Is it recommended to count in small loops (where possible) down from length - 1 to zero
instead of counting up to length - 1?
1.) Counting down
for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (a[i] == key) return i;
2.) Counting up
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] == key) return i;
The first one is slightly faster that the second one (because comparing to zero is faster) but is a little more error-prone in my opinion. Besides, the first one could maybe not be optimized by future improvements of the JVM. Any ideas on that?
If you store the result of a.length in variable, it won't be any "faster" if it is actually so. In any event, it is rarely worth worrying about the performance of such a trivial operation. Focus on the readability of the method.
For me, counting up is more readable.
In my opinion, it's far better to favour convention and readability (in this case, the count-up approach) over preemptive optimisation. According to Josh Bloch, it's better not to optimise your code until you are sure that optimisation is required.
Counting downwards tends to be slower, despite the possibility to drop one machine code instruction. In the modern day, performance ain't that simple. Compilers have optimisation geared towards forward loop, so you reverse loop may miss out on optimisation. Cache hardware is designed for normal forward scanning. So don't worry about this sort of micro-optimisation (and if you ever find yourself in a situation where you really need to, measure).
I would recommend you to make sure you have benchmark showing that this is a performance issue before doing too much changes like this. I'd go for the most readable any day (in my opinion it's the one counting upwards).
If you are into micro optimizations and don't trust the compiler to do the right thing, maybe you should consider caching a.length in a variable in the second loop to avoid an indirection as well.
I'd say if there is a reason to count one way vs. the other (say order of the items in the list) then don't twist yourself in a knot trying to go with convention (From experience, count up); If there isn't - make it easier for the next person to work on and just go with convention.
Comparing to 0 vs. comparing to int shouldn't really be a concern...
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil", Donald Knuth.
In this case I would argue that any possible performance gain would be outweighed by the loss of readability alone. Programmer hours are much more expensive than cpu hours.
P.S.: To further improve performance you should consider testing for inequality to zero. But watch out for empty arrays ;)
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Shifting bits left and right is apparently faster than multiplication and division operations on most, maybe even all, CPUs if you happen to be using a power of 2. However, it can reduce the clarity of code for some readers and some algorithms. Is bit-shifting really necessary for performance, or can I expect the compiler or VM to notice the case and optimize it (in particular, when the power-of-2 is a literal)? I am mainly interested in the Java and .NET behavior but welcome insights into other language implementations as well.
Almost any environment worth its salt will optimize this away for you. And if it doesn't, you've got bigger fish to fry. Seriously, do not waste one more second thinking about this. You will know when you have performance problems. And after you run a profiler, you will know what is causing it, and it should be fairly clear how to fix it.
You will never hear anyone say "my application was too slow, then I started randomly replacing x * 2 with x << 1 and everything was fixed!" Performance problems are generally solved by finding a way to do an order of magnitude less work, not by finding a way to do the same work 1% faster.
Most compilers today will do more than convert multiply or divide by a power-of-two to shift operations. When optimizing, many compilers can optimize a multiply or divide with a compile time constant even if it's not a power of 2. Often a multiply or divide can be decomposed to a series of shifts and adds, and if that series of operations will be faster than the multiply or divide, the compiler will use it.
For division by a constant, the compiler can often convert the operation to a multiply by a 'magic number' followed by a shift. This can be a major clock-cycle saver since multiplication is often much faster than a division operation.
Henry Warren's book, Hacker's Delight, has a wealth of information on this topic, which is also covered quite well on the companion website:
See also a discussion (with a link or two ) in:
Reading assembly code
Anyway, all this boils down to allowing the compiler to take care of the tedious details of micro-optimizations. It's been years since doing your own shifts outsmarted the compiler.
Humans are wrong in these cases.
99% when they try to second guess a modern (and all future) compilers.
99.9% when they try to second guess modern (and all future) JITs at the same time.
99.999% when they try to second guess modern (and all future) CPU optimizations.
Program in a way that accurately describes what you want to accomplish, not how to do it. Future versions of the JIT, VM, compiler, and CPU can all be independantly improved and optimized. If you specify something so tiny and specific, you lose the benefit of all future optimizations.
You can almost certainly depend on the literal-power-of-two multiplication optimisation to a shift operation. This is one of the first optimisations that students of compiler construction will learn. :)
However, I don't think there's any guarantee for this. Your source code should reflect your intent, rather than trying to tell the optimiser what to do. If you're making a quantity larger, use multiplication. If you're moving a bit field from one place to another (think RGB colour manipulation), use a shift operation. Either way, your source code will reflect what you are actually doing.
