We'd like to use only annotations with MyBatis; we're really trying to avoid xml. We're trying to use an "IN" clause:
#Select("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id IN (#{ids})")
List<Blog> selectBlogs(int[] ids);
MyBatis doesn't seem able to pick out the array of ints and put those into the resulting query. It seems to "fail softly" and we get no results back.
It looks like we could accomplish this using XML mappings, but we'd really like to avoid that. Is there a correct annotation syntax for this?
I believe the answer is the same as is given in this question. You can use myBatis Dynamic SQL in your annotations by doing the following:
"FROM blog",
"WHERE id IN",
"<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='list'",
"open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
List<Blog> selectBlogs(#Param("list") int[] ids);
The <script> element enables dynamic SQL parsing and execution for the annotation. It must be very first content of the query string. Nothing must be in front of it, not even white space.
Note that the variables that you can use in the various XML script tags follow the same naming conventions as regular queries, so if you want to refer to your method arguments using names other than "param1", "param2", etc... you need to prefix each argument with an #Param annotation.
I believe this is a nuance of jdbc's prepared statements and not MyBatis. There is a link here that explains this problem and offers various solutions. Unfortunately, none of these solutions are viable for your application, however, its still a good read to understand the limitations of prepared statements with regards to an "IN" clause. A solution (maybe suboptimal) can be found on the DB-specific side of things. For example, in postgresql, one could use:
"SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id=ANY(#{blogIds}::int[])"
"ANY" is the same as "IN" and "::int[]" is type casting the argument into an array of ints. The argument that is fed into the statement should look something like:
Had some research on this topic.
one of official solution from mybatis is to put your dynamic sql in #Select("<script>...</script>"). However, writing xml in java annotation is quite ungraceful. think about this #Select("<script>select name from sometable where id in <foreach collection=\"items\" item=\"item\" seperator=\",\" open=\"(\" close=\")\">${item}</script>")
#SelectProvider works fine. But it's a little complicated to read.
PreparedStatement not allow you set list of integer. pstm.setString(index, "1,2,3,4") will let your SQL like this select name from sometable where id in ('1,2,3,4'). Mysql will convert chars '1,2,3,4' to number 1.
FIND_IN_SET don't works with mysql index.
Look in to mybatis dynamic sql mechanism, it has been implemented by SqlNode.apply(DynamicContext). However, #Select without <script></script> annotation will not pass parameter via DynamicContext
see also
Solution 1: Use #SelectProvider
Solution 2: Extend LanguageDriver which will always compile sql to DynamicSqlSource. However, you still have to write \" everywhere.
Solution 3: Extend LanguageDriver which can convert your own grammar to mybatis one.
Solution 4: Write your own LanguageDriver which compile SQL with some template renderer, just like mybatis-velocity project does. In this way, you can even integrate groovy.
My project take solution 3 and here's the code:
public class MybatisExtendedLanguageDriver extends XMLLanguageDriver
implements LanguageDriver {
private final Pattern inPattern = Pattern.compile("\\(#\\{(\\w+)\\}\\)");
public SqlSource createSqlSource(Configuration configuration, String script, Class<?> parameterType) {
Matcher matcher = inPattern.matcher(script);
if (matcher.find()) {
script = matcher.replaceAll("(<foreach collection=\"$1\" item=\"__item\" separator=\",\" >#{__item}</foreach>)");
script = "<script>" + script + "</script>";
return super.createSqlSource(configuration, script, parameterType);
And the usage:
#Select("SELECT " + COLUMNS + " FROM sometable where id IN (#{ids})")
List<SomeItem> loadByIds(#Param("ids") List<Integer> ids);
I've made a small trick in my code.
public class MyHandler implements TypeHandler {
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Object parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
Integer[] arrParam = (Integer[]) parameter;
String inString = "";
for(Integer element : arrParam){
inString = "," + element;
inString = inString.substring(1);
And I used this MyHandler in SqlMapper :
#Select("select id from tmo where id_parent in (#{ids, typeHandler=ru.transsys.test.MyHandler})")
public List<Double> getSubObjects(#Param("ids") Integer[] ids) throws SQLException;
It works now :)
I hope this will help someone.
