Is this considered reflection and to what degree? - java

I have an Android application (java) that was working fine when compiled with the Android 1.6 SDK using the following code from the android.provider.Contacts class:
Uri baseUri = Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_FILTER_URL;
When the 2.0 SDK came out, the android.provider.Contacts class was depreciated and replaced with android.provider.ContactsContract. In order to get one program to work on both 1.6 and 2.0, I compiled under 1.6 with the following change:
Uri baseUri = Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_FILTER_URL;
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.provider.ContactsContract$PhoneLookup");
baseUri = (Uri) c.getField("CONTENT_FILTER_URI").get(baseUri);
catch (Exception e) {
Since I was compiling under 1.6, I could not import android.provider.ContactsContract since it is a class known only to 2.0. Is this considered reflection and to what degree?
Added Comment: After reading the "Reflection" chapter of "The Java Programming Language" (which I should have done first), I mostly now understand what you can do with reflection but a concise definition of reflection is not easy to come by. Your answers have helped to clarify what prompted my question - that once a class has been reflected on, and an instance of the class created using reflection, you can interact with the instance as if the class was new'ed.
Here is my meager attempt at a concise definition that is far from perfect and I am sure I will need to revise as I learn more:
Reflection is the indirect, dynamic inquiry, manipulation or invocation of class objects using class objects contained in java.lang.reflect or the Class or Package classes that requires initially accessing the class using a fully qualified string name.

I believe that is the very definition of Java reflection (more on Android reflection for multiple-version compatibility). I'm not sure what you mean by "to what degree"; it just is.

Dynamically asking for the availability of a method is a form of reflection, yes.

It's reflection.
If CONTENT_FILTER_URI is a final static field, then you should use get(null) instead of get(baseUri) because you are not invoking an object.
I was a bit confused by your code. As I understand your snippet, first you assign Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_FILTER_URL to URL baseUri, then you reflect the CONTENT_FILTER_URI field on the PhoneLookup class and read that fields value from the URL instance stored in baseUri - just to assign the value to baseUri again !? Typo or room for improvement?

This is a very good article on strategies, reflection and other more sophisticated things, for using new APIs while remaining compatible with older platforms:


Kotlin reflection interoperability with Java

What are the caveats that a developer should be aware of while writing reflective code that works both with Java and Kotlin?
For example, I have an existing library that uses reflection and it works well with Java. However, when I use the same with Kotlin, my reflective code doesn't seem to pick up the annotations on fields.
Here are some of the differences that I noticed.
1. Acquiring a Class instance
// Example 1.1 - Java
Class<?> userClass = User.class; // From a class name
userClass = userInstance.getClass(); // OR from an instance
Getting a Java class instance in Kotlin
// Example 1.2 - Kotlin
val userClass = userInstance.javaClass // From an instance
I'm unable to use the .class facility or the .getClass() method in Kotlin as we do in Java.
2. Delegates
When I use delegated properties in a Kotlin class, the properties that I retrieve have the $delegate suffix. This is a bit contrary to the fields that we get in Java (I do understand Kotlin does not have fields, only properties). How does this affect meta-programming?
However, with delegates I see that most of the methods retain their behavior as they do in Java. Are there any other differences that I have to be aware of?
Making Java and Kotlin interoperable for me would require understanding about 1 discussed above, plus other limitations / differences that Kotlin brings to meta-programming.
For example, I have an existing library that uses reflection and it works well with Java. However, when I use the same with Kotlin, my reflective code doesn't seem to pick up the annotations on fields.
Can it be because the fields are private now?
Anyway, there are issues with annotations on fields at the moment, this will be fixed in on of the upcoming milestones.
Some other relevant issues:
I'm unable to use the .class facility or the .getClass() method in Kotlin as we do in Java.
Only the syntax is different: javaClass<C>() works exactly the same as C.class, and x.javaClass does the same thing as x.getClass()
When I use delegated properties in a Kotlin class, the properties that I retrieve have the $delegate suffix.
Minor correction: the fields have the $delegate suffix, not the properties.
However, with delegates I see that most of the methods retain their behavior as they do in Java. Are there any other differences that I have to be aware of?
The docs here give you a detailed description of how delegated properties are implemented.
Making Java and Kotlin interoperable for me would require understanding about 1 discussed above, plus other limitations / differences that Kotlin brings to meta-programming.
The more your Kotlin code resembles Java code, the smaller is the difference from the reflection point of view. If you write idiomatic Kotlin, e.g. use default parameter values, traits, properties, delegates, top-level functions, extensions etc, the classes you get differ from idiomatic Java, otherwise they are closely aligned.

