(splitTokens(subString));
// if (db.connect()) //enable this and program crashes quickly
// {
// if ( svalues[0] != null && svalues[7] != null)
// {
// statement = svalues[7] + ", " + svalues[0] + ", " + svalues[1] + ", " + svalues[2] + ", " + svalues[3] + ", " + svalues[4] + ", " + svalues[5] + ", " + svalues[6];
// db.execute( "INSERT INTO rawdata (messageid,press1,press2,press3,press4,light1,light2,io1) VALUES (" + statement + ");" );
// }
// }
While I'm not familiar with your specific platform, my first thought from reading your problem description is that you still have a timing problem. At 115,200bps, data is coming in rather quickly-- more than 10 characters every millisecond. As such, if you spend precious time opening a database (slow file IO) or drawing graphics (also potentially slow), you might well not be able to keep up with the data.
As such, it might be a good idea to put the serial port processing on its own thread, interrupt, etc. That might make the multitasking much easier. Again, this is just an educated guess.
Also, you say that your program "crashes" when you enable the other operations. Do you mean that the entire process actually crashes, or that you get corrupted data, or both? Is it possible that you are overrunning your 200 byte inBuffer[]? At 115kbps, it wouldn't take but 20ms to do so.