Other option can be
public class Test
public static String getTestQuery(Map<String, Object> params)
List<String> idList = (List<String>) params.get("idList");
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id in (");
for (String id : idList)
if (idList.indexOf(id) > 0)
return sql.toString();
public interface TestMapper
#SelectProvider(type = Test.class, method = "getTestQuery")
List<Blog> selectBlogs(#Param("idList") int[] ids);
In my project, we are already using Google Guava, so a quick shortcut is.
public class ListTypeHandler implements TypeHandler {
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Object parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
ps.setString(i, Joiner.on(",").join((Collection) parameter));
In Oracle, I use a variant of Tom Kyte's tokenizer to handle unknown list sizes (given Oracle's 1k limit on an IN clause and the aggravation of doing multiple INs to get around it). This is for varchar2, but it can be tailored for numbers (or you could just rely on Oracle knowing that '1' = 1 /shudder).
Assuming you pass or perform myBatis incantations to get ids as a String, to use it:
select #Select("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id IN (select * from table(string_tokenizer(#{ids}))")
The code:
create or replace function string_tokenizer(p_string in varchar2, p_separator in varchar2 := ',') return sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll is
return_value SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_VC2COLL;
pattern varchar2(250);
pattern := '[^(''' || p_separator || ''')]+' ;
trim(regexp_substr(p_string, pattern, 1, level)) token
bulk collect into
regexp_substr(p_string, pattern, 1, level) is not null
connect by
regexp_instr(p_string, pattern, 1, level) > 0;
return return_value;
end string_tokenizer;
You could use a custom type handler to do this. For example:
public class InClauseParams extends ArrayList<String> {
// marker class for easier type handling, and avoid potential conflict with other list handlers
Register the following type handler in your MyBatis config (or specify in your annotation):
public class InClauseTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler<InClauseParams> {
public void setNonNullParameter(final PreparedStatement ps, final int i, final InClauseParams parameter, final JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
// MySQL driver does not support this :/
Array array = ps.getConnection().createArrayOf( "VARCHAR", parameter.toArray() );
ps.setArray( i, array );
// other required methods omitted for brevity, just add a NOOP implementation
You can then use them like this
#Select("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (#{list})"
List<Bar> select(#Param("list") InClauseParams params)
However, this will not work for MySQL, because the MySQL connector does not support setArray() for prepared statements.
A possible workaround for MySQL is to use FIND_IN_SET instead of IN:
#Select("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id, #{list}) > 0")
List<Bar> select(#Param("list") InClauseParams params)
And your type handler becomes:
public void setNonNullParameter(final PreparedStatement ps, final int i, final InClauseParams parameter, final JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
// note: using Guava Joiner!
ps.setString( i, Joiner.on( ',' ).join( parameter ) );
Note: I don't know the performance of FIND_IN_SET, so test this if it is important
I had done this with postgresql.
UPDATE sample_table
SET start = null, finish = null
WHERE id=ANY(#{id});
int resetData(#Param("id") String[] id)
ANY works like the IN.
Code above is using groovy but can be converted into java by replacing the single quotes into double.