Note that shifting down and division will (in Java, certainly) give different results for negative, odd numbers.
int a = -7;
System.out.println("Shift: "+(a >> 1));
System.out.println("Div: "+(a / 2));
Shift: -4
Div: -3
Since Java doesn't have any unsigned numbers it's not really possible for a Java compiler to optimise this.
On computers I tested, integer divisions are 4 to 10 times slower than other operations.
When compilers may replace divisions by multiples of 2 and make you see no difference, divisions by not multiples of 2 are significantly slower.
For example, I have a (graphics) program with many many many divisions by 255.
Actually my computation is :
r = (((top.R - bottom.R) * alpha + (bottom.R * 255)) * 0x8081) >> 23;
I can ensure that it is a lot faster than my previous computation :
r = ((top.R - bottom.R) * alpha + (bottom.R * 255)) / 255;
so no, compilers cannot do all the tricks of optimization.
I would ask "what are you doing that it would matter?". First design your code for readability and maintainability. The likelyhood that doing bit shifting verses standard multiplication will make a performance difference is EXTREMELY small.
It is hardware dependent. If we are talking micro-controller or i386, then shifting might be faster but, as several answers state, your compiler will usually do the optimization for you.
On modern (Pentium Pro and beyond) hardware the pipelining makes this totally irrelevant and straying from the beaten path usually means you loose a lot more optimizations than you can gain.
Micro optimizations are not only a waste of your time, they are also extremely difficult to get right.
If the compiler (compile-time constant) or JIT (runtime constant) knows that the divisor or multiplicand is a power of two and integer arithmetic is being performed, it will convert it to a shift for you.
According to the results of this microbenchmark, shifting is twice as fast as dividing (Oracle Java 1.7.0_72).
Most compilers will turn multiplication and division into bit shifts when appropriate. It is one of the easiest optimizations to do. So, you should do what is more easily readable and appropriate for the given task.
I am stunned as I just wrote this code and realized that shifting by one is actually slower than multiplying by 2!
(EDIT: changed the code to stop overflowing after Michael Myers' suggestion, but the results are the same! What is wrong here?)
import java.util.Date;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Date before = new Date();
for (int j = 1; j < 50000000; j++) {
int a = 1 ;
for (int i = 0; i< 10; i++){
a *=2;
Date after = new Date();
System.out.println("Multiplying " + (after.getTime()-before.getTime()) + " milliseconds");
before = new Date();
for (int j = 1; j < 50000000; j++) {
int a = 1 ;
for (int i = 0; i< 10; i++){
a = a << 1;
after = new Date();
System.out.println("Shifting " + (after.getTime()-before.getTime()) + " milliseconds");
The results are:
Multiplying 639 milliseconds
Shifting 718 milliseconds
I saw this problem from some blog. The following two loops are given, the question is which one is faster.
for(int i = 100000; i > 0; i--) {}
for(int i = 1; i < 100001; i++) {}
Why the first one is faster than the second one?
On some processors in code generated by some compilers the first one could be faster because the value is compared to zero. As #DeadMG notes it applies, for example, to x86 processors before 1985.
But it is:
a premature optimization, don't change first line to the second only because of this reason! Donald Knuth once said and I totally agree with him
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil.
a non-portable optimization - it works faster only on some specific processors in some specific cases! And with a high probability it will work not just the same but even slower on other architectures.
You are warned.
How can i measure the performance of my java algorithm effectively ? is there any accurate way of doing it?
i read other questions of same kind but not satisfied.
any help would be appreciated.
long reference=System.nanoTime();
long finishm=System.nanoTime();
System.out.println( ( (double)(finishm-reference) )/1000000000.0); //in seconds
Has a meaningful level of ~0.003 seconds in my machine. I mean, you measure in nano-seconds but smallest step is around 3000000 nanoseconds in my machine.
You ask for performance which indicates some sort of timing. But then what would you compare against?
A general way of measuring an algorithm is using Big O, which takes a simplified mathematical approach.
To explain this at a very basic level a simple linear search of a list of integers has a linear (n) worst case big o. Eg:
for(int i = 0; i < sizeofarray; ++i)
if(array[i] == to_find)
return i;
At the worst case this would take i iterations (often number is referred to as n in big o) - so we call it n or linear complexity algorithm.
