Embedded jetty ServletTester serving single static file - java

I'm unit testing with jetty and I want to serve not only my servlet under test but a static page as well. The static page is needed by my application. I'm initializing jetty like this
tester = new ServletTester();
tester.addServlet(MyServlet.class, "/servlet/*");
What I need now, is something like
tester.addStaticPage("local/path/in/my/workspace", "/as/remote/file");
Is this possible with jetty?

I don't think you can do this with ServletTester. ServletTester creates a single Context for the servlet. You need to set up embedded jetty with at least two contexts: one for the servlet, and one for the static content.
If there was a full WebAppContext, you'd be set, but there isn't.
You could make a copy of ServletTester and add hair, or you can just read up on the API and configure the necessary contexts. Here's a code fragment to show you the basic idea, you will
not be able to compile this as-is. You will need to create a suitable context for the static content.
server = new Server();
int port = Integer.parseInt(portNumber);
if (connector == null) {
connector = createConnector(port);
for (Webapp webapp : webapps) {
File sourceDirFile = new File(webapp.getWebappSourceDirectory());
WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext(sourceDirFile.getCanonicalPath(), webapp.getContextPath());
WebAppClassLoader loader = new WebAppClassLoader(wac);
if (webapp.getLibDirectory() != null) {
Resource r = Resource.newResource(webapp.getLibDirectory());
if (webapp.getClasspathEntries() != null) {
for (String dir : webapp.getClasspathEntries()) {

Set the resource base to the directory containing your static content, and add the jetty "default servlet" to serve that content. I have added the appropriate code to your example below.
tester = new ServletTester();
tester.addServlet(MyServlet.class, "/servlet/*");
tester.addServlet(org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet.class, "/*");


Enable SSL and add certificate programatically in Embedded Apache Tomcat 9

I have the following code to start my software:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// set system property for exit on failure
System.setProperty("org.apache.catalina.startup.EXIT_ON_INIT_FAILURE", "true");
// create tomcat
Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
// create connector, configure and add to tomcat
Connector connector = new Connector("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol");
// add web app with jsps and servlets
StandardContext standardContext = (StandardContext)tomcat.addWebapp("", new File(".").getAbsolutePath()+"/src/webroot");
standardContext.getJarScanner().setJarScanFilter(new JarScanFilter() { #Override public boolean check(JarScanType jarScanType, String s) {
if(s != null){
return false;
return true;
WebResourceRoot webResourceRoot = new StandardRoot(standardContext);
File additionWebInfClassesFolder = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath(), "target/classes");
WebResourceSet webResourceSet = new DirResourceSet(webResourceRoot, "/WEB-INF/classes", additionWebInfClassesFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "/");
// start tomcat
// stay in this method as long as tomcat is running
Now I have my certificate files (private key, certificate) and I want to add SSL functionality to this Tomcat Server. I know that this might not be best practice, but I am looking for a very simple way to do that. I know I can create a keystore file and add the properties to the connector but what I basically want is to have a string with my certificate content and apply that.
My solution winds up looking a lot like the code I finally stumbled upon here to help me fix my issues: https://github.com/OryxProject/oryx/blob/master/framework/oryx-lambda-serving/src/main/java/com/cloudera/oryx/lambda/serving/ServingLayer.java#L202
Note: I believe I am using Tomcat 10.
private Connector createSslConnector(){
Connector httpsConnector = new Connector();
httpsConnector.setAttribute("SSLEnabled", "true");
SSLHostConfig sslConfig = new SSLHostConfig();
SSLHostConfigCertificate certConfig = new SSLHostConfigCertificate(sslConfig, SSLHostConfigCertificate.Type.RSA);
return httpsConnector;