I have a project of coupons but I have an issue when trying to read a coupon to Eclipse. I have a table of categories which are connected to my coupons table in row "CATEGORY_ID" which is an int. when using add Method I convert my ENUM to int in order to add it to CATEGORY_ID with no problem.
my issue is when trying to read it, I try and convert it to STRING to get a text value, however, I get an exception.
here is my code:
public enum Category {
private Category(final int cat) {
this.cat = cat;
private int cat;
public int getIDX() {
return cat;
private Category(String cat1) {
this.cat1 = cat1;
private String cat1;
public String getName() {
return cat1;
A Method to add coupon to table COUPONS:
// sql = "INSERT INTO `couponsystem`.`coupons` (`COMPANY_ID`,`CATEGORY_ID`,`TITLE`, `DESCRIPTION`,
`START_DATE`, `END_DATE`, `AMOUNT`, `PRICE`, `IMAGE`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
public void addCoupon(Coupon coupon) throws SQLException {
Connection connection = pool.getConnection();
try {
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(ADD_COUPON);
statement.setInt(1, coupon.getCompanyID());
statement.setInt(2, coupon.getCategory().getIDX());
statement.setString(3, coupon.getTitle());
statement.setString(4, coupon.getDescription());
statement.setDate(5, (Date) coupon.getStartDate());
statement.setDate(6, (Date) coupon.getEndDate());
statement.setInt(7, coupon.getAmount());
statement.setDouble(8, coupon.getPrice());
statement.setString(9, coupon.getImage());
} finally {
Method to get coupon:
// GET_ONE_COUPON = "SELECT * FROM `couponsystem`.`coupons` WHERE (`id` = ?);";
public Coupon getOneCoupon(int couponID) throws SQLException {
Connection connection = pool.getConnection();
Coupon result = null;
List<Category> cats = new ArrayList<Category>(EnumSet.allOf(Category.class));
try {
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(GET_ONE_COUPON);
statement.setInt(1, couponID);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
result = new Coupon(resultSet.getInt(1), resultSet.getInt(2), Category.valueOf(resultSet.getString(3)),
resultSet.getString(4), resultSet.getString(5), resultSet.getDate(6), resultSet.getDate(7),
resultSet.getInt(8), resultSet.getDouble(9), resultSet.getString(10));
} finally {
return result;
on column index (3) I try a and convert ENUM to string to get a text value, here is where I get an exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant coupon.beans.Category.5
at java.base/java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:240)
at coupon.beans.Category.valueOf(Category.java:1)
at coupon.dbdao.CouponsDBDAO.getOneCoupon(CouponsDBDAO.java:125)
at coupon.Program.main(Program.java:65)
Hope I am clear with my question. I have no issue adding any more information.
valueOf expects a string that corresponds to the name of the enum element, like "FOOD" but it looks like you pass a number. If you want to pass the id (number) from your enum you need a method to translate between the number and the enum element. Something like this
//in the enum Category
public static Category categoryFor(int id) {
switch (id) {
case 1:
return FOOD;
case 2:
//... more case
return HOTEL;
and then call it like
or you need to store the actual name of the element in your table.
Also you shouldn't use *, "SELECT * ...", in your query but a list of column names so it is clear what column you map in your java code, "SELECT COMPANY_ID, CATEGORY_ID,TITLE,..."
As I understood correctly you're storing the category in your coupon as an enum constant in your code model. While storing it to the database you're mapping it to an integer value with the methods provided by you.
The culprit is in the Category.valueOf(resultSet.getString(3)) method/ part. The Enum.valueOf method is a default method on enums provided by Java and it's working with a String as a parameter - probably therefore you're also using resultSet.getString(3) instead of resultSet.getInt(3) which would have been more intuitive.
From the JavaDoc (which you can find here) it says:
... The name must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum
constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not
permitted.) ...
This means for to get the valueOf method working you need to call it exactly with one of the following values as its arguments: FOOD, ELECTRICITY, RESTAURANT, VACATION, HOTEL. Calling it with the int values like 1, 2, ... or 5 will lead to the IllegalArgumentException you face.
There a two solutions to fix the problem:
Either change your database model to store the enum values/ constants as strings in the table by calling the toString method on the category value before the insert into the database (then your code reading the coupons from the database can stay unchanged).
Or you need to provide your own custom implementation of the "valueOf" method - e.g. findCategoryById - which will work with integer values as its arguments. By writing your own findCategoryById method your code inserting the coupons into the database can remain unchanged.