Something like a bubblesort algorithm is a loop within a loop so we have n * n complexity = n^2 or quadratic complexity.
Comparing like with like, if we just consider sorting, quicksort is more efficient than quadratic complexity (it is n log n complexity) so you can consider quicksort being 'better' than bubblesort.
So when evaluating your algorithm think about it in terms of n. Is there a loop? how many? The fewer the better. No loops even better - constant big o.
You can use some profilers. Many IDEs (such as Netbeans) have one.
If can make it practical or theoretical. If practical then put a timer before the algorithm starts and stop it when it ends. If theoretical then use Big O notation (isn't that hard) and you'll get an estimate of its time or space complexity.
The best way to do it is still java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() as it will work regardless the IDE you are using.
I am making a game in which I am storing a lot of data in one integer or long, because I will have a massive amount of data. I don't want to use whole classes for performance reasons, and they are not needed. I found two methods to retrieve one bit from an integer. I was wondering if anyone knows which one I should use or which one is faster.
The methods:
return (integer & (1 << bit)) != 0;
return (integer >> bit& 0x1) == 1;
Chances are the bit you're testing is "more constant" than the int you are testing against. Therefore, you can make constants for the bit, which means you only have to do the shift once. For instance:
static final int LEFT_WALL = 1 << 1;
static final int RIGHT_WALL = 1 << 2;
static final int BOTTOM_WALL = 1 << 3;
static final int TOP_WALL = 1 << 4;
Then in your loop, you're just checking
if ((integer & LEFT_WALL) != 0)
// left wall collision
if ((integer & RIGHT_WALL) != 0)
// right wall collision
So you're only doing two operations (bitwise AND and compare) in the loop, not three (shift, AND and compare).
And more importantly (as pointed out in the comments) than the speed gain, it also makes it much more clear what you're using each bit for, so the code is easier to read.
This is implementation dependent and depends on your hardware and compiler. Without actually running any time trials, I don't think anyone can say which will be better.
Moreover, I wouldn't worry about something like this unless you have tangible evidence that this code is so time-critical that you must optimize it. Spending time microoptimizing code like this is not likely to be productive unless you know it's a performance bottleneck, and I would be extremely surprised if you couldn't get even more bonus performance by optimizing other parts of the code. Try profiling the code to see what the real bottlenecks are, then go optimize those parts.
There's almost certainly no difference.
But the only way to be sure, for your platform, is to profile them both. You'll need to measure the time for a large number in a loop though (like 100e6), in order to minimise measurement error.
a) for(int i = 100000; i > 0; i--) {}
b) for(int i = 1; i < 100001; i++) {}
The answer is there on this website (question 3). I just can't figure out why? From website:
3. a
When you get down to the lowest level (machine code but I'll use assembly since it maps one-to-one mostly), the difference between an empty loop decrementing to 0 and one incrementing to 50 (for example) is often along the lines of:
ld a,50 ld a,0
loop: dec a loop: inc a
jnz loop cmp a,50
jnz loop
That's because the zero flag in most sane CPUs is set by the decrement instruction when you reach zero. The same can't usually be said for the increment instruction when it reaches 50 (since there's nothing special about that value, unlike zero). So you need to compare the register with 50 to set the zero flag.
However, asking which of the two loops:
for(int i = 100000; i > 0; i--) {}
for(int i = 1; i < 100001; i++) {}
is faster (in pretty much any environment, Java or otherwise) is useless since neither of them does anything useful. The fastest version of both those loops no loop at all. I challenge anyone to come up with a faster version than that :-)
They'll only become useful when you start doing some useful work inside the braces and, at that point, the work will dictate which order you should use.
For example if you need to count from 1 to 100,000, you should use the second loop. That's because the advantage of counting down (if any) is likely to be swamped by the fact that you have to evaluate 100000-i inside the loop every time you need to use it. In assembly terms, that would be the difference between:
ld b,100000 dsw a
sub b,a
dsw b
(dsw is, of course, the infamous do something with assembler mnemonic).
Since you'll only be taking the hit for an incrementing loop once per iteration, and you'll be taking the hit for the subtraction at least once per iteration (assuming you'll be using i, otherwise there's little need for the loop at all), you should just go with the more natural version.
If you need to count up, count up. If you need to count down, count down.