Any risk using a single dollar sign `$` as a java class name?

Originally I was using the underscore _ as a class name. The new Java8 compiler complains that it "might not be supported after Java SE 8". I changed that to $, and there is no warning any more. However I remember that $ is used by Java to indicate an inner/embedded class in the byte code. I am wondering if there is any risk to use a dollar sign $ as a class name
Some background to this question. What I want to do is to overcome the fact that Java doesn't support pure function, and the _ or $ is to put an namespace to encapsulate some very generic concept (classes/static methods). and neither do I have a good name for this, nor do I want the lib user type too many things to reference that namespace. Here is the code showing what I am doing under the way:
It is bad style, and potentially risky to use $ in any identifier in Java. The reason it is risky is that the $ character is reserved for the use of the Java toolchain and third-party language tools.
It is used by Java compilers in "internal" class names for inner and nested classes.
It is used by Java compilers in the names of synthetic attributes.
It could be used by third-party code generators (e.g. annotation processors) for various purposes.
It could be used by other languages that target the JVM platform, and that might need to co-exist with your code.
You probably won't have technical issues with a plain $ classname at the moment (at least with respect to the standard Java toolchain). But there's always the possibility that this will change in the future:
They have (effectively) reserved the right to change this1.
There is a precedent for doing this in the _ example.
If you really, really need a one-character classname, it would be better to play it safe and use F or Z or something else that isn't reserved.
But to be honest, I think you'd be better off trying to implement (or just use) a real functional language than trying to shoe-horn a functional programming "system" into Java. Or maybe, just switch to Java 8 ahead of its official release. 'Cos I for one would refuse to read / maintain a Java codebase that looked like jquery.
I don't mean to create a functional lib for Java, just want to create a lib to maintain some common utilities I used. Again, I am a advocate of minimalism and feel suck with things like apache commons. The functional stuff is added to help me easier to manipulate collection(s).
If it is your code, you can do what you like. Make your own decisions. Act on your opinions. Be a "risk taker" ... :-). (Our advice on $, etcetera ... is moot.)
But if you are writing this code for a client or employer, or with the intention of creating a (viable) open source product, then you need to take account of other people's opinion. For example, your boss needs to have an informed opinion on how maintainable your code will be if you find a better paying job somewhere else. In general, will the next guy be able to figure it out, keep your code, fresh, etc ... or will it be consigned to the dustbin?
1 - JLS §3.8 states "The $ character should be used only in mechanically generated source code". That is saying "use it at your peril". The assumption is that folks who build their own source code generators can change them if the standard toolchain uses a bare $ ... but it is harder to change lots of hand written code, and that would be an impediment to upgrading.
Huh, you're right, using a $ in a classname works. Eclipse complains that it is against convention, but, if you are sure, you can do it.
The problem (conventionally) with using a $ is that the $ is used in the class hierarchy to indicate nested classes.... for example, the file containing:
class A {
class SubA {
would get compiled to two files:
Which is why, even though $ works, it is ill advised because parsing the jars may be more difficult... and you run the risk of colliding two classes and causing other issues
EDIT, I have just done a test with the following two Java files (in the default package)
public class A {
private static final class SubA {
public String toString() {
return "I am initializing Nested SUBA";
private static final SubA sub = new SubA();
public A() {
System.out.println("What is " + sub.toString());
public class A$SubA {
public String toString() {
return "I am A$SubA";
public class MyMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new A());
System.out.println(new A$SubA());
And the code will not compile.....
Two problems, type A$SubA is already defined, and can't reference a nested class A$SubA by it's binary name.
Yes, to be pedantic about answering your question there is a risk. As some other folks have mentioned, it violates java naming conventions. So the risk is that with future versions of the JDK this may cause problems. But beyond that, and some issues if you try to use nested classes you should be fine.
I think you're trying to avoid ugly names like Util.andThen. Consider using static imports. That lets you import all the methods in the header import static org.ogsl.Util.*, so then you can simply use you andThen without any prefix at all.
The Selenide project does it. Just look at the top of this documentation:
Maybe it is a more acceptable thing to do only in test code.
API ref:

My confusion: reflection in Java

I've just finished reading the chapter of 'Thinking in Java' concerning type information and reflection. While instanceof seems quite natural to me, some examples of reflection made me confused. I want to know if reflection is widely used in Java projects? What are 'the good parts' of reflection? Can you suggest any interesting lectures about reflection and type information with more good and worthy examples?
Edit (one more question):
Why is it useful to access private methods and fields withjava.lang.reflect.Method.setAccesible()?
Thanks in advance.
if you could post some of the examples I would be glad to explain it for you.
Reflection is wildly used with frameworks that need to extract meta-info about the running object (e.g. frameworks which depends on Annotations or the fields in your objets, think about Hibernate, Spring and a lot others).
On a higher layer, I sometimes use reflection to provide generic functionality (e.g. to encode every String in an object, emulate Duck Typing and such).
I know that you already read a book which covers the basics about reflection, but I need to point Sun (erm.. Oracle) official Tutorial as a must read:
One good example in my opinion is instantiating objects based on class names that are known only at runtime, for example contained in a configuration file.
You will still need to know a common interface to the classes you're dynamically instantiating, so you have something to cast them too. But this lets a configuration drive which implementation will be used.
Another example could be when you have to cast an object to a class that it's a descendant. If you are not sure about the type of that object, you can use instanceof to assure that the cast will be correct at runtime avoiding a class cast exception.
An example:
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
Object obj = e.getSource();
if (obj instanceof objType)
objType t = (objType) obj; // you can check the type using instanceof if you are not sure about obj class at runtime
The reason to provide such features in Reflection is due to multiple situations where tool/application needs meta information of class, variables, methods. For example:-
IDEs using auto completion functionality to get method names and attribute names.
Tomcat web container to forward the request to correct module by parsing their web.xml files and request URI.
JUnit uses reflection to enumerate all methods in a class; assuming either testXXX named methods as test methods or methods annoted by #Test.
To read full article about reflection you can check

Can I always use the Reflection API if the code is going to be obfuscated?

I found that there seem to be 2 general solutions:
don't obfuscate what is referred to through the reflection API [Retroguard, Jobfuscate]
replace Strings in reflection API invocations with the obfuscated name.
Those solutions work only for calls within the same project - client code (in another project) may not use the reflection API to access non-public API methods.
In the case of 2 it also only works when the Reflection API is used with Strings known at compile-time (private methods testing?). In those cases dp4j also offers a solution injecting the reflection code after obfuscation.
Reading Proguard FAQ I wondered if 2 otherwise always worked when it says:
ProGuard automatically handles
constructs like
Class.forName("SomeClass") and
SomeClass.class. The referenced
classes are preserved in the shrinking
phase, and the string arguments are
properly replaced in the obfuscation
With variable string arguments, it's generally not possible to determine
their possible values.
Q: what does the statement in bold mean? Any examples?
With variable string arguments, it's generally not possible to determine their possible values.
public Class loadIt(String clsName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return Class.forName(clsName);
basically if you pass a non-constant string to Class.forName, there's generally no way for proguard or any obfuscation tool to figure out what class you are talking about, and thus can't automatically adjust the code for you.
The Zelix KlassMaster Java obfuscator can automatically handle all Reflection API calls. It has a function called AutoReflection which uses an "encrypted old name" to "obfuscated name" lookup table.
However, it again can only work for calls within the same obfuscated project.
It means that this:
String className;
if (Math.random() <= 0.5) className = "ca.simpatico.Foo";
else className = "ca.simpatico.Bar";
Class cl = Class.forName(className);
Won't work after obfuscation. ProGuard doesn't do a deep enough dataflow analysis to see that the class name which gets loaded came from those two string literals.
Really, your only plausible option is to decide which classes, interfaces, and methods should be accessible through reflection, and then not obfuscate those. You're effectively defining a strange kind of API to clients - one which will only be accessed reflectively.

why MyClass.class exists in java and MyField.field isn't?