To implement your own findCategoryById the signature of the method in the Category enum should look like:
public static Category findCategoryById(int index)
Then you can iterate through all available constants by Category.values() and compare the cat with the argument passed to the method and return the matching value based on it.
In case none matches you can simply return null or also throw an IllegalArgumentException. The latter one I'd personally prefer since it follows the "fail fast" approach and can avoid nasty and time consuming search for bugs.
Note: Enums in Java also have an auto generated/ auto assigned ordinal. You can simply request it by calling the ordinal method on a value of your enum. In your case the ordinals are matching the self assigned cat values, so that you could make use of them, instead of maintaining the cat attributes yourself.
When working with the ordinals it's worth mentioning that the order in which you specify your constants in the enum matters! When you change the order of the constants so the ordinals will. Therefore you also need to be careful when working with ordinals. Therefore you might prefer sticking with your current approach (which is not bad at all and widely used), since it avoids the ordering problems ordinals have.
This question already has answers here:
PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?
(33 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Say that I have a query of the form
And I want to parameterize the arguments to in.
Is there a straightforward way to do this in Java with JDBC, in a way that could work on multiple databases without modifying the SQL itself?
The closest question I've found had to do with C#, I'm wondering if there is something different for Java/JDBC.
There's indeed no straightforward way to do this in JDBC. Some JDBC drivers seem to support PreparedStatement#setArray() on the IN clause. I am only not sure which ones that are.
You could just use a helper method with String#join() and Collections#nCopies() to generate the placeholders for IN clause and another helper method to set all the values in a loop with PreparedStatement#setObject().
public static String preparePlaceHolders(int length) {
return String.join(",", Collections.nCopies(length, "?"));
public static void setValues(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object... values) throws SQLException {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]);
Here's how you could use it:
private static final String SQL_FIND = "SELECT id, name, value FROM entity WHERE id IN (%s)";
public List<Entity> find(Set<Long> ids) throws SQLException {
List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
String sql = String.format(SQL_FIND, preparePlaceHolders(ids.size()));
try (
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
) {
setValues(statement, ids.toArray());
try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
while (resultSet.next()) {
return entities;
private static Entity map(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
Enitity entity = new Entity();
return entity;
Note that some databases have a limit of allowable amount of values in the IN clause. Oracle for example has this limit on 1000 items.
Since nobody answer the case for a large IN clause (more than 100) I'll throw my solution to this problem which works nicely for JDBC. In short I replace the IN with a INNER JOIN on a tmp table.
What I do is make what I call a batch ids table and depending on the RDBMS I may make that a tmp table or in memory table.
The table has two columns. One column with the id from the IN Clause and another column with a batch id that I generate on the fly.
Before you select you shove your ids into the table with a given batch id.
Then you just replace your original queries IN clause with a INNER JOIN matching on your ids table WHERE batch_id equals your current batch. After your done your delete the entries for you batch.
The standard way to do this is (if you are using Spring JDBC) is to use the org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate class.
Using this class, it is possible to define a List as your SQL parameter and use the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to replace a named parameter. For example:
public List<MyObject> getDatabaseObjects(List<String> params) {
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);
String sql = "select * from my_table where my_col in (:params)";
List<MyObject> result = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, Collections.singletonMap("params", params), myRowMapper);
return result;
I solved this by constructing the SQL string with as many ? as I have values to look for.
First I searched for an array type I can pass into the statement, but all JDBC array types are vendor specific. So I stayed with the multiple ?.
I got the answer from docs.spring(19.7.3)
The SQL standard allows for selecting rows based on an expression that includes a variable list of values. A typical example would be select * from T_ACTOR where id in (1, 2, 3). This variable list is not directly supported for prepared statements by the JDBC standard; you cannot declare a variable number of placeholders. You need a number of variations with the desired number of placeholders prepared, or you need to generate the SQL string dynamically once you know how many placeholders are required. The named parameter support provided in the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and JdbcTemplate takes the latter approach. Pass in the values as a java.util.List of primitive objects. This list will be used to insert the required placeholders and pass in the values during the statement execution.