On many compilers, the machine instructions emitted for a loop going backwards, are more efficient, because testing for zero (and therefore zero'ing a register) is faster than a load immediate of a constant value.
On the other hand, a good optimising compiler should be able to inspect the loop inner and determine that going backwards won't cause any side effects...
BTW, that is a terrible interview question in my opinion. Unless you are talking about a loop which runs 10 millions of times AND you have ascertained that the slight gain is not outweighed by many instances of recreating the forward loop value (n - i), any performance gain will be minimal.
As always, don't micro-optimise without performance benchmarking and at the expense of harder to understand code.
These kinds of questions are largely an irrelevant distraction that some people get obsessed with it. Call it the Cult of Micro-optimization or whatever you like but is it faster to loop up or down? Seriously? You use whichever is appropriate for what you're doing. You don't write your code around saving two clock cycles or whatever it is.
Let the compiler do what it's for and make you intent clear (both to the compiler and the reader). Another common Java pessimization is:
public final static String BLAH = new StringBuilder().append("This is ").append(3).append(' text").toString();
because excessive concatenation does result in memory fragmentation but for a constant the compiler can (and will) optimize this:
public final static String BLAH = "This is a " + 3 + " test";
where it won't optimize the first and the second is easier to read.
And how about (a>b)?a:b vs Math.max(a,b)? I know I'd rather read the second so I don't really care that the first doesn't incur a function call overhead.
There are a couple of useful things in this list like knowing that a finally block isn't called on System.exit() is potentially useful. Knowing that dividing a float by 0.0 doesn't throw an exception is useful.
But don't bother second-guessing the compiler unless it really matters (and I bet you that 99.99% of the time it doesn't).
A better question is;
Which is easier to understand/work with?
This is far more important than a notional difference in performance. Personally, I would point out that performance shouldn't be the criteria for determining the difference here. If they didn't like me challenging their assumption on this, I wouldn't be unhappy about not getting the job. ;)
On a modern Java implementation this is not true.
Summing up the numbers up to one billion as a benchmark:
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_05-b13
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 10.0-b19
up 1000000000: 1817ms 1.817ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1786ms 1.786ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1778ms 1.778ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1769ms 1.769ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1769ms 1.769ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1766ms 1.766ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1776ms 1.776ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1768ms 1.768ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1771ms 1.771ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
up 1000000000: 1768ms 1.768ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1847ms 1.847ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1842ms 1.842ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1838ms 1.838ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1832ms 1.832ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1842ms 1.842ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1838ms 1.838ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1838ms 1.838ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1847ms 1.847ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1839ms 1.839ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
down 1000000000: 1838ms 1.838ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
Note that the time differences are brittle, small changes somewhere near the loops can turn them around.
The benchmark loops are
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
sum += i;
long sum = 0;
for (int i = limit - 1; i >= 0; i--)
sum += i;
Using a sum of type int is about three times faster, but then sum overflows.
With BigInteger it is more than 50 times slower:
BigInteger up 1000000000: 105943ms 105.943ns/iteration (sum 499999999500000000)
Typically real code will run faster counting upwards. There are a few reasons for this:
Processors are optimised for reading memory forwards.
HotSpot (and presumably other bytecode->native compilers) heavily optimise forward loops, but don't bother with backward loops because they happen so infrequently.
Upwards is usually more obvious, and cleaner code is often faster.
So happily doing the right thing will usually be faster. Unnecessary micro-optimisation is evil. I haven't purposefully written backward loops since programming 6502 assembler.
There are really only two ways to answer this question.
To tell you that it really, really doesn't matter, and you're wasting your time even wondering.
To tell you that the only way to know is to run a trustworthy benchmark on your actual production hardware, OS and JRE installation that you care about.
So, I made you a runnable benchmark you could use to try that out here:
This Caliper framework is not really ready for prime time yet, so it may not be totally obvious what to do with this, but if you really care enough you can figure it out. Here are the results it gave on my linux box:
max benchmark ns
2 Forwards 4
2 Backwards 3
20 Forwards 9
20 Backwards 20
2000 Forwards 1007
2000 Backwards 1011
20000000 Forwards 9757363
20000000 Backwards 10303707
Does looping backwards look like a win to anyone?
Are you sure that the interviewer who asks such a question expects a straight answer ("number one is faster" or "number two is faster"), or if this question is asked to provoke a discussion, as is happening in the answers people are giving here?