Get file from class path so tests can run on all machines

I am using Vertx and trying to test some parameters that i am getting data from jsonfile, currently it works but i want get this file just through class path so it can be tested from a different computer.
private ConfigRetriever getConfigRetriever() {
ConfigStoreOptions fileStore = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("file").setOptional(true)
.setConfig(new JsonObject()
.put("path", "/home/user/MyProjects/MicroserviceBoilerPlate/src/test/resources/local_file.json"));
ConfigStoreOptions sysPropsStore = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("sys");
ConfigRetrieverOptions options = new ConfigRetrieverOptions().addStore(fileStore).addStore(sysPropsStore);
return ConfigRetriever.create(Vertx.vertx(), options);
My path as written above starts from /home / dir which makes it impossible to be tested on another machine. My test below uses this config
public void tourTypes() {
ConfigRetriever retriever = getConfigRetriever();
retriever.getConfig(ar -> {
if (ar.failed()) {
// Failed to retrieve the configuration
} else {
JsonObject config = ar.result();
List<String> extractedIds = YubiParserServiceCustomImplTest.getQueryParameters(config, "tourTypes");
assertEquals(asList("1", "2", "3", "6"), extractedIds);
I want to make the path a class path so i can test it on all environment.
I tried to access class path like this but not sure how it should be
private void fileFinder() {
Path p1 = Paths.get("/test/resources/local_file.json");
Path fileName = p1.getFileName();
If you have stored the file inside "src/test/resources" then you can use
InputStream confFile = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/local_file.json");
URL url = getClass().getResource("/local_file.json");
inside your test class (example)
In both cases the file names can start with a / or not. If it does, it starts at the root of the classpath. If not, it starts at the package of the class on which the method is called.
Put .json file to /resources folder of your project (here an example).
Then access it via ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream:
InputStream configFile = ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("path/to/file.json");
JsonObject config = new JsonParser().parse(configFile);
// Then provide this config to Vertx
As I understand, considering the location of your json file, you simply need to do this:
.setConfig(new JsonObject().put("path", "local_file.json"));
See this for reference.

How to serve static content and resource at same base url with Grizzly

I am using Grizzly to serve my REST service which can have multiple "modules". I'd like to be able to use the same base URL for the service and for static content so I can access all these urls:
The code I'm trying to set this up with looks like this:
private HttpServer createServer(String host, int port, ResourceConfig config)
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(URI.create("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/"), config, false);
HttpHandler httpHandler = new CLStaticHttpHandler(HttpServer.class.getClassLoader(), "docs/");
server.getServerConfiguration().addHttpHandler(httpHandler, "/");
return server;
With this code, I am only able to see the html pages and I get a "Resource identified by path does not exist" response when I try to get my resources.
When I comment out the code to add the HttpHandler, then I am able to access my resources (but don't have the docs of course).
What do I need to do to access both my resources and my static content?
I ended up writing a service to handle static resources myself. I decided to serve my files from the file system, but this approach would also work for serving them from a jar - you'd just have to get the file as a resource instead of creating the File directly.
public class StaticService
public Response getHtml(#PathParam("docPath") String docPath, #PathParam("ext") String ext, #HeaderParam("accept") String accept)
File file = new File(cleanDocPath(docPath) + "." + ext);
return Response.ok(file).build();
public Response getFolder(#PathParam("docPath") String docPath)
File file = null;
if ("".equals(docPath) || "/".equals(docPath))
file = new File("index.html");
file = new File(cleanDocPath(docPath) + "/index.html");
return Response.ok(file).build();
private String cleanDocPath(String docPath)
if (docPath.startsWith("/"))
return docPath.substring(1);
return docPath;
One thing you can do is run Grizzly as a servlet container. That way you can run Jersey as servlet filter, and add a default servlet to handle the static content. For example
public class Main {
public static HttpServer createServer() {
WebappContext context = new WebappContext("GrizzlyContext", "");
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory
return server;
private static void createJerseyFilter(WebappContext context) {
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig().packages("com.grizzly.test");
// This causes Jersey to forward 404s to default servlet
// which will catch all the static content requests.
rc.property(ServletProperties.FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404, true);
FilterRegistration reg = context.addFilter("JerseyApp", new ServletContainer(rc));
reg.addMappingForUrlPatterns(EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class), "/*");
private static void createDefaultServlet(WebappContext context) {
ArraySet<File> baseDir = new ArraySet<>(File.class);
baseDir.add(new File("."));
ServletRegistration defaultServletReg
= context.addServlet("DefaultServlet", new DefaultServlet(baseDir) {});
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpServer server = createServer();
You will need to add the Jersey Grizzly servlet dependency
The only problem with this approach is that the default servlet is meant to serve files from the file system, not from the classpath, as you are currently trying to do. You can see in the createDefaultServlet method I just set the base directory to the current working directory. So that's where all your files would need to be. You can change it to "docs" so all your files would be in the docs folder, which would be in the current working directory.
If you want to read files from the classpath, you may need to implement your own servlet. You can look at the source code for DefaultServlet and try to modify it to serve from the classpath. You can also check out Dropwizard's AssetServlet, which already does serve content from the classpath.
Or you can just say forget it, and just serve from the file system :-)