Hope this can help you.
AFAIK, there is no standard support in JDBC for handling Collections as parameters. It would be great if you could just pass in a List and that would be expanded.
Spring's JDBC access supports passing collections as parameters. You could look at how this is done for inspiration on coding this securely.
See Auto-expanding collections as JDBC parameters
(The article first discusses Hibernate, then goes on to discuss JDBC.)
See my trial and It success,It is said that the list size has potential limitation.
List l = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{12496,12497,12498,12499});
Map param = Collections.singletonMap("goodsid",l);
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource());
String sql = "SELECT bg.goodsid FROM beiker_goods bg WHERE bg.goodsid in(:goodsid)";
List<Long> list = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, param2, Long.class);
There are different alternative approaches that we can use.
Execute Single Queries - slow and not recommended
Using Stored Procedure - database specific
Creating PreparedStatement Query dynamically - good performance but loose benefits of caching and needs recompilation
Using NULL in PreparedStatement Query - I think this is a good approach with optimal performance.
Check more details about these here.
sormula makes this simple (see Example 4):
ArrayList<Integer> partNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// set up
Database database = new Database(getConnection());
Table<Inventory> inventoryTable = database.getTable(Inventory.class);
// select operation for list "...WHERE PARTNUMBER IN (?, ?, ?)..."
for (Inventory inventory: inventoryTable.
selectAllWhere("partNumberIn", partNumbers))
One way i can think of is to use the java.sql.PreparedStatement and a bit of jury rigging
PreparedStatement preparedStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE MYCOL in (?)");
... and then ...
preparedStmt.setString(1, [your stringged params]);
This is my Model class
public class CustomerData {
private String locomotive_id;
private String customer_name;
private String road_number;
private String locomotive_type_code;
private String in_service_date;
private String part_number;
private String emission_tier_type;
private String airbrake_type_code;
private String lms_fleet;
private String aar_road;
private String locomotive_status_code;
// Getters and Setters
Here is my RowMapper implementation
public class CustomerDataResponseMapper implements RowMapper {
public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int count) throws SQLException {
CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData();
return customerData;
And finally, I got my DaoImpl class here
public String getCustomersData(String locoId, String custName, String roadNumber) {
CustomerData resultSet = null;
String str = "";
if (locoId != null && locoId.length() > 0 && !(locoId.equals("0"))) {
str = "select locomotive_id,customer_name,road_number,model_type as locomotive_type_code,to_char(in_service_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as in_service_date,loco_part_number as part_number, emission_tier_type as emission_tier_type, "
+ "air_brake_type as airbrake_type_code,lms_fleet,aar_road,locomotive_status_code from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail where locomotive_id = ?";
resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper(), locoId);
} else if ((custName != null && custName.length() > 0)
&& (roadNumber != null && roadNumber.length() > 0 && roadNumber != "0")) {
str = "select locomotive_id,customer_name,road_number,model_type as locomotive_type_code,to_char(in_service_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as in_service_date,loco_part_number as part_number, emission_tier_type as emission_tier_type, "
+ "air_brake_type as airbrake_type_code,lms_fleet,aar_road,locomotive_status_code from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail where customer_name = ? and road_number= ?";
resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper(), custName, roadNumber);
} else {
str = "select distinct customer_name from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail order by customer_name asc";
resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper());
return resultSet.toString();
How can I conditionally get the values from the resultSet based on whether a particular column is present in the resultSet or not. As I am not getting all the columns all the time through my queries.
I am getting SQL bad grammar exception when specific column is not present in resultSet. For example when the third query to get distinct customer names get executed, in the resultSet only customerName would be there, but not the other columns.
