I am using QT Jambi (java) to make screenshots of a browser window.
My main method starts the framework like this:
QApplication.initialize(new String[1]);
ScreenshotMain widget = new ScreenshotMain();
and when the browser is done with the loading the following method is invoked and takes the screenshot.
public void loadDone() {
// Taking screenshot
QPixmap pixmap;
pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget(browser);
pixmap.save(writeTo, "png");
System.out.println("Made screenshot "+writeTo);
My question now is the following:
How can I make screenshots out of an application without having to open a browser window, have it load the content. The idea is that I have a server application and I donĀ“t want to open a window to make the screenshot.
Does anyone of you have experience to make screenshots using QT Jambi in this way.
Thanks a lot for your help
This might be what you are looking for: linky
I have been trying to automatize some tasks on my computer and did choose Sikuli from Java to do so (I work with Java everyday and didn't know any automation tool using java, sikuli was the first I found). I use java with maven and eclipse as IDE. I have added Sikuli as a Maven dependency.
I tried to do some simple stuff. I did a few screenshots of parts of my screen using windows' screenshot tool, and wanted sikuli to hover it. It works quite fine for one image, but not at all for the others. It seems that the bigger the image the better it works as I did not have success for any small images. The one working is a screen of a whole window (reduced to ~1/4 of my screen).
I also tried to find a button inside this window, to find the windows logo on bottom left, to find a screen of my package explorer, but none work correctly.
I played with similar() using various values, but it didn't improve the results. In some cases (button inside the window) it did find a result for some low similar value, but it was another button. The weird part is : its finding this other button which is bright blue, while the one i'm looking for is purple.
My pc background never changes, I did some screen.highlight() and its looking at the correct screen (dual screen). It's not an issue with the path to images (already solved this one).
Do you have any idea of what I could try ? I have read about people having different success rate depending on whether they were using Sikuli IDE or another IDE. So maybe I could give sikuli IDE a try.
I can give code samples as soon as I am back home.
The code I'm using to test :
public class CleanTest {
static Screen screen = new Screen();
public static void main(String[] args) throws FindFailed, AWTException, IOException, InterruptedException {
String pathYourSystem = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\";
Pattern pLauncher = new Pattern(pathYourSystem+"img\\full_launcher.PNG").similar(0.9d);
Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("path_to_an_exe_opening_a_launcher"));
screen.wait(pLauncher, 300);
System.out.println("launcher found");
It works with the "full launcher" image, but it doesn't find a sub-part of the launcher (a button). I tried to make some code to test if there was some threshold for the similar parameter :
double similarValue = 1d;
Pattern pLauncher = new Pattern(pathYourSystem+"img\\the_button.PNG").similar(similarValue);
Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("path_to_an_exe_opening_a_launcher"));
while(!screen.has(pLauncher)) {
pLauncher = new Pattern(pathYourSystem+"img\\login.PNG").similar(similarValue);
it finds something at around 0.5, but it's a totally different button.
Thank you !
EDIT: if someone has the same issue, try to use sikulix IDE to take the screenshots. It works with the screenshots taken by the IDE.
This is a simple test, that completely stays within the SikuliX features.
import org.sikuli.basics.Debug;
import org.sikuli.script.*;
public class SikulixTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen scr = new Screen();
// craete an image to be searched on the screen
Image img = new Image(scr.userCapture());
// try to find it
Match mImg = scr.exists(img);
if (mImg != null) {
// show sthg. when found
Debug.info("%s", mImg);
This is RaiMan from SikuliX
Does anybody know how to make full screenshot of display using webdriver?
In Selenium documentation I read that it is possible: (http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/TakesScreenshot.html)
The screenshot of the entire display containing the browser
I use Selenium Grid. My hub is on linux and node on windows. I tried to use Robot, however it takes screenshot on linux, however needs on windows
If you want a screenshot of your currently running browser instance then you can do it using following code:
public static void captureScreen(WebDriver driver, String screenshotFileName)
String screenshotsFile = screenshotsFolder+screenshotFileName+imageExtention;
try {
File screenShot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(screenShot, new File(screenshotsFile));
} catch (IOException e) {
But if you want to take screenshot of your active window (other than browser only) then you can use Robot class.
