Including subprojects using a wildcard in a Gradle settings file - java

In Gradle you need to define subprojects to be built in a 'settings.gradle' file. To build three child projects, you would do something like this:
include "child1", "child2", "child3"
The problem I'm having is that I have quite a few projects to include. Is there a way to use a wildcard in this definition? I'm looking for something like this:
include "*"
That of course does not work. This would be a lot easier to work with since I have many subprojects to include. Is there a way to automatically include subdirectories as projects?

include rootDir.listFiles().findAll {
&& !( it =~ ".*/\\..*") // don't add directories starting with '.'
&& !( it =~ "^\\..*") // don't add directories starting with '.'
}.collect {
}.toArray(new java.lang.String[0])
Did the trick for me

The following code supports a project hierarchy of arbitrary depth:
rootDir.eachFileRecurse { f ->
if ( == "build.gradle" ) {
String relativePath = f.parentFile.absolutePath - rootDir.absolutePath
String projectName = relativePath.replaceAll("[\\\\\\/]", ":")
include projectName

Can you do something like:
include (1..10).collect { "Child$it" }
To include "Child1" up to "Child10"?
Obviously, you'd need to change the collect to some sort of folder scan, but it that quick test works then the scan has a good chance


How can I add a "aar" library to the AOSP?

I am building my own ROM and want to use a aar file Library in one system service.
Is there any way this could be achieved?
If you are using Android.bp this can be done via android_library_import module type (link to soong spec).
Also, if you try to grep the AOSP source tree, you will easily find many examples of its use, for example: packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp:
android_library_import {
name: "contextualcards",
aars: ["libs/contextualcards.aar"],
android_library {
name: "Settings-core",
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
static_libs: [

Evaluate string expression in kotlin without using script engine

I want to evaluate the string expression without using script engine:
string expression can be like:
Anybody have any idea how this can be done in android using kotlin
Kotlin Android
app.gradle file
Add a new dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'net.objecthunter:exp4j:0.4.8'
main.kt file
var value = TextView.text.toString()
var result = ExpressionBuilder(value).build().evaluate()
I know my answer will not help you in your case where your string expression contain true, false, &&, ||, ! and (). BUT for those who wants to evaluate mathematical expressions I found this library that handles almost all mathematical operators.
Add it to your project and use it this way
// In root build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
//Add in the dependencies
implementation 'io.kaen.dagger:KParser-jvm:0.1.1'
And then in your code you can do something like this
val parser = ExpressionParser()
val result = parser.evaluate("5+1+cos(PI)-2*2/4")

Gradle strange multi-project structure on IntelliJ Idea's gradle view

I have a gradle multi-project environment structured like this:
- root
- a
- b
- c
- utils
root's settings.gradle file is mostly this:
include ':a', ':b', ':c', ':utils'
a, b, c have a dependency on utils.
I'm using intellij-idea as IDE. The problem is that on the gradle view the structure it shows is
- root
- :utils
- root
- a
- :a (root)
- :b
- :c
- :utils
- :root
... //the same for b, c and utils
I'm not sure this is a real issue itself, but I suppose that it might cause some slowness in project building.
Moreover, there's another issue that is more troubling: in every subproject's module's build.gradle file I'm using a function that I've defined in root's build.gradle. This function adds a task. The problem is that the task is added to every node root child of a,b,c or utils but not to the root root node.
//hypothetical extract from a's build.gradle
task addTask {
foo(project, ['param1','param2'])
//root's build.gradle = { Project prj, List<String> params ->
params.each {
p -> task "addedTask-${p}"() {
println 'hello'
I suppose that there is a heavy configuration problem in my project's configuration but I really don't know where to start looking for it.

htmlwebpackPlugin + Maven - how do I manually inject bundled chunkhash files?