It would be really a great help. Thanks a lot in advance.
Since you already have 3 separate queries why not have 3 separate RowMappers, one for each query. Your queries "know" what columns they return, so you can easily create those classes for RowMapper.
If you really want High-Fidelity solution you could create abstract base RowMapper for common parts and 3 subclasses for parts specifig to the query.
You can use a generic method which investigates the ResultSet's columns
public <T> T getColIfPresent(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException {
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) {
if (columnName.equals(metaData.getColumnName(i))) {
return (T) rs.getObject(columnName);
return null;// not present
Then, in row mapper.
customerData.setLocomotive_id(getColIfPresent(rs, "locomotive_id"));
This has O(n*m) complexity where n - the number of columns checked, m - the number of columns returned in ResultSet.
If you choose to ignore the SQLException, at least log it in DEBUG or TRACE level in case a different subtype of SQLException occurs, so that it's not lost.
Rather than conditionnaly getting columns, you could modify your SQL to match your mapper, like setting other field to empty string or null (I don't remmember if getString() crashes on null or something).
For example your third query would look like:
select distinct customer_name, null as "locomotive_id",'' as "road_number", null as model_type, [etc.] from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail order by customer_name asc
So each query would have the same columns and you don't have to adapt. This is the solution if you d'ont really want/can't change the rowMapper (or want to have only one for this object).
But honestly I would go with ikketu's solution. You should make a separate mapper for the thrid query (plus, it wouldn't be complicated). Not goign with an ORM is a choice but you'll have redundancy problem anyway. I would even add that you should separate some of the logic in your code, this methods seems to be doing different thing (business logic depending on input, and database access) it's not very clear (after the third if, create a method like "getdistinctName()" or something).
Santosh, a quick workaround could be passing a flag to your rowmapper while supplying it to jdbcTemplate. I've done so many times to avoid multiple rowmapper.
resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper(1), custName, roadNumber);
For the above changes, you need to overload constructor with the default one. Then you need to use your flag i.e. instance variable in mapRow() method to handle each situation separately.
You can use BeanPropertyRowMapper which will directly map field names of target class. Here is the javadoc.
The names are matched either directly or by transforming a name separating the parts with underscores to the same name using "camel" case. So, you can use it any other classes whenever you want to map directly to a class. Just have to make sure selected fields are remain in target class. And a default or no-arg constructor.
Following example to get CustomerData using BeanPropertyRowMapper
RowMapper<CustomerData> mapper = new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(CustomerData.class);
List<CustomerData> result = jdbc.query("your query string...", mapper, query_args...);
So, then you can return first object or whatsoever.
My advice is to split your getCustomersData into three different methods. If you definitely want to ignore this advice, the quick and dirty solution is to protect the rs.getString(...) calls inside your rowMapper. Something like this:
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ignore this exception. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
If numbers of columns are not fix then you should go with ColumnMapRowMapper based on its implementation even you do not require to create separate concrete class of RowMapper (i.e. CustomerDataResponseMapper ) you just need to pass instance of ColumnMapRowMapper in query as given below:
ColumnMapRowMapper rowMapper = new ColumnMapRowMapper();
List<Map<String, Object>> customerDataList = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,rowMapper, args);
Now you should create one method to manipulate this map like
private CustomerData fillCustomerDataFromMap(List<Map<String, Object>> customerDataList){
CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData();
for(Map<String, Object> map: customerDataList ){
return customerData;
This is more readable and remove the boilerplate codes and not throw any exception if column name is not present in map (it will simply returns null if column name is not present in map)
Reference of ColumnMapRowMapper :
Based on the logic of your queries i see that before executing sql query in get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail there are some records and 3 options of getting of necessary (unique) record are possible:
by locomotive_id
by customer_name and road_number
ANY record (all records must have same customer_name, else SQL distinct without any conditions return more than 1 row)
So, in the 3rd option you can get any 1 record with all attributes equal to NULL and NOT NULL customer_name value:
str = "select null as locomotive_id, customer_name, null as road_number,
<other attributes> from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail where
rownum = 1";`
I am trying to create a jooq query string the following way
.where(DSL.field("Name").eq("Yaswanth's Company"))).toString()
The resultant query string has the single quote escaped with another single quote which is the default mySQL way of escaping single quotes.