Although it's too late for you, the link below contains your answer. I think it may be helpful for others who are searching for the same thing.
Screen shot issue in selenium webdriver
You need to use FirefoxDriver to screenshot whole page.
Chrome and IE doesn't support it.
hi try it like below it will take the complete webpage screen shot
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
//The below method will save the screen shot in defined drive with name "screenshot.png"
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("yourPath\\screenshot.png"));
I have integrated the GWT application with Chrome packaged app with help of DirectLinkerinstaller like the code below:
public class CSPCompatibleLinker extends DirectInstallLinker {
protected String getJsInstallLocation(LinkerContext context) {
return "com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installLocationMainWindow.js";
But now I want to call print function from Chrome packaged app. When I call window.print() it allows me to print current window, but I need to open a new separate window and print that.
Could you anyone please help me in this?
I can't answer anything about GWT or DirectLinkerinstaller, but here's an answer about Chrome Apps, assuming that's what you're asking about:
You use the chrome.app.window.create API to create a window. Then, you can call the print method for that window.
In my apps, I seldom want to print what's in a window, but rather something I've generated specifically for printing. For that, I create a PDF with jsPDF (Google it), which works well. Then I display the PDF in a window, and let the user print the PDF (or save it).
I am using GXT for UI development. I have used HTML5 for Dragging file from Desktop to my application and upload it. But now i am having reverse requirement. I want to drag files from browser to desktop which will download the file to desktop.
I know that is possible in Chrome only. And had checked the below demo:
I had tried to implement the above code in my GXT application, but the issue is that i am using Editable Grid which is supporting DnD to TreePanel. Now when i drag from grid to Desktop i think its not capturing the browser event (may be i am wrong here).
Any idea, how it should be done?
Below is the small piece of code which i call after the Data had been inserted in Grid. All records are having the CSS class name as ".icon". The problem is that when i start to drag, the "dragstart" is not being called. Any suggestion?
NOTE: This code is working when i create Buttons, Labels, etc and making them draggable=true with other required parameters.
public static native void test(String id)/*-{
var files = $doc.querySelectorAll('.icon');
for (var i = 0, file; file = files[i]; ++i) {
$wnd.alert("Drag Event started.. ");
I used this, and it successully performs, no you should check some other place in your code.
I am building a web application, in Java, where i want the whole screenshot of the webpage, if i give the URL of the webpage as input.
The basic idea i have is to capture the display buffer of the rendering component..I have no idea of how to do it..
plz help..
There's a little trick I used for this app:
count down demo app http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/742/capturadepantalla201004wd.png
Java application featuring blog.stackoverflow.com page ( click on image to see the demo video )
The problem is you need to have a machine devoted to this.
So, the trick is quite easy.
Create an application that takes as
argument the URL you want to fetch.
Then open it with Desktop.open( url
) that will trigger the current
And finally take the screenshot with
java.awt.Robot and save it to diks.
Something like:
class WebScreenShot {
public static void main( String [] args ) {
Desktop.getDesktop().open( args[0] );
Robot robot = new Robot();
Image image = robot.createScreenCapture( getScreenResolutionSize() );
saveToDisk( image );
This solution is far from perfect, because it needs the whole OS, but if you can have a VM devoted to this app, you can craw the web and take screenshots of it quite easy.
The problem of having this app as a non-intrusive app is that up to this date, there is not a good html engine renderer for Java.
For a pure-java solution that can scale to support concurrent rendering, you could use a java HTML4/CSS2 browser, such as Cobra, that provides a Swing component for the GUI. When you instantiate this component, you can call it's paint(Graphics g) method to draw itself into an off-screen image
Component c = ...; // the browser component
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), TYPE_INT_RGB)
Graphics2d g = bi.createGraphics();
You can then use the java image API to save this as a JPG.
JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createEncoder(new FileOutputStream("screen.jpg"));
enncoder.encode(bi); // encode the buffered image
Java-based browsers typically pale in comparison with the established native browsers. However, as your goal is static images, and not an interactive browser, a java-based browser may be more than adequate in this regard.