Here is my ivy.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<dependency org="spring" name="richclient" rev="1.1.0"/>
And ivy-settings.xml:
<property name="ivy.local.default.root" value="/home/---/dev/Java/_libraries/_ivy" override="false"/>
<property name="ivy.local.default.ivy.pattern" value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
<property name="ivy.local.default.artifact.pattern" value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
<filesystem name="local">
<ivy pattern="${ivy.local.default.root}/${ivy.local.default.ivy.pattern}" />
<artifact pattern="${ivy.local.default.root}/${ivy.local.default.artifact.pattern}" />
Ivy try to find
And here is the problem. Library has 4 jar files.
How to include all jars in project from one dependency in ivy.xml?
I'm assuming you've just downloaded the jars locally? It won't work unless you also write an ivy.xml file for the downloaded files, listing the artifacts that are associated with the module (See publications section of the ivy.xml doco)
Why not avoid the hassle of maintaining the your own version of someone else's module by using the maven repository provided by Spring?
Add the following to your ivy-settings.xml file:
<ibiblio name="spring-rcp" m2compatible="true" root=""/>
While Ivy can work using dependencies on individual JAR files, it works better if you define separate ivy.xml files for the dependencies themselves, which specifies the 4 separate JAR files. This ivy.xml defines what Ivy calls a module.
Your application's ivy.xml then expresses a dependency on that module, rather than on specific JAR files.
The Ivy website has a tutorial on modules, I highly recommend reading it
I am trying to use the ivy:publish task to publish my jars using the public ibiblio resolver which I understand corresponds to the Maven central repository.
It seems to sort of work, but I am eventually getting an HTTP 405: Method Not Allowed.
The relevant sections from my ivysettings.xml, ivy.xml and build.xml files are:
This is actually the entire file:
<settings defaultResolver="public"/>
<ibiblio name="public" m2compatible="true" />
<artifact type="pom" ext="pom" conf="default"/>
<artifact type="jar" ext="jar" conf="default"/>
<target name="gen-pom" depends="ivy-resolve">
<ivy:makepom ivyfile="ivy.xml" pomfile="${dist.dir}/${}.pom">
<mapping conf="default" scope="compile"/>
<target name="ivy-publish" depends="jar, gen-pom" description="publish jar/source to maven repo">
<ivy:publish resolver="public" forcedeliver="true" overwrite="true" publishivy="false">
<artifacts pattern="${dist.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" />
When I invoke ant ivy-publish I get:
impossible to publish artifacts for mant-tasks#mant-tasks;1.0: PUT operation to URL failed with status code 405: Method Not Allowed
I guess this makes sense otherwise anybody would be able to pollute the namespace. So my questions are:
is this due to my lack of credentials? I.e. would I need to add a
credentials element in my ivysettings.xml as shown in this
can I obtain credentials for ibiblio for my
insignificant module and if not what other freely available public
repositories are available to a Java developer who doesn't want to
build and maintain their own maven repository? I need to be able to pull-in my module (as an IVY dependency of other projects) from a globally available repository.
Maven central is operated by Sonatype, the creators of Maven:
JFrog operate a competing service called bintray:
I suggest reading the documentation and obtain a credential that will allow to publish your module's file(s)
I have some problems understanding how the publication works. I have to publish a jar file to my web repository, but I have found some probably maybe by the fact that I missing something about the artifact and the publication.
These are my three files for the publication:
<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="pubblication"
default="pubblication" basedir=".">
<target name="pubblication" description="--> pubblicare un artifact">
<ivy:settings file="archivaIvySetting.xml" />
<ivy:publish resolver="publish-artifact" conf="publicConf" organisation="bbi"
module="resutil" revision="1.0">
<artifacts pattern="./[artifact]-[revision].[type]"/>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="org.apache" module="central"/>
<conf name="publicConf" visibility="public" />
<artifact name="[organisation]-resutil" ext="jar" conf="publicConf"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="archiva-internal" value="
<settings defaultResolver="central">
<credentials host="" realm="Repository Archiva Managed internal
Repository" username="username" passwd="passwd" />
<resolvers >
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true" usepoms="true" root="${archiva-
internal}" />
My problem is that when I do the build that ant says there is no module with that name in the cache. Now the question:
1) In the pattern do I set the jar that I want to publish?