Let's say I have:
class A {
Integer b;
void c() {}
Why does Java have this syntax: A.class, and doesn't have a syntax like this: b.field, c.method?
Is there any use that is so common for class literals?
The A.class syntax looks like a field access, but in fact it is a result of a special syntax rule in a context where normal field access is simply not allowed; i.e. where A is a class name.
Here is what the grammar in the JLS says:
NonWildcardTypeArguments (
ExplicitGenericInvocationSuffix | this Arguments)
this [Arguments]
super SuperSuffix
new Creator
Identifier { . Identifier }[ IdentifierSuffix]
BasicType {[]} .class
Note that there is no equivalent syntax for field or method.
(Aside: The grammar allows b.field, but the JLS states that b.field means the contents of a field named "field" ... and it is a compilation error if no such field exists. Ditto for c.method, with the addition that a field c must exist. So neither of these constructs mean what you want them to mean ... )
Why does this limitation exist? Well, I guess because the Java language designers did not see the need to clutter up the language syntax / semantics to support convenient access to the Field and Method objects. (See * below for some of the problems of changing Java to allow what you want.)
Java reflection is not designed to be easy to use. In Java, it is best practice use static typing where possible. It is more efficient, and less fragile. Limit your use of reflection to the few cases where static typing simply won't work.
This may irk you if you are used to programming to a language where everything is dynamic. But you are better off not fighting it.
Is there any use that is so common for class literals?
I guess, the main reason they supported this for classes is that it avoids programs calling Class.forName("some horrible string") each time you need to do something reflectively. You could call it a compromise / small concession to usability for reflection.
I guess the other reason is that the <type>.class syntax didn't break anything, because class was already a keyword. (IIRC, the syntax was added in Java 1.1.)
* If the language designers tried to retrofit support for this kind of thing there would be all sorts of problems:
The changes would introduce ambiguities into the language, making compilation and other parser-dependent tasks harder.
The changes would undoubtedly break existing code, whether or not method and field were turned into keywords.
You cannot treat b.field as an implicit object attribute, because it doesn't apply to objects. Rather b.field would need to apply to field / attribute identifiers. But unless we make field a reserved word, we have the anomalous situation that you can create a field called field but you cannot refer to it in Java sourcecode.
For c.method, there is the problem that there can be multiple visible methods called c. A second issue that if there is a field called c and a method called c, then c.method could be a reference to an field called method on the object referred to by the c field.
I take it you want this info for logging and such. It is most unfortunate that such information is not available although the compiler has full access to such information.
One with a little creativity you can get the information using reflection. I can't provide any examples for asthere are little requirements to follow and I'm not in the mood to completely waste my time :)
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question. You are being unclear in what you mean by A.class syntax. You can use the reflections API to get the class from a given object by:
A a = new A()
Class c = a.getClass()
Class c = A.class;
Then do some things using c.
The reflections API is mostly used for debugging tools, since Java has support for polymorphism, you can always know the actual Class of an object at runtime, so the reflections API was developed to help debug problems (sub-class given, when super-class behavior is expected, etc.).
The reason there is no b.field or c.method, is because they have no meaning and no functional purpose in Java. You cannot create a reference to a method, and a field cannot change its type at runtime, these things are set at compile-time. Java is a very rigid language, without much in the way of runtime-flexibility (unless you use dynamic class loading, but even then you need some information on the loaded objects). If you have come from a flexible language like Ruby or Javascript, then you might find Java a little controlling for your tastes.
However, having the compiler help you figure our potential problems in your code is very helpful.
In java, Not everything is an object.
You can have
A a = new A()
Class cls = a.getClass()
or directly from the class
With this you get the object for the class.
With reflection you can get methods and fields but this gets complicated. Since not everything is an object. This is not a language like Scala or Ruby where everything is an object.
Reflection tutorial :
BTW: You did not specify the public/private/protected , so by default your things are declared package private. This is package level protected access