In general, it's impossible to say which one is faster, because it heavily depends on the Java compiler, JRE, CPU and other factors. Using one or the other in your program just because you think that one of the two is faster without understanding the details to the lowest level is superstitious programming. And even if one version is faster than the other on your particular environment, then the difference is most likely so small that it's irrelevant.
Write clear code instead of trying to be clever.
Such questions have their base on old best-practice recommendations.
It's all about comparison: comparing to 0 is known to be faster. Years ago this might have been seen as quite important. Nowadays, especially with Java, I'd rather let the compiler and the VM do their job and I'd focus on writing code that is easies to maintain and understand.
Unless there are reasons for doing it otherwise. Remember that Java apps don't always run on HotSpot and/or fast hardware.
With regards for testing for zero in the JVM: it can apparently be done with ifeq whereas testing for anything else requires if_icmpeq which also involves putting an extra value on the stack.
Testing for > 0, as in the question, might be done with ifgt, whereas testing for < 100001 would need if_icmplt.
This is about the dumbest question I have ever seen. The loop body is empty. If the compiler is any good it will just emit no code at all. It doesn't do anything, can't throw an exception and doesn't modify anything outside of its scope.
Assuming your compiler isn't that smart, or that you actually didn't have an empty loop body:
The "backwards loop counter" argument makes sense for some assembly languages (it may make sense to the java byte code too, I don't know it specifically). However, the compiler will very often have the ability to transform your loop to use decrementing counters. Unless you have loop body in which the value of i is explicitly used, the compiler can do this transformation. So again you often see no difference.
I decided to bite and necro back the thread.
both of the loops are ignored by the JVM as no-ops. so essentially even one of the loops were till 10 and the other till 10000000, there would have been no difference.
Looping back to zero is another thing (for jne instruction but again, it's not compiled like that), the linked site is plain weird (and wrong).
This type of a question doesn't fit any JVM (nor any other compiler that can optimize).
The loops are identical, except for one critical part:
i > 0;
i < 100001;
The greater than zero check is done by checking the NZP (Commonly known as condition code or Negative Zero or Positive bit) bit of the computer.
The NZP bit is set whenever operation such as load, AND, addition ect. are performed.
The greater than check cannot directly utilize this bit (and therefore takes a bit longer...) The general solution is to make one of the values negative (by doing a bitwise NOT and then adding 1) and then adding it to the compared value. If the result is zero, then they're equal. Positive, then the second value (not the neg) is greater. Negative, then the first value (neg) is greater. This check takes a slightly longer than the direct nzp check.
I'm not 100% certain that this is the reason behind it though, but it seems like a possible reason...
The answer is a (as you probably found out on the website)
I think the reason is that the i > 0 condition for terminating the loop is faster to test.
The bottom line is that for any non-performance critical application, the difference is probably irrelevant. As others have pointed out there are times when using ++i instead of i++ could be faster, however, especially in for loops any modern compiler should optimize that distinction away.
That said, the difference probably has to do with the underlying instructions that get generated for the comparison. Testing if a value is equal to 0 is simply a NAND NOR gate. Whereas testing if a value is equal to an arbitrary constant requires loading that constant into a register, and then comparing the two registers. (This probably would require an extra gate delay or two.) That said, with pipelining and modern ALUs I'd be surprised if the distinction was significant to begin with.
I've been making tests for about 15 minutes now, with nothing running other than eclipse just in case, and I saw a real difference, you can try it out.
When I tried timing how long java takes to do "nothing" and it took around 500 nanoseconds just to have an idea.
Then I tested how long it takes to run a for statement where it increases:
Then five minutes later I tried the "backwards" one:
And I've got a huge difference (in a tinny tiny level) of 16% between the first and the second for statements, the latter being 16% faster.
Average time for running the "increasing" for statement during 2000 tests: 1838 n/s
Average time for running the "decreasing" for statement during 2000 tests: 1555 n/s
Code used for such tests:
public static void main(String[] args) {
long time = 0;
for(int j=0; j<100; j++){
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
int i;
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
time += ((endTime-startTime));
time = time/100;
System.out.print("Time: "+time);
The difference is basically nothing, it already takes a significant amount of "nothing" to do "nothing" in relation to the for statement tests, making the difference between them negligible, just the time taken for importing a library such as java.util.Scanner takes way more to load than running a for statement, it will not improve your application's performance significantly, but it's still really cool to know.