How to use resource font directly in Java?
To load a font (.ttf) from file, have a look at Load font from ttf file.
Key lines being:
InputStream is = DemoFonts.class.getResourceAsStream(fName);
font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, is);
The font could then be used for a JLabel through the usual setFont method.
I'm implementing a GUI for a chess program I'm writing for a class. To make it look polished, I want to utilize a Chess Piece Font I obtained from the internet.
The file, chess.ttf, is located at the path Chess/resources/chess.ttf. I utilize the following code per Oracle's instructions (
try {
File file = new File("resources/chess.ttf");
//Returned font is of pt size 1
Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, file);
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
ge.registerFont(Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, file));
//Derive and return a 12 pt version:
//Need to use float otherwise
//it would be interpreted as style
return font.deriveFont(12f);
catch (IOException|FontFormatException e) {
System.out.println("-Font Error-");
return null;
However, this throws an IOException. I ran getAbsolutePath() on the file and received /Users/[me]/eclipse-workspace/Chess/resources/chess.ttf so I'm assuming the file is being loaded correctly. Does anyone know what's going wrong with my code?
edit: Problem resolved? I tried InputStreams as suggested but that didn't work, yet upon reverting my code the computer finally stopped throwing IOExceptions. Isn't code the best?
You'd better copy the ttf using build script like ant or maven /Users/[me]/eclipse-workspace/Chess/bin/resources
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
System.out.println(loader.getResource(".").getPath()); // for tracing the working folder only ins = loader.getResourceAsStream("resources/chess.ttf");
//Returned font is of pt size 1
Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, ins);
I am using iText7 trying to load a font which is in src/main/resources/pdf/fonts, when I give the full path to the font on my filesystem and run my code from a main method I don't have any problems, the issues occur when I am running the code inside a war file with tomcat.
I have tried a few different ways to load the font but none of them seem to work.
Either iText complains that the font is not recognised (example one below) or I get a null pointer exception with example two (below) as the code is unable to load the font using the supplied path (although this works when giving the full file system path and running via a main method).
I can see that the font is definitely being included in the war file in the correct directory (/WEB-INF/classes/pdf/fonts). Below is what I am trying to do:
private static final String FONT = "/pdf/fonts/Frutiger-LT-Std-55-Roman_18821.ttf";
try (InputStream is = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(FONT))
byte[] fontBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
final PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.createFont(fontBytes, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
private static final String FONT = "/pdf/fonts/Frutiger-LT-Std-55-Roman_18821.ttf";
final PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.createFont(FONT, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
I am not sure what it is that I need to do to load the font for iText to use when running in a web app.
I am thinking that maybe as the font does seem to have been read into the input stream that I need to somehow register the font with iText before passing it the byte array..
I am using iTextPdf 5.5.3 to create PDF/A documents, I want the user to select custom fonts by uploading the .ttf file of the font, and becuase FontFactory.getFont() method only takes the font name as a string I have to write the uploaded file to the user's drive (I KNOW, I ASKED MY CUSTOMER FOR PERMISSION TO WRITE TO THE DRIVE) and then pass the path of the uploaded file to the getFont() method, after everything is finished I want to delete the uploaded files from the drive. Here is my code:
File fontFile = new File("d:/temp/testFont.ttf");
try {
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(fontFile);
outStream.write(the bytes of the uploaded font file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Font font = FontFactory.getFont(fontFile.getAbsolutePath(), BaseFont.CP1250 , BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
This code is not working, somehow the getFont() method is locking the font file and therefore the file is not being deleted. I tried lots of ways to do this, like: fontFile.deleteOnExit(); or FileDeleteStrategy.FORCE.delete("file path"); but nothing is working for me. Please advise. Thanks
I am not going to answer the question mentioned in the title of your post (because it is a secondary). Instead I am going to answer the question in the body (which is the essential question).
You claim that FontFactory.getFont() requires a font file on the file system. That is not incorrect. However, that doesn't mean you can't create a font from a byte[].
You are trying to solve your problem by saving a ttf on disk (which is forbidden by your customer), but that isn't necessary. In a way, your customer is right: it's not a good idea to save the TTF as a temporary file on disk (which is why I'm ignoring your secondary question).
Take a look at the following createFont() method:
public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
String encoding,
boolean embedded,
boolean cached,
byte[] ttfAfm,
byte[] pfb)
throws DocumentException,
This is how you should interpret the parameters in your case:
name - the name of the font (not the location)
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
cached - probably false in your case, as you won't be reusing the font in the JVM
ttfAfm - the bytes of the .ttf file
pfb - in your case, this value will benull (it only makes sense in the context of Type1 fonts).
Now you can meet the requirements of your customer and you do not need to introduce a suboptimal workaround.
Note: you are using iText 5.5.3 which is available under the AGPL. Please be aware that your customer will need to purchase a commercial license with iText Software as soon as he starts using iText in a web service, in a product,...
i have a the path of an image in a string i want to display it on a jlabel using the path. please help me.
String photo=(String)ar.get(16);
// if(!photo.equals(""))
// pic.setText(photo);
Image image=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(photo);;
ImageIcon img=new ImageIcon(image.getScaledInstance(view.jLabel5.getWidth(), view.jLabel5.getHeight(), 0));
//JpegReader jrdr=new JpegReader();
//view.jLabel5.setSize(img, image.getWidth());
view.jLabel5.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100));
If the image is an embedded resources (ie lives within the application context/is bundled with the application Jar), then you need to use getResource to gain access to it..
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage expects that the String passed to it is a file on the file system.
If the image is embedded, then you will need to use something more like...
To load it.
If the image is being loaded from the file system, you could use
File file = new File(photo);
if (file.exists()) {
// Attempt to load the image
} else {
// Show error message.
Because of the way Toolkit#getImage works, it will not provide any details if the image fails to load for some reason.
Instead, you should be using ImageIO, which will throw an IOException if it was unable to load the image for some reason...
BufferedImage img =;
BufferedImage img = File(photo));
Depending on where the image is located.
Take a look at Reading/Loading an Image.
You should also avoid calling setPreferredSize explicitly and simply allow JLabel to make it's own choices...
Put the image file in the project. Under a seperate folder.
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/images/abc.jpg"));
JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel(image, JLabel.CENTER);
If you want to load the image for any other location on your computer then,
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("C:/images/image.png");
JLabel imagelabel = new JLabel(image);
Make sure your paths are correct. If you photo string path is "photo.jpeg", your path should look something like this
If you want to put the photo.jpeg in a directory images, you should use "images/photo.jpeg"
This is considering you're using an IDE like Netbeans or Ecplise.
Is it possible to use a font not on the user's machine for text displayed in a java applet.
Like linking to a ttf font file in the same location as the java applet almost in an #fontface fashion.
You can use Font.createFont with fontFormat TRUETYPE_FONT:
Font f = Font.createFont( Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new FileInputStream("font.ttf") );
As also described in Sun-Tutorial Working with Text APIs the returned font size is 1 pt, you can change this afterwards:
f = font.deriveFont(12f);