Unable to overide the wsdl location in apache cxf 2.4.6

i have placed the wsdl files in
if i give the full path say wsdlLocation = "file:E:/testworkspace/projectname/docroot/WEB- INF/src/com/test/wsdl/some.wsdl" , it picks the WSDL file.
but i need to make generic something like directly fetching:
#WebServiceClient(name = "TestInterfaceService",
wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl",
targetNamespace = "http://www.google.com/job")
public class TestInterfaceService extends Service {
public final static URL WSDL_LOCATION;
public final static QName SERVICE = new QName("http://www.google.com/job", "TestInterfaceService");
public final static QName TestInterfaceSoapHttpPort = new QName("http://www.google.com/job", "TestInterfaceSoapHttpPort");
static {
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL("WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
"Can not initialize the default wsdl from {0}", "WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl");
Can you please suggest how to pick WSDL files independently from that of my local system, currently it throws the error Can not initialize the default wsdl from WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl
You need a valid URL string to be able to create a new URL. If your service does expose the URL, it might be an option to use that.
If your client is a web application, another option is to make the wsdl available via your application and reference it from there using http://localhost/app/some.wsdl
Hope that helps
Not sure what you are trying to achive here, the configuration: wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl" is perfectly fine as long as WSLD file is under WEB-INF/wsdl, if you placed the wsdl in WEB-INF/src/com/test/wsdl and specifying WSDL location like this: wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/some.wsdl - of course it won't work, add your WSDL in WEB-INF/wsdl and all will be fine.

Tomcat 8 new Resource implementation to map Jar files in a separate directory

With tomcat 8 I have extend the WebAppClassLoader and add some jar filed from a shared location to the classloader path using addRepository() method. With tomcat 8 addRepository have been removed and new resource implementation have been introduced. I'm still able to use the addUrl method to add jar files. But I would like to implement the new resource based implementation.
I've tried with
DirResourceSet dirResourceSet = new DirResourceSet(getContext().getResources(), "/WEB-INF/lib", "/home/thusitha/lib/runtimes/cxf", "/");
WebResourceRoot webResourceRoot = getContext().getResources();
But this is not working and still it throws classnotfoundexception
Can someone tell me how to map a directory which contains jars to a particular webapp using Tomcat new resource implementation?
A solution to this problem is to register your resources by overriding the ContextConfig class (org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig). Catalina enters a starting state immediately after it scans your document path for resources. Most of the processing of those resources, such as annotations, is handled by the ContextConfig LifecycleListener. To ensure the resources are added before the context configuration takes place, override the ContextConfig.
final Context currentContext = ctx;
ContextConfig ctxCfg = new ContextConfig() {
public void lifecycleEvent(LifecycleEvent event) {
if (event.getType().equals(Lifecycle.CONFIGURE_START_EVENT)) {
WebResourceRoot webResourcesRoot = currentContext.getResources();
String baseDir = Platform.getBaseDir(); // Server Base Directory
File libDir = new File(baseDir + File.separator + "lib");
DirResourceSet dirResourceSet = null;
try {
dirResourceSet = new DirResourceSet(webResourcesRoot, "/WEB-INF/lib", libDir.getCanonicalPath(), "/");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
String[] possibleJars = dirResourceSet.list("/WEB-INF/lib");
for(String libfile : possibleJars) {
WebResource possibleJar = dirResourceSet.getResource("/WEB-INF/lib/"+libfile);
System.err.println(String.format("Loading possible jar %s",possibleJar.getCanonicalPath())); // Just checking...
if (possibleJar.isFile() && possibleJar.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
WebResourceSet resourceSet = new JarResourceSet(webResourcesRoot, "/WEB-INF/classes", possibleJar.getCanonicalPath(),"/");
This is an undocumented solution that works on Tomcat 8.0.23. Considering the complexity and difficulty of this I can't say it is a better solution than adding jars directly to ClassLoaders.