2) If not how do I must to do practically that: take the jar give it the info params and publish it in the repo?
I repeat the file already exist, and this is a test file.
The pattern in the publish task should match a that is created locally in your build. Additionally the publish section of the ivy file must match the files your attempting to upload.
Hopefully some examples will help:
good ivy tutorial for local repository?
Issues using ivy:publish task
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml
how to publish 3rdparty artifacts with ivy and nexus
I want to use the Ivy Eclipse plugin to reolve the spring-oxm dependency.
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-oxm" rev="3.2.2.RELEASE" />
But I got below error:
Some projects fail to be resolved Impossible to resolve dependencies
of my class name unresolved dependency:
org.restlet.jee#org.restlet;2.1.1: not found unresolved dependency:
org.restlet.jee#org.restlet.ext.servlet;2.1.1: not found
I googled, and people say the restlet-2.1.1 no longer exist. And I have no idea how to solve this problem.
Its available in this repo
Probably you need to add this repository in your Ivy settings or any repository you are using.
Well, i just now had same problem with my Solr 5.5.0 with changing repository for IVY. But that's all waste of time.
Just download org.restlet.ext.servlet jar file from, create folder repository near ivy-settings.xml, copy downloaded file and change ivy-settings.xml like :
<settings defaultResolver="chain-example"/>
<chain name="chain-example">
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true" />
<filesystem name="libraries">
<artifact pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/repository/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
There is a Java library I want to use as part of my build, but it contains an external resources/ directory that has to be visible to the runtime classpath in order to work. I'd like to be able to store it as an artifact inside my Ivy repository, but not sure if Ivy can handle this, and if so, how to rig-up the ivy.xml, ivy-settings.xml files, as well as the repo itself.
My repo is actually an Artifactory server and I store artifacts and their ivy files right next to each other:
Etc. I guess I'm looking for a similar setup here:
...and somehow pull down both the jar and its resources/ directory as part of the Ivy resolve/retrieve pattern, and then place resources/ where I need it to be from there.
Is this possible? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Edit - If the fact that resources/ is a directory causes a problem, I don't mind zipping it up as, and then resolving/retrieving it into my project at buildtime, and then unzipping it. That's just more work to do, if Ivy can't handle directory-artifacts out of the box.
You should zip/tar the directory and create the following setup:
In your ivy.xml you would then declare each file as a publication of this module like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="fizz"
<conf name="default" visibility="public"/>
<artifact name="buzz" type="jar" />
<artifact name="resources" type="zip" />
And if needed you could define separate configurations like:
<conf name="default" extends="jar, resources" visibility="public"/>
<conf name="jar" visibility="public"/>
<conf name="resources" visibility="public"/>
<artifact name="buzz" type="jar" conf="jar"/>
<artifact name="resources" type="zip" conf="resources"/>
How to add a local path (not URL) to ivysettings.xml? I need to add my Maven local repository (/Users/me/.m2/repository to it.
Try the following ivysettings.xml file:
<settings defaultResolver="default"/>
<property name="m2-pattern" value="${user.home}/.m2/repository/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[module]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" override="false" />
<chain name="default">
<filesystem name="local-maven2" m2compatible="true" >
<artifact pattern="${m2-pattern}"/>
<ivy pattern="${m2-pattern}"/>
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
It includes Maven central in case the dependency is missing from the local Maven repo.
The benefits of re-using a local Maven repository are limited. Ivy caches jars retrieved from repostories.
Ivy dependencies are resolved with "Resolvers".
This page is pretty good for understanding the basics of how they work.
Specifically : How can I "resolve" a local maven repository ?
Ivy has a "FileSystemResolver" which, rather than taking in a web address, can simply resolve from a local, root path. Note that there are some gotchas when things get complicated, like this one : . Resolvers are similar to maven Repository tags, in that they define a resource.
A quick word of advice
Remember that once you customize ivysettings.xml if you are using an IDE, you will have to tell it to specifically use YOUR ivysettings.xml file, rather than some internal default.
I found out that in the more recent versions of sbt you can do
sbt publish-m2
Prior to 0.13.7, SBT ignored the Maven's settings.xml to use the <localRepository> setting. See In some cases, this will obviate the need to change ivysettings.xml when using publish-m2.