"select Name from Account where Name = 'Yaswanth''s Company'"
But I would need the single quote to be escaped with backslash as I am forming the query string for salesforce. (which is called SOQL).
I need the query string this way
"select Name from Account where Name = 'Yaswanth\\'s Company'"
I have looked at the jooq library code and this is hardcoded in the DefaultBinding class
private final String escape(Object val, Context<?> context) {
String result = val.toString();
if (needsBackslashEscaping(context.configuration()))
result = result.replace("\\", "\\\\");
return result.replace("'", "''");
Is there a way for me to override this default behavior via configuration or settings which can be passed by DSL.using(*, *)?
Most SQL databases follow the SQL standard of doubling the single quote for escaping, but it certainly makes sense to make this functionality configurable. We'll probably do this for jOOQ 3.10 with #5873.
In the meantime, the best workaround for you is to write your own data type binding for all String types and override the DefaultBinding behaviour when generating the SQL string. Something along the lines of this:
Code generation configuration
Using <forcedTypes/>
<!-- add other vendor-specific string type names here -->
Data type binding
public class AlternativeEscapingStringBinding implements Binding<String, String> {
public void sql(BindingSQLContext<String> ctx) throws SQLException {
if (ctx.paramType() == ParamType.INLINED)
if (ctx.value() == null)
.sql(ctx.value().replace("'", "\\'"))
If you're not using the code generator
You can still apply your own data type bindings manually to your fields as such:
DSL.field("Name", SQLDataType.VARCHAR
.asConvertedDataType(new AlternativeEscapingStringBinding()));
You'll just have to remember this every time...
I am trying to convert something like this in jOOQ:
select foo from bar
order by field(foo, 'value1', 'something-else', 'value3')
on a select query, like:
SelectQuery<Record> query = ...
query.addOrderBy( ... ? ... )
How does one add the last bit?
What I am trying to accomplish is basically described here: MySQL - ORDER BY values within IN(). In my case, I have a generic batch load function that uses 'where field in(..)' and I want to preserve order. This works as I need it to using plain SQL, but I need to add this bit to a dynamically constructed query with jOOQ.
Whenever you hit jOOQ's limits, resort to plain SQL. You can write your own field function like this:
class MyDSL {
public static Field<Integer> field(Field<String> search, String in1) {
return field(search, DSL.val(in1));
public static Field<Integer> field(Field<String> search, Field<String> in1) {
return DSL.field("field({0}, {1})", Integer.class, search, in1);
public static Field<Integer> field(Field<String> search,
String in1,
String in2) {
return field(search, val(in1), val(in2));
public static Field<Integer> field(Field<String> search,
Field<String> in1,
Field<String> in2) {
return DSL.field("field({0}, {1}, {2})", Integer.class, search, in1, in2);
// ... or, support a varargs function variant, too
And now use that in all your statements:
query.addOrderBy( MyDSL.field(BAR.FOO, "value1", "something-else", "value3") );
This seems to do the trick. Not sure if there is a better answer,
Field[] args = new Field[]{DSL.field("foo"),
DSL.val("value1"), DSL.val("something-else"), DSL.val("value3")}
query.addOrderBy(DSL.function("field", SQLDataType.INTEGER, args));
You can use something like to convert following sql to jooq. Here 'sortAsc' is used to sort according to the given value order.
select foo from bar order by field(foo, 'value1', 'something-else', 'value3')
.orderBy(BAR.FOO.sortAsc('value11', 'something-else', 'value3'))