I have an issue where Maven + frontend-maven-plugin and webpack doesn't go well together when I install an entire Maven module; Simply put Webpack the htmlwebpackPlugin will not inject the bundled js/css files the first time I install a Maven module, for some reason, even though a template is provided as such:
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template : '../resources/public/index.html',
filename : 'index.html',
inject : 'body',
However if I manually run the frontend-maven-plugin after installing the entire Maven module, it will actually inject the correct files, which is rather strange behavior.
To go around this, I wanted to know if there's a manual way to somehow inject these bundled files(I only have three; 1 css, 2 js files) with a chunkhash inside my own index.html template? That would make the build much more consistent.
A snip of my webpack.config.js - as you can see we add the chunkhash to the filenames if we are not in dev.
"use strict";
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
let path = require('path');
let webpack = require("webpack");
const PATHS = {
build: path.join(__dirname, '../../../target', 'classes', 'public'),
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV;
let isDev = false;
if(env == "dev"){
isDev = true;
console.log(`Dev environment: ${isDev}`);
module.exports = {
entry: {
main: './js/index.jsx',
vendor: [
"react-table", "mobx", "mobx-react", "mobx-utils", "lodash"],
output: {
filename: `bundle.${isDev ? '' : '[chunkhash]'}.js`
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({name: "vendor", filename: `/static/js/vendor.bundle.${isDev ? '' : '[chunkhash]'}.js`}),
new ExtractTextPlugin(`/static/css/[name].${isDev ? '' : '[chunkhash]'}.css`),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template : '../resources/public/index.html',
filename : 'index.html',
inject : 'body',
module: {
loaders: [
// Bunch of loaders
I solved it - the issue was basically that Maven/Spring would take the Index.html(which I used as a template) in resources/public outside my target folder and overwrite it in the target folder - basically overwriting the output from webpackHTMLplugin, which makes logical sense in this context.
I solved it by not having any index.html file in resources/public, but just having a template.html in the src folder where webpack is. Thereby, it Maven/Spring doesn't overwrite the output with the empty template.

buildr: package dependencies into a single jar

I have a java project that is built with buildr and that has some external dependencies:
repositories.remote << ""
repositories.remote << "http://packages.example/"
define "myproject" do = '1.5'
project.version = "1.0.0"
compile.with 'dependency:dependency-xy:jar:1.2.3'
compile.with 'dependency2:dependency2:jar:4.5.6'
I want this to build a single standalone jar file that includes all these dependencies.
How do I do that?
(there's a logical followup question: How can I strip all the unused code from the included dependencies and only package the classes I actually use?)
This is what I'm doing right now. This uses autojar to pull only the necessary dependencies:
def add_dependencies(pkg)
tempfile = pkg.to_s.sub(/.jar$/, "-without-dependencies.jar")
mv pkg.to_s, tempfile
dependencies = { |d| "-c #{d}"}.join(" ")
sh "java -jar tools/autojar.jar -baev -o #{pkg} #{dependencies} #{tempfile}"
and later:
package(:jar).enhance { |pkg| pkg.enhance { |pkg| add_dependencies(pkg) }}
(caveat: I know little about buildr, this could be totally the wrong approach. It works for me, though)
I'm also learning Buildr and currently I'm packing Scala runtime with my application this way:
package(:jar).with(:manifest => _('src/MANIFEST.MF')).exclude('.scala-deps')
No idea if this is inferior to autojar (comments are welcome), but seems to work with a simple example. Takes 4.5 minutes to package that scala-library.jar thought.
I'm going to use Cascading for my example:
cascading_dev_jars = Dir[_("#{ENV["CASCADING_HOME"]}/build/cascading-{core,xml}-*.jar")]
package(:jar).include cascading_dev_jars, :path => "lib"
Here is how I create an Uberjar with Buildr, this customization of what is put into the Jar and how the Manifest is created:
assembly_dir = 'target/assembly'
main_class = 'com.something.something.Blah'
artifacts = compile.dependencies
artifacts.each do |artifact| _(assembly_dir) => artifact ).extract
# remove dirs from assembly that should not be in uberjar
FileUtils.rm_rf( "#{_(assembly_dir)}/example/package" )
FileUtils.rm_rf( "#{_(assembly_dir)}/example/dir" )
# create manifest file _("#{assembly_dir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"), 'w') do |f|
f.write("Implementation-Title: Uberjar Example\n")
f.write("Implementation-Version: #{project_version}\n")
f.write("Main-Class: #{main_class}\n")
f.write("Created-By: Buildr\n")
present_dir = Dir.pwd
Dir.chdir _(assembly_dir)
puts "Creating #{_("target/#{}-#{project.version}.jar")}"
`jar -cfm #{_("target/#{}-#{project.version}.jar")} #{_(assembly_dir)}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF .`
Dir.chdir present_dir
There is also a version that supports Spring, by concatenating all the spring.schemas

